Show 1 NEW hills manual of social and business F forms enables one to draw up any document in commercial and legal business or public life is ls very complete ori on I 1 laws pertaining to business and particularly laws and usages is the I 1 best beat work extant on penmanship 11 le letter ietter 7 ater writing punctuation use it capitals ac and contains a great amount of other able matter ini ink in i valuable ablo in public life sold only by subscription for the work or an agency address GEO A LUKE box salt lake city or ballat office nearly opposite the theatre wio wio wao T ara T nien nier geo 11 TAYL olly reo ORO r AnU aru MONG long if REMOVE into our now building ws vm are now prepared to furnish ln in our line une at tho lowest rates everything ild rid is patch lumbera shingles il 11 0 0 RM S 9 AND everything in the building edding line libe ALL AU OT or A ASPECI alty 7 we mill will t 0 o be undersold Under sold I 1 SOUTH TEMPLE STREET 1 i irs balf half r block east of depo depot lafinier la tinier mir mor taylor tailor CC cu domce to rrok T W snyder I hereby notify you JL that ibave I 1 havo have expended in money and labor the tho sum of fifty doll bre are being abeln the I 1 amount of legal assessments due duo by you for the past year on your interest on three 11 hundred undred and seventy five feet in the clara lodo situated in ia blue ledge pedge minine district wasatch county utah should you fall to pay bald eald sum eum within wilbin the tho time prescribed by law law your interest in said eald lode tall wiil will become nor forfeited felted to me aa as oer c co owner er J by virtue of the act of Cou con cong Conz gresa iresa resa ampro approved may ilay IM loth 1872 1873 FREDERI CIC april 1874 i NOTICE 0 A W bullock I 1 hereby notify you yoa T TO that I 1 have bavo expended in labor and andy money tho sum of one hundred dollars dellaro bei i iaz tag tho the amount of legal duo by you for tor the past year on your interest of seven hundred and fifty foet in tho emma lodo in blue adiel mining district wasatch county utah shoud you ati tali all to pay said sum bum within tho the time prescribed by bv ray pay law a lw your interest in said lode will become forfeited to me as co owner by virtue ot of tha the act of congress approved may loth 1872 i n april al SQ al 71 71 1 ji te t e |