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Show . 7SVere & Office Equ'pmeat esMoney Friday, S eptembei 15, 1972 73Machinery9 Pipe, Tools 68Snowmobi1es 197, CHAPARRAL Alike, like rew Sold for $1,250. Sac. WS. PHONE' IBM tYpefiles; bookcases; Monroe Calculators; aad check Bdrr01.015 protector; draftino machines: tables; etc. Ma chine shop eouiornent. Varicvs eiec Ironic lab. equipment; assembly benches. work tables; chairs; SlIE:TING PI A IT IN SINGLE UNITS COAKETE OFFERED wkl!lays. Scales, Valve, Bld Pipes, is Everyttling be sold. corrlina co ISM? MI SS 9' tiy- - F,ptl.ALE, jo3o jasee;rraVor; $5.75 144x0' ECONOMY BUILDERS SUPPLY 486.7191 3232 S. 4th East s3w...SSA.SSSSSSSOSSSUSSSSUSSSSSSSSSS Dexter plow 1200 hrs. use, Anderson, Fillmore, $0,000. Utah, $600, lull bao cement air conditioning 8 rn,xer,FORD, mounts on tractor. 5150. units. 490,000 and 700,000 B I USO outft. Truck tail r Or lift. 1200, 2554791 or put Large laminated beams, 64 It. 67 ft. long. 3 x 12 x 22 ft. box. 2500 cp. stainless steel milk tank, 4or 1(.119. 1,600 amp breaker truck. Call Jerry Carla), Mt. Herne, walnut Idaho. d 2'0" x Pe" x DOORS olOe73--invinyl coated, :deal for desk too, or USED sorinker Cabinet with heads and risers. Santaquin, table hos. S7 ea.. and Fixtures, Plow. Rear 2!50498. Small Fero. Tractor. 12" ply wood, scoots. Mower. Corruciator. studs, 2' bv or 5714204. eves. 01111t. FARMALL A tractor with plow $450. RAILROAD TIES $950 So. 2nd East, Murray. or HAND PLOW, all auto., disc, plow, flood for gardens, 250746. , weeder, CORN Chopper With motor, good 14 Iwo large heating, e ---jr-- -- It EL!Pt,WHIM, TOOLS j SUM & jI OM A I comparable value, we will swap you cash for scrap comer, brass and radiators etc. Call Open I a.m. to 6 p.m. TREES or shrubs trimmed or reof value for moved anything LOOK, Your New or used guitars tor used SWAP. accordions. or accordions. 3. WANT TO BUY -LJI -- era, TVs automatic transmission, power steering, Dower brakes, factory air, radio, white wall tires. heater, Vinyl lop. East Center St.,. Midvale, BOOK STORE 1 'enft., '69 El-- S. State MOM a A READY TO GO I 970 Chev, Impalas All Have: Air Power Steering Power Brakes Coupes 1 doors 4 doors Starting at skr ) .55 OTHERS $1995.00 MOTOR SPORTSLAND 4001 So. 111 State FIREBIRD 03, hardt00, automatic, power steering, yinly roof, air cond., road wheels, cash 1968 Price S1495. 100 c,ercent financing with approved credit. Murray Auto Sales. 5540 S. State. 262.2937. Open till 10 p.m. 1965 Fair lane 4 dr., 289 auto., Fine orig. cond. 277.4488. 1960 CORVETTE for sale or trade. att. 6 p.m. Call '68 CHFV. IMPALA, c.s. auto. shift $1,075, 1961 Chev. Impala Excel. 