Show July 27 1970 Page 2 Aggie Lagoon Days DANC- E- Come to the pillow concert and dance to be held in the UC ballroom July 29 at 8 pm It’s FREE! WATERMELON get your piece of BUST-Co- me mouth-waterin- g e watermelon at this favorite Summer activity Free ‘o all members of the university community as long as the watermelon lasts The event takes place on the Quad at 3 pm on July 30 Bear ANOTHER TOUR-S- ee all-tim- Lake and the Minnetoka Cave on July 31 Tour leaves at 10 am from the University Center and costs 50 cents per person Pick up tickets at the activity center Go swimming in the waters of North Beach at Bear Lake and then climb through one of Nature’s wonders the Minnetoka Cave You can hardly believe this natural ' phenomena A treat special Summer your swimsuit real Bring hear your favorite Broadway songs in this “Spotlighting Broadway’’ con- CONCERT-Co- me in the Chase Fine Arts Center at 8 pm There is no admission charge for this event cert to be held August Gvenywas 3 7:30 pm in the Lake Park Terrace formerly the Theatre Terrace Everyone is asked to 4 ICE CREAM SOCIAL-A- ug bring their own lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 pm Visit with 1970 The planned outing A special bus has been professors administrators and even larger than b® to promises for students It will friends in this casual at- last scheduled 8000 year when more than UC on the Be FREE leave the University Center for mosphere the afternoon at Lagoon spent left won’t so get you plaza early said Gerald R Sherratt Special Lagoon at pm and will return out when the majority wants it to Assistant to the President assistant The Alumni association plans said LeRoy Dennis re CONSUMER of activities student coordinator free a to offer each participant by Betty Furness Listen to her cotton ed Aggie Blue Bus reservations and tickets are tell how rules can be changed and soft available at the University if it works two how to win the consumer game the Center Information Desk for 50 at cones snow drinks and two Lecture takes place in the UC scheduled from 6 to cents auditorium at 8 pm Aug 4 If Aggie picnic you think you have the expertise to match wits with the master of packaged confusion the industrial quarterbacks who make Over 21000 alumni friends and students of Utah State have been invited to the eighth annual Aggie 5 Lagoon Days scheduled Aug 1 GAME-Lectu- candy-color- ce the rules of the game then be there to hear the real expert Betty Furness was a special assistant for consumer affairs under former President Lyndon B Johnson and is not a member of the Board of Directors of the Union Consumers and a columnist for “McCall’s’’ M masts Senta runs to the rocks above the water Reassuring the Dutchman that she is his saving angel she drowns herself But as she hits the water the Dutchman’s ship sinks and he and Senta are seen ascending to Heaven clasped in each other’s arms “Evening Opus” is hosted by Jim Hess and is a weekly feature of Radio Summer School KUSU-FM SPECIALS HOUR From July 27 to 31 the Specials Hour heard ‘daily from 6 to 7 pm on will he devoted to broadcasting music from the Utah State Summer Music Clinic Music from the ensembles recitals and concerts will be featured The highlights of Dow Young’s recital will be the program for Monday July 27 Tuesday’s program will feature a band concert The music from the Clinic Faculty Recital will be presented on Wednesday’s program Thursday and Friday the final two concerts of the clinic will be featured Along with the music comments from the clinic faculty will be interspersed throughout the program The music clinic was held on the USU campus July 6 to 17 Some 240 students participated in the clinic ranging from fifth graders to sophomores at the University The average person was between eighth and ninth grade Specials Hour during the week of Aug 3 to 7 will consist of a series of special programs on the theatre plus a lecture from visiting faculty member Dr Fellman KUSU-F- of® Represented for national advertising the National Education Advertising service 360 Lexington Ave by New herei" d°e‘ n0t necessa‘rilY Imply endorse- ntebhisewsp:perreSened The opinions expressed on the editorial pages of the Student Life do not necessarily represent the view of the studentbody or the univer- sity administration F advertising MANAGER CIRCULATION PHOTOGRAPHER COLUMNIST MANAGER Ted G Hansen Nick Treseder Richard Shafer Gerry Carlson Carl Arrington d 11 1 concerning the day’s activities can be obtained from the Alumni association extension 752-410- 0 7343 Guest biologist day-dreami- EDITOR-IN-CHIE- all-da- one-thir- Richard Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman” will be featured on this weeks “Evening Opus” on KUSU-FTuesday at 7 pm The opera stars George London Leonie Rysanek Giorgio Tozzi Karl Liebl Richard Lewis and Rosalind Elias with the orchestra and chorus of the Royal Opera House Convent Garden The story evolves around the Dutchman who once vowed to sail around a certain cape “though it took him until Judgment Day” Satan overhearing the vow holds him to it Every seven years the Dutchman and his ghostly crew come on shore to search for a lover for the Dutchman who will be faithful until death since this love would lift his curse The Dutchman meets Daland who greecfrly agrees to let him marry his daughter Senta Senta meanwhile is about the legend of the Flying Dutchman She is convinced she could lift his curse by offering him eternal love When the two first meet it is almost as if in a dream Senta pledges her eternal love to the Dutchman However as she goes down to the beach Senta reviews with Erik the love they once had even though Senta does not love Erik now The Dutc“an overheaI? 