Show by telegraph AMERICAN washington 3 second lieutenant philip read if of the third infantry acting signal officer bl his x been relieved from duty at fori for whipple va and ordered to san ban diego cala to assume charge of the construction and operation of lines of telegraph in california arizona ananew and new mexico provided for by the acts of congress of or march 3rd ard 1873 1673 relieving second lieutenant theodore smith of me the infantry acting signal officer of his hia dulies duies in connection therewith in the court of cammi commissioners of the alabama claims to day the following california caes were disposed of cae case ca cao e 53 maln main Ss winchester judgment with ih interest terest also cases J 0 J johnson D L perkins lerkins judgment with interest hahns lawton the same partia parties s geo P plaisted planted 1000 joseph hugu hoga 1 volsin voisin Och main Wine winchester hester hesten 25 bevlon levlon 1 levison evison Ij robert willis with interest 1293 the secretary of the interior has recommended to the president tile the restoration to the public domain of the lands in wallowa gallowa valley in ID were about three years ago from public and land 5 for use of jo eals baud of ez f secretary delano ha hai concluded 0 caleson liles tiles of indian lands in kausas kansas till january 1876 thir this action on Is taken laken upon th the tho e recommendation men m dation of general mi bloner smith und and others in consequence of the suffering of tile the settlers by drouth and grasshoppers 3 at the national temperance convention today to day a resolution that women were entitled to the elective franchise franchi and that the convention lend ils its baim wt emt effort to 0 that end was defeated 78 to 52 it was resolved that the time had arrived to more fully con ilder aider the relations of the national government and its responsibility for the liquor traffic and it was re solved that the convention ask the next congress to prohibit the manufacture and sale of all alcoholic beverages in the district of columbia and the territory of the U 8 to prohibit its importation from foreign countries to require total abstinence sti nence on the part of all official and subordinates in the civil military and naval service gervice and to adopt for ratification by the at several veral states of the union a constitutional amendment which shall make the traffic in alcoholic beverages illegal throughout the national domain anna dickieson delivered an address in which she paid that crus erus aides atlea and temperance tem perance meetings had very little effect and that political organizations and political work was the only means gor for or checking the evil the convention adjourned sine die the marriah marriage of or lt gen P lef yei sheridan and miss irene rucker daughter of major rucker bucker ant Q lil general was celebrated at the residence of the brides patents parents Mleh michigan igan avenue at fit h naif half al r past 8 this tills evening the following were invited and arid were present with the exception ext eption of the president who asked to be excused on account of the pressure of public business airs grant general and mrs airs belknap general and arid mrs sherman and staff off meers officers general and mrs trav van a u vliet vilet general and arid mrs pope pepe general auger general ferry general ord gereral and mrs crooke and general herry berry the ceremony was performed by the rt rev bev bishop foley according to the form forms 3 of the catholic church of which both parties are mum mem members bers berf the gifts were numerous I 1 and of the most expensive kind after partaking of au elegant dinner the bridal pair accompanied by col and mrs M V sheridan were driven to their residence on michigan avenue which had been handsomely decorated for their reception considerable excitement was waa created here today to day by the strike of the employees employee a at the various coal yards on account of a reduction of wages nonunion non union mn men were employed alovel but the strikers in large numbers the tho various i yards sud and iud them theiu to nto sto top p work several nonunion non nou union u men ly eaten beaten b manoney MAHONEY CITY P pk 8 A at 3 p m today to day warner iele lele telegraphed that his posse josse had bad been fired upon and asked for military assistance the pottsville spottsville Potts ville light infantry and the iowan gowan guards immediately med lately left by special train for this place on arrival they found the mob had slunk away on the outskirts outskirt of the town the citizens were greatly excited and all places of bus but busine burine iness sd were closed the first disturbance was at tyler cos cola colliery when sheriff agnew with a posse ordered the rioters to disperse one of the chiefs fired on the sheriff and the firing then became ge general noral norai the rioters firing a volley on the citizens who were numbered outnumbered ut henry a policeman was wounded and is in a critical condition henry lochman was wounded in the leg vm wm eucke encke was shot in the head and another man in the shoulder baht eight of the raiders were wounded and carried away one of or them wa kill ed the strikers have dispersed disperse d in different direction col nun BUD huntzinger has established his hea