Show 4 — STUDENT LIFE AUGUST 8 1906 Peace Corps Trainees Study Bolivian Culture By JoLyime Van Valkenburg Perhaps this summer you have noticed large groups of people rushing about the cam- pus talking in some strange foreign language If your curiosity led you to hurry along beside them to find out the “skinny” you soon found that they were not Martians invading the campus or even a group of Spaniards touring Utah but in truth were 77 Peace Corps trainees merely changi n g classes Perhaps when you saw them was early in the morning or late at night? They were probably still changing classes Train for Bolivia The Peace Corps trainees on our campus this summer are training to serve in Bolivia in either rural education or agricultural extension a process that takes 10 weeks of classes six days a week — from 7 :30 am til 9 pm The average Peace Corps day begins with classes in Spanish including classes in grammar conversation and lab work In their language and normal schools In agriculture science there training PCT’s are expected four seperate extension are able to reach a level of being services small to converse being trained for about held to train for are in the Groups things and get along ' economics home community country in general raising small development Language Proficiency and raising sheep animals Since they all have different Most of these trainees are albackgrounds in Spanish — so college graduates These some speak it fluently and extension service classes are others have no experience — held until 4 pm at which different levels of proficiency attend a trainees the time will be reached with most class for education having more ability than this physical held all are Classes an hour minimum level- over campus as well as in From 10:30 until 12:30 the High Rise dorm where cross cultural studies comthey are staying and States the United paring Language Tables Used Bolivia are held These are Dinner as is lunch is for to enable the trainee to betthe PCT another experience ter understand the Bolivian in speaking Spanish Langculture as well as his own uage tables are set up and there is one native SpanishTrain in Agriculture In the afternoon the trainspeaking staff member at ees break into groups accordevery table No English is edto fields Rural their ing permitted during meals From 7 til 9 pm the group ucation trainees who are all resumes its language trainand college graduates many Several other projects of whom have experience ing into this busy worked also are to learn how bring teaching new ideas aides and methschedule So that Peace Corps ods to those they will be working with in elementary trainees will be able to raise their own food and help Bolivians in their gardening also the PCT’s have their own garden plots and work on them every Saturday are held to help how they evaluate trainees roles in their are functioning Peace as prospective Corps volunteers Spare Time: Read In spare time a phenamen-o- n that occurs only before breakfast and after 9 pm trainees are required to read rived here June 26 Amon them have been two overnights at the Boy Scout camp where they sang around the campfire did a lot of joking around and lots of relaxing and getting to know each other Other extra activities include Spanish movies and Bolivian dance instruction ps several books for their classes One of the trainees stated: “Days are awfully long and there’s a lot of work in a day but the motivation factor of wanting to learn as much as possible makes it very interesting I also feel we’re lucky to have a very well qualified staff We as trainees enjoy each other a lot — the companionship of people having the same interests goals and generally similar back- After Training Plans When the PCT’s finish training at USU on Sept 2 43 of them who are in agricu- ltural extension will go on a y leave to visit their families will then go to Bolivia for six weeks more 10-da- training and then their two years of will begin service as Peace Corps volunteers Those in rural education will go to Puerto Rico for a month and gain teaching experience among Spanish speaking people will return to the U S to visit with their families for 10 days and then will go to Bolivia to begin their service grounds” State Readies Pesticide Center U In with cooperation :Ur the -- Federal Extension Service the USU Extension Service has established a Pesticide Information Center in the new 'i building Forestry-Zoolog- y The Center has been organized to serve the people of Utah as a source of informa- culture industry education and health in promoting state-wid- e pesticide safety programs At the Center information on all kinds of pesticides is received from the Federal Extension Service the U S Department of Agriculture the U S Food and Drug Administration other federal agencies and many state agencies It is also a receiving station for many kinds of technical information from commercial organizations and pesticide formulators information on pesticide tolerances residues and recommendations is being comUp-to-da- ? 4 Jl A K V - tion on the safe and proper use of pesticides The center is cooperating with representatives of agri- PILOT TO TOWER! The group may appear to be in training for work for the CAP but in reality they are brushing up on their Spanish accent in USU Language laboratories The PCT’s have had some social activities since they ar- V ' r ! f- - £ I 4a v : A r: ” S vj s r yv:: SW v i Xv: v A 4 Vs? 4 A ? rtf UNDERSTANDING THE LANGUAGE is an essential for all Peace Corps volunteers Deeper understanding of Spanish language is attained at USU through informal group study under a shade tree te piled Lutherans Meet Holy 581Trinity Lutheran North 7th East e is sponsoring a Mr Mrs and given by Henry W Kramer Jr of Sauk CenChurch slide-lectur- tre Minn It will be held at the church Tuesday Aug 9 1966 at 8 pm The Kramer’s will tell of their work in the mission field of Nigeria West Africa KUSU-T- V Schedule IIOMEMAKING ARTS are among the many skills in which volunteers are trained Three PCT’s discuss fabrics and fundamentals of elementary design as part of a day’s Monday August 8 7:00 pm — What’s New 7:30 pm — The Friendly Giant 7:45 pm — News 8:00 pm — Affairs of State 8:30 pm — International Magasiae 9:30 pm — USA — Poets 10:00 pm — Sunday Showcase Tuesday August 9 7:00 pm — What’s New' 7:30 pm — Wheels to Adventure 8:00 pm — Local Issue 8:30 pm — Life or Death 9:00 pm — Festival of the Arts PHYSICAL FITNESS is an essential for Peace Corps unteers Here a group get exercise and relaxation as thej participate in a game of soccer on the Quad |