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Show t Legal Notices n mjii Legal Notices Legal Notices legal Notices y iy npi ty-- 1 y 10 -- Help Wanted Legal Notices Saturday, m.r'iij'i"Tfr B April 14, 1973 3 connection tnerewith, including 2 41 all laborers, workmen ond mechanics shares ot stock in the Alder Creek Sion of Utah completed and oooroved, NOTICE employed on this proiect. HEREBY GIVEN that Irrigation Company and the water the reouired Preouollflcation StateFropoa forms pksns. end spec!fl Artistic Photography Studios ond water rights allocated thereto ov ment pertaining to contractors expethe eMnu ? Adjustment on Zoning ot Toviorsvilie-Bennio.'m Improvement cations ore on file In the office of the virtue of said land being included rience ond financial condition. Solt Loke City, Utah, will at its meetRUMMAGE SALE needs District. 1800 West 4700 South, Solt State Rood Commission, Solt Lake Not less than the general prevailing Elder Conserwithin the Weber-Boing to be held Monday. April 23, 1973, Loke am., 322 East Sat. Apr. 14. 10 00 a.m. on City, ond the office of its District NURSE until os City, rotes bv the InUtah, determined e woge District. vation 9 at a.m., at 414 City ana 3rd South, Alpha Alpha Chapter. beginning 23rd day of April, 1973, at which Less 0.76 acres conveved to the dustrial Commission of Utah, effecgineer of Ogden where they mov be ESA Sorority. County Building, consider the folEPIDEMIOLOGIST time bids will be opened for the con- - reviewed bv prospective town of Pleasant View to be used bv tive January 1, 1973, shot! be paid to bidders lowing oooeais with resoect to the struction of BEEF Raise your own. Will pasoil sewer S excel, benefits workmen ond mechanics laborers, sanitary extending Specifications, prooosol forms, and them as 0 reservoir site tor cuhnorv enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance from Redwood Rood ond 6400 South pions mov be obtained only at the ture vour beet from May 1st to PRESTIGE position water on the 13th of August, 1970, de- employed on this proiect. ond IT IS HEREBY REQUIRED to 4000 West and 6200 South. Oct. 1st tor $35. GOOO PAY Commission Offices at Salt Loke Proposal forms, pions, ond specifiscribed os follows: T!AT EACH CASE UP FOR HEARSummit Beaver Ranch, Peoa. Utah. 9 DAY SHIFT Instructions to Bidders, Pions ond Citv, upon opolicotion ond payment ING WILL BE PRESENTED ANO Beginning at a point located North cations are on file in the office of the APPLY ond other Contract of o fee of $10.00, no port of which State Rooo Commission, Salt Loke PREE 11 deg. 37' West 2349.3 feet, and North and MAKING CANDLE ARGUED BEFORE THE BOARD OF Specifications PERSONNEL OFFICE Documents office of Its District En00 deg. 32' East 21.7 feet from the Civ ond and RESIN CRAFT demonstrations ADJUSTMENT EITHER BY THE Toviorsvilie-Bennio- may be examined at the will be refunded. at Each bidder must submit 0 bid Improvement Ogden, Utah, where they HI supplies. TAP PLASTICS, 2945 Southeast corner of Section 19, Town- gineer IDS HOSPITAL PETITIONER OR BY AN AUTHORDistrict oftice on at the office of bond from any approved surety West ot the mov be reviewed bv prospective bid- 3o. West Temple. ship 7 North of Range IZED AGENT. IF REPRESENTED Richards & Sorensen, Inc. pony on forms provided bv the ComAn eoualopptuntyempkver. Salt Lake Base ond Meridian, said ders. Specifications, proposal forms, "BUYING BY AN AGENT, THE AGENT MUST DOLLARS SILVER et 3844 South 1100 East, Solt Loke miss! and Dions mov be obtained only at the U.S. silver coins and old U S. coins. or in lieu thereof, cosh, point of beginning being on the NorthHAVE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION Utah. A $25.03 deposit will be titled check, or cashier's check for Commission Offices ot Salt Loke City, We sell Whtes detectors. ZION erly boundary of the FROM THE OWNER. of Youth NEW Fountain THE on all sets of Plans ano not less than 5 of the total amount of required upon aPDiicction and oovment of o ;OIN. 57 East Broadway. Canoi and the centerline' Case No. 6478 at the south side of Health Club is interviewing ladies will This deposit be the bid, mode povoble to the State of 500 West Street, thence olong the fee of $5.00, no port of which will be ConsuSouth Temole Street between toth Specifications. of 5 MALED FREE. for the position Figure CATALOG returned to bidders submitting o bona Rood Commission, os evidence of iine the refunded. scid Northerly 831 Shannon and 11th East Streets In ooohcolion of fiae bid Rd. ltants. Qualifications; Personality Each bidder must submd o bid bond Erie'sBox Novelties. ond returning plans and spec- - good faith ond 0 guarantee that if following four courses: North 66 deg. the Holy Cross Hosoifol, Sister 206, Kaysville, Ut. 84037, ptus. Sharp figure. ifications with their prooosol. Those awarded the contract, the bidder will 33 30 58.8 feet. Souin 23 deg. from an approved surety componv on P.Q. West and be able to comenthusiastic Joanne Uoiohn, C.S.C., Administrawho do not submit bids but return the execute the contract ond furnish the 26'30 West 5.0 feet, North 66 deg. forms provided bv the Commission; well with ofners. A great tor. by Kenneth H. Rock tor 0 permit TERRARIUMS, Custom Made. Our municate - contract bonds as reauired. The 33'30" West 168.8 feet, thence to the or in lieu thereof, cash, certified in an exciting business, right to construct a parking lot which pions ond specifications in good conbottle or Truly artistic and opportunity dition prior to bid opening will