2nd car. $9. station 294.2924. W Nf 8th South State te COUGAR. bucket auto.. acid in 3057 East 2SnO So. cc, SIMS. S. State 5500 ESTA1E excel. cond., KINGSWOOD '70 loaded. passenger, eve. or weex...ib, 9 : 262-261- I HUBRIS CKEV. Caprice, air cond., 1313, ., new fires, s3reen 7381 E. 3080 So. 1910 AUTO SALES S2,450. ' Close 061 on all c41-11-1- 1 1972 Model Cars. P 1972 Pontiac Catalina hardtop. Automatic Trans., Power Steering, POAer Brakes, Condition, Vinyl top. Low Miles. 400 $3,095.( 0 1972 PINTO Raclin. 34-to- n W 8Charger 4 speed Fast back, real nice, top, air condition, automatic transmission, power steering, special gold flake paint . Vinyl '69 POLARA cond., 2 door, Air '64 $3,45 2 Challenger Fkmer steering, power trales, top, air cond., ion mileage. $1,895.03 $1,695 W $495 W Automatic Trans. Steering, Air Condition. car. Low miles top vinyl Dart DODGE 1972 MUSTANG 2 door '66 COMET vinyl $2,205 $3,09,5CO $795 0 trans., factory air 1967 VOLVO GT, Ikf 68 Falcon W 0 '72 DODGE Colt 2 door, 4 on the floor H ...s, W ik ''. iN - $1,185 Station Wagon, air condition, new paint, low, low miles. W l' steering. , $1,895 '70 Dart $1,995 $895 hardtop, Skylark Custom. Automatic Trans. 350, Power steering, Vinyl top, Air cond. Law miies. 14 trans. Auto. 1972 Buick w air, wiry top. Swinger, $3,195.0 4 DODGE II Ph. 980 So. Main hardtop, $3,095 1-'- .'1 lo '711EGA Auto trans. '66 MUSTANG $1,995 14 $1,795 and loaded 8 FORD 500, Automatic Trans. 400, Power Steering, Factory Air, 1..dw Miles. A real buy at $1,295 '69 DODGE Dart $695 rxrAer 1972 GALAYIE Low mileage, like new 1 tkloor, air, $1,795 jeering, power brakes, auto. powe: air. vinyl too, hardiop. power steering, power brakes. '65 Chet Impala We Nse Slaw Several alder . Good Tramporlation Specials. -I Id 62 Other Cats aril bucks to stock 359-765- 5 ROBERTS AUTO SALES 1250 So. Main V 66 328-475- MZ11 3 &obt.e714d1 , .'':, f,:i.F.,';: ILT; e Pi niciuiIIPF IVIWVM 1117113ulim bilintriVE! Fi 1 AC-- Power A nice 2 door. a sharp car '69 FORD LTD '69 Buick GS 350 4 $1,295 YOLKS i $1,695 Bal- Carpeting, ance of factoty wananty A steal at n, 14,--. acti w000n. con:a'e s:a at i $11795 Th 521-64- z zzz.zz-re- Ice LARSON FORD -i I AZ A 141 auto Impala a r.. & int. $75. 3358169 or . pickup, Dodge transmission, looks and runs excellent. U $795 $595 '66 COMET cpe. '64 LeMANS cpe. (HP.Jv ,'59 Is Not, Afraid To Cut prices" -- 1 -I '69 4-- dr. 1 5 (44 $1,395 convert. root, umcKLEy "k H Save 1 had F.O.B. Ford Dealer ''The Fearless tint MALIBU. CHEVELLE 10D. Auto., pwr. steering, vinyl ,1970 $ 1 I 895 ,, --' - "N i--, .! 