Show local and other lf matters fatter FROM THURSDAYS DAILY dally APRIL 12 visitors visitors from abr abroad oad are becoming quite numerous nume numerous rog rou this early in the season he me appointed it will be seen by the cW dispatches today to day that asso clate justice ustice boreman has been re appointed by president hayes on a mih Mig mission sion slon E elder ider john cook of mill creek now nov oil on a nis DIs mission slon blon desires the publication publication of his bis address forthe for the benefit of his his bis friends it is olal obi Town Trumbull coun county ty ohio from a letter from him we learn that elder john masters will arrive here hero shortly from that part of the tho county counti with a number of families emigrating from there elder cook feels encouraged in his labors in the ministry very transparent it is very amusing to notice ahe the he wiggling and twisting of bf some people in trying to geb gel out of a scrape when th they ey fallin fall into toone one it is equally BO to observe how common an occurrence it if is 3 to lay the blamo blame on the mor mons 1 that subterfuge however is altogether too ailsy flim syl syi but then theu the mormons cormons Mor mons have got used to it and dont mind it so muchas much as m most ost people wonder if there Is anything the mormons cormons Mor mons J it done musical bouquet 11 we have received from front the publishers paynes daynes abon number two of this m are musical periodical pot the contents sweet little posies syl sll words by C VV Bt StE stayner tyner ayner music by jos joer J daynes dayes A song gong of Pra praise isell w words 1 by george manwaring musie by E beesley freedom waltz by prof C J thomas a hymn tune un on the Mouri mountain tain tops appearing by A 0 smyth hand and the usual quota of catechism of harmony and thorough bass I 1 A matter of importance it is a matter of the greatest importance that people owning land and situated inside the corporate limits of any of the towns or cities but outside the townsite lines should make no delay in lif complying with the requirements quire menis ments of the recent townsite act 21 the law referred to requires that thel he land thus situated between the corporation and townsite lines shall be home steadied or preempted pre empted the bame same af ag land lying outside of the limits of city corporations early and arid prompt compliance with the law to secure titles to those lands by the legitimate settlers must be apparent in vew view of the presence in the territory of sundry unscrupulous characters who stand eagerly ready to gumpl the property of lof bona fide settlers at every available opportunity there are unconscionable journalists too who are aro always ready to champion the cause of such villainous robber berles I 1 for they can be looked upon in no other light we trust that the people will not fail to take the advice here in ter tei tendered 1 for if they do not they may have cause to deeply regret their negligence 1 1 an interesting relic A let iet letter ietter ter written at toledo ohio by N V jones states slates that he had in his travels procured a very interesting eting cejic in the shape of AH an old german bible published A D 1536 said sald to be one of martin lu lau thera old publications the age the book is years size about li ii 11 by 15 inches and sand 4 inches thick thic k it was bound in the year 1745 the lids are half inch boards covered with calfskin binding brass corners if it iwas was printed irom lyom wooden type the pr print nt is large largo a rg and 2 d clear I 1 it t contains i all nil that 1 is s i in uth nth the present english bible nible le also aiso tho the apocrypha and is in an excellent ame of preservation it little from the king james translation an instance of this kird kind islin iain matthew iv chapter verses not numbered it shows that jacob jocob the son of zebedee was called by jesus to the apostleship instead of james the son of zebedee 1 again litke jj uke vi chapter our ED english 9 lish bible reads judas the brother of james the ge german aman bible reads JO judas das jacobs s on the epistle claimed in the eni Efi english glish bible to be written by try james jamea is 11 here ere recorded as the tho epistle oJ of jacob elder jones accompanied by byet elder Be nuion nulon proceeded some bome time since from illinois Illi nois nuis to tb ohio via indianapolis diana dlana di polls and they have held several meetings in the neighborhood of toledo they also ano blent a short time lime in canada lir clr I 1 lined fined today to day a man who halis halls frae the lang toon al 0 kirkaldy i was fined la 10 loby laby by justice for or taking too much ardent spirits and creating pl a disturbance FROM THURSDAYS APRIL 13 12 0 bua sua sugarhouse BUO rAB house SOUSE WARD to the editor of the will you please correct through your columns the mistake about edward a and 11 d job hein Hern hemsley sley who were called as mie ai at the late conference they do not reside at mill creek as stated but in sugar house ward and oblige oblige E EDWARD edvard at Ss JOB jon HEMSLEY HF departed it will wili be observed by abitu obituary axy ary notice in an another other othen column that the son of brother william naylor mentioned in the NEWS recently as having received all ali an internal injury