Show ( STUDENT LITE 1964 23 SEPTEMBER FRIDAY Pi ti©at i By Brent Barluss tsx't Sports Editor When the Aggies enlei Memorial Stadium in Lincoln Nebraska Saturday thev mav well feel like Jack the heanstucK climber when he cntcied the castle of the giant The Lmversity ot Nebiaska stadium is the sire of a castle seating 62644 spectators and is quite adequate to take eaie ot the 17200 students aie not enough there are 33 players on the Nebraska roster that weigh " If the surroundings of the pounds largest are Bob Taucher (215 Louis Cooper (273 and and 6-Bob Liggett (266 and and Jim Gatriolis (264 and Caret Stith (261 and over Some 225 Seldom have the Ags been out- - weighed going into a game but tins time they may be lighter than the Coriihuskei s 0 uew If this is not enough the Nebiaska outfit has 32 leUermen back from last year’s squad the Cornhnskers have one of the largest offensive baikfiehls in the nation to any team the crew from Nebiaska Inks much like a giant 'lliev not only have sire but they have statistics to make them a team to reckon with fui-th- Corn-huske- is i cal otfeusive stieiigth Nibiaska is hull M i- - k iVrV-'- r - Saturday's haid hitting miming and quaitei backs esting to see defense can will game be a J9o6 p tie I a hi TO SAVE STEPS terrth k the The DURING de as thing tyeni Bill REGISTRATION Lobo surpi hies in 1965 will cept Represen'atives be on campus this week Telephone battle with potent an airshovv by both It will be interif the strong Aggie stop the ground game employed by Company their It cam to help students obtain telephone service hard-runnin- g driv With (lai wAiRt- - h Cuaha ti oi Arrange for yours At the West Ballroom Cloak Room Mon N for Sept 19 through Wed Sept 28 9:30 am to 5:30 pm T as fui iiti tie JzJ Mountain StatesTelephono : tue " 77 jj O s & J 4 WELCOME AGGIES “ ( TONIGHT AND SATURDAY K 'Or k i One be Ron Sbranti's replacement These four will hove their hands full handling Newill braska's sticky offense THAT Showing WH00P-IT-U- P !W' listed as the toughest competition in USU history but in 19n3 the Utags will meet Wisconsin and in 1969 Air Force and Army will show the Ags military stia-te- anl am 'Bloody' Nebraska Set For Ags com Welcome back! es welcome back to the Sports Page and to another great year of Utah State athletics The welcome back conies on sort of a flat note m the way of a upset at the hands of New Mexico last Saturday but we can be assured of a better showing from the gnd forces in the future This year promises to be a great one From the sports pages we will be doing our best to bring vou the latest in Aggie athletic Information Me will try to give accurate run downs on all athletic events We will also he hrlnging you the viewpoints of three rolumnisls Tours truly will be at the helm with this corner Brent Barfuss will be our assistant with his column and ern Nelson will be adding a new look to Aggie sports with his column Nelson's Notes So we on sports along with the entire staff want to welcome you to the “New Look ’Life” - sports section 17-- 8 — o— Feature Each coueu wises HAKCHT f AzPm uNf DnLLfJU MV Ztr Nebraska is not the only "real tough” competition that the Aggies must meet Nebraska is Gary Rawlingi of Nightly FUNNY WESTERN! Sideline Sentiments By l la! Saturday Y :T j a FOURTHS OF the defensive "Fear-som- e Foursome" (I to r) Don Norris (224) Spain Musgrove (280) and Bill Staley (240) will be oined by Ocie Austin (200) who f 4 - THREE will lie mteiesting quai-teibak- in-- jP A come contest will be earned by station KVNU at 2 pm JSL o 7 the boys trom Lincoln If bpam and Bob Taucher Musgrove make contact tlieie wil be 560 pounds making sparks The out- - ‘ YOUR FAMILY ( ot quaiterback Bob s one ot the best The in the country llmkei s have a potent giound attack because of lour big hard-- i’ backs Liglitliorse mining Hany Wilson weighs in at 212 pounds Ron Knkland at 219 Charlie W intei s at 228 and Pete Tat man at 220 This combination in the backlield led the Coi nlniskeis to the rushing (bun ’the defense is very strong as shown in the New Mexico game Standouts in the Lobo game defensively were tackles Spam Musgrove (2S51 and Bill Staley (25(1) linebacker Al Acrmeil and barks Tom Foster and Grant Martinson all of whom played without relief Henry King and Ocie Austin wil see much more Despite the showing last week the Ags are a strong football power and have a lot of strength no matter how strong the opposition may be A fine quarterback in the person of Ron Edwards will be leading the I tag offensive lie can pass and rim 10-- 0 The load of the ball lugging dunes Ron Stewart will also see actum in the qiiartciback spot State stunned last weekend by a flashy New Mexico eleven will not be lying down tor this encounter The loss at the hands of the Lobos will make the Aggies even moie detei mined for the Nebraska game Lnder the line coaching of Bob Devatiney the winnuigest coach in the country the have a record ot 39 wins and six defeats m a little more than four years In that time they have won three consecutive and Big Eight championships have appeared in four stiaight bowl games Last year