Show B BY Y TELEGRAPH lils PEB vernm UNION rz AME rio RIC AN washington 23 general rosecrans reports to the democratic na INTs committe committo that california will bo be by malor malot ity and land that nive five of the tho six congressmen will bo be democrats democrat columbus 0 23 tho the official count of the returns of the state election held october loth made by the secretary of state shows the following total and majorities secretary of sl state tate carat townsend republic an 59 schumacher pro I 1 I 1 ti tion onist lat hafer hater greenbacker newman over townsend Towne end newmen newman over all ali 1569 logg judge of supreme court okey democrat dayie Dayle republican roseborough rose Kose borough prohibitionist tuttle greenbacker okey over doyle okey ies leb les less tann all 1808 amber member of the board of public works Wel wei bler bier democrat over Mic flickenger kenger republican new york 23 tribunes Trib unaa washington special Dr debliss Bliss has recently return returned eil from the west he rays the split in the republican ranks in colorado is al similar rallar to that in new now york and pennsylvania and that the democrats will cairy carry the state secretary teller who started last night for colorado to take part in the fight tight says bays that despite dissensions the tha republican will be ejected conn 23 eight cars of boston through freight bound cas cab badly wrecked near south bouth port station on oft the N Y a N H railroad this morning thos mar tin a brake brakeman ryian trian was killed and two brakemen badly injured the train was running at a high rate of speed a dieca aleca of shafting which composed a portion of the freight teli fell between the cars and caused the wreck chicago 23 the bras first regular train over the new york chicago and st louls louis nickle plate iio lio road boad aidi aids left thia this city rt at 8 this morning for cleveland the road ia is declared formally opened for tor business north ada adama adams mass 23 peter barry and thos thod Ij avind avino injured saturday by the accident on the troy and green greenfield geld rall nail railroad road died last night bight in grent great agony 0 B S Van hausin and anet cornelius shay died diw thi this morning five others are not expected to live through the night acola aeola 22 fifty two new cases of fever one death total cases to date 1970 deaths tha the destitution and end distress increases brownsville Browns ville 23 the bickness sickness le liness is yet very bad at allo 10 the clan clari ar re e all down from laredo by way of 11 wier ler ier camargo and matamoras got here today to day and were immediately sent back tack across the tha river by the health officers the troops are in excellent health weather cool and pleasant Tens penz pensacola acola 33 thirty seven new cases of fever and one death total to date 11 2007 1007 cases and deaths A son of J M mayor of the city and collector of the port ia Is in almost a hopeless condition des tit ution is undiminished there is reason to suspect that a number of new cases have not been reported omana OMAHA 23 emli emil eikom a german music teacher who some weeks ago eloped from calhoun washington county with may F rohm frohm aged 14 who was one of his pupils passed through omaha today en route to biair blair the county seat sent of washington county from bt st louis louls in charge of an officer As the train passed through cal houn houna a large crowd crowl gave him a warm reception and raade mude threats of lunching lynching lyn ching ho be hid bid la in the water wafer closet of the tha car while tae taa ameer officer watched him and the train pulled out oat more mote betcie any attempt waa vaa made at biair blair the train was stopped biet belore sore reaching the tha depot and the sheriff took ft shortcut to therall the jail jall with the prig frig ox oren onen er to avoid the crowd who afterwards rushed to the tha jail jau but the prisoner was lodged in nis his cell J us in time lime to escape them chester pa 23 wm W bartely bartel a E 1 prominent citizen and one of the 1 wealthiest men in delaware county committed suicide eu leide icide tarboro N 0 23 constable Cons tabIe table J ja J danford of thia this place this morning arrested louis jlouis guilford a negro for assault guilford im on tho the way to jail suddenly drew a razor and cut dunford across tho the abdomen inflicting a terrible wound As dunford bankc bank to the ground to die guilford r ran off purs pursued aged abed men meu he was capt captured u red but seriously wounded founded two of his bis captors lie me was finally shot and mortally wounded turf baltimore 23 rev W lwood ruff once editor of the baltimore presbyterian was ar arrested on a charge of violating the united states law by opening a iatter latter sent by mail mall before it had been delivered to tho the person addressed he was sent to jail now brew york 23 J ohn john davoy editor of the irish ration nation rested arrested ai on a charge of li beling august bei bel mont moat was released today to day on ball cooperstown Coopers gown town NY 13 3 john N near portlandville Portland ville vilie shot hib his wife at the breakfast table and then shot a hired man named baker baken he then shot himself cut his 0 own w n throat and died the others will recover