Show uy tima lor for i AMERICAN A iafe fi 1 aa N dINCIN cincinnati 31 the revenue officers today to day seized the distillery of VV W T marshall NEW bonic al 31 the U S steamer swatara shatara Sw atara commander yesterday from the transit of venus expedition a the observance of decoration day was coi col hero here yesterday memorial services being held beld in several cemeteries lo 16 day which is the r regular decoration day is being general generally lr observed as AA A lid iid holiday hollday liday and in 0 o ceremonies ht jat the theres th ereis parado parade of thal grand arand army orthe of the republic ana and various vard VAri uns urs mili military tiry or the total vahie vahle of imports of silk blik manufacture at this port in may was inuring tile the same time 1062 packages of taw silk slik sawera werd word received of which em ere vla via la panama and 20 addes thoi tho jo over aver verland land route arid alid from europe 31 aged 59 yes yei yesterday murdered his mother in law briage t G enan aged 80 by cutting om off lie he rhe head with an adze aethen he then gave himself tip up to the authorities he fel fei gris grig f ity fly 31 the tho indians Indi anas atas have themselves ves vea today to day and although they arg are not finally agreed they decided to meet the Secre secretary Gry of the interior tomorrow morrow and reply to tv his propositions arof prof marsh baited balled on the president today to day and had a long conversation with him on indian alo alT affairs aIrs the professor showed him some bome go me statements from army officers confirming the former reports of the bad character of the supplies furnished I 1 the tile indians s of the S sioux Ajen nhen agencies elese clese tise the president Preil dent dont ex expressed p ess an interest in the w Q the indiana and I 1 afire determination to correct day any dabus abuses in their management he ile seemed to think the best why way to 7 secure an honest delivery of supplies to td the indians was to have birie them thet sent seno through the commissary department of the army he express expressed eda edd determination to keep all an ou out f of f the black hills until the jsu Itu litle was wag extinguisher the tho conversation showed thaia jhb president blas has studied the subject with great care nad aad has had hasan nu earnest barni at 1 desi desiro ro to adopt such means as will best promote the permanent interest of ot thein blaus y The Court of claims today to day dij rendered de red ah opinion n the case ease of orthe the union pacific railroad co against the thel U 8 the tho court gave judgment nor for the company in iw the sum of PW and alid ord ordered bied that the a counter 0 WW cia cla liri of defendants be uli dai dismissed liged ra till this counter claim of the government is that the defendants hot yot I indebted to the claimant under the provision revisions of the act bf Jilly r the he act 0 fauly 1861 at or any aljy other act of congress pr of otherwise and further that the tile claimant is indebted to the tho defendants in the jhb sum bum sum of twelve million dollars for the payment of interest oh the bonds in rendering the judgment J the he courtain cour court taid said aa As tho tha compact origl brigl originally nalla stood the government could keep down the interest without the expenditure realy rea ly mo money uan j by simply furnishing to the company employment and ir itt might ansh push push this advantage to an ad unlimited extent even to carrying the earnings 0 er the road to the liquidation of the debt before it had mai mat matured ureda A subsequent statute which s substituted half for the the tho hole hoie of the u earn earnings did not affect the legal import of the reserved discretion nor bh change ange auge the legal de relations lations of the pa parties I 1 artle 91 n nor non or vary the construction applicable to thel it was an alteration in degree and ind not in kind bind and still aill left the c company dra pany in thalenia smatter thi th lenla lenia of service entirely subject to the orders of the government in contemplation of the law the wrong and injury of bleh which tho tha government ard entirely of ime ite own cho oho choosing oring courts of law cant be expected to aid persons when they themselves possess the means of redress if an ordinary party were to come como into another adoth er court with such a complaint it would expect to be told either elther you ou have wilfully withheld withhold this ela eiA employment from tho the contractor or 01 you hal have va been unable to fu flir nishAt to him if the latter supposition i 19 19 a 1 wt fa ot the thi fault is your w own owl and you c ant cant 1 ascribe ii the ue wrong wrong to another one you confess prepay 8 til they y have always been willin willing w repay you in til ali ine e manner which cg your agreement prescribes if the latter is a fact then because the sourien of payment which you provided baudi haedl have disappointed yoland be cause the payment which you elected to take gives you more of transportation por tation on services than you really require youart trying to shift joun you Ps toss ta ather s boulders bould hould ers sis gis than thau youn your iw W n nand an d 3 lil 14 beally rea wis pis his that you made an dent gent bargain 10 ct q iii ili iks