Show at tho the centennial july ish ISM 1876 aitor editor deseret mews news the heat this week has been almost intolerable and the numbers at tho the expositor Exposi ton have not been quite as large as they were last week fortunately there are cool and shady ravines nooks and retreats upon the grounds where set tees have been beell placed a and nd these seem quite as attractive as the imported wonders of the fair it is positively refreshing to look at the lithe west point cadets cabets in their fat fatigue gue guo uniform of spotless white linen lin or the in their loo loose en se clean flowing blue silk gowns these heathen the chinese not the cadets are aro atlease at least two thousand busand th years in advance of us in dress their clothing is more comfortable for table more graceful and certain lymore ly more healthful than ours ib it is more manlike manili 0 o in its simplicity and requires less time in aud and disrobing dis I 1 should think a it a chinese dandy might make his entire toilet ablution included inside of seven minute minutes I 1 do not now speak of the dress ef of the hoodlums theirs Js Is of a composite amerlean order they wear anything american ean can pantaloons and hats hate and chinese shirts and pigtails pintails pig tails but the chinese commissioners hero here display a tastefulness and elegance ia in dres dress that we would like to copy and profit by copying if some influential fluent ial fashionable clique had only tho character or genius make the move 1 I think I 1 have seen these lightly and gracefully clad celestials celesti als looking upon us in in our stiff padded coats vests high hats collars cra crI cravats vats and heeled shoes with pity not with contern contempt we have much to say about t e follies and tortures of female dress but there ia is another sex in the question if it were wore only fully fally discussed there is evolution in costume as well as in matter and ideas and I 1 hope I 1 am not too sanguine when I 1 think we may reach pagan perfection in a thousand years already there is a decided improvement in shoes and the man who wears weara high heels with his tortured foot spreading on either side of the narrow 0 w sole is spotted at once as a rust rustic 1 c or a southerner but I 1 am expected to write about the expos the west point cadets cabets are arenow now encamp encamped dd upon the grounds a manly healthy looking young men upon whom the very young ladies cast curious and wistful glances glorious young demi deml godal creations of padding buttons white linen military discipline ci and government pap surely they have not the pettiness vices vicca and vulgarities of other men because they neither walk dress nor look like common mortals ahl the imposing deceitfulness of dress and atmosphere it is not only the very young ladies that deceive and are deceived by it we pay the same homage to it that we pay to art because it asart is art many a little sated with the material exhibits here and they will often tell you yon that tha they enjoy looking at the people more than at the turkish carpets french silks E english cut cat cutlery curlery lery lezy japanese bronzes russian furs creven at the italian statuary it would be interest interesting lug lag if we could have the statistics of how bow many come to see bee the exhibits and of how many come for the same reason that they go to church to see seo and be seen there has been during the last few sultry days a decided diminution of the wealthy urban h visitors they have gone to the seaside and the mountain mounta lw and tho the visitation is very largely mado made up j judging u aging from appearances of country people from tho the west and south the number of wealthy philadelphians lans ians who attend is evidently very small they will vill defer their visit to october when the exposition will be seen with more comfort at alu present memorial bie Ble morial hall hali halland holland and its annex seem to attract the largest number of visitors the new catalogue of or these art galleries has just been completed by mr hir E I 1 townsend abend assisted in the american department p part ment by the accomplished arttist mia emily sartain there are catalogued cataloguer catalo gued nearly 1500 works obart of art from the united states alone and nearly from all countries over each door the name of the country to which the pictures of that room belong is written and also the number of the page or pages of the catalogue catalo cataio gue guo where the titles of the pictures may way be found the catalogue contains the name of the artist and wherever ascertainable tai tho name of the owner of the picture it is very perfect in arrangement and detail and will be esteemed by those who have thus far wandered through halls containing mostly unintelligible works of art C A visit to jension benig SALT LAKE CITY july editor deseret deseree news As the clock struck three this morning I 1 left my bed and in company with a volunteer friend began egan to ascend the north bench our oun design was to clamber up the rugged sides of ensign peak before should come up in burning splendor and chase away the cool shadows of the morning we ve passed the site alto of the four exploded magazines and shuddered at the remembrance of the shock then sustained by our people and city just as the sun began to peep over the lofty forms of the Wasat wasatch cb we were comfortably seated on the top of ensign peak watching its glorious advance conquering night making all nature redolent driving back lack the shadows from mountains and valleys and bringing out the works of the supreme architect in vivid brightness soon every lingering ing shade of night was dissipated and the empire of day unfurled its emblazoned blazoned em banners over one of f the most picturesque and romantic scenes ever gazed upon by man my pencil cannot depict it but imperfectly it must be seen to be appreciated and understood being thirsty we drank from a flask water taken for the purpose and remembering it was the of july I 1 uttered the wish that millions of my fellow countrymen would be as temperate through the celebrations of this momentous day yet I 1 could not hope for that no the few remaining and honored fathers of the revolution can tell with greater earnestness all about their battles and scars about bunker hill and washington 3 when aided by the inspiring glass so can union soldiers who waded through the carnage of the late war to preserve our liberties and nation intact and so can southern sold soldiers lers who fought with a bravery and desperation worthy of a better cause and the prowess of these two classes of ex warriors will be delineated from bull nun bun to the final consummation at richmond not these only but our civilian patriots politicians demagogues 3 and statesmen will come