11 $1 ,095 '69 TOYOTA '68 COUGAR auto. $1,695 '68 Mustang fastback, air Save '68 TOYOTA H.T. cpe ,095 1 '67 LeMANS, air ,095 '67 VOLKS, sedan $795 WE HAVE FREE PICKUP ON JUNK ON SERVICE NOTARY FREE TITLES. WE BUY GOOD HUNTER BROS. ter JUNK cars. trucks, wanted. Ca some complete. CASH for old, used cars and trucks, Acme Wrecking Co., , 262-261- Mach MUSTANG 169 MUSTANG 0 LARSON FORD 5500 $295.03: $479.09: $47933 Camper Special ZY3 I -- 1 W k $1,995 A oh al 0 170 VOWS ,' --.' ,- -' 1 ill4- S2,295 '70 DARTair cond. TRUCKS PAY MORE Men's magazines, pocketbookS GALAXIES tTOs TORINOS COURI7 and antiques, ERS 'MAVERICKS PINRANTOP PRICE FOR REFRIGS., TOS MUSTANGS WAGONS GES, FRIEZERS, TVs. cond. TRUCKS CASH for used port TV's, any "The Fearless Ford Dealer Is Not Piing to 21$ South Sth East. Afraid To Cut Prices" SMALL or medium sized used refrigerators. Private party. Call WANED ORIENTAL RUGS Lady, private Party. ;'J 95.00 dr. Syrt r.h.. Air 9,495 170 MAZDA CLEARANCE at trucks; Truck loader; Pick-uo bathhoe. truth trucks: moonted. Dump Garbage trucks Asphalt and road rollers. dr. dumps; Compressors, 60 Mud and wate, (.M to6x6900.Trucks 2005 pJrnos; South 2nd West. cpe. '71 VOWS Super Bug '72 MODEL CASH FOR USED BOOKS ZION $2,995 $1,495 Torino, air 171 VEGA BUICK 255.1$01. Includes delivery service and handling 2 4 46547. 12SO South Main N S21695 GT CHEV. Mal;bu cust. at Coupe, .n.s., o.b glass, vinyl top, 52 ,675. "WM, Z4 R '72 COMET -, '71 ...Nob- - ;mob. AOW amm -- 171 FORD WILKINSON wHIR NEWSDAPERS, Cellulose Irsulation We, Inc., 136 passenger, , HDTP. C 9 v9,CO S SS el CseHaEtsDLsE chsc bral..'ePsd ..stBuck. Cragar AAAGS, new Gooc,v,.ar cr,,1 after 5:30. olds tires. 52,550. piNTO 00.1 MONACO BUICKOPEL--GM530 S. Sfs) '61 MERC COMET '61 CHM 62 CHEV. '63 V.W. '64 CATAL1KA Wagon wagon Fully equipped with Fuciory Air. Special price. Tom Co! Hinkley Dodge, 2309 South State. AVAIMOWAVYAMOWZOWMW IZOO CASH PONTIAC, 1967 ioonimb $1,488 41 itP need late model Port. Ranpes, Gas Heaters, etc too prices paid, c8SH for anything old, any cond., brass beds, round tables, china closets ' o ld dishes, silverware, dolls, old trunks, 2534393 anytime. We TRANSPORTATION for Sale I90Avtomobiles 1972 i Motor Sports land TOTAL PRICE -- -- WIL- S1,6911 GORDON TO SCHOOL BACK steer. 90Automobiles for Sale for Sale With Air, Power Brakes, Power Steering. HAYES BUICK BUYER BUYS 1 64 FALCON Sta. Wagon $595.30 2280 So. State Fully Reconditioned. MUST .SELL '63 MERC MARAUDEstate CHEtl. Kinoswood radio. 1971 ER. Air. Dower steering, IMPALA $366.00 wadon. p.b., rwr. windows, 63 CHEN. best reasonable otter heater. air cond., Pwr. tailgate, Cc.r. Sharp very low mileage, new cond.. S3800 FOR SALE: 1953 Cad. Come De See at plumbers Supply Co. 270 E Make offer 33rd So. real sharp! 2954793. Aft. 6.30 p.m or Mr. HerMrtst sell bert. 437.083$, B a.m. to S p.m RECENTLY MARRIED. IVO Pontiac Firebird 400. OnlY 13. , '67 AMBASSADOR Yeitow cblor. Dower SST, auto., 500 miles. 