Show 3 X 0 ad in the ward of city august 12 1877 MARY MAKY ELIZABETH daughter of isaac and mary wary bowman funeral took place today to day at 13 m in a the mardof ward ot i city august 13 of or general debility HARDING RICH HIGH rig A kus relied relief of john J richards bic Kic hards aged axed 51 years yeam deceased was wab as a madve of Fu augland gland giand and came to this territory in november 1872 irom from plymouth 1 deceased was a true latter day saint and decd lo 10 i he the full faith odthe ot the gospel at Tico reby Glamorgan shire south wales july aged 3 months and 10 da das davs vs hyrum eon ot of david and mary morgan at dysart nvsart F Fife shire sontlind seat Sent c lind july ath by accident while sinkin sinking Wa a coal coal pit shat chat t J min WIN B birtil millennial atar war july 23 21 in the loth ward of this thir elev august 8 of 01 cholera LE CLAIRE son con ot of the late J P bielk melk and susan H meik mefir aged 9 months and I 1 ll 51 days |