Show local and other matters 1 IJ mam FROM TUESDAYS DAILY dally APRIL 10 T marchy Marc llyl o lc wind bas has ha been keen been and ake ke j aB fi harp barp Ih larch march wind today to day J not irot a bishop B many I 1 a nuy uny fik of the newspapers news abre eder to Jib jub juh jibed hD lee as tiie the Is M mormon bis bishoff holf mr lee never naver was a bishop whip stealing lings today to day aberson giving of harvey green was waa fined k for stealing seven i whip the property of mr gustavson i the e har bar harness lites maken maker i i th eft last young mah man entered a store on first south bouth street tota toti to transact pame matter of business ss leaving hia his horse on the tha atie atte street et in of the door on coming 9 out E that durl dun in nghia 6 orlef r a absences absen ausen sen seu cey cei e some pei pel person leorr hat halt hail re mel rei lii eyed eted d his bis animal anim al vf ut the saddle saddie anu aria blanket kitaif ardd arid can cab teu tea them ih b off ff j t Ee lease and Dd departure eider elder ja jabez ez NV y taylor in n consequence of continued ill beaith health has been released to return home horpe and eller ellor john has also aiso been released tp travel with broth er bertny taylor lor abid anu ana see to him dri on tit iii we e way both b athren leat left on the 8 B nevada I 1 march arth millennial star mar 19 accidental shooting on sunday ay noah oh williams of Wil wll villard tard ata was tailing ing a walk in fri the canon near willard city mis U is pistol hung loosely ly in iii his be belt beit which was gas was buckek buckled around hla hia waist coming to A a sf dream ham bam gr Q wa tir williams stooped dowa down drink the weapon slipped d hrom from roin the bet a and rd yr asdis i p charged tild bau 11 enfred entered hig als ais ibn a i sempre 1160 flech wound but did not wot bre break vit vik any 1061 i Q den J apra 9 1 I 1 district londa londay 5 april ath afternoon fa J X hirtl firtl vs H B caw sin san et etar etal al at continued 0 n aed jbf tb the 6 team uy cons nf j J I P J hirth 11 1 al ta john dark 1 bi elt eit 64 isacie 1 1 I 1 i was admitted to 0 inthe in the matte dd alite of jacob engler bankrupt pa I 1 referred to E ET T sprague Bp Z 1 D ra B Fir firman maii mari ni signee vf 1 I 0 edity etal jury trial in pro cre thi morning april loth the thild time of the court vas was occupied with the he contend continuation a t an i 0 of f ther jury erfal the cause lat named temporary organ organization i bation the delegates elected by the people of the several bishops wards wands throughout the city to confer on the sub eject of establishing i a cooperative co operative tann tannery e ry met meta at the council house bouse i last night according to L p po int ing i ment bishop john sh sharp arp was gas elected chairman and d temporary ary organization on was effe effect c t ed eg President Feramorz little vice TB thuron T burton uron siere fiere tary 1 I 1 sa brock bank treasurer lewis 9 uil ull hij directors L W V hardej villiam jennings john sharp phillip Pug pley johna johns henry smith john E R vinder Y frank rank armstrong harrison sperry aill alil and rp samuel amuel A aa woolley and finetto day A orsberg forsberg ors berg charged with com mitti dk sundry robberies and thefts was taken liken before justice for por robb robbing dk mr albert dewey of property ro u t 1 heretofore described 1 he be wa cam bitted to jail in debault default of 0 finding b bail ball allta 6 the amount of to a await awalt alt ait the action of bf the graba jury joy fr stealing the gold watch of 01 mrs airs carver valued top the d decision casion was wat the same fon for stealing mrs elletha El lotha pen opera 0 glass 9 lass lasa he was ninen 50 vp r stealing a cowper jet unknown he wi was is fined the accused sed ged pleaded pleaded guilty of all the eji eli charge arges 1 I A patience we have on hand a large amoline amount of correspond corre spon thence from grom parts most of awelch