re-t-o reiect ony or oil bids is reserved, or apply m right on tne arc of a curve whose ra- check, or cashier's check tor not less different. yours. Ol! for appt., would not maintain the required setBonsai. Reasonable. Also 300 0 feet ana central of of the deposited omount. Those omount thon the 4 total ft.e ceive So. 2nd West. 5S bid, additional Information 4300 mov dius is Any at be is person angie back ond with 0 driveway in the not Call Steve. An Equal Opportunity Employer complying with the above re- - secured at the oftice of the State Rood deg. 14 37" for o distonce of 14.81 mode pcvoble fo the State Rood Comreaulred front yard, cont, ary to the quirements will forfeit their deposit. Commission. feet, thence North 00 deg. 32' East mission, as evidence of good toith and exercycLes. SALES & SERVICE provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in or 109.74 Ccch bid must be submitted on the feet, thence South 89 deg. 28' a guarantee that if awarded the con- Call collect: Odden, Doted this 8th day of April, 1973. a Residential "R" District. 1332 Country Hills Dr. ronn provided os part of the Contract East 225.0 feet to the centerline ot S00 tract, the bidder will execute the conRood state Commission Case No. 647? at 376 North First WATKINS needs distribution center 84403. ana furnish the contract bonds Documents ond shall be occompanied West Street, thence South 00 deg. 32' tract of Utah (200) West Street In application of Call manager. Operate your own busias reouired. The right to reiect any or Tired of the 8 routine? West 200 0 feet to the place of beginby 0 certified check, cashier's check BLAINE J KAY ness. manaqe a staff of sales peoHelen Schumann for a vanar.ce to leto Air Line schools oil or bid bond from 0 surety company, (B75- bids is reserved. Golden Winqs ning, containing 0.76 acres. Director of Hlghwoys program. ple. Co. paid framing galize the fifth unit in an existing to Taylorsville-BennionAny additional information mov be learn how you can qualify as an The sale will also include the two acceptable small and go BIG! Potentials Start fourpiex without the reauired stewardess. airline of at the office the State Rood all mode machine sneds. secured District, Improvement bunkhouse, houses, Call " unlimited. parking in a Residential "R-6- " ImAND SALE Commission. BAKE ond o fruit storage building. RUMMAGE payable to Toviorsvilie-BennioDistrict. NOTICE FOR SALE BIDS Doted this 7th dav of April, 1973. Bid forms ond complete specificaBAZAAR, provement District In on omount Apri, 14th, 10 am 3 pm, Case No. 6480 at 176 North Redot Children's REFERENCE: For Sale Bid No. tions may be requested from tne ofState Road Commission 27 "C" St, Friends DENTAL RECEPTIONIST eouoi to at least five percent needed ot wood Rood In opolicotion of Pacific ior 2 dentists in new othce rn Holla-daof Utah Behvio. Therapy Unit. the bid. Sold check or bid bond shail 176- Howell Field Station, 530 West fice of the undersigned. rea Mature woman with busiBuildings, by A. G. Robins for 0 perA bid bond, cashiers check, or cerACCORKAY be given as o guaranty that tne bidder Elberto Drive, Pleasant vi?w, Ut. BANJO, BLAIf'EJ VIOLIN, PIANO, mit to construct 0 group apartment ness exper. Mutf be able Mvrs.c FOR SALE: Sealed bids will be rewill execute the Contract In conformiDirector ot Highways GUITAR lesson, tified check in the omount of 5 of the DION, to work well with peooe. Send house development which requires ty with the form of Contract included ceived at the Utah State University total bid must accompany ail bias. Centre, 32MM49. handwritten resume, qualifiBoord of Ad us tment approval and 0 in the Contract Documents ond fur- - Purchasing Department, Qtvmq Room 21, The proceeds of this check or bid BaBUSINESS promotions. this paper. cations to Box oortion of the parking for which nish performance bond within 15 davs Old Mom Building, Logon, Ut. 84322, bond shall become the property of the nanas The Clown & other clowns ..i would not maintain tne reauired setiX-Mi- ning, the for 19.3, 14, 3:00 If Uranium p.m. May after notification of the oward of the until for any reoson, the bidROOM CHECKER tor housekeeping avail. University, back from a dedicated, but unimUtah State University and Utah Agri- - der foils to pay the balonce owing contract to the bidder. 'V SHOES AND SHIRTS men's and dept, of large hotel. Good opportuni530 at proved, street in a Commercial C1 Farm Taylorsville-BennioBlue Cross within the 90 days ol lowed offer writty tor right person. Improvement cultural Experiment boy's, never used, excel, buys. 1221 lime Turkey Feather's aim is any good is when District. only Save Broker's Commission Must Health vacations. District reserves the right to reiect West Elberto Drive, Pleosunt View,o ten notice. ve. plan, paid Herbert How-tCose No. 6481 at 969 Brvon Avenue m hotel-mcthouseThe Universty or State of Utah Have 130,000 shares of TINTIC M'T. I need adventuresome cny or all bids or ony part of any bid, Utan, commonly known as the BOATER to be experienced he sends me his bill." In oooiicotloi, o Jerry L. Germer tor waive any informalities in any bid ell Field Stotion. The bids will be Board of Examiners reserve the right MINING CO. stock tor less than of- errise Gulf of Calir. first of May. keeping. Salary open. See manager. ot this with COUNTER So. read THE time, 0 permit to construct a detoched oaMam. OVER fered 4th Newhouse and Hotel, as Its best interests appear. No bidder opened ond publicly to reiect any or all bids in the interest e no brokerage