Show n cn i' J ' p'' ''5 s r Vy ‘s''‘ v! i 1 s XO ' I '&( '?' s' sjy sT vWvi'l & a 'Vs rjR '"vCll c Ld STUDY IN THE SUN — If you think that studies were just not made to be taken during the Summer but you are studying anyway then maybe you need to spend an afternoon pouring over your books in a quiet spot on Old Main hill You might even get a suntan (and some sleep but maybe not much studying) while you are at it (Photo by Ted G Hansen) Have you noticed the Sigma Nu fraternity house lately? There’s still life there! Sixty-tw- o students representing various high schools in Northern Utah are a part of that life in a Utah State University-sponsore- d project “Upward math and production technology (a business shop class) Classwork for “Bridge” students are regular college credit classes and include Psychology math and English The students in this program are June 1970 high school Bound” graduates The summer program provides a stimulating and enriching experience for each and every student through classroom work and group living accommodations Through these classes and outside experiences the students are encourage to go on to college be successful and Camping trips picnics dances and tours are a few of the social activities in which the students participate The project sponsors some of these activities but the group is able to take part in university programs such as the watermelon bust Jackson Hole country camping trip intramural sports and others Originally the “Upward Bound” project was privately sponsored when it began five years ago in Washington DC Now it is a branch of the Department of Health Education and Welfare The director of the Utah State project is Mr self-relia- Interaction between races is an important aspect of the project and this is brought out in the living provided at the Sigma Kappa and Sorority Sigma Nu Fraternity houses Here the student learns to accept the various ways of life views and values of the others around him The groups represented in this year’s program include Navaho Indians Blacks Whites and dorm-lik- e Spanish-America- ns the groups the students are divided into are the “Bounders” These are high school includes language students and their class-wor- k development (creative writing literature etc) One of James Butler former assistant director of the Idaho State University project at Pocatello Idaho of taking people out of poverty’ O O (EDITOR’S NOTE: The following story telling of the activities of this year’s “Upward Bound” project at Utah State was written by a student participating In the program We have printed it as full as possible making the least possible changes to present the story as originally written) District of Columbia Guam Puerto Rico and in the Virgin Islands “Upward Bound” is a program for secondary school students involving a fulltime Summer program and follow-u- p program during the pre-Colle- it--- July 27 1970 Four pages ge The Office of Economic Opportunity allocated $20 million Action from Community first the for program funds Bound” program “Upward which began in the Summer of 1966 Each student in the program receives room and board during the Summer program medical college-boun- d or counseling help books care The project’s staff select and supplies travel costs and $10 students on the recommendations for spending money week social per of teachers counselors REPORTING of the program is schedule The who others and service agencies left to the institution TED G HANSEN are well aquainted with the largely the Editor-in-Chiseek not program but most does staff running students The imwho is planning to have concentrated on the si think of this program as one the student communication of the attend college but does seek to portance if the most promising ways of skills hostile help apathetic possibly aking people out of poverty The Summer residential academic with potential youths t is a completely American way is approximately eight These students are preferably program f doing giving young with graduate and them-elve- s tenth and eleventh gradersin- weeks long eople a chance to help undergraduate college students whose families have annual and tutors through education” comes below the poverty line serving as counselors Sargent Shriver as director This income level varies ac- It includes a morning of and iffice of Economic Opportunity to the number of people academic work afternoon excording statement concerning lade this devoted to in a family For example the evenings activities ie “Upward Bound” program of tracurricular limit for a family Bound” director hich is now in progress on the maximum As non-far“Upward would be $3500 for five on as well as T Frost said “I tah State campus families and a $2450 limit for Dr Richardwhat the 13 other institution’s campuses ripple effect don’t know the farm families 50 States the uroughout regular school year to keep them ef Utah State University Volume 67 Number 97 nt m will be of injecting this kind of youngster into higher education but in my judgement it’s likely to be substantial” Out of a total of 2081 students enrolled in the first experimental “Upward Bound” program in the Summer of 1965 1894 of them have continued to work their way out of poverty through education Tennis match needs players nnis tournament is being red by the Intramural tment at USU tennis tourney will begin 9 with today as the fiaal ation date There will te a ccm-- n singles and doubles nixxi a with together s event Awards will 1 3 ted to the first crdx::c-- J dinners of each cf th ir es Those wishirg t-- should do so Gym tsdagit 1T |