we ahall s all ali endeavor to publish as fast as we can but our dally daily s pace space is limited the robber roller caught theman the man who committed the robbery at the house of mr albert dewey yester jester day morning was caught this morning mornin yby by fleer of john Y smith on east temple street he gives the name of A forsberg is a resident of and only cam came e to thio this country a about outa a year ago there on him belonging 4 to mr dewey 72 in gold 15 in greenbacks green backs a small bar of silver of the value of about 43 43 3 and a mexican dollar being all the money stolen except excepting ing inK about 12 on being pressed tell where tb the e boxrud box and pa papers ers era were vere he be conducted to the carriage house houpe af pf of drand erbon erson where be bid haq had secreted tid efiem hem the bai bo x thus re recovered 6 0 v ered eleu copat ned 50 in county Count yand territorial scrip and a number arvery of very veny valuable papers besides the property above enumerated me rated as d belonging g I 1 lo 10 0 nin sir dewey th there e re were ere bre found nhim agold a gold kold watch belonging to mrs carver aln ain and d an opera glass the property ty ot 0 amri ells eils both of which articles had been stolen from the owners within the last few daysi days indicating that formberg has been on a systematic plundering plunder I 1 lne ine tour since bib bis arrival in town about a coupie couple of weeks since bince gln gin ce he ile ia is iwar d dressed h and d c cleanly te nty in jpe jre haying habib g an outward appearance of respectability he makes no denial vt of having robbed mr bewey stating that he had been beri drinking which he says bays produces insanity in dimand that while in men stat state JE he emmi committed the theft this plea of bf insanity y is is b however exceedingly t transparent hi lipai ent w when the adroit and expert manner in which the robbery was dobe done is considered mr dewey stating tating that the thid locks of the bureau were evidently evide nUy opened by a single turn of the implement used the ther othen other ther two I 1 thefts b eats would make it appear pear if his theory were nvere credited t that at h his 5 fits of in insanity ran san mut be of a continuous character he evidently however had bad a nit fit r n FROM weier wednesdays iks arg DAILY APRIL 11 blustery very cold and a powerful northeast nort hea wind last night message rhe thereca The reja a dispatch at id the we vester tern n union telegraph cipf i stealing casem caser nast Last L ast ask night a chinaman China ohina man mau weli we li arrested or rested on a charge 0 stealing a couple of coat arld alad 25 in cash A finai linel buildings Buil bull dingA A large largo brick residence in course of erection by mr charles popper in the wardi ward is 4 work workmen meni were t en engaged t to today day od putting on n the tin un loof roof rot stole a saddle saddie A A fellow named charles miller was arrested liast jast night for stealing saddie saddle belonging to mr D james the theft was committed abdat about three months month s altice sl wice tice but last the thy first time tb the ep police olice bad had bad an tin opportunity of an interview with the accused departed this till s life attorney Att orney hah HaI hahir Habad nitten ton gamble late lato member of the salt lake bar and law partner of major 0 H hempstead died somewhat suddenly at his hla residence last night we understand th the e cause of death was an affection of the heart to which he was predisposed west jordan woolen mills Mill millsie sWe we are pleased to learn that the west jordan woolen mills adeina are in a prosperous con condition last fall a very fairly remunerative dividend was tee mee declared TeW ared which breh was wasby by agreement applied on capital aa P itil account and was used to make further extensions of the premises the stock BI ock la li owned by the people of twe the middle west jordan Branch brauch North jordan south