fee. rage on 0 lot which he properly Is desenbea cs of tne Univei siiv. mov withdraw his bid for a period of NANCY 0-- Help FART-TIMBIRTHDAY Wonted HAPPY would not maintain the reauired setInnwance Claim See- - IS Kv!s Wanted 30 dovs after the date for the opening FRANCIS H. BAUGH MINING COLORADO property, CAROL S. Please contact us. Love retar y, back from Kensington Avenue in 0 of bids. Port of Section 19 and 30 of TownPurchasing Agent report assays. Mom andDed. geological warranting 70. shorthand 80, of the West Residential " 7 Type of Secretary District. North Range TAYLORSVILLEBENNION ship ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER Earth & Excel, tax advantages. of pleasant office, $500 plus mo. BuCnse No. 6482 of 74) East South take advantage UTICIANS, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Solt Loke Base ond Meridian. Beam-mnin laundry and room Metal Science, 2330 So. Main, Suite BEA new on reau of Personnel, 363 East 33rd Experience 5 wholesale discounts Temole Street, 30 "J" Street, ond the at a point on the Section line NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS week including T. JOHN LABRUM, S.L.C. day cleaning. is, No. An 4, Employment mos major brands, 544 So. State. So., 475.2 fee West from the Northeast Avenue, In application of Sealed proposals will be received General Manager benefits; profit Excel, weekends. e il c 6" eervrii Frfz Richard E. Westwood for 0 permit to corne. of soid Section 30; running Refit with option Your Own Home. Agency. paid sharing, group insurance, Utah,hRoom,!o8RS0tat, CttTcT BuiTdina BARS' COINS' CONSTITUTIONAL Call for Details. construct an office building end pork 230 in person, Federal . Apply thence South deg. 00' West 660.64 vacation MEDALLIONS. (801) NEEO ATTRACTIVE LADY TO West 6th So. Holiday Inn. ELECTION NOTICE ing structure, 0 portion of which Mobile Housing. Sc!t Lake City, Utah, until 2 o'clock feet; thence North 77 deg. 00 West WORK CONCESSION STAND. $85 A or TO ALL QUALIFIED would not maintain the reauired rear 1024.98 feet; thence North 00 deg. 32 24, 1973, and ot WANTED: Silver, Concentrates, p.m. Tuesday, April Immediate opening with internationWEEK SALARY. APPLY IN PERCASH ELECTORS OF FRUIT HEIGHTS vara in 0 Residential "R-7- " District LPN NURSE East 3218.52 fe.'t; thence North 18 that time publiclv opened for con- - Silver. Firm headquaral Manufacturing SON. y DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH and 0 portion of the parking structure In struction of a Graded Used 120 Bass accordion, deg. 1? East 50 feet; thence East Wanted tor Migrant Health Proiect. tered in Sail Lake City. To be confor which would be in o Residential Take notice that on the 8th dav of 993.25 feet; thence South 00 deg. 32' Dnvis County, the some being that 2 AuCtlOR Sflltf fo work in the so that DS to teach MCan opoortubilingual for this you dnce sidered Preferably exceptional "R-6EXPERIENCED-MAIfor large Brigham City area. Salary up to nity you should have at least 3 District, ond for w special May, 1973, on election will be held In West 1226.18 fet; thence West 285.0 section of State Road No. 127 From anyone would want to be your part- Good hotel. conditions. S650 per mo. Contact Utah Migrant exception to the ordincnce r permit Fruit Heights, Dovis County, Utah, ot the feet; thence South 00 deg. 32' West Antelope Island Northeasterly Miss J. working For ner. Call and referral experience years n porking lot in o Residential out below for the purpose of 1413.82 feet; thence East 300.30 feet to 5 Miies identified as State Protect Blue Cross health insurance, paid Council. 724 Sc. 3rd East. S.L.C. or possess unusually good typing and LADY'S European Spa memberetc. 6 days per week, sal- call to the Qualified electors of the place of beginning, containing District which requires Board of No. shorthand skills. Excellent worktng Take over 12 mo., $100. vacation, ship. ary $1.60 per hr. See manager, said City the following proposition: 70.17 acres, more or less. Excepting conditions and compnav paid beneThe length of road to be constructjustment approval. Newhouse Hotel, 4th So. and Main. fits. Please contact Mrs. Wynn or PROPOSITION Cose No. 6483 at 405 Virginia Street! therefrom 84100 of on acre ot land ed or Improved is 5.096 miles, ond the HELP HELP HELP PVT. Coin collector- selling US silin ooplicatlon of Swallow Realty and! Shall the Citv Council of Fruit Heights., conveyed to the United States of Mrs. Funk at principal items of work ore approxia U U if need We need Silver and dollars, coins job. ver in Book recorded to be authorized the Deed isue Construction, Inc., for o permit to Vtah. General; America by mately as follows: 150,000 Tons of PAINTER'S A&W GRABETERIA An Equal Opportunity Employer of y construct o Borrow and 945,000 Ton Miles of 58 So. PIONEER VAN Mam dwelling on Obligation Water Bonds ot said Citv ini 122 ot deeds, page 341 in the office EXPER. WAITRESSES Needed for SILVER, protect vow paper (too lot that is not in a recorded subdivi- - phe omount of not to exceed Three Hun-- the Weber County Recorder. Together Overhaul. The proiect is to be com PAINTER'S A&W DRIVE-IS.L. newest, most beautiful dining ilers. Call for daily price. sion In a Residents "R-1- " Fed Thousand Dollars ($300,000), bear- - with oil woter and water rights apour District. 