headquarters d in the city hall much blue excitement prevails and the miners will again resume work tomorrow to morrow LEBANON pa 3 the eighth regiment has orders to hold itself ready to march into the troubled tumbled mining districts cincinnati 3 in the brewers Cou con gress gresa today to day the committee ou on resolutions made a lengthy report which recited the fact onet that brewing ing pays oars about nine million dollard dollars s rev nue aue tax and aud would probably probable pay more nore bin for the stringent rules ruiea of ho revenue off omm meers officers they request the he government to remove the un ieves lefes wary stary rek rei restrictions under which he the malt liquor ili lii interest labors and ik ak that congress be petitioned to internal revenue laws BO so as us to limit the power assumed by the commissioner of the rei venue revenue of or deciding the amount of tax a brewer is ii liable a ble blo to pay pa y terrebonne la az 3 ex parish judge ee be den was shot and mortally wounded by sherburn the present judge in a difficulty at boula this morning omana OMAHA 3 senator J P jones and family left here for the west hia his this bia morning huntsville ala 3 deputy collector bolwan was shot and killed today to day by an illicit distiller sam BAN FRANCISCO 3 A dispatch from SanD san diego lego iego a tys ys that a letter to the tche san diego from ures sonora reports great excitement ever over mexican raids in texa texas and that war Is feared between the tife U S and mexico the newspaper Es ea irma breud referring to the washington chronicle version of the texas raids that mexico is too weak to restrain restrain the raiders ral rai ders says if the great republic cannot or will not keep mar ma r adding parties from trespassing tres passing into a friendly state and committing all kinds of atrocities it cannot wonder at weak mexico being unable at all times to prevent her bad boys from entering a fil endly friendly state NEW YORK 4 lafayette gna grafl T jointly indicted with charles ii U lawrence for smuggling silks bilks and who escaped to montreal returned yesterday rest pest erday and voluntarily himself to the united states district attorney graft graff was admitted to ball bail in and he will used as states evidence eviden cc against alleged accomplices pottsville spottsville POTTS VILLE pa 4 all the collieries colli olli eries erles resumed work this morn morne 0 ing the citizens think it will be necessary to retain the troops several pral t days to secure continued work adjuvant general lotta arrived from philadelphia last night philadelphia 4 george 0 evans who was recently tried lor for for nor frauds in the collection of the state claims against the general government died ere last night washington ON A 4 the indians and aud secretary delano had a short conference today to day the secretary told them that if they would take the twenty five thousand dollars he would try and get as much more for thim thi them m next winter and if they did not take it they could not have the privilege of hunting on the smoky 3 hill AM fork any longer he said that if gold was found in the black hills the government would pay them liberally for taij lando lands he ue desired them to take all that had been said to them home to the deop people 1 e and obtain answer baek back soon as possible the indiana were yere photographed in a group groups with tbt tho 0 exception of re rel bel l cloud who decil declined ned saying that hii his picture could be had find by plying paying him 25 cincinnati 0 4 in the circuit c uit court yesterday vest test erday the casa case of mrs davenport w the he western anion union tt telegraph le graph co for the re covely of ot mily sixty thoas thousand and aud dollar korthof worth of W U sto tto eatock L alleged h have av a been fraudulent fraudulently y transferred was decided in favor of mrs davenport washington 4 elu iu in the court of commissioners of the Alabon alabama id claims today to day the following california califor for la cases were disposed of cn crone ne brigham judgment for with interest on oil from april 17 1863 and on oti from may and on from april 27 rosenbaum rosen Kosen baum Frfd fridman man judgment with interest on at the indian con conference terenee terence today to day spotted tail tall said eaid that the great spirit told him never to steal any blodys country without paying for it the secretary replied that he had not ed him jihn or his pepie of stealing and lip he dd did not want spotted tall to accuse tho the great father of steal stealing irig from him spotted tail tall wanted to talk abbout agency matters before he lie went trent home and he wanted to go tomor to mor row the secretary lett left I 1 saying they might talk all nil night with yath the commissioners if they wished to captain brackett special agent of the treasury department captured in this city today to day a white lace dress valued valued at a white while lace shawl awo and oth other cpr laces valued at at a pawnshop where they had been pawned the tho dress and laces foi fbi formerly merly be to the empress ress Eu senie and were among tho the richest in the world they were sold bold at the fale faie if of her diamonds and jewelry in england and und were smuggled into inta bis his this country by joseph Jf