while at play with some othet ads jumping died last night after protracted illness he was a fine promising lad his parents have the sympathy of many miny friends in ift their bereavement rea demise we regret to mohave faveto ha veto to announce ahat that elder levi WJ biter of the oth ward breathed his last about twelve today to day it was erroneously stated that the gentleman died the day before yesterday the report having arisen from the tha fact that he was then low and ally sinking elder biter had been a member of the church for many years and was as generally res les T peeled he was during the whole of his career A bard hard working and industrious man the bereaved family have iho ahe sym gym sympathy pathy of a wide the escape 11 allai Cill Whit whitehead chedd cheAd who escaped from the county prison last night ha bd not yet been biben cap eap captured hired it Is almost certa certain in that the shot fired by rapp the assistant jailor took to ok edn end act upon his person his course murse 0 after beav leaving dg the court house building having been tracked today to day over several lots by blood marks the lee brot brothers hers herd took a coupie couple of shotguns from the he court cot house hoube and when mr newton approached them near the old oid tannery with his pistol raised and dud pointed td at them abne one of them snapped duo due neof of the ga achim several times but bui he happened happe lied ried to know that neither of the pieces were io loaded mr dobs dobson 04 who had heard the noise rush rushed ed i to the spot spot pistol in hand and wa wap e about to nire fire when he li stumbled and fell the lee brothers talk of the anair affair tod today to d day sly ily as da an excellent joke escape erom jail there was an cc escape cape of prisoners from tho tha county jail last evening shortly after even seven f the jailor john newton entered the cell in which inmates are kept in the day time in order according to custom to remove them to their night quarters the elder of off the two lee brothers seized him an and d told him that if he be made an outcry he lie would be killed the two Lees hiram astell atias alias as whitehead and H gaines t then enticed tied the jailors jailers jai jal lors hands behind him with a of cloth cioth shutting the door of the cell they proceeded along the pa passage way and up the stairs toward the outer door keeping the jailor in front of them as a protection or cover from the fire of joseph rupp bupp assist assistant int ant jailor who was posted at the head of the stairs armed with a d double barrelled barrel barrei led sho shot shotgun t gun ton toa dodged and rupp fired tip liw betit lip tit is supposed without effect thi the prisoners then sprang upon rupp bupp the remaining charge of whose guu gun gun was fired upwards into the caviling eel cel ling struck him film a blow upon the arm with a weapon composed oa ofa heay heavy lock jock wrenched from rpm the cull cell door slung in a towel towel they pushed him into th the 0 stairway seized a couple of shotguns and escaped from the buil bull building ipg excepting gaines who as 1 as soon as biscom his companions were gone returned voluntarily unta rily to the jail subsequently asserting that he was forced te take part in the escape under threats from the others rhode blared they would kilt kiu him if lie he did not 1 mr newton proceeded to tle tie tie cook house where a person cut the b and eldh confined his aris wrists ts Pur pursuit sut wes WEA was then thon made after flie the fugitives which vas nas gas yas joined in iff by try mr thomas dubson night watchman ana arid the lee jlee brothers bro theis were caught and safely badely returned to their old oid quarters whitehead however succeeded in ift eluding capture for the time being U ign ian 1 I u is i t 0 o t sty say att silk dress the silk dress drees the desire de lre ire of the heart of every woman isnow now made in utah bishop D I 1 W hardy yesterday brought into this office a fourteen yard pattern of light blate slate colored shot bilics silk which was woven in nancy kancy A chuk dark of that place raised the worms thatis pun theslie th the eslik silk and sho reeled and twisted it the dress can bo be bean seen been antho in the tho tithing oillie this vvo vve we understand is tho the first silk dress dreas spun and woven in utah and of native silk from the southern states el dpn den J C harp ernd F chay luay D haymore botn botu of payson returned re t arned today from a mission to the southern states the formen former labored in tennessee i va virginia 1 rg ini a and N north zoeth carolina and the latter iatter in the two states last iia lia named medIn n the missionary a ry district presided over by elder AG A G boyle we have heard good reports concerning the energy and industry e exhibited b by y those in their labors they wiro were accompanied bopae ya few families from the southern states tiey tiey proceeded south to paydon this afternoon L elders harper andl andi and haymore mere mero absent co tannery the mass meeting bleid in the oat old oid tabernacle b erna er clos last night for the purpose 0 of 61 advancing the progress keds kegs of arrangements range I 1 ments tor ar for the the tho establishment of a aco operative cooperative co tannery vens tens Mt attended ended bishop K R 17 