Show farug of lilu 0 THERE la Is no business where success depends more upon labor saving baving bavi savi invent inventions ingentio io qs than bouli yours I 1 k and in TH T H E 11 WHINE ii DEPATI TL 3 eem aff E T 4 Z 0 P V 1 I iiii 1111 can be found a large variety of stock which we deahm mili oto eto to reduce this season to accomplish which we shall sell cheap che apall ail ali all the theby thebe best bust st styles of i 31 rowers mowers reapers readers Re apers J A ahto AITO ND combined machines SH rk hat HAY mi FARM tid AND ted AND LIGHT AGONSi WAGONS IV gang plows t seed drills scrapers railroad plows garden drills school bells iiri WARN TIMBER AND lik machine extras hor kor horse so Col coi collars collians liars I 1 cider mills harness 1 fan milis mills nv i WE AGENTS FOR Whit mans maWs threshing machinas machines cs all sizes wheelers railway and sweep power afo Jacht ich ines nes all sizes dederick perpetual and other irwy liny presses Lef fells turbine wheels and upright t engine and boiler El ardys andys nga dys saw milr mill and portable engine portable orist mill milt and machinery howes and babcocki Bab cocks eureka shingle maa mills molasses gifol laites mells mills day hay scala scales feed mits mils k orators field rollers bolting cloth etc we keep krep a lull full supply well tried and popular SIMMER WAGONS WHOM all jid jil SIZES WHICH WE WIC war WARRANT WAn rant BANT TO STAND second I 1 to I 1 flifle in lie the 0 FARM PLO pho PLOWS W S warrow harrow teeth etc 0 agricultural implements sa W now is the chance as this department will be condensed and moved as soon as possible H B CLAWSON BUTT sute salt sait lake city cito 18 S GRA graffenberg EFENBERG MARSHALLS UTERI thin th this world renowned medicine has performed some of the most startling cures eures on record of cases of female complaints of long standing it has the endorsement of leading members of the faculty and should be ia in every household to relieve and permanently cure the diseases to t which the female sex are peculiarly liable pra GRA EFENBERG graffenberg CHILDRENS PANACEA is the only safe and bel iel reliable lable labie me medicine dl for children it is purely vegetable VEGETABLE PILLS are milder than any others they cure curo headache biliousness Bil bli ioune loune and all di eares eases of digestion the above medicines are sod sold by zions cooperative co operative mercantile institution ution and by all drugg druggists ista isba throughout the country ay southwestern SOUTH WESTERN I 1 L ATLY LINE OF STAGES FROM THE DAILY natly T terminus of the utah southern rail read through S southern utah and southeastern neva mg pa t to 0 the following points POWs springville spring vine ville neaver beaver patson star t r district salt sait Sd freek reek san sao F an ise i I 1 fillmo fiumos FiU plu moe e pioche and all intermediate points connect at payson tri weekly for roc all points in tintie 11 tri trl at salt creek for the coal fiede and all arts aarts in san pe pi e trl tri week ir at heaver fcc Paro wang edar and aad t george georgre time to pioche fisty fifty nive five hour principal office wells fargo cos building salt isalt I 1 ake city vs HUGH WHITE proprietor tor administrators NOTICE rih rohr F having been a appointed p t ed 1 I 1 by the probate court of rich county cn n y TT T ay administrators of tho the estate of jame ja m es johnson Jo huson deceased therefore all persons having any claim against said estate will wl P present sent them to the within ten e months for roc settlement or they may bo be precluded from any benefits of the tho same DAVID WRIGHT johnsos JOHNSON EDWIN SPENCER I 1 administrators randolph rich co TT T may way EXECUTORS ai NOTICE ahr TIP undersigned undersigner under signed having been appointed F I 1 by r the probate 0 urt to fo salt lake te co ter r of utah execute Exec of the ast last will and testament an ot of the tho esta estate t 0 ot of francis birch deceased decea sd hereby give notice to all persons persona having demands demanda la against the estate estare esta teof leof of the faid paid deceased to present the same sames and those knowing themselves indebted to said estate to come forward and liquidate the same without unnecessary delay nwart DWART F MORGAN estate ot of li rancis birch deceased salt lake labe city may way 7 1871 mrm A WOOD wom lo 10 MOWING M M AW N ok A AND rak ral ift IM K E A pi N aa MX X tnt INT M 43 4 3 aach extras for dor repairs Ee pairs 4 1 PADDOCK S U L koy KOX hayr R A K E S the thu ever introduced dunable durable durl Duri bio blo and easily daud dand handled led A boy ten years yeara old can work it look at it besore before buying it is tho the thing louiva you wa t tand and cheap it cannot be beat I 1 s ore wagons made ly for camjon uso use with STEEL THIMBLES WAGONS AND CONCORD BUGGIES 1 sva V alii es kwil wood mudd vo M A FULL eull SUPPLY OF THE celebrated BAIN WACON alaways OM HAND sat SST CALL AT THE BAIN WAGON wan DEPOT bowar bobai BO war WAi salt lake laue city june JUDO 1875 notice N rj t i c e to the th V public ablia U I 1 VE absi ARSI experience HAS TAUGHT US THAT THAI WE IVE CANNOT deabi DE AL IN TWO to 1 1 I 1 s makes of wagons with satisfaction ion ton to the manufacturers ourselves and the public r r i therefore we shall hereafter only buy and sell eeli the J n rj fa S B isek kesh alb R H 0 I 1 if elz JL H wha Ts bea E 01 TT RS b 0 bas bes 3 try trw W IA A A A aros lT aa 3 0 fil Ui N 1 S they have been so steadily and deservedly growing in favor that wi we lind find it next nest to impossible po jo to sell any other wagon ask any person who ha bas bought one for the last two years and lie he will T tell you he has never had bad a tire or spoke loose or a wheel broken or out ut of repair ho H 0 will tell tel lyou 0 1 i that th a t the fish brothers othera Br wagons run the easiest easl est and are the best in all I 1 the balance of our stock of 1111 bagina agnns agins on hand we offer for sale at cost we thank the public for ith its generous patronage iu the tho pait and shall try to deserve your kind favors in the ther future we know from the letters written us and the tho thousands mands wands of words of commendation received from purchasers that in you the elsh eish BROTHERS WAGON wo we you the best gest wagon on wheels I 1 0 ht spa sam orif or if we sell nowa wagons no gons on commission fish brothers wagons dont need to go round the country begging for purchasers we can sell outright all the wagons the manufacturers can furnish us and supply their other dem demands and sand and when deagon a wagon leaves our yard it is sold I 1 1 3 yours very ry respectfully JOHN W LOWELL lovell CO salt lake olty city marcheth maych March th 1875 5 |