Show good nature like a bee collects honey from every herb ill III nature like a spider sucks poison polson from the sweetest flowers A kik RIK V P 1 U au L I 1 kr E pa J and uge tte the usual purgatives Purga tives toven IS PLEASANT TO talus walus and arill it prove prore pi ore ove at once the most potent and harmess less leas ste stem has bs yet yel been brought brotis ht to public notice for onsol roat loll 1011 bilio Billo ulue lilen and ott att arom from ah obstructed state t I 1 benj it is is incomparably the beet cura cuva we tin e ct C t FRUIT LAXATIVE IVE i ord old sold by druggists at 60 0 cent cents a box or mailed muied on recel receipt of pi ice tee in curre nev ner nr or stamps by the lor tor descriptive ite bok cok free addre J E ilg YORK or SAN SAIT FRANCISCO francasco F ea PT desir SIr letric lal lel I 1 BELT I 1 S d fiands and appliances the only genuine pennine can be tro Fro procured procured cured from tle the tie PUI pul GALVANIC C CO cincinnati 0 kew now york N T ot san ssan francico Fran Franc iwo clico cat st b nd lid V to i the nearest you for free pam ram pamphlet and the electric renew review containing full ruti p bartic fsr lar far iada izea skee avoid mid nid bogus concerns espe natzy natty thine who pak fqy toua ta gend w m eted etri Kiei dru iru trw zwi etc on an enra grof dowel BOWEL complaints A speedy nod anil effectual en curo cure lerry PERRY DAVIS DA VIS painkiller PAIN KILLER has ilas stood the test lest ot of romy FOUTY tears TEAKS trial f ictus anth each battie battle SOLD cy BY ALL aln D it U 0 G I 1 0 o CAL eteter 0 lo 10 il WANTED yeara veard g ulu luu T conee cotee fa yo d dr biet fia ria igi iii as fic fir by PI t to fi milio r reit rest sst fit oolf i thi I 1 TEA COH cob S NOTICE r HAVY 11 IN 1 yiv ay iy PorS possession SESSION f one red and white spotted OX 03 yn Jn eback star on forehead white under belly crop off right cart cars ear upper and in left hrand brand on left hip resembling J in circle and same bame on left shoulder about eight years old one red and white OX part lineback ll white spot amt on forehead the shape of a heart four white to feet white under belly heliy large white spot on the back bade between the hip bones and runs down on the right side very near the i biti rite flank a square e crop oft off the right ear and under bit and MIlt slit silt in the same branded 1 7 with cros cro s on the left hip and on left horn him re resembling D H 5 about seven years vears old dewlap one red and white speckled STEER red ears crop and two slits in right ear car and under half cropf crop in left branded with cross on left side about five years rears old one brown STEER square crop off right ane crop and notch out of the end and under bit in the left ear branded WH joined on the left mp hip and 01 in two places on the left side also ID on the right hip and andt T on the left jaw JA about five or six years old one red and white whito STEER large white spot on forehead two large white places on the right side white spots on the legs crop and two slits in the right ear and under half crop off olf the left brand on the left side resembling a cross about four or five years old ein one light t red COW square crop off omm both ears and d slit silt li t in the right branded S 8 B on the left tb thigh agh and two other large brands on the same fame side illegible about six years old ono one light red or yellow COW faced speckle dym back and under or 10 years old markelwith mark marked edwith with swallow fork in right ear car blotch brand on right shoulder and figure 7 on left side which it not claimed damages paid and taken away within ten days from date dat elwill will bo be sold at public auction on friday august 2 27 79 1880 at 1 nm to the highest responsive bidder at the district pound of glenwood NII nil NIELS IS hatteson irm E lim D district glenwood enwood Gt sevier setter be vier county aug 16 IM ea PITTS fann nies i y who are now n looking around round them to see where ahei a they can get the beat best goods and a fo or the least ast money we invite them to look in at J ril rii wagon I 1 nd rad ssu will nud flod the too above celebrated harvesting H n g blach I 1 nes neg which are so well wen know t and known to be the most durable in re kac I 1 also abo keep a uil uli ull line une of osver plows ease Case castiday iday atud stud nd gane gang brow plow K 1 I allne le klion L 1 0 arx triumph grain drill and beeder seeder 11 bijur 11 orrow W reed cutters jete boog a 3 Cutter and sash SZ sh V wacon MATERIAL AND HARDWOOD LUMBER etes ME asdot MOW ottola OT TOTa 7 au best pest and cheapest abea chea peat boofing material anat Arat crial erial med wed i wab lab vay HOWARD sebee sebre wt bait raice raire enty K I 1 R ABSOLUTE fam bol PURITY iteal A recognized dard nt AL Q I 1 I 1 MARKETS of this AN A N AS mb A STANDARD 0 OF excellence P S u ja tj mi L riler ri FH M F HEIGHT 9 iri lri wago WA 9 0 R L m sprira vlies lif and a 4 mm 0 A full stock of the latest improved til ahing eau MaU hilles 00 p t tk PA AND norse horse y vy powers 0 haines illinois headers He Eiders buckeye reapers readers and mowers lowers tV dederick perpetual hay presses foust hay lead leaders ers A a abc gec OYA O YA oy c 0 aps C 09 0 DEOT V F 0 OK ej sc 9 fou baibos stool forca wa I 1 0 cooper co saw maw mills K howlee steam ruih pumping ping machinery ames alens portable steam engines leffeu turbine wheels COMPLETE assortment ON HD BAND 0 S ME correspondence SOLICITED lil TO 1 0 t A LOWE lowey ianna baij sait lako laen I 1 city olty I 1 ana i ogden ogdon ath V |