560 E. 21st So. Peted in 75 working days room. Apply in person. Pier 54, 54 & STORAGE West 2nd South. Case No 6484 at 205 North Main in lntrest ot a rate or rotes not to tenant thereto and used in connectionot 471 West 5th South, SLC 140 GLORIA AAA RS HALL treat- per annum,, therewith, includino 2.41 shares Street in opplicotion of Empire West,Pxceed $ewn wcent WE NEED YOU SAT. APRIL 14th, 1:30 P.M. MATURE WAITRESS wanted tor merits, discount, pv ond payable in not to exceed stock in the Alder Creek Irrigation COTTONWOOD MALL and mcificotions, it 0ffjce and household furniture, receiving plans Inc., bv Karl Schubert for permission id due 9 'enty-fiv- e Hoftaday area pie shop, full or part iob. I MAY NEED US a (25) years from the date of' Compony ond the water and water YOU find better will be necessary that the bidder have fon 0f can you to alter the grade more than the perhelp n mer-omaterial. All debuilding or those time, in days nights, used only id thereto ond and! call to these information bonds be issued bonds; H you are a nurse licensed in file with the State Rood Commis- - chandise is of very fine quality. For free rights appurtenant mitted two feet on on apartment siring permanent employment need So, BEAUTY SALON Id for the purpose of defraying ail or o' or come in and let's nehouse complex under construction Terms of sale: CASH. ARE YOU INNEED OF DIREC-apply, 2263 East 4800 So., bet. 5 Utah. CaW rt of the cost of constructing improve2200 East 3300 So. ION? WORD OF TRUTH. and to legalize light piers over 4 NotiCBft gotiate. 1 p.m. Notice! A&B AUCTION SALE Special water sys-- i tensions t0 EXPERIENCED herflM.n7hef7ont'iard and also s'tepsj Operators needed PAYING TOP PRICES for sHver or Immediately. Hourly rate plus liberWAITRESS the front yard in o Residential bolters and sitver corns. 466-- 1 92. Soid election will be held ot the fo! Complete benefit "R-6able to ty,e 4n worn, have al commission. be Must District. Weekly rentals, 2 bdrms., everyprogram to Include profit sharing. polling places and the persons LAMB'S GRILL CAFE high school diploma or equivalent. Case No. 6485 ot 44 Vine Street In lowing If you have a following, you owe it thing torn., $150 per week. indicated as follows will act as election not necessary Finance background application of Empire West Inc., bv feifjciois PHOTOGIR A PH 10 MOOBU Full shift and part time evening. for to yourself to Inquire further. Call but preferred. PROF. 169 South Main. Karl Schubert for o special exception APPLICATIONS accepted Monday seeks . 6usen, Voting District appt. to the ordinance to permit o porking REWARD-Fo- r thru Friday, 10 a.m. 5 p.m., 2nd info, ieading the 66 No. Fruit .999 Heights any LEGAL SEC. trainee $450, 25 or 30 hours a Floor Personnel. BARS, SILVER WAITRESS p're, where-aboulot in o Residential "R-6- " our of Australian lost District QUALITY Employment amount. Agency week. Experience preferred. ExcelEQUAL OPPOR. EMPLOYER M-which requires Board of Adiustment Shepherd. Vic. 77fh So. Hth East, WANTED Experienced Waitresses Polling Place lent working conditions plus fringe ANONYMOUS ALCOHOLICS approval mostly gray, brown eyes with blue for Friday and Saturday 'Golfcourse Cafe LIKE to be your own boss? General F. W. 5 nights, week. benefits, days Apply soot in right eye, choke chain with information and assistance, Case No. 6486 at 63 South Main local call Wooiworth Co. 4635 Highland Dr., Foods Corp. is Introducing Viviane area, good wages, '72 rabies tag and ID with name Street in application of American IL Woodard Cosmetics to this area. We Cottonwood Officials Ejection JA Dead or alive. "Skunk". Savings and Loan Association o Utah are interested in finding the right Carolyn Rich MAIDS EXPERIENCED for motel FULL or part time employment Blair Bradshaw, by to distribute our prestige corporation, person REWARD of Illustrated Book with Judge work. woman. FuN aide'' Prefer working line. Thorough training President, to add three additional cosmetic Connie Dohlstet GuarNc Mormon and New Testament. work time for qualified Irish reward. $25 peon. setter, floors to a continual bnitding being and guidance to the perphone calts, apply in person, Se antee or commission. Call for InterJdge female. Vic., Sandy. 8335 Send resume or son constructed in o Commercial who qualifies. 5 8 Julianne and No. Arbuckle Rancho between 640 a.m. West S. Motel, 090 cst. view, interview, 1535 call for District with parking tor the additionpersonal T emple. p.m. and ask for personnel. Judge East 33rd So.. SLC, 84106, al floors leased in adjoining strucSafeway Store, 9th Mature woman for cooking at small Mature woman for full time cusSo. 4th East, keep money return all tures rather than owned as required Happy Birthday, Marguerite Nlcholls day care center. $1.60 per hr. Work tomer service in interstate comI.D. Turn into police or return to bv the ordinance. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday thru FriAlternate CREDIT INTERVIEWER merce (no experience nec.) Office LORNA, owner at 454 East So. Temple, Cose No. 6487 ot 1524 Clayton Street Romania Child day. Interviews daily 3 to 4 p.m. skills, no sh., salary open, excel, Opening for mature woman who In application of David Dee Pack for A. 405 Hove Creekside Circle a with the public, in day. (5300 of good benefits. care this Alternate Apt. enjoys working Reply LOST- - COMBINATION coin purse So. 550 East, Murray). a permit to construct o detoched oamust be personable, and be able to paper. Love, and watlet, brown. Food King, 7th Good full time. rage in the side yard which would not devote working The polls shall be open between the' Cal and Helen. East 2nd So. Tues. night, please rePEOPLE to work in service station, FRANCESCO'S maintain the reauired ten feet lateral hours of 7:00 oclock a.m. ond 8:00t frinqe benefits. 