Show TIM THE WISDOM OF LIFE would you lead a happy life ute freo from melancholy gnawing care and thorny strife and plunges ea of blind folly I 1 will tell you bow to live uvo heartily and truly with sweet honey in your hive liko like a bee beo in july like the tho beebe beebo bee beo be oui and work when the tho sun is shin shining ings never in a corner cornor lurk whimpering and whining it you scour the fields find thyme or mint or clover something to a willing mind god will still discover when the sky la li grim and gray though the clouds rain fountains fountain ss march and molehills mole hills on your way dont mistake for mountains it a ghost beside you yon stand make no fearful comment but face the shadow boldly and ith vanished in la a what the folks tolka of you may say never mind a rattle spin your quiet yam while whilo they waste their wind in battie battle batth lies that float on winn vinn with windy haste will perish but the seed of truthful things times fruitful womb wili will cherish wear your heart not on your sleeve but on lust occasion let men know what you believe with breezy ventilation prove provo the good and make them thine thines with warm embrace and ample but never cast your pearls to swine who turn and rend and trample make a penny when you can als ris useful aa as a tool Is but who says money makes the man A meager meagor witted fool Is nich rich la he be whose genial brolet broast with liberal salutation hath welcomed all thaes bright and nod best throughout tho iho wide creation prof bame edinburgh university |