Show recent becent RECENT MARVELS OF or IRON MAKING some sonie years ago there was lolled rolled in this thia city a piece adieco of sheel sheet iron 1 of an lne ine inch h in thickness this at ut the time was thought to be something wonderful and it was sent to E england where some sonie time afterwards a still thinner sheet was rolled both of these specimens of thin iron however are thick in comparison with a sheet that was recently rolled at a mill in this city and which we have seen it would require such sheets as we allude to to mal make an inch in thickness there may be seen at this office still another sheet recently rolled at the same mill that is 1 of an inch in thickness it is apparently about as thin as tissue paper is perfect in every respect and has haa a beautiful rick dark lustre resembling the smooth surface of graphite what would perhaps ba be the most surprising part of the history of these thin sheets wo we can not give without violating confidence ritt pill 3 burg gazette gazelle philadelphia gives employment to not nol less than sixty thousand women rhieny in exhibiting their spring bonnets on chestnut street hir mr leigh hunt grandson of the farious author of we the same name committed suicide in london recently by blowing out his brains tho the government admits to being a loser by the new now law requiring prepayment of postage on newspapers sent through the mails at the offices of publication it makes malles ono one melancholy to think that there aro uro now in milan dilian three hundred american Aine alne rican girls studying singing with 1 a vieve view to stage 1 t 11 the operatic 5 ac |