4001 So. State condition. 436excellent air, like newt 5775. Can finance. steering. oultars for band instruments SWAP BTU quick recovery gas KINEWt boiler and car wash equipment WO; 125,000 BTU horizontal (almost new) gas furnace $150; 130,000 MERCHANT SALVAGE BTU gas hot water furnace 5100, Desks, sales, chairs, files elec. truck winch $175; new ice box Desk racks, handers, tables -for trailer or camper $35, almost Cash registers, stoves, scales installation foam new Glascraft tURNMIll table, grinder, sinks Clothing equip., cost new $2,000, sell for SAO items. We also buy. 295 W.S.T. WANTED siCS; acetylene torch, hose and gau- FOR SALE by owner, late model pes S45; international picky() truck, SCM model No. 144 cooler I vr. old. runs good, 5150; . 100 gal. pressure like new 8935, cal; 322469S. Wont Used Furniture at Once tank, ceramic lined 50; 112 hP. Ice makers conmercial carbonator 5350; Allis WHILE MEV LAST 364-058- 1 recond, Chalmers tractor and Plow 5325; 61 and Soft Serv Freezers Any or All. hp. Brigos gas any. 135; 1 hp- sin-- . guar. 'St W. 3r1 South, 364.1981. household furnion PAID motor $35; Impact NEW phase g,e PRACTICALLY addressogral" wrench $15, headlight equip. and model 4000. Incl. stor. shelves and ture, appls. Bring in more pay. 6 2607 S State timing light $75; (10) 50,000 BTU embosser. $6,000. infra-regas overhead heater 550 IS" CUTTER ea., MUST SELL THIS WEEK, 460 ADVANCE PAPER 4874493. $IOS, blade, East 100 No., Payson, ELECTRIC Itemizing Casn Register, 14 Itz WO-COP- IS S125, call aft. 6 gm, SALE-N- EW SQUARE TUBING cases. for disolav Ire Refrigerated X discounts. I:2" to 3" 20', quantity havling. isIGHEST possible prices paid for WASATCH METAL & SALVAGE COMPLETE restaurant and beauty diamonds, old gold jewelry. 205 West 33rd So. shop eguigment, 732.2391 Brigham. Schubach Jewelry Co. 279 S. Main 403,000 Extra shan't !ON CH'iVOIXET. 56.4 S. State. Pbc.ne 2624411 71 Ole! 1930 wanod. liXe new. automatic transmission. Sl2C9. DODGE wit will HAVE 13 CFM Compressor. for $6.50 a day; also do auto paintof will trade for something ing, FOR THE DISCRIMINATING DIATooele, Utah MOND BUYER flawless 85 pt. Blue Wlite Ciamond, pem stone duality Ph. mounted with six beaul,ful 10 pt. bet. noon amonds. Phone and 8 P.m. P. AND H. 225A truck crano, 20 ton, ,,, serial no. 6511, 70 ft. bower down boom. pierce carrier model 812351, !WILDING serial no, 1102, screw type alum. floats. Rig in owl cond., retails at MORALS I wilt sell for S8,750. Price s10,800 mommilEr FOB Milford, Utah. Call Milford 3872427. Mine. Ill FENC NG 24'0196", tooled, good 4x4- -8 S1,10 ea. LE BLOND, ft. cedor post cond., S1,990. 2714891. 