116 conversation and accusing Senta of being unfaithful leaves m his mysterious ship with blood-re- d sails and black WHorSl Terrace This year one can choose from two programs but the decision must be announced to the person at the Aggie auto gate Program one includes free parking and an y ride pass good for all the rides at Lagoon except the Fun game of Fascination 25 cent roller skating which includes admission and skate rental plus on all other a savings of ride tickets Each family member can choose his own program Swimming for the Aggie am Wednesday begins at kiddie rides open at pm and the major adult rides wiil be open at 3 pm Further information ‘Flying Dutchman SUSU0) -- House and the Haunted Shack Cost of the pass which allows the individual to ride all rides all day as many times as he wishes is $250 Program two provides the individual with: free parking free swimming free rides on the whip rockets Bulgy the Whale and the Kiddie Planes a five cent KUSU-F- M fCiaUn1yer!iFnlrih Invitations to the day’s activities have been mailed to all recorded alumni in Utah and to most Alumni in Idaho and Wyoming A special Aggie auto gate will be ready to receive guests at 11 am and participants will each be given their cotton candy ticket compliments of the Alumni association and their soft drink and snow cone tickets compliments of Student Services These tickets can be used from pm at the Lake Park GOLF ANYONE? — Students play through at Lagoon’s mina- ture golf course during an Aggie Day at the fun resort This ears d I t L ° scheduled for August 5 USU workshop to study drugs sex mental health Drug abuse sex education environmental health and mental health will be among the topics considered in the Workshop on School and Community Health Problems sponsored by the Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation at Utah State this week Dr Lanny J Nalder assistant professor of physical education is director of the workshop Two Waiver tests on Thursday The USU Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation has announced the schedule for PE waiver tests for the second session The tests will be conducted as follows: Swimming (Men and Women) Thursday July 30 12:45 pm Basic PE (Men and Women) Thursday July 30 5 pm All students desiring to take either or both of these tests must sign up at the PE office in Smart Gym before 10 am on Thursday Health ratings must be presented at the time of sign-up hours of credit will be given for completion of the workshop and tuition is The $40 six-da- y workship will feature two consultants and numerous guest lecturers Dr Hester B Bland and Dr Elizabeth A Neilson will be the consultants Dr Bland is consultant for the Indiana State Board of Health and the State Department of Public Instruction She is also a lecturer for the Indiana University Medical School and School of Health Physical Education and Recreation Dr Neilson author the books and articles on school and community health is chairman of the Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation at the State College at Lowell Mass She is president of the American School Health Association and has been an international delegate to conferences on health and health education Others involved in the program include Grant Ballam president of the Utah State Pharmaceutical of Association Bruce Woolley executive secretary of the Governor’s Committee on Drug Abuse Dan Watters director of narcotics at the University of Utah Mrs Suzanne Dressier regional representative of the Food and Drug Administration Dr CO Ness chairman of health services at the University of Utah and Dr Bernice Moss professor of Health education at the University of Utah here for week Dr Keith R Porter chairman and professor of molecular cellular and developmental of biology at the University the be will Boulder Colorado at final Distinguished Visiting Professor to be sponsored this summer by the College of Science at Utah State university He will the speak daily at 3:30 in Forestry-Zoolog- Room 304 Building y - Porter plans to discuss ‘‘a series of topics that are most to important in cell biology and background of the consider some and the latest work within these he told Dr Ralph M Johnson Dean of the College of Science at USU Porter is the fifth outstanding scientist to spend a week at USU lecturing and leading discussions with faculty and students The biologist graduated from areas” Harvard university with an MAat and PhD He earned a DSc Acadia university and LLu He was from Queen’s university affiliated with the Rockefeller Institute for more than 20 yearsa before joining the faculty Harvard He came to U of t in 1968 me Porter organized and was Tissue first president of the crea and Culture Association summer courses in tne culture He instigatedBiology Cell of American Society oi and is a member numerous professional scientific organizations Current Pr°fej" 1961 include membership on i on un Advisory Committee and Eastern Europe for National Academy of Science the Advisory Panel Biology Developmental National Science Foundatio and the Cancer Special Program for Advisory Committee Institute National Cancer of “Protoplas |