5 days a turn to mgr. at store, or call men and women. Full and part cond., but must work Sat Apply in PART distance to the house, contrary to the i clock p.m TIME week, waitress, evening Reward. 105C Congratulations must be willing to work weekends. time, 4 mechanics needed, 6 male person, Granite Furniture, provisions of the Zoning Ordinance In There is to be no special registration o LOST male puppy with tan Call tor appt. " bet. 10 a.m. and 6 female attendants. Apply in East 21st So. and Aioha c Residential District. voters for such election end the official 475 So. O'Dell's person, on black Husky, and face hair, curly p.m. 6488 marking Cose No. at the northeost cor- register last mode or revised shail conTo Glen, Darrelyn and Sean West Temple. and ears. Name is hooch, vie. 30th ner of 2nd South and Lincoln Streets stitute the SECRETARY register for such election, Ea st 4100 So. On their trip to the Islands. in application of Wosudok Investment except that the Typist beginner start at $300 to County Clerk of Davis LOST WAITRESSES for insurance agency. Typing, filing, EXPER. SPRINGER SPANIEL. Black Have a happy 10 days. $350 if you have good skills Cali WANTED Corporation bv Waiter Wendelboth County will register at his Office during DAY -- 770 APPLY FOR and GOLDEN office work. Must be sharp on TIME, hernia Donna call S. white, E. Cencor general stomach, e for o permit to construct a high-risTemple G.W. the regular office hours, except Satur SPIKE RESTAURANT, 161 WEST & dependable, with no family prob5 apartment building, the underground dovs, Sundays, and holidays and except ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE SO. Too lems. 6TH Sheo-hersalary f or the right perhni-musLOST d German not structure PBX OPERATOR for large t for which would Saturday parking BLUE. period immediately during the son. Company group benefits. Cali 8 mos. old, female. Vic. 015 MONKEYS LOVE BANANAS tvoe 30 worn, split shift avail, maintain the reouired side and rear preceding the bond election, any person Mr. Haley, 7200 So. East Reward. NURSeTaIDE & also time. hr. $1.60 AM PM shift. for ANN!per part Salary AND LOVE YOU. HAPPY yards ond would not maintain the who on the dav of election will be qualiSee manager, Newhouse Hotel, 4th The HILL HAVEN ESTSNDED LOST Siamese Sealpoint cat. Vic. VERSARY. D. required setbock from Lincoln ond fied elector ond will register such perBOOKKEEPER So. and Main. CARE CENTER, 35 So. 9th East, 600 block ea$t on 5600 So. Rew. 2nd South Streets in a Residential sons as provided bv law. The County as always, with PRINCESS- -1 tm, Ah FULL time bookkeeper needed to opportunity Oistrlct. PART tqynl TIME Oenerei 266:2770. office, & type Clerk will make available or will cause UBL F. Rocky. Happy day. you. handle and invoicing an& 1C payroll 3 employer. a.m. ot to 559 60, Cose No. 6453 hrs. reopened p.m. $2.75 hr. the registration agents to moke available LOST Brown briefcase, containing accounts receivable. Exper. desired Bureau of Personnel, 363 East 33rd Eost outh Temole Street In applica- at the above described polling place a GIFTS INTERNATIONAL cancelled books, papers, checks, but will train girl willing to work Part-tim- e No. 4. So., If can An tion of Chorles W Taggart for o per registration list or copythereof listing all this will sell: you sell, Employment Kearns Tues. a.m Rew. hard. Top sa ary pe d mit to remodel on existing vacant registered electors entitled to use such Agency. evening gift parties, exotic LOST FEMALE IRISH SETTER, Type 55 accugifts from around the world. Call RECEPTIONIST nursing home into an office building voting place. no tags, vie. 23rd East 23rd So., rate. Must be neat, personable, for apDavid Anderson without the reauired parkNotice is further given that on Tues- reward, ph. start S433 voice, MAIDS telephone good SCOTTY'S Needed. 7 MOTEL. pointment District. ing in a Residential dov, the 8th dov of May, 1973, that being mo. Excel, raises and fringe beneLOST name 754 west No. Temple. Health losur--a Gray Weimaraner, at the within ten davs after said election, the Case No. 6461 reopened COCKTAIL WAITRESS of Lance, contact Arnold Peterson, fits. Bureau Of Personnel, 363 E. nee available northeast corner of 27th South ond 8th citv Council wll meet ot Its regular 33rd An 2332 So. Sth East St. South, No. 4, WANTED Eost Streets in application of Lomon imeeting place in Fruit Heights, Utah, at 8 No Experience Necessary Employment Agency. THE BARBARY COAST LOST dark pair of prescription Hedgepeth for a permit to construct jociock p.m., and canvoss the returns 6 after in pm. Earn Theater. while Studio fashon you learn, apparglasses, probably two fourplexes without the required and declare the results of said election, el operators for LeVoy's expansion. Reward. BAKERY SALES LADY: Full or PERMANENT employment for masetback from 8th Eost Street, without Given bv order of the Citv Council of 2511 So. West Temple. PBX operator LOST female. Black Labrador, part time, sharp, dependable and ture, experienced the required distaf.ee between one of Fruit Heights, Utah, this 10th dav of loc. Reward. pleasant. WOMAN Southeast Steady work In finest bak- for telephone ans. service. Shifts, the fourplexes and the duplex to the April, 1973. Vs PRICE WANT ADS ACCEPTED BY in no 3:30 or FOR area, p.m. to 11:30 p.m. age p.m. PLANT WORK. Must be barrier, ery eost, and the parking for o:.e of the LOST ALAN B. MANNING, Large female PoodJe, black, Cali Mon. through Fri., character, good habits. PHONE. "JUST SAY CHARGE IT" vie. Prison. ) buildings would be on on adjoining Citv Recorder Snelgrove Ice Cream Co. 850 East lot in o Residential District. 