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Show ISA DESERET Legal Notices lqsl September 15, 1972 NFvv'S, Fi ia'uy, legal notice of hearing Notices ing ordinance To cons der changing the toning of ell that oroperty al 2uS bourn 8m East Street and 212 Windsor Street R 4 from its present Residential classification to a Commercial Cl1 Solt Lake City, Utah 1 Building public heoflng will be iteld before the Board of City Commissioners on the following proposed change to ine ton ty NOTICE IS HERE9Y GIVEN (hot WMntMc , OctoDor 4. 197? ot !C 30 o m in Room 301 CiN or-Coun on Notices SONY SPECIALS Legal Notices legal Notices legal Notices legal Notices ciosslhcotlon. said property being morf fully jgesc'ibed as follows Commencing ct the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Bloc'? 2. Winheid Sub-- t division, sold point being 125 feer north of the Northwest corner of W or ond 2ist South Streets hence No'th 135 feet thence West 330 feet thence South 135 feet, thence Eost 330 feet to the point of Peg Inning The question of classification of this district will be token up ot this meet Ing ond ail persons iitrested and present will be given on opportunity to be heard either in favor of or against soid proposed change By order of the Boord of Commls si oners of Sait Lout C tv Utah this 5th doy uf September, 1972 HERMAN J HOGENSEN City Recorder First Publication September 13 ing ond a persons Interested ond preNent will be given on opportunity to be heard either in favor of or ooolnsl sold proocsed change ot the Boord ot Ccmmls By er si oners ot Salt Lake City, Utah, ttns 6fti Samsonite - Lost Publication September 1,72 Welcome 96) CASSETTE-CORDE- H Push-Butt- Operation and ONLY Lotkmg Rewind Buttons Sonymatie Recording Control Microphone ond Auxiliary Inputs SONYTC-llO- PORTABLE $5995 ACDC A CASSETTE-BORDE- Locking fast forward and rewind buttons End of tape alarm Built-i- n condenser microphone Built-i- n extended range speaker R $12995 September 15, 1972 Lost publication 32 00 45 00 50 00 5000 45 00 50 00 6000 21 95 2500 3235 Silhouette 14 Totes 3S95 Silhouette 15" Totes 38 95 Silhouette 16 Totes 3295 Silhouette Two Suiter 3695 Horizon 24 Comp . . ' 44 95 Horizon 26 Pull 18 35 95 23 95 27 00 30 00 21 5300 3395 2695 3295 37 50 4550 ASSORTED COLORS NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Thursday, October 5, 1972 at 10 30 om n Room 301 City and County on SONY TC-6- 0 ACDC PERSONAL PORTABLE ... 24 Ladies' Pull . Men s Carry On 21 Men's Companion 24 Mens Companion Men s Two Suiter 15, B Tote Beautiful Molded Airplane Luggage FACTORY SAMPLES & IRREGULARS Building Solt Lake City, Utah o dud Ire henring will be held before the Boord of Cly Commissioners on the following Drooosed change to he ton-in- g ordinance To consider changing the zoning of property from California Avenue on 1700 South Street on the the North South th West side of Cheyenne Street on the Eest ond the boundary line of the Brighton & North Point Irrl Qation Canoi as it intersects to the Soth the Sorolus Canal between the North ond Soutn Boundary from its R 2 present Residential classification to a Residential R 1 classified tion said property being more hilly described os follows Commencing at the Southwest cor ner of Californio Avenue