T burton was elected chair chairman man and isaac brockbank secretary organization as reported from a previous meeting of delegates from the several wards wara hag wag was sustained ians it has already been published in the but wo 0 give iu lu the order in hi which the names were w ere ero placed before the meeting awl accepted d president delit derit Fer Feri morz amora little vice preside nt it 11 T burton directors s william jennings john sharp john IL R winder L W hardy WI philip samuel muel muei A woolley hrank frank armstrong harrlson harilson on perry johp john henry smith secretary isaae isaac brockbank Trea lewis B S hills HM 1 A draft P f the articles of asso ci atlon clation ids was read tead and accepted and the directors were authorized to perfect the same and the bylaws and have them printed for distribution instead of tho the th shares s h adreq being bi eing einz 1 nixed fixed at 10 each as heretofore stated they are as set forth in the altic articles of association placed at 5 all ali the stock taken to be paid up thus obviating the necessity of levying future assessments the reasons for adopting this rule were clearly set forth by bishop john shar sharp in bi a 91 few timely and alid pointed remarks on the subject brief addresses were also delivered by jennings Jennin ss and little and also by the chairman of the meeting the proceedings were chala chaia characterized efer by the most perfect unanimity of sentiment and the feeling that predominated was not only unanimous as to the necessity of establishing an an enterprise of or the kind under consideration which must be parent to the most obtuse I 1 but also aa as to the ultimate success 0 of the un derth kin hIn g the elements or mai te terl teri rials als ais with but few exceptions for the purposes of the branch of manu facture contemplated are here in abundance and the gentlemen who from the present organization are nearly all men of experience bustness business tact energy and efterp enterprise enter prize calab capable b of carrying the matter tor for ward war ato to a successful issue tha the chairman intimated that the bishops and their counsellors coun of the several wards of the city would be expected d in ift the meantime to 1 act as committees to tb obtain the of all wb who 0 purposed 1 ing stock and the number of shares each person proposes to take th that at a clear and definite report may li be e 11 rendered whenever necessary ho he also explained that etwas it was desirable as far as hs could be that the people generally should interested in iti the enterprise by taking mck stock jn an it the meeting ing lag adjourned sma ih di di subject to the call calf of the dire directors 11 I 1 district court friday april I 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 sa d 11 D B R firm firman eirman ari assil assignee k of BY Anderson Anderso nw vs isaac bateman etol etal thea ury return into court and pra pre sent to the court a sealed verdi verdict bt signed by eleven of their number 41 mr ritter kitter hava having been excuse dby consent bf counsel for botha parties verdict we the tho lurg lurk aay uit 10 inthe hoove above entitled ease case find or for jhb he 0 ul f C it ita 6 i li eil lit raj ri 3 adi edi edi edl 1 plaintiff in the sum of one thousand anve livek hundred dollars signed by eleven jurors C C whitehead foreman twenty days given defendants in which to allo and sere notice 6 and motion proceedings stayed in the pae meantime antime wm JV rowe bowe w kel kem E Y skeen et al pt this cause came on for hearing on motion of hoge and jonassen and dillay Dille yand and burmester attorneys no 11 for 1 0 defendants to td dissolve in i junction an C t i ou argued by respective coain counsel and the court being fully ad tied vied overruled the motion woods wooda and gee withdraw as attorneys or Alxander tarbet the tho following firm cases were continued jones au and d hogler vs john seh sch fachnie der george A isackson jackson vs PM P M durell dubell edward edwardd Edw ardT D wassell vs great grent western iron company enoy enoa A vail vali vall wall et aa a vs john W johnson joh Job oscar oscan lu ludwig cawi g et 4 al at vs jacob T gove on motion of frank tilford Ti lford iford esq jerand and after a few remarks from the be same gentleman it was ordered that the resolutions ofton dolence relating to the late ate deceased hamilton gamble adoli adopted ted by the bar of sa salt sait ft lake be spread upon the minutes of the court mary admire vs robert T burton jury trial the kho people gecy becy vs david phillips indicted for murder this cause set for may ath 1877 provided witnesses fon for the people can be obtained the people ac c vs john aie ays A nei net son this cause to be taken up for trial on monday april 1877 th the a people a vs wo ush a an and d hu hung ng lee tee indicted for manufacturing fac turing and selling tobacco with put paying special cial clai tax noll entered an ter as to hung lee with draws plea of not guilty and enters plea of guilty the tha jury find a IL verdict accordingly and the prisoner is sentenced to pay the tax due the of suit and a fine of 25 in def default puit ault he as is to be imprisoned fbi for one year in the penitentiary Z the 0 people ac w va wha hing and ah tong similar sini flar indictment to the last named above |