Show July 27 1970 Page 3 ll UM by Gerry Carlson Combine some intricate research involving the mystery of intra cellular respiration with one Roman Catholic nun add a great deal of curiosity about the world and the result is a knowledgeable optimistic individual named Sister Nivard Neft Sister Nivard is one of those rare people who serves humanity through the study of science factual and cold through the examination of man’s spiritual soul "My personal philosophy” Fulfillment of one s goals leads to personal happiness a ” ““““ OI i nomas essor of chemis- PJ?f be of serviced will “be 1S try Sister doing a worthy cause” on electrun She received a bachelors de- - study the antibiotic transport using antimycin This study is being used as a came t0 research project for her doctor- 155“ in 1959 toancl work as a ate degree at Utah State Ogden medical technologist at Saint "I am interested in life and "T the science of life” she states "I think one has to feel that this is really what Gods wants him to do I felt that if I didn’t do it this way I wouldn’t be doing what God wanted me to do in life that I simply couldn’t fulfill my purpose Becoming a nun for the rest of my life was a rather difficult decision for me to make One has a year as an initiate and three years of temporary vows At the end of the three years if she felt that she didn’t belong there she perfectly free to leave But it was during that last year I think that one really struggles within herself to make the final decision Is this really what I want? It’s not an easy decision to make but once I made my decision I had no doubts at all Sister Nivard enjoys both her occupations greatly "But” she states "bio chemistry is sort of an avocation for me secondary to my religious vocation which is my “ C U1V- - le:frT:-S!'ntB£ne?iasC- o1- w-a-s life” V '$ V: ir ' it HER PURPOSE? — To help people find meaning in their lives It’s rewards? The satisfaction of knowing that you have helped a fellow human being did Sister Nivard choose to be a member of the order of Saint Benedict rather than a member of another Why group? "These were the first sisters I had come in contact with” she replied I think that often this is the case although in instances a person will read about some particular order or missionary work that the appeals to her I chose Benedictines simply because I met them first If a person attended a college like Saint - to evaluate the Order and if she doesn’t like it she is able tQ leave j love this 0rder” c:fpr iv'vard nf the Order f e w Beoedi DwingldtimrhMbeen able to build a personal philosophy a purpose in life striving perhaps for the highest of goals that of "being of service to the community to the church and to all of man- kind” "I don’t think one ever ful- fills her goals” she says "You have to spend your whole life working at it as long as you have time I don’t believe that I could ever sit back and say 'Now I’m Finished and I can rest’ No one is ever satisfied Work can always be improved upon and that is a constant purposee in itself I don’t feel that my purpose is completely fulfilled One is always striving toward fulfillment” One of Sister Nivard’s personal goals is centered upon a very definite set of ideas a wish as she calls it t§ this world a happier ter place to live in I feel one has to set further than that to happy” Presently there are about 1000 members of the Order of Saint Benedict in sister’s comof whom munity twenty-fivare serving Saint Benedicts JosPital in 0Sden Thfre is howler only one member ofthe Order serving in Logan Sister Nivard "Ifi"d-ibit lonely up here and t Van‘he CVCna"dima8!"e m)scl! s‘a)in8 ing at the university if I didn t feel that it was part of an overall plan for my serving man- kina I like the university very much and I think the chemistry department is great but I’ll be glad to be with other e sisters” Sister Nivard hopes to reher doctorate degree Follow-in- g sometime next year this she will return to Saint Benedicts Hospital where she will continue her work in love Christian expanding h bhcr service t0 man ° ceive ynd "I wish that people who are searching could find a real meaning in life could find personal happiness This would lead to Many peace in the world people see no meaning in life and j think that one of my purposes is to help someone find that meaning Perhaps if one could convince others who are searching seemingly without an anchor or goal that there is something in life worth striving for that life is very valuable very meaningful then that individual has achieved one of the most rewarding e goais ke coud ever set for tkat 0f helping a fellow jlulan being We have a very jct 0hHgation in life to make him-som- vyki f ' i i-- '! k V? 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