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' ? l' f f i SEE a L Utali State TTniersity ri j WQvgpiwgi College Dates Special Class On Education A special intensive seminar course in comparative education opens today as part of the offerings of the College of Education according to Dean John Carlisle Dr Claude Eggertson University of Michigan authority education in international will offer the special short term course from Aug 8 to 19 Enroll Today Students interested in enrolling for the course may do so today from 1:20 to 4:20 216 pm in Family Life roomhours The course carries three credit for those who desire to register for credit Professor Eggertson has traveled extensively and participated in educational seminars in the Far East and Europe He has served in and many capacities at home eduinternational abroad on cation matters Studied in England Dr Eggertson retired last as head of the history jear and comparative education He department at Michigan Nathe of is past president tional Comparative Education Society Dr Eggertson has spent a Matteo Featured In Dance The annual Dance Festival held on the USU campus which features students from the New York High School of Performing Arts will give two concerts one on August 11 12 and 13 and another on August 17 and 18 On August 11 12 and 13 the concert will be given by Carola Goya and Matteo members of the Dance Festival staff This concert will be held at the Lyric Theater and begin at 8:15 pm The latter concert will be presented by the 325 partiin the cipating students will inworkshop Dances wor clude a modern jazz directed by Michael Nestor artist in residence at USU an ethnic work directed by Matteo a modern dance w'ork '— d by Mark Ryder and Concert a ballet directed by Naomi Stamelman Dr Rachael Yocum is coordinator of this program with Gertrude Shurr as dance supervisor The summer Dance Festival is in its eighth year at Utah State University The Dance Festival workwill shop began July 18 and 20 be held through August and has been holding classes in the USU LDS Stake Centhese claster August ses will be open for the public to observe from 8:40 til 8-- noon 12 Students participating in the workshop are from the New York High School of Performing Arts and other New York high schools Arizona California and five students from the Logan aiea present major part of theeducation summer studying in England and is returning to the United States in time for the assignment at Utah State Appointment of Professor Eggertson for the special course is part of the program of emphasis on international education being stressed in the University Dean Carlisle said IWI'1 JWWgM W) EWjJMWyvy f - iv 2nd Steak Fry Planned Tuesday Steak with all the trimmings is on the menu for students and faculty attending the second steak fry Tuesday Aug 9 tomorrow Persons with activity cards may attend for $125 those without will pay $225 There are no specialrates for children the rec- Scheduled for 6:30 pm in the Amphitheater area the social event is under direction of the Summer Quarter recreation program On the menu will be steak tossed salad baked potato rolls drink and dessert More than 300 persons attended the first fry of the season according to Nolan ‘‘Red” Burnett recreation director He added that a similar treat is in store for those participating Tuesday Tickets are on sale at the USU Ticket Office in the UB between 9 am and 4 pm today and before noon Education Speech Planned Thursday A visiting professor of com- parative education will dress a summer quarter meeting Thursday Aug 11 at 7:30 pm it was announced this w'eek by spokesmen for tw'o education fraternities Claude Eggertson Prof visiting professor in comparative education from Michistugan will address faculty unithe of and dents guests of versity in the Auditorium the Union Building The meeting has been arranged by the campus chapter of Phi Delta Kappa and Delta Kappa Gamma men’s and women’s education fraternities respectively Dr Ellvert II Himes Summer Quarter director is cooperating in the arrangements An informal social will be held in the Faculty Lounge of the Union Building from 7 to 7:30 pm preceding the meeting ad- 'Cross Ends Meet Last week 114 delegates from high schools all over Utah participated in the Utah Youth Red Cross Leadership Center held on the USU week campus They spent the generate learning how to and more more interest in lotheir efefctively organize Volume 9 August 8 1900 Cross into Utah schools In the afternoon students participated in electives where they learned practical enapplication of generating Cross thusiasm in the Red disWorkshops were held in acof plays crafts albums tivities and publicity writing In the evening recreational otgroups were held Among cal Youth Red Cross prodemonstraher activities were grams tions and field trips Under the direction of JesOn the staff of the Utah se V Haws the Chapter Youth Red Cross Leadciship Manager of Bonneville ChapCenter were Director Haws ter of the Red Cross Ogdenin Toni Theriot assistant direcdelegates have participatedDistor John Allred who is field a number of activities for the State cussion groups were held for representative of Utah and 21 junior distwo hours each morning Red cussing ways to work the - K in mi nniiHi itnr “ RARE medium rare wellwill be three wordheard often b Dean Has-laas he grills steaks lor fry Tuesday night m This Week's Calendar August 8 9:50 am — Workshop in Business Education-Dat- a begins Main 321 1:20 pm — Seminar in Comparative Education begins Family Life 216 Tuesday Aug 9 Monday Pro-cesis- 2 pm ng — Administrative Council Board Room 1 am-il- y Life 6:30 pm — Steak Fry Amphitheater Area Thursday Aug II pm — Reception Faculty Lounge UB for Dr Claude Eggertson Students Ity invited — Address on 30 pm Dr parative Education Audi-i7-7:- 30 de Eggertson UB Sponsored by a Kappa and Delta m Phi Kap-lamm- a Public invited Dance Concert c Theater downtown L5 pm — ay Aug 12 pm — Dance Concert c Theater downtown and 9:15 pm — Summer rter Movie “Men of Boys’ n” UB Auditorium inlay Aug 13 15 p m — Dance Concert c Theater downtown lay Aug 11 Music pm — Chamber down-n Theater ert Lyric Logan Klay Aug 15 Poul-Scienmcrican National Conference be- on campus L5 ce |