Show 2 Letters To The — STUDENT LIFE AUGUST 8 Editor THE Way Athietics-Americ- an Speaking of ‘'steam valves” reference to Mr Paul Christensen’s letter in Student Life July 26 let me add this rebuttal Christensen in his lengthy letter in the condemnation of intercollegiate athletes has overlooked a few very important points He said and of course it is true that in early American history intercollegiate athletics was started Brilliant! But he goes on to say that no justification for them can be found My my! Has Christensen overlooked the fact that all great nations throughout history have recognized the importance of physical fitness? The Romans and Greeks were classic examples along h these lines They built encostly arenas to joy their sports and “intercollegiate” athletics So why not have fit citizens? And what better way is there to obtain this fitness than by competition? If we have now somewhat justified athletics let’s answer Christensen’s query about expanding athletic facilities First of all why expand any area of a university? Because of course it is needfn mam-mout- Utah State’s athletic facilities are some of the poored est anywhere including the worst of any departmental 4th Ward Plans Summer Party A dagwood dogpatch dinner will be held for members of the USU Fourth Ward of the LDS Church Friday Aug 12 at the Girl Scout Camp in Logan Canyon Rides for the summer party will leave every half hour from the University Stake Center beginning at 4 pm All students in the ward are invited to the event LITTLE MAN facilities on campus And one small point here what other unifying feature is there between alumni and alma mater than homecoming and the big featured football game? It certainly isn’t a lecturer in the engineering auditorium on hydrodynamics And with Romney busting its seams at these games and with growth apparent can you bedn to see why expanded facilities? As far as paying for it goes you better take that up with the state legislature They seem to thing that Utah’s taxpayers are paying enough and so have given the students the wonderful opportunity to help bu’ld the new stadium — keeping in mind of course that a great percentage of Utah State’s students come not from Utah but from out of state Chris says that the administration is lacking direction in governing athletics If he’ll check Utah State’s situation carefully he will find that Utah State does more with less financially in athletics than any other local college And he will also find that Utah State’s administrators are very hesitant about any tuition raise especially if it is going to athletics As far as Chris’s argument about our strivings for national supremacy I say that there isn’t one administrator who will deny that this form of advertising is one of the best for the growth of a university The same is true in every department of the university Mr Christensen will just hae to accept the fact that this is the American way — accepted under our enterprise system public as well as private Let’s face it athletics sports recreation or whatever you want to call it is big business in the American And also ON CAMPUS inpicture today And if an dividual is given a scholarship to develop his interests and talents through physical competition — intercollegiat-el- y — while in college — bully for him And if he goes on into the pros — so much the It’s just that sometimes because of the interest factor these kind are more publicized than the engineers etc that go into Boeing and General Electric professionally under a “farm system” at the expense of poor Utah State And Mr Christensen who reaps the “bank account” here? In conclusion the only that is really needed is whether or not we are going to become a nation of book - reading big - headed or a better well-balanc- ed nation Gary Rawlings physically-fi- t Fnqineering Prof Appointed Editor Joel E Fletcher professor Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University has been named as an editor for two publications He will serve as of a book “Atlas of the Arid Zones of the United States” The appointment was made by the committee on Desert and Arid Zone Research co-edit- or Profesor Fletcher was named editor of “Evolving Water Law” This publication will consist of a group of papers presented recently at a symThis appointment posium was made by the Committee on Arid Lands a national committee Both committees are a part of the American Association for the Advancement of Science the largest scientific organization in the world Dean Smith To Venezuela sources (CIDIAT) develop a research program for the Experimental Center of Higher Education in Barquistimeto This will soon become the University of Lara In addition Dean Smith will go to Brazil and Bolivia to work with the Utah teams located in those countries LIFE LINDA KAOAK Managing Lditoi LSAKHV MOHTLNSKN Advertising Director “I’VE GONE OVER Ht$ HOMEWORK GRAPES — I’VE FKSUREP Hl5 PAItY ANP Hl£ LA0 WOKK AGAIN AN7 STILL CANT COME ' UP With FAM SCOPES ft?lNf TOTAL LOW ENOUGH TO FLUNK HIM" SuDMTiption rules tor utl campt $3 pei year or $1 per quarter per vear