fas isnor of C Peps fous fons h e t J e r t V I 1 li e sec go t q ry of the paying that en ac aunt 0 of 1 tho t iho 01 ho g 6 ails aids bb hp hns has tha fia hia paes paea of nearly i fifty maie niala rind tind al 40 services 9 rv 4 N 0 A I 1 I 1 bo dispensed ath june juno AN oj the tho T fi bourt day ruled the motion fab 05 a new ney trial in ip thee ilu liu ghan phan aap award sward iid lid cipf f hal bao wad mad 6 the overruling 8 prejudice ap anaw AJ aker akef fora mora rk new triai trial CAR COR bp bei by y the U fi if ofle thal books of the ibe purchasing the teh the e so pa caned lied tied confederate 9 ta tates res tes an n bi be e apa j I 1 cotton to td the ate aj sites skates government everal were read by the aaita aT slant agent today to lay day tendon ta fiejo bold gold sold hij his cottom clip to tuo tue jheri federate government jin and 4 th if lio llo claim was allo ailo an oed wed the court urt dd ad 1 thea 0 o of V P p r boxt atam yub Y bb genera neil uell I 1 1 l Tierre pont poni has haa is sueda i in which he saya baya tg that tue appropriation aD fo fox for r the office nearly exhausted a rd and amma commanding g ig peral arai economy fiad anad re retrench trench eaf A general 1 order issued from tile the war drar diar i pent that app ra wado mado ladeby by last conto apri gress gresa for tor theay etc of the arni army Y for the tiie fiscal year tear end ending I 1 ng J un eboth is nine hundred thousand dolla doila dollars rs short of ot nie pie siim slim sum estimated fon for the the tho pre seriL selle indication fatha iatha wll wil prova prove t sl 31 pinkertons Pink ertons detectives arrested today to day james jamea jt H geha NV I 1 Steven Bt stevenson evenson sop and ieter letor burns cehr charged ed in connection with atti robert H NV esart who is reported being in tit custody in inasy N Y iv mith with luh ith having been implicated in forged bonds of the and id northwestern wed weeo geeo tracer to ged raef F HT hill hlll and whose nite wite arrest 1 n d with ape safeguard guar trouble took P lage place in lasof the prisoners I 1 elare elbre were placed under bail A woman is also under arrest cordeal for deal keal dealing in forged and aud stolen bonds three 10 1000 00 bonds in the name of df mr oett inger af pf alelah Ral nal elgh N C Q being found hi dlithe in her possession sp mass mam sll sit total I 1 loss I 1 by yester yaster yesterdays w days filreis niro firo Is insurance ranco a p CHICAGO ithe l the limes wash italton special a I 1 says that ants third term terni leate ietter is tiie tile th main t iolj ii political circles tr nd 4 there ar are very deg dep iiii kili on the subject the friends af of tha th adein iH ration f av ay that the them sets at it rest test forever jhb the third term terra scare while on oh I 1 the other I 1 I 1 re regarded ty a large n number umber to mean eliat that grant gnant is s a c candidate for the office the letter hns has ha given tise rise to no lacend end of dischi if arld arid from the dissatisfaction on expressed ex expressed presse d over it it lt belear lelear we is lear clear thit mif the president has not settled fhe the he question nev vork YORK I 1 forest fire firo have again g aint alft broken out in ad the mountains moun taina in delaware anu rind sullivan counties new york and anu are doing much damage the village vallage of nethel pethel sulo livan co 0 was surrounded by nire fire two twid da days andaas and was only guly saved after arter a hard fight AV Y Cor cofren bend benn a wealthy merin farmerie oar far delaware cd adi was sur stir round edby nire fire while fighting the flames and was burned to td death two other men med narrowly escaped 1 lif in eul Bul sullivan livan ilvan county thousands of acres peres of valuable timber and tind a mill and three huri hurl hundred dred thou thod thousand sand feet of lumber have been destroyed the conflagration is BO so fierce that families blaye have been obliged to leavo leave their ho houses eslas to save the their thein lr lives ilves I 1 leaves ed V ino Q 1 everything to fo bs be destroyed FO FOREIGN R E 1 C N londos LONDON 27 the tho levant herald horald says that a series geries of terri terni terrible blei biel earthquakes occurred at the begin ning of may in the province of broussal Bo roussa asia minor houses were destroyed and accounts so far received show that lives nye Tye were lost and nud persons injured tue total ia is GO DE ICH nt 1 th the e debo deho on ei er zeina ninh f bri 8 bay to ra figa 36 leak akon on monday digh nigh t and sent went yent dawn daw nin in huron the trew brew to the small boat arld and aau lad a ar desperate sperate Ft ruggle struggle to 10 reach land owing to the quantity of fo ice in the lake they arrived at n ly ili exhausted having been two day ra nigh W iii a y gawf aw 1 boat only af loaf of brad brid to divide between them vms ems ST 7 the C bruml t tae of P ty was s organized thin thit afar ohn y taid thid election of M di de e la vergne a ld and aud haud faud at p presidents e Laverg 10 neIn hla hia ls ilia open epen lnig irig addre addle chichi vas yas T r edt edi civel p i with cheers allon ailon 1109 ii ah all good food cauza to rot rat y 0 d rl d 4 Q J e dab 28 4 correspondent ele eie graphs tha carlis carlls fc r batt bait a t t tery e W q r fired ad 1 pt