70c ea 2x4- -8 ft. rail 60c ea. 1x12- -6 ft. pecky cedar 40c ea. 1x8- -6 ft. pecky cedar 20c ea. 1x6- -6 ft. pecky cedar 74 titPA&INDUSTIdil I 20c ea. 1x4- -6 ft. pecky cedar All types of fencing. Installation ser--Vice by experts. Good terms. Clearance Used Corn CnoPPers Gine!, Lumber Service Inc. H84 F11188. CI300 & 1474 Si oth recond. & quer, also IH 16C136001 NH sssstisssssussvissussosssusssosss good used self Fill, also boxes. Call cone& unloading forage Exterior Plywood Siding 7524311, Ls,oan, Lit. ELLIS EQUIP.' CO . VARIOUS PATI ERNS S6.50 S4.50 SWAP down, cotsnAct: CO. LEMNER LET'S 90Autam3biles PLYMOUTH Duster. 340, V4, standard power steering. trans., 169 ' 76 Sole '7() FOR Muil: 10JeweTry x TO 60 MONTHS 2N0 MORTGAGERJRNiTURE FURNITURE AWOM)BILE TERMS DRY': RS: STEEL: reiAutombiles for '67 OLDS. 442 $$ CASH $I KARAM MO TO Si0.000 eve am for Sole FCR SALEs Caen bds, credit union reoo's. 1970 KINGSWOOD Estate sta. air cond., Mn W9n.. Nita. Sport cpe.. factory air, pwr. bid. $2,400. 1963 FIAT cae., model 850. Min. bid, 50175. Call Real clean. Univac Credit Union for further iniormation $895 weekends. AREA SOUTH OF 45TH SO. SALE. 1 Peerless gas single laver b.zza oven, two 312 ft. by 7 INTERLAKE THRIFT 2 co'n OD. D001 tables. 7 ei el CRUSHERS, tw.ket french river. ail yr. old, AREA NORTH OF 45TH SO. Cone, Jaw and Roll. afto other wed restaurant equip. CALL BALL MILLS: 0,1 collect, Come to .ui.) E. i100 So. S Screen:, Bucking Room. New Odds and Ends TODAY PHONE OR COME S14 C3NVEYORS. All Types. drawer We Call S23 :2 drawer Cie SYSTEMS COAL $23 :Secretarial chair $64 30Automobiles for Solo AIR POLLUTION: is:opie pedestal desit BOWERS Blowers, Bag Houses, Precipita- 1633 6 So. State tors. PARTIAL LIST PHOTO sTuolo will lease black ant, while lab and color lab and studio ition, Fri., on dn hrly basis, Color processor enables ,r byto abut. enlarge UP to 30")(40., you DIMENSION WEST -. Malt "8170rt -375mm single reflex lens Petri - camera cticel. c6nd., attachments 1nci also Westcn light meter, best offer. 2 ALL NEW VIVITAR ELECTRONIC oFF ,SH Ath Floor CAMERA DEN 935 S. Main 35 MM, SLR camera, 700 mm frns Ask for ard ,trobo, $125. Ur. Wncil, 111M1 und DIL lones S3.96 S4.95 218,7834 90Automobiles . NEED MONEY chairs; writer; FOR SALE I 1"17CAPIiERASI CORPORATE LIQUIDATION IbED office eauloment: desk s; to Loan I Irk cranes; .;; ' U rill UL FOR SALE Lincoln Industrial Short.. Arc Welder with cart, 1 yr. old, 17" lathe, old but works $1,700; (mod with motor, S500; Craftsman floor model drill ores s with motor, 5100. Between 6 cm. and I p.m. 3224969, after 6 15.m. t 11 Rubber tired, front wheel dr.. So. 4547 bucket. $5,995- State .. . tor trade real estate, ,, 1, 1214s8 '70 Chu. Malibu, SALE $4,95 $3.95 DOORS to order $9.98 1 Mahal. $14.50 UP 30" Nyberg modling extra DOOM, PLYWOOD 14Eg'. S695 'Itze4,9,11moraftpiy., We Pain estermr. elis sanded ederior, longue end grooved, ',.,,4::,-.:' ,,,,,,,.,,, et I Banana e G. WM Tile board jai 9,te, Mandl end it, ,,,,,.."