out ot country Acceptance tor malting at spec rale ol postage In accordance v EP Mip-TEfcu- A a Ralph Maughan Jr McCarthy Again? It has been over a decade since Senator Joseph terrorized the nation with his Communist-hunt- s McCarthy j Since I Me- - Carthy’s heyday his corpse has been stabbed a thousand times and most young Americans find the McCarthy state of mind hard to understand However there are signs that McCarthyism might be on the rise again It is possible that McCarthyism is a social disease that tends to arise in America every time that certain conditions exist Let’s look at these conditions d stimulus of McCarthyism The blind crusades) is the frus(and most modem trations and insecurities of life in a mass industrial society g industrial society Life in results in insecurity Family ties are weak- ened the eternal varities learned during the Maughan rural period of national development are challenged religion loses its meaning for many people and automation threatens the jobs of many workers Insecure people want to identify with something In the past the family clan village religion etc has served to give the individual identity Today men identify with the (a phenomenon known is nationalism) For example a man might be nothing in American society but he is a member of the world’s most powerful nation lie identifies himself with the nation He makes the nation the depository of his loyalties However when America seems thwarted or abused the deeply committed nationalist feels thwarted or abused personally (perhaps more than if he was abused to his face) If such a person’s country doesn’t overcome foreign policy obstacles such a person becomes more nationalistic and per- haps directs his aggressions inward Give a leader and a movement will develop that seeks an internal scapegoat to blame for lack of national success The Korean War gave Joseph McCarthy the chance to be the leader People didn’t understand the war It wasn’t a glorious campaign like the image Americans had of past wars Americans felt more and more frustrated McCarthy emotions gave Americans something to vent their pent-u- p Communists — Internal home Communist traitors at upon were said to be the reason that America was not smashing to victory in Korea or winning the Cold War Just as Hitler gave frustrated and insecure Germans a scapegoat the Jews so McCarthy gave Americans a scapegoat Now we have the war in Vietnam It is even more frustrating than the Korean conflict The reasons for being there are not as clear as in Korea Disorganization of society through technological change Whites are frightened frustration is pushby riots and growing crime The pent-u- p ing for total escalation in Vietnam just as it did in Korea Will this frustration soon be directed inward? Let’s look at the Reagen candidacy in California California is a state where racial tensions are very high where people are among the most alienated from society and where employment largely depends on the capricious aerospace industry Unemployment is above the national average-Iis five percent The great influx of people to California has created impossible problems of crowding taxation welfare pollution an are transportation A large percentage of recent immigrants the from the These people have brought with values that reject a great deal of urban culture Many Ca fornians have lived for years in a neighborhood without knovr e ing a single neighbor Many feel outraged and yet frustra because of their impotence Handsome Ronald Reagen has come along He tells these he people who are rebelling against urban complexity that a has a simple answer He says that all government needs is little common sense (a very common American belief)promises to clean up Berkeley (a great irritant because Berkeley white middle class values are rejected very sharp ly) He says that he will cut taxes and clean up big government He will stop crime and disorder His slogan of comn10 sense is really just an appeal to white middle class preju ice Is Reagen the new McCarthy ? I doubt it He isn t tha c sading lie hasn’t identified a definate scapegoat jet Perhaps there wall not be a new McCarthyism The 1SAm can intellectual community is stronger now Dissent respectable now People can no longer believe the concep a fight to the death between sinless Capitalism and £° Communism But then the radical rightwing is stronger ‘ j j deep-seate- rapidly-changin- - i : ! I postal laws and regulations Kntered as second class matter September 1008 at Logan Utah un-ithe act ol March 2 1870 Zap Code 84321 Second Class Portage Paid In Logana Utah Issue No 89 ‘r J j v j j t i j j: I I j j j j i con-tinu- - Inter-America- STUDENT TAR GET BOARD nation-stat- e Barquistimeto Venezuela — Dean Vearl R Smith of the College of Agricultural Science Utah State University arrived in Venezuela this n week to help the Center for the Development of Water and Land Re- I 19GG h 1: ' i t Mid-We- st ’ i u j i hunting insanitv j i j ® - too The point is that as long as the Vietnamese conflict tinues in its vague and madd- -' be the pressure for j con Wit j |