Show at south cottonwood july ath IS 1876 lyl IA ELIZ 1 daughter dau ahten ahter of 0 wills and polly smith aged 15 years 3 months and SO 20 d daye days a I 1 a a 1 16 2 a 3 P ar 0 X 4 5 43 0 1 J s 0 IQ 1 0 0 2 C V relm PA A en Z P W V 0 0 0 0 gc M LU 4 EG 0 CS acla imi lma CZ 14 ca 0 LU Z AN K or if la in a allne aline line over eiles MILES ILES lles 1 J F sold DURING tse TRE YEAR 1875 EVERY STOVE IS ihu liw A USED OK OR SOLD Us hs Absolu absolutely lely without a fault our new sizes nos sa 38 39 47 48 and 49 19 ML OF 93 0 econom m vrr and all au the essential points that go to make malke up tho the ea ammo bli tved liver offered to tho the public IT hadr HADE A n ONLY BY EXCELSIOR manufacturing CO ca Ms nos gid gli olg A Is IT mafa mala st ST LOUIS MO 00 evos S zions co operative mercantile institution salt lake city utah NOTICE T ta 0 J w snyder I 1 hereby lotif notify y Y you yon 0 JL that I 1 have expended in mone money and d labor the sum of fifty Dol doi dollars larg being the amount of legal assessments due duo by you for the past part year en on your interest on three hundred and seventy five feet in the ciara clara lode situated in blue ledge mining district wasatch county utah should you fall to pay said sum within wilbin the time prescribed by law jaw your interest in said lode will 11 become forfeited to me as co owner b by virtue of oft ort the tho ho act of congress contress Con gresa approved approved way may loth 1872 1873 FREDERICK REICH moil april 1874 64 NOTICE TO 10 A W bullock I 1 hereby notify you I 1 L that I 1 bave bare expended d in labor and money the sum of one hundred della dollars rey rep being the amount of legal asse abse due by you for the past year on your interest of n seven hunert d and fifty feet in the emma lode in kw idge lodge mining district waatch laatch county utah your you fall tall alito to pay sald said aid eald c sum within t rhe the be time prescribed by ray w y 0 u r interest in said lode iode will wili become rorie forie lt e d to me as co owner by virtue of the tho act ot of congress approved mar loth 1872 FREDERICK REICH april 29 74 t N OTICE NOTICE ao 0 DANIEL TOVIA your assignees or 1 legat legal are hereby notified il ed that you are owing awing assessments assessment to the amount of eighty eighth three dollars and fifty four cents for work an and aud mo money n ey e expended on the lorils nom non la mine in the blue ledge mining districts district wasatch county U T it if not paid within three months your claim claims amounting t to 0 feet teety will be forfeited to me meg as provided by law W BENJAMIN A KOHRI 4 allut aled circular sent arees 0 14 td ll 11 A 1 it T ihm vill WOOL WOOL W rt ad 3 7 M or I 1 gwm wa W 0 E 1 ad W loog GOOD eler EIER QUALITY for will be paid one third in money noney and anil two thirds in om our factory C cloth eroth kofl on delivery of thet wool APPLY TO T JOSS 0 11 XI W B eda lena ETA S sea M at t prudent ars brigt BrIsT lam tam youngs n wg 0 pa N QT OTI I 1 CE 0 E 1 I IS S hereby given kiven by the tie undersigned undersigner under signed administrator of tha castater ot of william deceased decea decca sed aed to all persons persona having claims against sald cald estates to exhibit the 8 same rne with the necessary vouch rs within ten teu month months after the first cation estion of this thid notice to the clerk of the probate court or utah county territory of utah or to the at tho office ot of hosca hosea stout at his residence id 1 in 11 pait fait lako 11 olty city tys tyl territory aforesaid and anil all persons persona indebted to said estate must come coine d and settle the barme earno W WATON ATON PIERCE administrator provo prom city may 1878 1876 wig c A S ga all AD housekeeper mhd good pread gread use i uwin twin W atvin yeast for sais iti fc Z G 31 21 1 A rby nty TURNER ax RAY wholesale Whole salo dealers neareus in lul mun MUM 1 1 Z FINDING 9 mos yos Oah 22 Stafe street ui enn jacw irater 11 ater streets 1 0 chac H ac A aco AGO CO D WELLS CO GO manufacturers of and WHOLESALE IN boots shoes madison and market streets CHICAGO CH ca G 0 I 1 M X D FP R P H J macy maci B D it IL velm WELLS ST 1839 4 c I 1 jas S eirls aco co 1 makers or STANDARD AND t RELIABLE S S OT or C CM 1 I 1 C A 00 oo GO 00 M H 10 PAGE co or confectionery rhe the largest kirc leit reit candy andy C andu nome amiss in the united states GO A full ruil une hoe of our goods are kept hept ept bytho by the tho Z C ba M band I 1 and othen other houses bouses in utah i i I 1 t i mlis mits t |