M iua vaal dron ro nand t the v admiral I ef wasp was kill killed q pin fin and alleq oell 0 Ys weib ra y 1 I tEp som ay T the oak stakes Z lvere ivero won ly ay teady lioy second bister to third 1 even i started LE 28 H horace oia ola C maynard tag avia nhia merican erica n min here paris 28 the committe committee e of thirty have bave decided to ronaldi r finst first the bill concerning public pow fow 0 ers era next the senata senate bili bill and arld third L far yar IS 28 mr sroor A announce t 1 nog nop n cp thaha hs h S leaves london loudon a month hence herice the lyel lyea vei vel granted tho the ithe wellington riding school mal mai val al ngee tings i 1 all dhe ahe morning have havo bi articles arti artl elea clea the arctic expedition j the departure of which whit h i axed for fo K 4 this afternoon i lord augustus augutus berdt ner der df the house of commons for west dead I 1 ther dw lint south malesis Ya Wa lesis ended el mhd men ba agreed aoa doa per dent cedat JR lix watten J it QT iraq au arned lait bigdi t sr KT johns as lit B 2 A arif f brakel dut this morning itz itra barni beaz wean deac kett Kelt lea iea bremery brewery n this city veay it was waa an uala maja treet street by the tiie fir fire eng engines ineil acan acanfo 19 lot t bu buu but 1 almost g uwe awe and tad jad the tho Water vater ater aten was wast t ur bed hed out the anre com lom lately tin lin under j d r control by 1 6 ya it lali 14 chulch chuich mulo 68 b hoge houe and shops rite 6 6 r ingga I 1 s arida arlda chip ori orr hd sto s ac ciui cloi eyd erd avyd lre loss edby ed by ansu effic oila api rei derm demm derc 4 comei T lessi iessi 1 BER ner SS A judicial hia pin p in I 1 i anvel shows thae that lie aig vba yla fit fil e U b Vi essinger to ass cinat si nat was merely part of bf nn attempt tempt to fo extort rno mone neyl yand and aud the mao map accomplices 1 1 i tiie tile the sov yov governor ernar of alvest westphalia hi has summoned n obied the the of 1 16 n ster r q resign his lilt see sec the hb ting king wing and Que enof enot sweden e ff ha liace arri vedin this thia eity elty city oil dil n afisu tild the 0 gler erian otan ozan gazette says sass that this visit has a political significance and kees in IV i it lt 0 s ap port of the policy of the three thid emperors M derors LONDON 29 09 the prince prin be of of and agneil general eitzgerald fitz gerald geraid are arp g az i ail ps A field maralia marsh als ais ls i the ot tle te seine sen e will ak so on and return the recent of the L nord loid lord 1 mayor tp paris th chief io ainu municipal n iel lei pal pai i barles iliof of europe ail be invited london no op jr til the 0 occasion sion MUNICH 29 the eminent painter is dead LoDi LONDO don Dox 29 sg further details of br the earthquake ynasia in asia asla Min uin that several village s were desiro destro des troy y ed and persons lost lot paris 29 gen ge da cissey mine mint mn isten ister of war asks for a credit of OW francs to continue the work nn the fortifications of the country and a supply of warma wan war inac aerial i lundon LONDON sel the jt D the A arctic expedit expedition iob ion h j sailed yesterday yest aday from thousands of people wit the depart depatt departure ure and anil there was great cheering and much enthusiasm e ri t hus S I 1 IV was as manifested 0 d the queen sent beut a telegraphic tuc suc tue cess to the expedit expedition iou ion tob top TORONTO 50 A fire this thia morning destroy fd ham monds hat acore to mr and mrs nati narb living ov over erth orth the store were wre burned to death 4 ri r lift i t L aas roote konti I 1 the bo house use meer wiear her i kwas ewas bu burned on saturday Satu iday night and three of f his children perished in the flames landon SL 31 boynton in cross ing the channel paddled thirty faur miles the post portals says that there is every 1 likelihood ikei ikel ah of russia and england coming to a friendly agreement on the alib lifie central asiar aslar an unsigned letter in the timos times kives dives rives Z a c lear clear explanation 0 n of the re reli peli pent 1 war warlike like ilke e rumor tho writer says ays A few week weeks ago ngo the german representatives at the var various boua european eurg Euro peau cou courts rth offid officially lally COM corn that ahat france was arming with a view to an early resumption of the war uen gen waa wan von sawel neg the tile german minister in vien ba hii declared that owing to germ germa a war had not mot lya sya out the czar thereupon telegraphed the emperor william op treating him to postpone I 1 opera entreating poni ions lons until the berlin interview and nd also instructed the russian ambassador at the court of Bt Sf James to suggest the coo cooperation operation co o p aeration of great britain in behalf 0 of f peace lathe rathe in the house of lords this eve nl ning I 1 eari earl russell asked that thai the cor correspondence between great greal britain and the continental powers arising out of the recent war alarm he ebald inid laid before beford the tho house theeart the earl df at der ner derby lerby by replied that he sympathized with the curiosity of those iv who hud had watched the course of foreign far Aar eigil affairs the last few weeks the government covern govern mehl desired to conceal nothing thing it had done |