Show figura I 1 THAT TRAT SO do HOT tte tie IN another part of this paper will bo be very interesting data collected by which form good reading leading for all vill who are interested la in utah affairs and aud have taken notice of the assum assumptions of tho the sc so called liberal party in regard to the financial benefits its chief members have conferred upon this territory from tho the figures presented it ap up peara that most of the men now on the stump abusing the old settlers mi representing misrepresenting their croad and their intentions telling falsehoods about being unequally and unjustly taxed and conveying convoying tho the idea that they nave done beniers in developing and enriching tho the country aarein reality non lion producers and non taxpayers and their contributions to the general growth consists merely of agas gas giving forth no light and darkening counsel by words worda words words wj without thou t knowledge knowl and without truth the figures show that the chairman of the peopled territorial central committee pays more taxes than the thirty three most prominent glib 0 rals rais whose whom names am are given all put together twenty of them pay no property taxes at all and several of them have even evaded the payment of their poll tax nots not nota a cent from the whole score for the support of the district schools and yet they are always prating about education and clamor ing for tree freo schools to bo be supported entirely by taxes and also falsifying the facts facto in regail to the status of our public school system anese are nice specimen bricks in the liberal structure fine examples to the community of zeal for a system of schooling by taxes cansle consistent tent decia decla imers imera about cluria unjust taxation four out of the tho whole number pay anything like a decent sum burn into the local treasury and not one of them can truthfully say that he lie is unequally taxed y now let id it not be understood that we find fault with any man because ca ho qa ia is impecunious poverty is no sin sia of itself lack cf property is no sign of dishonor ox of pers fers personal inferiority fenio ferio rity but when men go shooting through the country about the waste of public money unjust assessments sess ments and taxation without representation all abominable fahe falsehoods when applied to utah it is natural to inquire how much they are injured in this direction the glaring untruth is repeated from stump to stump that they contribute more to the revenue of the ter than the people wrom whom they are ate striving g to rot of the I 1 last ast vestige 1 k e of political libery liberty ilbery they declare th that i it la is through throng h thir their presence and property that utah has been redeemed from poverty and the barter system these screeching pelicans without a feather to fly with live have according to their own mendacious showing laid all tho the golden begga egga that have been enjoyed in this mountain region since ls Ps occupation by the caucasian race it id Is their falsehood their impudence their baseless bas bab eloEs brag that RB nie expose not their the rest of their assumption assumptions a will be found on investigation to rest upon on a as little foundation and to be stif stilla stil ld by as little excuse as their bald and iba ibn g base ca c a assertions in regard to the local finances mind thib thi wo we are not opposed to their having h full liberty to talk as much and aa publicly as they please the more they say the more they will expose their thein own folly and the weakness wea knees jf of their cause figures are facts and thos swi dwi have ga ven von rasy ngay be relied upon the proof ia is in the public records and may be seen by all who wish to examine them 0 |