Nebraska was one of three unbeaten teams in the country with a perfect mark and this year looks much the same with an op- - ter Ie-eit- l tall encoun- action in the Nebraska well and is a smart signal caller Thai ugh the airways Jim Dave (lark and Gem McKeehan will be hauling in passes and gaining much yardage Mai Arthur Lane Enc Maugh-e- r through the airways Jim runnels who will cany th0 win over a stiong trom Texas Christian ening A lOj in COLONS A COLOBlaMnedl ALSO j) iji a ok 6M0UH HM HOW W1U JCCE7T HOW bills - Office Opens At 4:30 p m Show StorH ot 7:30 Box lBE SAVE ON South at MYMtLORP 'iarrr ' n U PANAVIS'ON TECHMICOLOR A Crort PnyfucDon IJfivevtl dults 85c lAc Children tinder Age I mlor Age 6 Mi Mell as we mentioned above the Lobos weie out to hang one on and they sure did If you want to look at it from another view the Lobo's had nothing to lose after being point last year and Utah State had everything to lose We too will have to loin the school of thought that had our Ags a little high on ranking and a little low on actual confidence When the Utags finally came to the realization that thev were in a ball game with a bunch of highflying sophomores that apparently wanted to win worse than they then it was too late It was then the pressure was heaped on and it was then the pigskin squirted out of the arm pockets and off the frantic fingertips Fins is an oft repeated situation in athletics It has happened thousands of times and it will invariably happen again 12) tree iuii 3-- 7 Coach Tony Knap known as Grev Fox in coaching circles added a couple of more greys during the Lobo stmt you can bet you can almost bet lie’s doing the same right now in contemplation of touted Nebraska In case you arent aware football and Nebraska are synonymous In Lincoln they’re nuts — real football nuts Their' 60006 some odd seat stadium has been sold out for months Everyone wears red too That's right — everyone — that's their color They an aerial color photograph of the place during a pigskin picnic say reminds a few old timers of Red Sunday back in Leningrad All kidding aside however Ag chargers are going to have to be in perfect form and then have ladylnek on their side on their best day to come close to the highly ranked Cornhnskers Especially under the able coaching of Bob Dev anev the winningesl coach in the nation Devaney's a real ace lie's won 82 per cent of all the college games he has coached which includes thiee years at Wyoming lie’s a real wizard and respected in all gnd circles He has been in bowl games the last four years and has come out victorious m half of them Last year Namath and the bo s at 'bama steamed pass the 'buskers in the Orange Bowl on New Yeai's This put the Huskers’ record at for the season against some of the toughest foes around Don't take any tiling away from our boys though 'lbev'ie in good shape and have the heart and desire big enough to send them on to a great season and to a great game before the fanatics in Lincoln Speaking of the Huskers wearing red — let's wear blue That's right a tveek from Saturday when we host New Mexico's Aggies let’s don blue and see what happens You’ve surety heard about the Pirates (my team by the way) and their fan waving fans — well seriously this type of thing is catching on around — why not here? If we can msert one plug — this year s Booster council is going to be going all out to boost school spirits and game excitement scores have contributed — manv lots — to get the show on the road Dale Rerg is the able chairman but he needs lots moie help and would like the support of all Aggies — new and not so new So don't be bashlul step right tip and let's make State a Are invited to deposit their funds not used for fall registration with LOGAN SAVINGS AND LOAN deposit earn 5 current rate and earnings are credited December 30 and June 30 until needed Additions & withdrawals when needed All accounts 10-- 1 are insured by the FSLIC an agency of the Federal Government Use STUDENT profits from a LOGAN LOAN account while in Logan the convenience SAVINGS & '06-6- 7 Not only does this year but taking a quick peek around the comer basketball too promises lots of surprises and spring sports baseball and track will probably offer more than ever before in the history of the school These are just a few of the things to look forward to this year It’ll be great! PARTING PAUSE: So what if Nebraska has 33 linemen ing over 225 — they can only put 11 on the field at once I weigh- & SAVINGS HEADQUARTERS FOR 53 YEARS Dauntless cardigans of 73 Orion 23 mohair Lycra spandex & 2 This is no spoof This is the action sweater that moyes like crazy but never (not ever) loses its trim shm and sleek shape Where you it goes soil shaggy and casually go comfortable (Gad is it comfortable!) Cool it alt it'll stay warm as a Bahama you want beach Authentic university cardigan tailoring Inspirational colors On the shelves now awaiting your pleasure Do come soon! 51595 & WANASS'iV Go-G- -- o— football look exciting 'UNIVERSITY ROW"® All funds on 77c& tco CcucMwts cute PLENTY 360 NORTH MAIN STREET OPEN 'TIL 4 PM — 6 PM OF FREE PARKING FRIDAY ( zr TV |