ond Chev mne Street, tnence West along the south line of Caifornia Av- - me 1256 2 feet to Redwood Rood, thence Sooth 10 feet more or less, to the northerly txjnk of the Jut don onq bait Lake Su' thence plus Coe1 Southeasterly along said bank of the Jordon ond Solt Lake Surplus Canal 2400 feet more or less to the West line of Chev enne Street thence North along the West line of Cheyenne Street 2008 feet to th point of beginning T - Question of classification of this district wi be taken uo ot this mee 4 off Rt?rkt SALE 16.23 19.95 22.93 26.93 26.95 32 50 26 00 ....31 00 06 00 36 00 39 00 BeauyCa$e 21"Compan'on 24" rullman 26"Pullmon.. QUALITY FACTORY SAMPLES, IRREGULARS, SLIGHT IMPERFECTIONS, IN NO WAY AFFECT WEAR OR USEFULNESS. Three Suiter i.9J TERMS OR LAY AWAY Rag. Pric. Cl 00 33 00 38 00 24 Compomon. 3 Afache ,5' AToche SALE 32.95 24.95 26.95 Luggage Upper Level SUSA?. HOUSE SONY TAPE SPECIALS --r 0 1 SLH-18- Seg. $5,49 Ii 1 NOW $349 DELUXE ACDC CASSETTE-CORDE- R C-6- features UHF 0 Rtcoroer Reg. $2.29 5 otatet f tv ' IS1 NOW $1 Built in Condenser Microphone Sonymatie Recording Control Record Level Battery Strength Indicator Radio AM and FM Bands S gnal Strength Meter Telescopic FTvi Antenna 49 CF 450 $15995 Plus many morn great saving! T V. - 223 328-962- E. T T STAN DARE 6th S. 1 V 1 f uiio V&TlI-py- l , BLACK Cottonwood Mall 278-462- 9 BLUE PINE SPRUCE Bushy Lush green can Tall Tall $n CHOICE of BLACK A 1 (0)(3 Several varieties low spreading gal. 15"-18- 1 " gal. 18"-24- Low Fast spreader COAT LAYAWAY SALE! pA 1 ML t QUILTED PEA imAT nylon shell DOWN VEST REVERSIBLE 1 Perbdktc RhTU CIHCC 1 gal. 12"-15- te 7.95 PEACH TREE 15" tall Fast growing, bushy Lemon Elberta can Welt established leaf Choice That stalk flavor sweet-lemo- n e color " Reg. AIR SiSver-blu- g tall blue-whi- tall " $398 can 4-- can waxy-gree- n can 12"-15- $198 tall EUONYMUS JUNIPER busily t. Reg. Upright JUNIPER E BAMBOO VINE can Reg. 2.49 Reg. 1 .98 SAN JOSE NAVY-STYL- WISTERIA 6-f- " Reg. 12.98 real steal C0T9NEASTER world s finest or WHITE Oft SJ Reg. 10.95 v CONVERSE Gym Shoes Bs5 can 7-g- 1.98. Reg. 1.98 Pfitzer Juniper A FORCE PARKA real buy BLAST WEEDS WITH PELLETED WEEDS INCLUDING DANDELIONS PLANTAIN CHICKWEED LAWN SIMULTANEOUSLY. 11 KEY ELEMENTS. 2-ir- MORGRO j-i WEED & FEED CRABGRASS COMPLETE FERTILIZER 1 . & SPURGE KILLER - Kills dandelions and all Pe'lcted broadleaf weeds. Feeds Lawn. 20-lb- BAG 20-L- TREATS bag treats 9 5,000 Sq Ft Kills 2,500-SQ.F- annual weed seeds, in eluding & Reg. SPURGE, CHICK WEED CRABGRASS Feeds all essential elements to your lawn in one easy application Contains wonder herbicide DAC- - 7.95 THAI 2Mb. I I nag UWSH Reg. 9.95 IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS NOW ARRIVING DAILY! lu.si,cn DAFFODILS TULIPS & HYACINTHS 5SSK. HAR5T GARDEN muma & CUSHION MUMS I if In Ssoutiful fall Bloom 8:00 A.M. to 7:CO P.ltl. m CLOSED SUNDAYS 0 Reg. 1.95 T FJ " OPEA WEEKDAYS rptV EA. n?FrtdTUT mvujjju TDTT 13, 1972 COLORS AND MODF'S SILHOUETTE and HORilON DISCONTINUED SHERBROOKE ladies Petite ladies' 0 Nite 1972 lidnk (lards Seotember Dub'lcatlon First doy ot Seotember, 1972 HERMAN J HOGENSEN City PecOfdet FACTORY CLOSEOUTS LUGGAGE AIRPLANE least Notices TTMTD ,n TT ir xuvuimAiiL 2008 EAST 20TI1 SOLTIi |