--- GRANGER 3 LINCOLN CUIDERS - i', I !Pock Wool et Redwood Road 295-3451 1 4 ''..' ''''''''' :i ..,....,. ',,. ,.. .. - ..... .. , ".- .. - ,,,::''' .1 i' 1 - i'..,-- , ..- :',' : ,' - .':, . ...,,,c...t.:....;:;.,?.':...:z...., .,., ,.. ......, ,,, ' ...,..,. 4 , A ; :,i ,t .- .Q,,.. r''''''''''' ' '..'z ; ' ' r.: :;:'' 'i., , '''':' '.....1 , ' ' ,.....',,,,rt:: , 1 ',' L'',7:-- . ,1 i ,:, , '47 ' 4 ',,' , L L,..,,:::!. r'''''''''l ' ,,, ,.: 1 it''''''''';':" '',,, r,.....1;i,' 1,;,....1 ',,,i,.:,-,:,::- - ' '''' ..., 1': ,:i. , fs,3 ', ,e ;,, s,.,.. ' :,,41:,1 .:!::::,:;!:;,;:.;::!:::;',Al:' .3, , 't.:,',;:l i:::::::!..11 trI':1::....Tz.?7 ,....,,,,,,. , ,n,,f A::.;,!:':-...- 4 ...:,............,::; f...:;:??.:,;',,,;,., ''',..,E,,Li aA'" Iii.......1 ;:,.........,:.;,,..r..,,'::!. ,,,...:; ''''..4i.,i;ia'r 1 k,,,.,,, .,.,,, ..' s'";i.'..i...):1 ., LI ,. ''''''...,..: t.,:'!:.....::::',.:.ii -- ' t.4 vu.,t :::::::!'.::::::'.: t;...',..:...:::-.::,..:;', ';;':',.:.5, ,,, ,,,,, 1 t.::?.:;:,i t' ' ,, , i, 4',; ,,''''' - .,, ,, 1.....,,..f., ).,...."!,......:.';'..;i...':1' izi,::','::;.'sii;:gi'il:;:4 l';:.c::.:....;.,!....:1 .f'Y:',f':a ,...!:.) 1 '''.....''...'......:....: ,' .:..,.',..;,...;.4 g',;. f.;.:;:':::?.:;::::!;::;:g..i..::..;4;'.ii::4 :.:............;i ,, ,,'sri::',....r.....:':','kii,i'',!;::::;:':::;';.',:,,t....7''''i-.- ,,,.., .':',' til.':'.'!;:'''.:':';';!1;:.'4, 1, '.4 , i, : g':' t:';;!'''':''''Y tl':'l,',;'i'....:;?,-'l7;;,:-::':.:1:i.:- - .';,:?::;I: ., L '. .' ii.s..?, , i ; P' r!,771 A' ..': k i:,kli '.::1 ,,!...1 1.::"'4 l ..;' ..,. , ::., :....?..........,.. :,''.:,;. ?'.1:;:).::'1 ' .. ,i L.. :,?:',.; ., , .i.. ', .....,.,, ., '?' 1 .1 F e-:- ,' ,,, ' 1. ,,1 ... il, , , I, 4 , .:....'. ,,''' : .,. fi., ... .:,, - '....,., - ' .., ':'.,'ii'''', .,....::;;,..... .,,, Ul ,'!...' ,,,,,.. '''.4,:i.,.,' $.i... ,64,:,,i,i :.0 The Little Car That ...,.,.. DOES EVERYTHING WELL 1 ..... , .. :.:: :. .. ... .. ... At .., .,,", ::,i ,,' 972 PRICES - ............:.......... - ! ,, , ,,ftri 4.; .,.1,1; ''-, ,,,,,:,:,,,;,tt:.::..,,,,:::,1,...:4....i,,,,,:..:,;-.,..:;-:,,..- , - - .,..,:,-,Aw.,- 1 ', ...' ...". - , $1,988 ... ., .,.' -- , .,,i,.. ,.: - -- , ''''.. .4 '' :'-'- 1 ;,, :.:., .,:::,p0,,,,,;.:::,,:i,.1, T.4:,:.-- , ,,,,;0'-'7......,... ... .,'......,.: , ...it.. ,:,,. - !!.0": '.., .:i.,.., J.- - , , w. .. ''. S. :: .,.. :r A ..., . ,ntf. ' ' "-- , .. :.;'-- ' f - 1, I i r .1 ' ( .41g4 4, .k 1 1. (11")...,v,shr ..10 To Cle""e Art ." rpe"rtil) rtlas I r ti alCIT3 la VI w AVAILABLE FOR Immediate Delivery. 