jordan and herriman ald aud ald the people gither generally ally aily sustain j it t by taking their thein wool wooi to the ual tai illa the ladles ladies of the edt edi west eit jordan society haye have contributed well to the support ot this local home institution having turned in which amount they hold in stock the rho goods produced are of good consist mostly of jeans fian lian and aud tot tou 7 other ot er liht lihn light aj 9 ht fabrics Ja brica it is intended however as soon as practicable to obtain the necessary machinery with which to manufacture ture heavier products Tigh fighting ting ddn dan din the patty who laj known by the foregoing peculiar title was waa fined 25 last evening doik dojk tor foik being Intoxicate cP dl antl antt for disturb disturbing ink ind the peace r at his own request be was tried by a jury today to day before justice on another charge of resisting assault lne ine and abusing verdict was wab agut he was fined 75 and costs cwi zealand cl today to kd day we ay shad the pleasure pl basure of a call from frow mr nir boberi roberi burrett of wellington N Z arl J K X maugh vaugh iau baughan lau ghan di afi au k dind lind nd N Z and ir arr irr Wilif fim LoWd sj member of the provincial Cotin council pili province af r W wellington jhb tuffee e gentlemen ara are arm oi of england bit hava been afine many years js they are ra nowah novi nove bila blia ihei vay way nay toi tol the mother iother if couf lUy din tin a th they hyvl 1 I were accoti amed to our 0 effice bemi by mr cart carnap tbt vb basab ab L wel wei W el alq ar ei i d that I 1 I 1 te t V Q it base ball club Q 14 sa n F francisco t which s baillif 1 10 n call cali ug at aal aai alt nake cake flor ilor fior I 1 tTy on their way y aas eastward they abey i in gantch feanie ap adf this city the 4 xv e I 1 i n il edi e d a nine fine fil n jochi kaing hh haing yin fin i g come t ahead in I 1 n numea eif I 1 anaus bus natches hatches 6 th q I 1 ftp irp s eret swill kvill avill havre havee to put punt in tedi r best beat efforts I 1 district strict churl rt tuesdays by 11 j aar april apr 11 at afternoon hf after fera tera doil J jal lal I 1 ap 3 fi INU mini Miri ui I 1 ingi n g C company din pan V wilh with drawn ifor further er bery beny cp united icat ea sixty three casks caski s spirit 1 de 1 ur e 5 r to ai mended cen cp av v artil e defendant excepts and ang elid erid days dass A T A glyen te answer sw er united gallens spir its efin ame same ruling rulin 9 and aud an order in the matter mattex pf af J C lawrence La wrence etal in bankrupt bankruptcy by sah yih may iQ that 10 aro ww arm j set for finai ninal final 41 heaning hearing before JE Tg pragUe 1 vve ahrn APT jf nth morn mo inn crip JL J H L VV lawrence et aft agg aa oft S E me alln continued ed by consent VIC victoria Imperi aland hild abild M co vs job bohri Joh eley nEley two Wo cases eases same order P it 1 l abot a t vs W 1 thomas thomaa Tay soret lorf at abade am e ordel orders E edward jw agin rd P 2 J Jphn b lo 10 soa noa n v 74 asom wat waterman e et q X h afe em en to be taken dpn cupl an tu ane 25 at lator lafor la b rot tot james yaney spears et al lis john H IM elv V dismissed at al plaintiffs ial stiffs cost D IL R firman Fir marv mari assignee qt bleh nta ata Y Nn deron derOp vs isaac bateman mau man et ah at j dr trial triai ar edby counsel yf respective e p b pait pat tie tle I 1 M the jury by the court couri oui and they retire ija eor p 0 f a sworn awl arn ballig bailiff of dis I 1 z duyf t to 0 consider thel their r ter yer T e td td 4 t 1 urty tbt rh mel met la jast last st mayor r lit lii little fie P isio isid ing petition of f esaac brockbank andl anal and ana fourteen four foun geen feen other the sj re that larg large P piles of rubbish de cosite posited d 1 on fourth auff ou 4 Sf between firson Firs tn no ei east Sree ets be po i froni which jis deleterious to be AlthIn in hoti weather ather and that thab said salti rubbish r u abbl ish be ba gon gov that