jealousy wag was the cause chattanooga 23 2 23 inspector sharpe recommended to the department that the marriage and birthday ay insurance associations be prohibited using the malls mails on the ground that the organizations are frauds brooklin 13 3 the police arrested a number of a socialistic gathering Ka for selling beer without a license the proceeds of the sale of the beer to go to the completion of the hall hail LITTLE 23 the lowlands of eastern arkansas showed a alight frost this morning not enough to damage cotton weather for fon picking favorable all ALI over the state boains bobbo x 23 the firm of royal storrs woolen manufacturers dedham filed a petition in insolvency today to day the schedule shows of the assets consist of mill property properly stock etc supposed to bo be worth the individual assets of tho the members of the firm will probably noc not reach 1 onester CHESTER ER pa ra 23 the bl bi cen tennial celeb celet celebration ration today to day is a grand success bearly kearly every building is resplendent with flags bunting and various appropriate decorations giving the city a holiday appa appo appearance at least visitors are aro present the streets are sa so thronged thron ged As f to be almost impassable among the guests are a large number of distin gushed gentlemen including gov hoyt and attorney general letta lettas 1 the tho mayors majors of eldea eldes ja jn this delaware and new jerrey jersey and a lange largo number of representative ta tive tire men from philadelphia lud and new york the day was ushered in aby by ringing tle tte bellain the bell tolling strokes strobes the friends assembled in their meeting house in this city this afternoon to commemorate tho the landing of william penn renn at this thia place years ago so many responded to the invitation that a large number were veto unable to gain admittance john M broomhall of opened the exercises with all an eulogy of penn ella hood read the following letter from jho Q G whittier DANVERS mass oct sarah B chester pa fes my dear friend it ia Is well that friends should commemorate the thel landing of the founders of pennsylvania and a great apostle of their faith on the plea Flea pleasant plessant sant bant shores of cheater chester soo years ago an event eo so picturesque in its surroundings and circumstances so important in its results and influences is a subject worthy of the he poet posta fi pen pon or the pain fain painter tera pencil I 1 should be glad if it were possible for mo me to put into fitting metrical form the thoughts and emotions which it awakens but the bur denof yo years yora ra begins to rest heavily upon me and I 1 from the effort of handling such a theme in spite of the endeavor of a historian more regardful of the display i of his rh etoyle and sarcasm than historical accuracy and justice the memory or of william penn is secure in its grand outlines and unsullied parity purity Resta ho stands uda and will forever with the bages sages statesmen and lid ild rid philanthropists of whom the world of their day was not worthy he lived and thought centuries in advance of hia contemporaries and slowly but surely tho generations since have been approaching the moral and political standard which he be set up on the shores of the dela ware looking over some bome old papers recently I 1 found some verges verses written by me when a boy of 16 nearly 60 years ago of courte source the circumstances under which they were penned alone entitles them to notice but I 1 venture to send them as the only response to thy request which I 1 can makko make I 1 am truly thy triene JOHN chester meater pa A athe athe the exe rokes proper of tho day began at this morning with a representation of the tha landing of win penn and his party from an an old fashioned yawl boat at tho foot of penn street tho the spot where penn first touched theeola the soil ol 01 this state years yeara ago tho the principal characters were wm penn jno hare rare mackrain maek Maeh hain bam wm P lodolas Lo domas cobert waley wales WR W II 11 Shu reman bobert robert pierson Pl erson erbon J A martin martini chief arthur martin bearb beara meat H greenwood john shapeless J P F wright and quakers swe sweedia deg dea and indiana in the costumes cu of the period As the boat touched the shore penn and party landed greeted by backham Mac kham wade and clenon Pl ereon A long talk ensued and thon then a little further from the shore penn met the tha indians ind ns with whom ho he conversed freely ay when penn pena landed the large fleet of all kinds of vessels lying in the river blew blow their whistles thousands of people on the tha shore applauded and the bells balls throughout the city ran rang C out iho the tidings and all was excitement cit ement the landing was wasa a great success at 1030 pm the crowd was organized at the grandstand grand stand corner of second street and concord avenue where people vere wera pache cached dr and nd on the grand stand a number of representative men the meeting was called to order by major barton who made a few remarks of congratulation on the importance of the occasion rev bov henry brown of st pauls episco pal church offered a prayer after which over 2000 ODO school children bang sang my coun country of thee theo governor hoyt then hen maite made a short and