horace forace in 1873 1673 X pa 4 daniel harris and birve mr agon hurst were hy by a boiler explosion near goldsboro today to day fc everal evenal others vere were seriously wounded BOSTON 4 geoage geoyge W pemberton who ba has hns been on fript trial triai several days for killing hilling mrs bingham M in in east boston un the of march was today to day found guilty of murder ia in the tiie first degree HAx hat HAVANA eana rANA 2 via key west 4 the argentine transport jing with seventy two political icil lehi prisoners arrived here on sunday from montevideo the pilson prisoners ers comprise those implicated in the fiores flores s rebellion bel bei lion llon among amonn them aro two sons of flores and sev set several elal elai persons who had been bani banished shed from cuba in former years as ene eDe enemies mIes of spain ain aln the government refused to allow them hem to land the reason bein being the informality of the ships papers paper the ping being a spanish merchant ship which was chartered by the argentine government captain general Valina Val vai maeda seda has telegraphed to madrid for instructions alid and the ship is tinder under the guns ofa of a spanish ironclad twenty five prisoners friso ners were allowed to embark brid barl on the city of At mexico exico hach which left for new york today to day some of the prisoners ri are represented to have E been een men of wealth and und position iu in the argentine Arent anent lne republic COLUMBUS 0 4 4 A special left for california today to day to arrest and return here for trial U 1 R biech web charged with embezzling to OW of the rundi fund bf the baltimore ohio ty while serving as freight agent at this point springfield mafs s 4 the cor onera jury in the holyoke dish disa disaster ster rendered a verdict this evening they found that no blame could be attached to t any person in connection with the disaster but the yin not too lt strongly condemn the tue almost criminal careless carelessness ness in the construction of the galleries and the means of egress and declare that the parties who built much huch a death trap should receive the unmeasured censure of the community they find the cause of aro from the use uee of trimmings laces paper etc and to the fact that the building was sheathed with pino instead of being pla plastered stured NEW york 4 robert wise hart ebar charged 9 ed with being one of the grange who some time ago negotiated some five million dollars worth of stolen altered V S bonds and who having been arrested on a by governor tilden and brought to this eity city today to day was brought before judge brady on a writ of habeas cor cop corpus aus pus the return to the writ sets seta up that his arrest was under the requisition of gov arnor tilden on a charge of forg forgery try vry and that he hei is now DOW held beld in custody under due process of law the traverse in return ets e forth that the prisoner la Is not the tue person known to bave have been arrested on the requisition paper that ho he has never been a roel reel resident dent of or penal penni and that the requisition proceedings are illegal rhe che judge allowed the district attorney till Tuesday to of identity ELMIRA N ya 4 A committee was formed here today to day to make arrangements for the erection of a monument to the confederate dead of whom were buried burled in woodlake Wood lake labe cemetery here SA IT francisco 4 the th e old penitentiary pe n building at salem agu with several adjoining shops was burned this afternoon loss losa 2 treadwell co agricultural implement dealers have suspended payment their liabilities are half a million it ia Is thought in business circles that they may pull through if granted aa an extension CINCI cincinnati 5 by t the e explosion of an en engine ine lne boiler ast last night on the tho cincinnati bandusky sandusky san ban d and ana cleveland railroad th thomas om a larkins an engineer was wied and joseph tees lees fireman fire mail maii was iras mortal JY wounded an inc ine endian fire this morning destroyed the catholic church and Parsonage the residences of nathan longfellow and dr peabody with several adjoining bufi buil buildings dings diDgs and a hundred and thiry fhiry thousand teet leet of lumber loss NEW vork 6 5 captain Capt alli aill W nr H brown of theu the TJ 8 cavalry committed suicide yet yesterday erday at his residence in this city on petition of hugh J jewett receiver of the erie railway millway co judge donohoe has granted an order empowering the receiver to pay taxes and charges upon adrift anu to work the coal mines referred to in hh his petition to perform any lawful contracts to sell the securities referred to where iu tu his judgment interests teresta in of all parties will be promoted thereby washington 5 the indian indians called at the interior department this morning to say good bye to the commissioners when a short interview took place they expected to start home tonight to night red cloud said to the commissioner we are tire going home today to day and the young men you see here want to say g iod lod bye and we also want to ask about the pay for these who camo came with me the interpreters and all the indians indiano O the commissioner said sald that there about the men who came along that ho he would rather not say they had |