no lio ijo other s amifar depo depeau erea k ha i al allow nilow I 1 0 w edi edl d the supervisor was instructed to see bee q hest otlee petition eosso the ru bb Lih is concerned con c e tf jj I 1 be id wi irth th petition of oad ord D 0 0 calder S JF arid J T wab 0 of conveying to thela thelm air res I 1 yard b by ajeh aleh of pi pipes pires be 6 sufficient nt waler from the the ward bitch ditch fai household purposes ar and for watering small lawna lawns and flower patches granted under the ordinary regulations 1 the I 1 committee I 1 ml tp to w whom ham eipl ferrs petition erd f id mcallister WIS lster ister tho tha privilege lege loge of ol taking inga water from city creek hrom from a point bead head odthe of the tap present waid ward alf ditch ob to convey water to lots 1018 in the ahie vicinity of arsenal arsina hill ie reported ported adversely to the granting oath e prayer adopted the committee to 0 whom was referred the petition of bolivar bobers robers asking that second east street between eighth and ninth south streets be opened reported favorably favora ba lyre iyre report nt adopted 1 the the committee tee to wham w was re fe ferr ate edthe d the Petit petition 1511 of jeremiah re TA gibson as asking 1 in 9 the privilege jg 0 quarrying rock lock from a loca location on northeast north east of ensign peak recoula mended tho th p pra bra prayer ei b q 9 gra on condition that he pay ka ah tal annual rental of 5 the suni suoi bf iwo a q app I 1 ed euse ouse 0 of fth the e supervisor cups sups vj or i j 61 council adjourned yeu yee FEU j day evening at beyerl departed weare informed that elder elden 1 levi lev W riter of theN the nirah hith ward departed this fife ilfe life ilfe today to day he had been ailing for a considerable time lime he was a gentleman ger gei illeman who was respected 1 lj improved lm proved loved djie the improvement made ade by the supervisor on that thal t I 1 atmil of the state stale road coming within wi bibin the limits of the corporation taff ta QUit a thoro borough ugh and substantial character i chere the matee matey a te j rial ri albas has hns been beeh down lour to receive a soaking from he the last rain yain sho showers wetz wets the surface is hard bard smoot baud haud solid the job s nearly completed boffl iet jet d wa the exception except jon ja p p af pf i ning gil gli ne near r the Copra doHe Gig gigantich anticA chinaman of gigan tic tid arrived at san francisco by br hanler steamer at the ot othera aliv day aay it an and ia Is elih clib luiting in m that city cley it ia is probable ae he will give buiu saw lake L ake a ik cail call 11 as he be cornes cornea eastward stWArd he is only eight nine welled high and other proper ti onate his name is mtr MIT he is three inches taller tallef than achang chang 11 another chinaman crystal crysal al palace near lo 10 andoh a number f abam sto i til aitala pas t eight balock ible last evening tire wa 4 discovered in the rear part cit we premise pr of ot the butcher bulcher it su i f lt iut south street e 5 ab out midway between between tue au Jim dball bali ball and lawre n nee nce ce corn cornar qt j ap and d the tile market square the th e 11 names a n gained aI head lead r way with great ra p r j I 1 it andas the tho ond was wits wils blowing strongly frow h he eab east ath bex hex bey ey sogn comm communicated to the he butcher shop of chite and sons adjoining g to tiie tufe west wes t th the e alarm was given and in ih tue ibe q meantime I 1 a stream fronia hosei bosi belong I 1 ing mo boac to anlou arlou I 1 in i n was applied 00 va 00 and an d did g 90 galev edin preventing prevent ing 00 0 6 0 hull huil bull building I 1 ine ing next eab east easi t to shorts pled pied by J cook from tairi gre wre area number numbe r 0 ofee f apie aiso alid also busied res nes rea carrying the eeoc anu abd aha op lne tie tle burning of the yil fil braf rit br briga i bg speare an d stream 6 ai waier water from rom the by hydrants drinis soon C |