Show NOTICE HAVE RAVE to in my po possession the following I 1 do d animals which if it n t previously I 1 claimed wl wt I 1 be sold wild at auction at th di brict at 10 loam am oa on monday june nth uth lri L ai one roan bi mane MAKE art ali F with ith year sear pearln ln maro cit olt c it four fours f en ears old i mall small it tt i t t r la in forehead iles rie able ble bie brand on lett leit thigh ono oue bay mate maev maes thrpo three years yeara ol 1 few white hairs in hind no brands vishie me of b ay iy hla bla tle ILE hrco years old branded 1 n I oa on let t thigh ecar on back luck W ono one sorrel orrel HORSE COLT litte white while in forehead ford foro head bead email swall crop 02 left ear tar no n brands visible oae ose three year sear old BULL spotted star in forehead white und r tully bully belly all four tour feet white while no marks or of brands me one red reo BULL no marks marki or brands une rud yearling HEIFER helfer no mauks marks or brands JONATHAN district coimo keeper scioto lito 1111 dili larl iari county founty utah jaue isi d daiv div ESTRAN NOTICE ai V P in mv my i os session the folloro ine ing T disc iral irai anjiras an liras one lare iare la arc ba holt holl E siz six f str lz or feten old star staf in tu toie foie herl heri bad oi ld in r right h t eye ese y i lil lii l 1 ii ti fore tort toot foot mb wb ie te bra tided on 19 I 1 f ft thigh P and aud like tike P on lett left shoulder i ieca leca lecook of arpe aretina teck i bpck onu oum daik fo rel horse PORSE echt or n ne na yeas seab M hait halt fac lert lett bind hind f ft foot t white bra abraded ded ou I 1 tt it bouder boud tr sum fhlug like ilke sed ae it arks narks alti dd on it left ifft ft shoulder ouie ome th R like rk ioia koth hind bind fel fet f edwhite et white if aid ald animal aare not claimed before the mill ot of lune julle ima 75 1 abt hta iii will be bood 0 o d lic lie auction to lothe the h chest responsible bidder ale at 10 am um a samuel dil Bil 11 tret rici aca jord jond jordan any ans r tenil |