Show jf TELE 3 TT 4 A iky k T it ateer ant INT acer ater sosas 11 hiu hinton hin ton the secretary of war crali who dow now in maryland tood tord ome to tp Le eh ington hington he will b deap 6 appoint poat the commissioner from the army fisit sitting bull if he will ac f f ituk ar i A TA llan ilan iian ii WA a wo an gudzi kaha U IU 3 U the th C kedonian hall to concert e 3 agures ig ai airty arty through which the working en of luuke gaeir elective nelt felt nearly all ie e trades y were ere ure ube uhe khe meeting ayas private pr liate ua all ail reporters e rs were e excluded c u e d after the meeting it ii was announced that thet the fol foi ol lowing owing preamble and resolutions resol unions had been adopt adopted id whereas the lamentable slate of existing in this country having been brought about oy by undue power poker granted gran teu tea lawa laws capital by partial legislation in ii itaf P favor stive laws through which associated ested are r d de priced of wail jall rih rib tto regulate their own ali all allkins adla afla kirs irdi irti 6 dead antl ead tay y the total alienation of government and i natives in legislatures legisla tures turea and con congress grens grees from the people who han trusted with and ir protection zee and whereas ereah all ail efforts having haying here failed whick have havo had for their uie ule 61 classes glasses asses owing to the manifold divisions in the lid iid keas heas i 4 lein oin 0 of tj the ae C country and the pauperizing pauper izing of its labor must be the legislation ifil legi on the part of outlaw our law Be solved ra re ammend the organization 11 ingmen political purposes to be called the protective libor nabor par rr haying having if or lt object wa firs tirs t be matull e c tiati of labor Y gec EEC V W 3 direct representation of w working 0 aking classes iu id mu and state ie legislatures and J the fe repe pear alor alof c ait alt ira oppressive jw jaws g against labor aag ar th tabb merit ero oro bro 6 ebion of fl labor abor the pep she ghe ade w cons erya atte alve alTe erchil character c front the Tor lork lorb kingmen ingmen s party of the united states elates was offered to tho the th meriting ine lne eting int but tabled una unanimously ial lai 1 y tue the a c committee 0 1 mi t t ea coff po ota oia ikid fro afi eme tun e trades n s draft plans of organ nhon ahon two Si fei etin I 1 cd column tTo p 11 in att allu ay bori worl or iii gmell mass meeting tonight to night erp adopted bog tog abo th 0 copt can 4 duill j uon it appoint edan executive committee to take steps towards maling irate s tate and county conven dioris to minate nominate no afuli Yr borg meals tigh ticket et BOSTON jl has fias been lul tha chapt pat vat week the market quiet and add prices easier sales of or 14 ibs lbs of low and choice range from 44 41 9 47 01 no ol 16 xa ard and above 50 inq only transaction in western is ii the saie eale of 1000 lbs 42 tho who ealr nair r tion lion for michigan and wisconsin 42 44 for fon glod average and lots lota terri territory tory vory is earr from 28 35 salea sales of combed and delaine lb ibs lbs 50 3 J edquist ed quiet afes lates L t of good iid ild lid nd choice supers and X sold at ac quiet sales sates principally in the range of 24 3 32 31 sales of fall lbs ibs ib at aliz 17 19 PI H HELENA r L EX A mont merit 12 A courier from froin geu gen gibbons arrive arrived tl at deer lodge mont at p in today to day wit yit with h dates to the nth lith gibbons Gib bonn train aud camp was nut captured as at first firt le ie ported there tas tag no fighting after th 4 first days daya battle on the gib gih gi gib b boals bous loses losses lare larb killed hilled capt logan blieu lare late B bradley r adley and Bostwick And seven hven te teen en men and five nive citizen claiz A 0 01 the voun wounded Toun ded are gen glen gibb gibbon ri capt illiams williams and lietta Coo lodio f woodruff the datter jatter r seriously beslaer thirty jhc aiom rufen en ind four citizens the indians luffler offered ed severely as forty dead indiana counted counte d orm orr about