21st So. at Cose No. 6468 reopened MATURE NURSE'S full AIDE, Sou'n 6th East Street in applitime position shift. Apply Highcation of Uogrode Association Inr., NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS land Manor Nursing Home. 4285 bv L. S. Stoker for a special excepSealed proposals will be received Highland Dr. tion to the ordinance to permit o REPOSSESSED by the State Road Commission of WAITRESSES, experienced, 6 to 11 porking ot in a Residential "R-7SPANISH p.m. Apply in person after 5 p.m.. District which requires Board of Ad- Utah, Room 608 State Office 2Building, STEREO CONSOLE Salt Lake City, Utah, until o'clock Fort Douglas Hidden Valley Coun- justment approval. AM-F2 radio, USED months, has p.m. Tuesday, April 24, 1973, and ot try Club, East Bench. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED !N professional turntable and built-i- n that time publiclv opened for conNEED immed. part time receptionBEHALF OF OR IN OPPOSITION , struction of A Bituminous Surfaced tape player with tapes and WANT-A- D ist and switchboard operator to work SOUTH AT PAY CASH 143 COUNTER, records. Want someone with good TO ANY OF THE APPLICATIONS all day Sat. and Mon. eve. Call Roadway In Morgan County, the of $10 paymsrvts. last to 4 take FREE. EXAMPLE: credit DAT 7 GET AND MAIN ONE linae, WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNIsome being that section of Interstate Mrs. Cook, ManPrance of $109 50. See Credit TY TO BE HEARD AT THE MEETHighway No. 80N From Gateway to PART TIME or dayi, Reg. $14. 07, price $7.04 plus Sth day free. d at 1767 So. State, 10 a.m. 6 ager Mon.-Saperson sewing;8c ING THERE. Round Valley identified as State Projt. to service established retail greeti.m. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this ect No. ing card accounts. No sales experi-enc- e I 14th aav of April, 1973. EARN $$ WEEKLY The length of rood to be constructnecessary. MILDRED G. SNIDER ed or improved is 15.66 miles, and the Woman in retail sales dewith exp. Secretory principal items of work ore approxisired for 1 to 4 days a wk. Nutrimately as follows: 4u50 Tons of Bitution Shop. Apply In person 162 Trol- BE A GOOD PLASMA DONOR 54,800 Tons of Bituminous Material, AO YOUR PLACE lev Square. RESULTS, FOR BIST TO BID INVITATION PHYSICIAN IN ATTENDANCE Maximinous Surface Course Sealed bids will be received by the mum) ond 3940 Tons of Cover MateriBABYSITTER, my home $135 mo. INC. PLASMA FRACTION, RUM DAYS TO 7 Mon. thru Fri., 9 to 4 p.m. no calls, Purchasing Agent of the Utah Technial Type A" (Slog). The project is 609 S. state will interview after 4 p.m. 434 cal College, Room 106 Administration To be completed in 75 working days. Quince St. GET YOUR INCOME TAX Building Main Campus, 4600 South Is of bidders Preaualification SEVEN LIMIT TO LINES on TODAY! Based REFUND your Redwood Read, until 1:00 p.m., April required. SECREiARY for job site construe-tioPrior to ony bidder's credit. We will advance amount of 23, 1973, for the following: office at Snowbird. Must type plans and specifications, it SCHEDULE 1. 93 Compressed your income tax refund. Just pay a and file, shorthand Gas Cylinders, receiving not required. will be necessary that the bidder small interest Call payment monthly 15696, 15343, 16352, after 8 a.m. April 16th. Requisitions: have on file with the State Rood ComTIMES check MORE OR until government your 15476. mission of Utoh completed ond apLPN arrives. Bid forms ond specifications availto drive DRIVERS WANTED proved, the reauired Preaualification TAX REFUND SERVICE Afternoon shift, Nursing Home, 2825 able in the office of the Purchasing cars to and from L.A., San FrancisStatement pertaining to contractors Agent. The College reserves the right experience ond financial condition. co, Chicago, Phoenix and E. 33rd So. We provide sitters for patients In otherDenver, cities. to reiect any or ail bids ond to waive This is not em- major Not less than the general prevailing TECHReqistered or elidithe local hospitals; LDS Hospital, ble for registration ony Irregularities or informalities in woge rates os determined bv the Inployment. days, start Saint Cottonwood, Cross, Holy the interest of me College. Call Sue All Sea$640. dustrial Commission of Utah, effecICC certified. AUTOS CenMedical shipped and Merits, University TIMES DEAN P. SARGENT sons Employment Agency. tive January 1, 1973, shall be paid to Nations service oldest driveway ter. We also provide convalescent ) Purchasing Agent EXPERIENCED care for patients in private homes $35 LINES cleaning lady, AUTO DRIVEAWAY for Tues.. Thurs, and Saturdays,. end in nursing homes. Call HALF PRICE $ 2.01 1 Reg. Price $ 4.03 . 5348 Kenwood Dr. Murray EARNEST SITTING AGENCY Holladay area, own transportation. HALF PRICE $ 3.02 1 3 Reg. Price $ 6.03 NATIONWIDE AUTO TRANSPORT-ERNOTICE TO CONTRACTORS YOUR BEST MEAT BUY 830 So. State, Office of the Citv Recorder HALF PRICE $ 4.02 4 Reg. Price $ 8.04 FAST, experienced waitress foFday Thriftway family meat plan. 20 lbs. Salt Loke City, Utah shift. 5 sirloin, round, rib steaks. Apply Quayside Inn, 249 West HALF PRICE $ 5.03 5Reg. Price $10.05 4th South. April 10. 1973 (bs. ground beef, 5 lbs. roasts. 30 HALF PRICE $ 6.03 6 Reg. Price $12.06 lbs. only $37.50. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 5:00 o'clock p.m. EXPER., legal aged kit. help to THRIFTWAY MARKET HALF PRICE $ 7.04 make salads and desserts, call Wednesday, April 16. 