Show JO THE govern tiie the unscrupulous ring in this alt city and nd profess to monopolize all tile the loyalty and patriotism and bilings of that sort generally have made it their business through their m mend end ena dorgan morgan and otherwise I 1 to attack governor gov ern axtell in every conceivable rl joa johanner anner that is n ewt t jair fair and honorable they have presented him film without stint lied about him filin thiam shameful C lyl and persistently 1 and mid announced from the first their intention of effecting 0 his removal it possible the tho sole reason for nor borall all ali this vicious and brutal opposition was that ho lie did not rush t eagerly into their open arms be hail hall fellows well met with gith them thiem at austo gusto swallow ail all their lies about mormons cormons Mor mons and adopt the violent bit bitter litter teri and basele baseless aa seless sg prejudices of the ring against them utah has not spen een a quieter time for many years than ihan gelee since tile the ad vent of governor axtell and the richly deserved arved removal of or the late chief ju justice justlee tid tig e the puri furj purposely gotten up sensations from salt jalo lake have died out and a reign of comparative para tive ve peace and aud quiet guiet if not good will has been biben inaugurated which has manifestly iu lit suited the brawling mischief makers of the ring for because salt lake laue has not furnished a first class sensation every day or two these bad blid denizens have haive found their occupation gone and tind they have been anxious to impress upon everybody who would regard them and especially up upon a the authorities at washington the idea that this territory and the country generally were vere rapidly going to the dogs and would so continue contin conti nue ue unless some violent and proceedings were recommenced against the Mormon 77 portion oil of the citizens to accomplish which a prejudiced unscrupulous and lindic vindictive prejudiced iv governor Over nor non and other jede ral officials chils chlis of like character were absolutely necessary in last nights dispatches came the news that the secretary of the interior had removed governor axtell and appointed lin his successor in the person of one george W emory wo have always understood that it was the province of the president by and with the advice and consent of the senate to 0 o malre make appointments has it ever otherwise been provided by law laic in the case of the principal fet fot federal teral terai leral officers for tile the territories or for this territory 2 if it be true truo that governor axtell h as las been removed the removal is without justifiable cause so far as we know since his assumption of the he governorship of fir utah we sincerely believe he has endeavored to act without thou t prejudice brej or censurable partiality and as aw governor gover of the whole people in a liberal and comprehensive sense dense the inces safat and malignant abuse of him by his enemies to the contrary notwithstanding standi dg if mr emory has been appointed to the fhe governorship of utah U tah tab and nd should accept the appointment and enter upon the dutie duties s of the same we trust he will prove himself a manly man a fair and gnp unprejudiced official anxious 0 only to discharge his gubernatorial duties in the true spirit of american liberty but we may forewarn him that in ia such case he will make some ferocious enem enemies les ies who will s spare pare neither him nor the truth about him hilm if he wishes to make friends with that class clasi he will have to become one with them and second all their proscriptive prescriptive intrigues their felonious machinations nations and their prosecutions eions of the th mor mons we do not know that the I 1 mor mons or the citizens of bf this territory generally desire any special favors of federal officials elais dials but they io do like fair impartial honorable dea dealing lingin in all bublic public officers and are aie not incline inclined to ask anything for further on the contrary tho the ring in the bitterness of its malignity and the fierceness of its asks and demands nothing ti but favors and prejudice d partisanship A and d the natural results thereof if f governor gov ern or axtel antek I 1 should mould accept the tho kov hov governorship of bf nevi new Bl mexico exico said sald to b be e tendered to him we hope ho be will have a longer tenure and arid a bb better cirild than he has bas had liere |