one odeh abil a atle fielo L ow ard had arrived and would ld pursue the Indi indians atis soon scon f as ivi hla hia hi eom com brind arlind arrived G nove hove 0 to o deer lodge to take tako hla hia sounded founded to eort port shaw as scon aa as ion lon ar lived tho rii hau disappear a igei edlu in which direction 18 ls 13 18 not ot arned v 9 JB S w 0 following is the report of the indian fight montana t y 7 4 k e S r fleit G a tnt iff 1 l chicago lils liis ills 1118 A dispatch just received from general gibbon dated big hole pass august 9 is as follows surprised the kez nez perces camp here his hia this morning got possession out olt a both sides captain log logan glogau an aab lieutenant bradley are killed myself captain william nud and a aud tid rid IV 00 af fl and I 1 english elsh are woude doudt woudt d the last lash 41 ned A H tem R Y brig bri gen geu london special says sass sa s itis lyia asserted 1 by the english bub rub a cr of the emperors th of the ottoman empires was agreed upon russia ji ja to take Arme Arm tila euia austria is to have besnia bosnia and Herze gov in ia greece greebe to have spirus The thessaly isaly e and nd crete and bulgaria is to be governed by a german prince aa pp ap abart apart rt of ofilia this agreement itis ith said sald that the kussian buggi an army is to B be a allowed to pass passi through ri ervia elvia the yacht pamlico wa was overturned in a squall on the lake this afternoon after and suck before aslet te uld be reffale rendered red four flieg live wele eio elo iba lost names not yet known pa pay 12 on satur day carbondale was into a wild excitement about miners millers compelled the to abandon their posts the fires were ere drawn and ib ho i mines nines are being flooded the crowde also visited the yard of the delaware wre bud nud and hudson ca canal al company y arm ad detained a train loaded with wit h coal the erie colliery was visited aad the e BUFFALO ag kg 12 duding During sunday sch ooin 1 l in the swedish lutheran church ht t jamestown light lightning nig nir I 1 struck the building killing one and pro stran strad ilg ild the ligha ning also aiso 04 flie bu but t the fire department of this city saved the village bk E 1 IS 2 an at nt tempt dayt wreck the P L asp ssp n g e ra qaid vali at packer conr some seme one unlocked and turn elt euah eit haViv 0 twitch itch but the en engineer ineer SAW t v e dpn daar in lime time jo check the op speed ed of the thain aa a nd alt ait housh boush I 1 h every car but one ran off the track ilone none ot of the passengers were in lured NY cadet N r or i 4 of it the thirkil third cl class iss vest veat po point t military academy was di bathing in the hud rud sali choh oh th the e body ignot is not at jet found I 1 TT y Y 13 10 0 darwin W f alterman aman the tho ib t id ir iWane ri County bas hns has faili falli failed d liabilities 1 bio blo Qa assets nd fily kno kuo wn r J NaTON q 13 vm ag mu mud e proprietor of the valid Malid national nat nal be aub ya ean can was co hl dett deit 1 this morning orning ra in m dibut of his donnee by jaa joil joll L wh wheatley eatley of 41 kentucky Ken tucky tacky on account of aa article which upp appeared eared ia in that paper reflecting ting jytte ch aeter ar alsan ilsan 13 the T follow was waa received at the M military J head bead headquarter quarter fh this city etty t te 14 i oin jofs I 1 4 r columbia jl in gib bons valley vailey of 1 the big hole holm I 1 JM T aug 11 to Adjutant nl General genrl military aty ary department part ment of tae the pacific san sart francisco tre iee JEe ached general gibbon at id 6 crock am today to day ho hd assailed the radians at daylight of the othi inflicting great losses upon them hi own casida casual ea officers fifty men arld and ten gen gibbon 13 s sounded bounded bat but not mlis flis P noi not cut kofl dwa ria reported gibbon eoin coin command is iu in erbest tb the best of spirits the last of the indians left last night rhall con cou continue tin tie the tho the tho ess boon edon as my command coues comes up howa ho wa nd 0 briggen copa columbia |