Show alcoholic stimulants during physical exposure when men are subject to great and prolonged aged ex exposure to co cold coid ids experience has taught them the danger of taking spirits while the exposure asure continues my friend axt dr fayer payer told me that when crawling through the wet vet heather on a cold day he offered the keeper who accompanied him a aull apuli pull puli from his bis dlask flask the old man declined deell ned sa saying ing no thank you its too tool cad eold cold 11 the lumb erera orera ers in canada who are engaged in felling timber in the pine forests living there all winter sleeping in holes dug in the snow and ay lying ing on spruce branches covered with buffalo robe robes sallow allow no spirits in their camp and destroy any that may be found there the experience of arctic travelers on an this subject is nearly unanimous and I 1 owe to my friend dr milner fothergill an anecdote which illustrates it in a very striking way A party of americans crossing the sierra nevada encamped at a spot above the snow line and in an exposed situation sorn borne of them took a good deal of spirits before going to sleep and they jay down warm and happy some tooka moderate quantity and they lax lay a down somewhat but not very veny coid cold others took none at all and they lay jay down very cold and miserable next morning however t those h ose oso who had taken no spirits ri got u up feeling quite well those who ha had T taken a little got up feeling cold and wretch edana those who had taken a good deal did not get up at all they had bad perished from cold during the night those who took no alcohol kept the heart warm at the exp eap expense e nse of the skin and they remained well those who took much warmed their skin at the expense of their hearts and they died dr T 2 lander brunton in practitioner |