nobly to their aid else the fourth of july cannot be celebrated with satisfactory vim and clamor once in a twelve month they must have a day of jollity mount the tall stilts of patriotism and dilate upon the independence and liberty ot of the greatest republic of the world the declaration of which was signed by the fathers one hundred years ago yesterday that glorious centennial era is finished its records are I 1 rolled up and for weal or woe voe it pass passes es to its account it has had a constitution and laws the most ga generous nerous and liberal of any on earth and we can only find fault here and there with administrations and cabinets judges and injustices justices who have departed departed from the constitution and ruled wickedly today oday to o day our nation is in peace at home and abroad but will that peace last through another century ho he who holds the fate of nations could best answer below ua us was salt lake cit city va a map of beauty its streets in in regular lines wide and lined with trees with water courses on either side its buildings buil bull dinga some of them cottages empowered embowered ered in shade others rising in stately por portions above the foliage of ornamental trees its public buildings such as the court house city hails halls hall hail the old and new tabernacles theatre the mammoth operative cooperative co store school house in each ward the catholic seminary and chapel the methodist nieth Aleth odist episcopalian Episcopal ian fan presbyterian churches or chapels and perhaps churches or chapels of other denominations these all these shooting upwards their spires or shining domes bespoke a city of thrift civilization law and religious toleration but when my sight fell upon the granite granito walls and hewn rock within the temple walls an inspiration higher than all woke a train of reflection I 1 the ithe mountain of the theloris lords house shall be established in the tops of the mountains and all nations shall flow unto it southeast south east from where I 1 stood could be seen the cemetery lind gardens then Butch erville and still further south of east was camp douglas whose guns guna have been heard today to day in attestation of the legacy of liberty and anil the invincibility of the republic A little further on was the mouth of emigration emion emlon emion grat on cablon from which in 1847 might have been seen if any person had bad been here to see a few covered wagons issuing forth and finally camping on the site of tb this a great city those chose intrepid pioneers with their indomitable leader president young cannot be too highly honored by the citizens of this Territory now so populous and wealthy for by them was then taken the first initiatory step from which have sprung the hamlets towns and cities extending from cache valley vailey nive five hundred miles to our bunny sunny sunny dixie in the balmy south prom from that green spot yonder known as fullers fallers hill away on to the point of the south mountain D a distance of twenty two miles the eye passes over the te sugar ugar house mill creek and cottonwood wards union fort and draperville Drap erville all on the east side of if the valley and running nin g close to the base of the mountains tal tai ns that lift their lofty peaks high into the heavens all these settlements and farm houses are sprinkled over this part of the valley so as to form a scene of dappled elegance seldom surpassed the southwestern portion of the valley is bounded by a range of bold mountains and bingham canlon cannon which yields richly its product of mineral wealth herri herrl mans maus eort fort and west jordan settlements tle ments are in this thia part of the valley passing round to a duo due east and west line we strike the south edge of salt lake which occupies almost the entire northwest northwestern north west western ern portion of the valley large islands stand a few miles out from shore and send upwards their ponderous mountain forms breaking the monotony of water and affording a variegated and romantic view north from salt lake city lying near the base of the mountains and along the east shore of salt lake are the flourishing settlements of bountiful bounta centreville Cen treville farmington kaysville Kays y ville and hooperville Hoop roop erville theu C railroad rall Bail road from ogden forty miles down to this city passes basses passes through the suburbs of these hover al towns the utah southern from this city runs south passing around the point of the south mountain into utah and juab counties its present terminus being at york sant fivey miles mika distant and then there is the utah western running west around the point of the west mountain passing black rock bock into tooele thoele county intending soon to reach bush rush valley and freight away its shining ores these local railroads as well as the great national line which spans our continent form sea to sea have all been built since those pioneer wagons merged from emigration canlon canon and their few dauntless occupants founded the city of tho the great salt lake the burtrens bur of commerce are now wafted wafred to and fro with the fleetness etness of tho the iron horse the honest emigrant the millionaire the merchant the wily politician the president and emperor all are borne in the rushing car ear with a speed that makes distance no obstacle in the way of business or uie ule pleasure asure and to beat all and ev everybody ery body the yankee shrewdness of jarret and palmer inaugurated the lightning express to reach san francisco from new now york in less than three days and a half just to get up a anew new sensation and make the dollar the jordan river biver has its source in utah lake enters this valley at the south end and makes its serpentine wa way through the center of the valley emptying into salt lake about eight miles north of the city this was the view wo we got from ensign peak and these some of my cogitations there that our mountain homes are in such pleasant places that my native land is not deluged with war that a new century of freedom ia Is ushered in that the stars and stripes float iu in triumph over gur cur pleasant cities and happy homes that the constellation stel lation of states is grouped in fraternal bonds that these cent sent favors exist today to day inspire emotions of gratitude and claims the tho he benediction ofa of a grateful heart if tho the great vexed eastern question ti on that so long has threatened the peace of europe has really at last broken out in war who can tell how soon nations may be dismembered in the shock of the struggle straggle or who can say how soon the venality of american statesmen may inay drench our land with gore and the incendiary torch burn down the sacred altars of our boasted liberty respectfully L 0 littlefield |