1973 for the work of Guidance Signs; Security Lighting; 7Reg. Price $14.07 HI ADAP No. 775 South 900 West- Tube, Lighting TW's West, C, D, E, F. Schedule bet8a.m. 2 p.m. on file in the Salt Lake Citv International Airport 1973. occording to the plans BARTENDER-WAITRESATTENTION City Engineer's Office. Apply in person, 16 West 4800 So., at APPLICATIONS lor preliminary of 2 Bids will be publicly opened in Room 301, Citv ond County Building r Murray. Commisof U.S.A. 10. Boord the Miss City 193 the Aorii beauty paqeant are ej1- East 3rd So. No. 4, by on Thursday, or about 10:30 a.m. 9onne! 9 TELEPHONE Solicitors for carpet being taken. Interested qirls only. TIMES ONLY an employment agency. co., hourly wage plus cleaning Call to see if you Qualify. Randy S'nrln lieu of submitting orooosals to the City Recorder, bidders moy preor General office, type bonus. Call PART TIME Taylor, LINES sent sealed proposals to the Boord of Commissioners ot open meeting on soid will Invoices, L.P.N. billinq, 60, Home, Sandy, excel, bid. ot the Nursing first to HALF PRICE the 2.55 opening 2 Reg. Price $ 5.10 date ot bid opening prior FLAMING GORGE cover 6 hrs. a dav. $2.25 hr. Bureau workinq benefits. cond., hours, 4 Instruction to Bidders, specifications and forms tor contract and bond, HALF PRICE 3.83 3 Reg. Price $ 7.65 Of Personnel, 363 East 33rd So , No. vacaa condominium Rent deluxe at oftice the obtained be when may prepared, together with clans and profiles, an employment agency. EXPERIENCED tion inn. Opening Mpril 15h. Now 4, HALF PRICE 5.10 4 Reg. Price $10.20 woman to tend 3 ot the City Engineer of Solt Loke City. taking reservations. For info, phone L.O.S. father needs cook for himself yr. old boy in my Murray home. 2 to comply with oil aocMcab.e HALF PRICE 6.38 5 The successful bidder will be required 5 Reg. Price $12.75 S.L.C. and 13 and 14 yr. old sons, also to days wk., some eves. 266 7024. U.S. Federal Labor Laws, Including the minimum wage rate decision of the HALF PRICE 7.65 Price $15.30 help with the horses. Send complete 6Reg. RUMMAGE SUPER Department of Labor. resume to James Cornwall, Route REG. NURSE, 40 hrs. per week, HALF PRICE 8.93 7 Reg. Price $17.85 straight davs, plus benefits, apply i. The proposed contract is under and subiect to Executive Order 11246 of 4, Orofino, Idaho. 83544 Sat. 14th, a.m., Carpenters Apr. in person, 1205 E. 4725 S. Clouse. September 24, 1965, and to the Eaual Opoortunity Hall, 120 W. 13th So. Furniture, Wanted Women 7. Deleted. Girls or oid misc. 3 clothing, glassware, EXPER. WAITRESS Fountains Ward, sponsors. Contracts In Excess of $50,000. A contractor having so or more employto work in shirt laundry. Top pay, PLATTER CAFE, 1146 So. Main. hrs., fringe benefits. Apply es who 'may be awarded o contract of $50,000.00 or more and subcontractors of good NOW REGISTER for evening ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK, 40 hovlni 50 or more employees ond who moy be awarded a subcontract TIMES ONLY classes in basic flower arranqinq. rear of 4358 So. 9th East. action an hour affirmative program, Ca'I Gary Sabourm for maintain week. to fresh $50 odb 00 or more will be required and Dried, apply Colonial permanent MAIDS needed ext. 50. appointment, the' standards 'or which ore contained in the advertised specifications (41 CFR flowers. Limited enrollment. Candle-lign- t Village Motel, 153o So. Mam. School of Design, 3000B High-fan- BARTENDER WAITRESS. HOUSEKEEPER. and Foil "time for HALF PRICE $ 3.06 ASDr. in person, 3165 So. 13th East. nirsing home. Benefits. 41 So. 9th NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTORS OF FEDERALLY Apply HALF PRICE $ 4.59 East SISTED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FREE MOVIE at" the VILLA -F- BAR WAITRESS 'WANTED BABY SITTER. Vic. Cottonwood must be submitted prior to HALF PRICE $ 6.12 Dinner at the Minoa RestauREE (ok A Certification ot Nonsegregated Facilitiescontract no $I0,(T-construction exceeding Good tips, off Sat. 4 Sun. Mall only. Your home, 8:30 am to rant if you qraduated from High HALF PRICE $ 7.65 the oward of a federally assisted 7263S. state. 5:30 pm. Call School in "CLASS OF '44" Dhonc after 5. not exempt from the provisions ot the equal opportunity clause. which HALF PRICE $ 9.18 construction contract awards radio today for details. EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN. BABYSITTER wanted niqhts, vc. (bl Contractors receiving federally assisted the of the equal opfrom not PRICE provisions HALF Guaran-teeore exempt which clientele Partial $10.71 7th So. 3rd East. Must have own preferred. exceeding $10,000.00 ot the for the Inn Beauty transportation. salary. Ramada SCHOOL at Marlowe SUMMER portunity clause will oe reauired to orovldetor suDOliestorwordlng and construction to prospective subcontractors Manor Private School. Your child SalonJ63-507l- ! maker-cooMATURE sandwich he not from are 00 exempt and will like it! Reading. Phonics, Spellthe subcontracts exceed $10,000 MOTEL MAIDS Stable, mature, daily 8 a.m. 4 p.m.. Experienced, provls" ns ot the eaual opportunity ciousjr NOTE. The penalty tor making work in ref's. 363 7337. ing, math. Six weeks, mornings women for permanent U.5.C. iwi. in offers Is prescribed only, For information, For appt. atmosphere. friendly LADIES earn $40 week comm., sellNOTuTtO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF REQUIREMENT FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES: 355JI353 eves. MODEL FACILITIES ing Fuller Brush, 1 All 12 price want-ad- s acceoted by phone UustSay Charge It!) ot at FOR CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED CAR HOSTESSES for day shift, to submitted must be Facilities prior All snnrs. Apply WAITRESSES ot for Nonsegregated cash. 2926 10:30 to 5. Cowan's counter, 143 S Mam OPPORTUNITIES Frostop, ,1) A certification the from not exemot which is in person at 150 West 6th South. 