1701) dor 1 ,, 0 ;,?, 1 295-552- ,,:!.':.E.,::::,..--,::":::,v:- ' - I MERCURY CAPRI .x..,,,:,.,q,::!:.,::1-:-.- ' i:411,,,L;....,,:::,....4,,t:;,,,,- ,- .... - ' .. I ,,4 ,..!1:,t,;:;;;,0,..,..,:;.,,,:.:,,,,...;:- 1;,::. $2,588 $2,288 $2,188 $1,688 $1,588 $1,683 $2,288 $1,288 $1,688 .; 1 ..... $3,488 - :1 ' .. f- - ......... ,,, .7,04,;,,ii.,:zr.::;;.:,,,,,,,,;,,..,,,..,;.,.....,..-,1--t,-,''''' .....0.,.0.....,:::,.....,,,:,,, .... ...:,:.:,.,?.:.:7.:7.:.'74....7.44,,,i,4::4:30'.::-- i,,,t,,,,-- .s.:4,.:3:, ., $3,788 $3,188 2773 So. Highway 91 Bountiful 1960WoetkitEr..41.. ' r7'"Mt ..,,,.. 1..,... '. on sale! 719c .,...,:-,- -- -- All Salesman Demo's now $2,29 tip '', .i .',',' i ..' .1 .,,:.. $3,588 $295 $250 pisceS GP wood panel. $359. 3itea4s8 ice teak Warm many mom selections listed WtUmlood PwW, k1lev4v4 it We stock armlets Iris pre. ficished molding. All coitus. ....,. .3 l , 1 , - , , ".. ., ; ' .. ail auto and air 10 cm '', .,,,....t .. H.I i... .,, 1 .,, k .',..k. .... i- I 14,..,,,,,,,,,,; ', 1161M '72 Cougars 795 ' ..,,, ,........',,, , $3UN - .. - ';',.:.;:....'..,;.' ;i ,..:,...;;.:;:.;::,. $1,888 low miles r., PANELING SALE 141415 SIKH PANELING 3 $tooes $4.75 per steel Panel 316"x4'x8r - ,, ,, '' ' ;.-.- ., I- ., ' .' , .,, l.' ,,.,'..s...,';:.';?:!:;:';:::':'::.2:.,,"::;':t.::!. $2,988 $4,488 $3,488 $4,588 $3,288 air, save 4-d- Hdtp., clean, '70 Chey. Monti Carlo, air, gleaminggold sta. bus, hard to find '70 Vol ks. Mal air '70 Chey. ibu, '69 Monterey coupe, air, great buy '69 Mustang, good looking '69 Galaxie, convert, see to appreciate, air '69 Cougar, auto., air, hottest car on market clean '69 Vol ks. square back, to see '68 Pont. GTO, air, appreciate FACTORY SECOND DinRS Notice Core and Saud Core Birch ktahog. $1.79 and tip No. '...; (....:0:::E'!,-,,,,,;.T.:- OTHER GREAT BUYS '70 Ford Galaxie, SeIiahi ,,.,. ,,:,; P ' : ; ,, ,, '.. , :. '''' '1Yl'''' 4-d- r., 4-d- r., Asphalt Shingles. $11.65 per so. 15-ltar paper, per roll. $3.75 I .1 ,',, ''''''..l;:'',',;::"'' ' or 4-d- Slight damage. 89c pet sheet EXT. SIDING 414x55TEX 111 SIDING 4x8sate EXT. SIDING ; ' or, low mi air 171 Olds. Cutlass supreme, '71 Cougar, one owner, elegant 171 Mem. Colony Park wgn., full power 171 Mem. Monterey air, save red &white, loaded '71 Merc. Marg. - ,,,,,, '''., 374.9152. SitEETROCK, ... i , L,,,, ,,,,, '70 Landau, coupe, full power, beauty '70 Cont. Mark Ill, Dynamic, spine tingler '70 Pont. Grand Prix, steal this value '69 Cad. Coupe deVille, one owner '68 Lincoln, superior value Dail le, best buy in town '67 Cad., see to believe '61 Lincoln, r., ,:; t - ... '- ''- ' 1 - ,,,,,, ,; ..,' ,.. (:. or, 4-d- r., :, , 4 .7...i..:.............:...,i'....:'.. (..,, '70 Olds. Luxury 98, coupe, air, big savings '70 Lincoln, prestige, step up '72 Capri 2600 sun root, auto. low miles '72 Marg. brom. exquisite, loaded '72 Montego MX, outstanding, air Elamour Brown, beauty '72 Marg. Brom. ,'' I , .. ..