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Show September 1 5, 1 972 DESERET NEWS, Friday, 6A . Vjf-- - ' V, - - r ' !, Soviet, U.S. Talks To Resume Okay Hears On Sharing Bill measure a keystone proposal by President (UPI) -negotiators are putting the final touches today on a compromise which reconciles the Houses revenue sharing bill favorable to urban staves and the Senate bill beneficial to rural states. In all, the WASHINGTON House and Senate Nixon and the favorite legislation of state officials and officials in 38,700 towns, towndisships, cities and counties tributes $.ff) billion over five years on a no strings attached basis. It will help many communities meet looming fiscal crises Only a few mere details need to be ironed outby the conferees before the bill is sent back to both chambers for routine approval. Official1 said the first payments could go out in October. 1 The solution agreed upon Thursday in a day of closed-doo- r bargaining between representatives of each chamDer gives each state 91 per cent of the amount it would get under the version of the bill most favorable to it. Thus if a state would get more under the House formula than the Senate formula, the compromise bill gives it 91 per cent of the House total for 1972 and 100 per cent for the next four years Urban state governors won a big point when the conferees agreed to drop a Senate provision killing off a $2.5 billion program of federal matching funds for state social services programs for needy people In its place, the Senate added $1 billion a year to the revenue sharing pot, but big state governors felt they were still shortchanged Instead, the conferees merely slapped a $2.5 billion limit on how much the federal government will lay out for social services a program whose costs had threatened to skyrocket to $4 bilbon this year and double that amount next year It pays 75 per cent of the cost of a variety of services for disadvantaged people juveniles, the mentally retarded, the blind, deaf, aged, alcoholics, drug addicts, working Continued from First Page RAILROAD labor and consum- busmess, TIES OTHER RAILROAD ers. Retaining Wall:, Garden Steps, Raised Flower Beds, Curbing, Car Stops, Fence Posts, Corrals and Loading Chutes, etc. OR WRIT! in the econom.c direction of McGovern said. America, The policy must be linked to an effort to achieve full employment. all-o- Freeport Center Clearfield. Utah Inc. as the wasteful and highly inflationary Vietnam War comes to an end. And it would take its place in the Sales office and yarn A Freeport Center Bldg. 12, Clearfield, Utah OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 8 A.M. Till 5 P.M. n YOUR SPRING GARDEN HAS JUST Arrived from HOLLAND! Tulips, II jacinths, Daffodils, Crocus, etc. Earl Holland Bulbs will add spring brilliance to your garden. varieties to choose from . . Bird Best Bus . . WESTERN GARDEN Giant RED has EMPEROR Goof-Pro-of TULIP fDutch (Bulbs Many . all pictured United States DIRECTREFLECTING-SPEAKE- DIRECTREFLECTING-SPEAKE- SYSTEM SYSTEM When BOSE Speaks You can hear the difference ioh . . . JBE35E' -- c r UHtoAr.ia.nun, - . JMlIfiW 1? L ) Salt Lake's largest Component, Record A Tape Headquarters 11 EAST BROADWAY irffirturwari urM featuring The Finest In Audio Equipment! PHONE 359-193- 8 fnHBHMHMHMKvl Reg. 10 For 1.49 A HYACINTH COLLECTION Lyi Save on Shirts regularly $5 and up! Sale 8 50 63 3 each of 7 varieties 21 BULBS IN ALL Reg. 9.98. Man-cjeans that are nothing ut FALL ROSE CLEARANCE less than great. Ail Varieties S Choice Penn-Prepolyester or polyesterrayon in solids or fancies. Flare leg. waist sizes 30 to 42. st n container-grow- Men's prints of Reg. $5. plants 2 r. ISo. 1 and lVi fashion Penn-Pre- TJ V '' st polyestercotton col- witn lar. ALL MUST GO AT i you'll Listen! Large Extra Early them! v . . . Vivid Color to see EARLY! THE BOSE 501 R Save 15 on shirts and jeans. Mens specials, too. It sure looks like a Super September. 