1. Ads paid in advance at the counter will get an extra day FREE' East 33rd South, good the aword ot o subcontract exceeding $10,000.00 So. Temple . 411 E. to 8 more 4 or days. times up 3. Ads must be scheduled to run WOMAN TO ScW. Tents and awn-mgwages. Pr0V(2)Co ntroct orsre cefvlng subcontract awards exceeding SlO.OOv.OO which 4. Ads must not exceed 7 lines full or part time. BUY Matrons needed for morninq and clause will be m!t 5. No refunds for quick results and downtown exempt from the provisions of the eaual oroortunity shift. eve. Murray EXPER. subconSilver dog groomer. Apply in dollars, Indian cents, goid area. ?eab"red to provide tor the forwarding of this notice to Prospective 6. Place ads now . deadline Thursday. April 19. at 5 p m. Apply 2590 S. 300 West or person. 2013 So, 1?m East. No. 2. oioof sets, old coins, Rust tractors for sunolies and construction contracts where the subcontracts 3 8. 7. No Commercial Business . . . please. ph. 311 SLC. Coin y oooortu-mtand Gift, $. Main, of the eaual Secretary Exper. pref., in accounts exceed $10,000 00 and are not exemot from the provisions CABLE TV StCRETARY receivable control. Call false statements in otters is ore- Clouse. NOTE: The penalty tor making RUMMAGE SALE Type 70, sh. 100, It. bkkpq.. very in- LAUNDROMAT pant time, week most graceFling on a shawl Toss on this jacket and go evto match work, salary Krl KdEoch teresting utenhousehold inforbid the clothes, Rooca$e. all his with furnish ond ends, downtown area, ful way to go places. bidder must comolete, sign erywhere with confidence. sils, drapes, vanity, Sat. 9 to 3 at ability. form. or orooosal woman-laundr- y bid the Fashion MATURE bv reouired hostess, loves the dash ond mation Knit handsome, cozy, cabled 153 L:ncoir ASSEMBLERS, no exper. nec., call or all Olds. 11 smash of giant shalws. Crochet right is reserved to reiect any for apot. or come to 1820 SLCarea.467.9446. locket from the neck down IncludSTOP! Has anyone ottered you a ot certified check. 12 Bid bonds will be accepted In lieu in Quick time with Road. this STOCK model 5. Industrial $350 mo. lacy CLERK sleeve. Use knitting worsted at mobile VI cost or home below? ing ot Civil the Title with n The Salt Loke City Coro., in accordance2000d-- ond Title 49, Code ot QUALITY Employment Agency of alt mooiie LPN for knitting worsted. A great chill- home, steady for nursinq wear. Pattern M9: Complete dose-ou- t Rlahts Act ot 1964, 78 Slat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to or So. homes. shift. to 1 chaser. 793: Pattern 4j50 Pearsons, follow State, mo. DISPATCHER $4)1 he o day A. employment, easy Oftice sizes directions, Subtitle included. Federal Regulations, Deportment of Transportation, QUALITY Employment Agency directions ol the Federohy-asslsteprograms in Nondiscrimination Secretary, Part 21, TRAINEE MONEY' notlf-esamo. $350 TC PRICES LOA,N. TOP RECEPTIONIST South wanted: CAHSIER Sea to such Act. hereby Cae. Department of Transportation Issued pursuant 7640 So. State. contract entered Into Anything of value, rifles, shotguns. Light type, hire now, Apply in person. that It will affirmatively Insure thot In any full QUALITY Employment Agency Pistols, jewelry, coins, guitar. Nawill be HAIR "DRESSER $300 "guarantee afjoroed to this advertisement, minority business enterprises tional Loaru208 So. State, The Desert News, 93, Needlecraft will not TELEPHONE soliciting from your With high commission. Tt.e Desert News, 93. Needlecraft oooorfunltv to submit bids In response to this invitation andoHom in corsidera- home selling detergents, approx. or national Department, Box 141, Old Chelsea CASHIER" $350 mo. 363471 Deoortment, Bok 141, Old Chelsea GLORiA MARSHALL plan rnmated aaainst on the grounds of race, color, 1. $2 40 per hr. comm. Stotion, New York. N.Y. QUALITY Employment Agency New York, N.Y. n ,0r 197 Station, Oft. 4 TREATMENTS come in or call today. Avoid the rush 10011 ..Print WANTED, experienced part time HOSTESS wantea, part-timBy'cRDER OF THE BOARD OF CITY COMMtSS.ONEPS. oattern 10011 oattern Print number, call Number, name, ; key punch operator, contact First name, address, zip. Sat. 1 p.m. address, zip. Open until 5 weekdays ENERGETIC lad, 16 2, seeks oart-tim- e Security BanRAmevicard, Mr. Chief Deputy Citv Recorder CANDY PRODUCHolla-da- y EXPERIENCED an to learn. work. opportunity Wi'iino equal 1973 First Publication Abril 12, 1973 TION. Apply at 3412 So. 300 West. area. Randy, (B S3). alter 4. employer. Lost Publication Abril 17, MODELS' AGENT NOTICE IS IDS HOSPITAL Woody's World te (5) 'The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY fc AUCTION SALE J. (7) C PENNEY ic Timed so that you can Cash in on the SPIMG CLEAN-U- P - 12 PRICE WANT AD SALE Money will come STARTS SUNDAY pbxoperator easier 521-353- for you when you 5 sell those ONE DAY FREE "extras" with a 'j ... a convenient shopping, guide for today's Gal on the go Want Ad MEN ONLY W - MUST Crochet A Shawl 4 New Timely Knit 12 PRICE RATES 4 ONLY rr. 5 6 kail (nj fccavitANlfjuQvi s. t DEADLINE FOR PLACING ADS IS THURS., APRIL 19, 5 P. - I (ttj WUQ, |