-:,,,- I,' l .t. .1 4 ,. 4-do- 72Building Materials - l - '71 Cont. Mark III, incomparable '71 Olds. Toronado, gleaming, hard to find loaded. Outstanding '71 Lincoln TILT deck trailer for tractor, 8400, 3176 So. 5th East, 0-CAT with angle dozer, real good, 33,000. Take a trade. .LAND1NC, MAT, old and rusty, bent. squares, 300, 350 ton. 3644041. 12" ATLAS metal lathe. wood bench with 4 doors. ,'''-,, ..4 g ...; 4 WANTED Small plant Or Dower screening screen only. Call 13824967 Tooele. FUEL TANK. excel. 4.000 oaf. caoacity We have 2 at $450 each. Cal GRADER. tow type, very mod cmcl. We can deliver SLC USED steel pipe sizes Pom 23.1" to or 3C". call 977.HPower-shlf- t, condition. good ' - --- r,,,, ''''.-- ,,,,,.. 'b,i,,,'"'''''''''''' In 2SC:14-7- 4 ; - ::.1 c.' r ,..,,,,,,,,,.., - ' ,,,, ' ' ...,...:.,,,,.... f Buy luxury cars 10TAL air tire changer, used 6 mo. in very good cond. See Darrell at Darrell's Interstate Chevron, 391 No. S CO West Bountiful 292.2621. WOODWORKING MACHINERY. bell sander, shapers, table saw, CO off saws. thicanese planer, etc.. eves. ton l'IV AUSTIN WESTERN, draulic truck crane. Excel. cond.. 299.1381 or ROUGH COTTONWOOD or heavy duty truck and trailer decking. 2624428, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. only. dieFRONT END LOADER, aft. 8 sel, 3, 4 yard bucket, m. a' 24 ea. Cap Sheet Metal Brake. sl75. Pick-usleeper. Fill LINB. ' ''.. ,:k 254.3396. ... r ... The only place to ABANDONED MACHINERY FOR SALE GOODS TRACTOR OFcN FOR BIDS LOCATED AT 1045 SO. MAIN 1100. GAL. tank asphalt spreader, complete unit on a 1,S ton truck, both excel. operating condition. See at 8296 S. 1700W. West Jordan, Utah. 'TRACTOR FOR SALE. Case 530 with front end loader, Heavy duty scraper on back. And wheel welphtS. prom i.,-- ..1 K ' 2554271, ... . '. .' to eves. or la" wanted Ph. write price and description, Rav Somers. 290 West Center, Logan, GRAVEL plant and rock crusher, Pioneer 45VE. Will consider sale, rent, lease, or joint venture or t:',.,'''' ',. 12 Utah. ' ., f . e ,i,,,,,,,.,, .., .. 0 11.1.1'015 AIR COMP. Skid mounted, '65 CSM. must see. Hrs. ft Reconditioned, a, tr. 5 o.m. 4844603, weekdays. after 6 p.m. and weekends, . 'f., : '''''',- - .,.., 1964 Tro Ian Pay loader PLANER.thickness-surfac- , , , 'widow E -- nig; 1 1111 eryt2Orf:,,;) iJ 5650 SOUTH STATE 17 17 Li V ift"Aer,, 6241 P17 PAIVI CF;IIINH 041741,711rby'll LIN 1160U-111" V L4ULlitaj I I I 114, --- -- |