10 FOR Plant Daffodils 901 THE BOSE 9 Extra NowS the time in full color display. n It would come into effect 6 K RAILROAD MATERIALS, policy as a part of an overall change AVAILABLE (101)773-323- wage-pric- e I am proposing can work only For CALL The fair MAlERIALS ALSO AVAILABLE DELIVERY at Broadway Music! McGOVERN'S PLAN FOR SALE 3M- - Soviet-America- . 3nB5nr is Happening -- mothers and other past, present or potential welfare recipiContinued From First Page ents. Tbe purpose was to help the Soviet Union favorable them get off or stay off weltrade terms in dew of the fare. Because the conferees Russian decree requiring Jews shaded 9 per cent off the to pay exit fees of from $5,000 top figure for every state, to $25,000. some states will end up In 1972 The threats disturbed Senate with less revenue sharing Democratic Mike leader money than either the Senate Mansfield, who said the emoor the House version would tional issue of Soviet treathave provided. ment of Jews should be sepaThus, Wisconsin would have rated from the question of gotten $137 million under the Soviet trade consessions. million bill and $147.1 House Mansfield said he was deunder the Senate bill but with the trend in lighted winds up with only $133.9 milrelations, lion under the compromise for which has seen the Russians 1972. order about $1 billion in grain As $110 million more is from the United States in added to the tota. revenue recent months. sharing pot each year, ihi These are good trends'in equity disappears. the right direction," the Montana Democrat said H said II the United States should consider extending most favored nation trade status to comarsenal along with a shift in munist nations. budget priorities from inflaThe easiest way ia break tionary military spending to down hostilities is through more productive civilian purtrade, Mansfield poses. said. McGovern proposed a reThe view boai d representing labor, announced Thursday thu sale busmess and consumers to of 15 million bushels of wheat marshal public opinion to China. The Soviet Union has against excessive puce and purchased an estimated 400 million bushels of U.S. wheat. wage increases. - -V long-poi- nt Sale prices thru Sunday Vi SOME VARIETIES LIMITED: HURRY Special Purchase V I ORTHO FALL Cl A TT TTTto V M Sale M 5.98. Reg. Men's easy -- tercotton shirts in Large Bulbs KING PLl The Ho't in D.illoili1' Rex. 10 for $ I 49 S LNSF.CTIC1DC ORIENTAL POPPIES kill- - Crabgraas, native to tlr Western Slalea. Control Crdbyro, Poa Annua and uum lawn insects . . , plus feeds and fertilizes. Coverage 2.300 Sq. 5000 Sq. Sale Reg. turf with SUPERIOR COLOR sup..IT, NURSERY STOCK See Our Bargain Bins 1 s Lb. 40 e oxford of smooth and soles'and grained leather, heels. Great looking, sizes 5'2 to 11 Mens two-ton- long-weari- CLOSED SUNDAYS E('0M1 Use your JCPenney Charge Card MANURE . b Bag IwJ $ Salt JCPenney $ k .j 1 GARDEN CENTERS' fc w 2 Big Locations Keg. 4r m m 1 1 Lb. Pkg. Pkg. STEER 1.49 Not at Midvale New Flkmg Kentucky Blue Gross rapidly makes a dense Aborted -O- Men's sport coat of polyester knit that lakes all the wear he gives without a wrinkle. Smart, rich solid colors. Center back, hflndQAmo pockst trsstrpGnt Outstanding value. Super blend Lawn Seed Closeout of TOP GRADE 8 LOO CARPET for 8.00 OFF 82.00 magic $)B& ,o thru Sunday Save 5.95 1 0.95 7.93 14.95 Ft. Ft. Plant now for tdrklinjg Spring Bloom. 10 New chutcr varieties now available, Lare Boots Lg. Sport coat special buy. in st Sale prices Sitecul formula SALE 10 FOB DD Penn-Pre- ' sizes 7 S.M.L.XL. FERTILIZER M'llim hliHim LOT & assorted popular prints. O CRABGRASS CONTROL Giant Daffodils Vs sport ORTHO-GR- ALFRED 10 care polyes Lek, 150 5. 6th !. We know what you're looking for. Downtown Cottonwood Mall Sugar House Gran jer, S0C3 W. 3300 $e, '47 Valley Provo Fair-Grang- er Valley Center-BountifMidvale ul |