interest in speech rev pancoast read an original mcern which waa followed by more aingie singing g by the children john M broomal broomall the orator of ot tho the day next nest read an eulogy eulo gy on penn peon his peace policy denouncing war and and its re results suits and in eloquent language krive gave an historical sketch of penn renn and chester city this afternoon there was a grand civic military and industrial parade in which people participated in the tha evening there thre was a t grand rand display of isrow fireworks arks washington 23 during tho the week that ended october there were standard silver bilsen bollara put into circulation by the united states estates mints during a corresponding period in 1881 there were but standard dollars issued hauca the newly newy accredited minister from japan and his suite arrived last evening evening after a journey ol 01 22 days and nine hours from yo fc the quck quickest est time on record have been prepared for the pay and mileage of members of the forty horty eighth congress there will bo be 35 members and eight delegates for their thein pay thera there has been asked and for contestants te for nil mileage leage is estimated making a total of the quartermaster general of the army has submitted to the secretary t ry of war his hia report for the fiscal year ending june amount available during the year to total 1 I disbursements 10 leaving a balance on hand of the responsibilities and magnitude of the tho service are aro described and an appeal made for addition additional force it is also urged that the tho ranes bs be open for promotion and the appointment or enlistment of post quartermaster quarterma stel sergeants la is recommended the quartermaster general renews the recommendation hereto hersto heretofore mado made that an allowance of 10 mont monthly h I 1 V b be e 33 1119 made 19 do in tho the pay of every line officer detailed as acting a assistant L tant quartermaster a at t a military post it is estimated the demands upon the department during the year will exceed the amount available for the tho purchase and manufacture of clothing and camp aad aab and galeon gar rleon equip page the report of the commissary general the tho total resources of expenditures balance unexpended amount expended for sub tores stores property and contingencies during the year 2593 tho tha president today today to day placed on tho the retired list under special 60 act of congress captain joeph joseph conrad E eleventh infantry this will promote first wm kingsbury King ebury to be captain in the eleventh infantry and second lieu Vieu lieutenant tenant geo leroy brown to first lieutenant dr Boynton Boyn tons tona ss claim for services during president garfield is illness ia Is boing baing less lebs than any claim for professional services yet received NEW york YoEK 23 score at 1 highes hart hazael rowell bowell No noramae Nore remae mae mac fitzgerald hertes Hert xia xin loi idl mrs langtry the tha celebrated english professional beauty arrived from europe this thia morning mor and drove immediately to her hotel she bhe expressed satisfaction to au an interviewer at nt being in new york grit it reminds reminda me we r co ro o much of laris paris alysha sha said and the flowers are BO so sosthen ses sos thet icalla beautiful she will attend the theatre this thia evening evo eve her chap brono ia mrs Laboa chere chero kansas 23 anerth am mr th quake oc occurred currod at this point at nineteen minutes past four jef farpon city mo alo time yesterday its duration was about five seconds there were wee three ppul pulsations actions the first being the strongest rattling windows swaying walls walla of buildings buil bull dinga and moving furniture galveston oct 23 yaris Paris yaris texas special A shock of earthquake was felt rolt yesterday at 5 pm ci oln oiN 25 at 9 this morning the switchboard switch board wires of the western union telegraph office in this city melted to tho the estimated number of business was demoralized till 6 this evening when temporary wires restored it the causo cause Is not definitely known LExiNG lexington To ky 23 there wab was destruction by an nire fire tonight of burgess alfords alforda stable and stock etoch yards twenty mules and eighteen valuable short horn cattle involving a loss of were destroyed the cattle belonged to the california ranch rauch company and A M P clark dark of st cloud stock insured for eitta eltta PITTSBURG bueg BUBO pa 23 the lodges generally express confidence in jn president jarrett BO so the prospective iron workers split spilt is probably avoided NEW yore YOKE 23 21 saven soven steamships from europa europ 3 ports lauded landed 4 immigrants today to day applications for gold certificates are aro pouring in upon tho treasury department at a very rapid rate the amount applied for on saturday and to day was wai from the following cities boston philadelphia st louls i 14 cincinnati of this sum ig is required in 20 certificates certificate in 50 certificates of denomination of denomination in certificates and in denomination of blo siok noo noc nester nEsTEn N NY Y 23 E smith at different times editor of thelmo the commercial adverties democrat and und albany evening journal and recently chief law jaw of the Jap japanese allese arieFe government |