Show APPLICATION fog FOR A PATENT TT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that joab N PI lawrence 11 L pease and geo B G graff ri where here v post obice adress hi in salt lake lk city city U T have made niale application app il catlon cation tor for a patent for the south southwest west wesl et quarter ot of section twenty four 24 4 township one 1 narth north 0 RangeN lne tue alu aiu able deposits said sald location being recorded in vol 1 page ra ge 4 and 1 S ot of the sicily district records there la Is no adjoining claim the name ot of nearest is the wood At kiEBon n sow claim nea nes nearly aly east cast and distant hatt halt a mile GEO K R MAXWELL ker Key kerister lster ister er SaIt Salt Lake Lalie city dec 1 1673 ani I 1 regard REWARD ry y SHEEP sheepherder herder HERbER DAN PAN JARMAN ali nil ill ajl 1 lost t or had solen XO 0 from the west eat est mountain anyone gi riving giving I 1 1 ils if a wo t tion 11 ot of their i i oin oln will wim g re receive te tho the above reward E 31 VAN ETTEN ds it a vrest west jordan L E D r dodl doni MY ray pace about th irth I lith ith of 0 november novembers 1 4 a dark dirk red owa star in forehead branded 0 S on left hip and 31 on side and C 0 IlSon 11 S ou left horn by thi this time he be should barta calf tile tiie will ba bv returning hertzi her to CHAS jordan inver iziver luv lui tr bridge 2 a creek E suray STRAY NOTICE HAVE in my mv the follow dei def scrib d a animal lingar i if f not claimed and taken iken away within ten days from froin date swill wiil will be sod sold bod to to the highe highet t bidder ut tiie the pound la in pile flie 1 alley valoy I U utne T it 3 amton on monday the I 1 i th defy of bovein i ber c r AD 1873 13 vz ono sorrel arrel gurel three year old manc MARC two hite bite hind bind feet one white atre rote rot ift e toot white whito spot in fore forc torch hean hcan eai cai alid aud spat amt n nose noke W P SARGENT DI district brict rine valley TI T iv nv ASTRAY Y NOTICE A in my possession tho the following ase d ani animals mabs mahs one large bay HOUSE HORSE shod white hind fonty font six ix or seven 3 jeara yeara ears cars old id no aralds visible A so one I 0 liblit bay 1110 isore RE shod ehod white hind feet star in lit face no brands N 11 uble the tho above animals it r no not t claimed and taken taker aw aay av before aloud y decerb r rath rith ath 1716 at 1 0 clock elock pm will bo be a id at publio eale baie at tho the district R iray tray pound lound newlon 1 ta T pounds r boun ticul nov jtb 1573 1473 animals li ii in 11 my possession ilo ile fol soi following loning one b ty manh MARH and colt opo oro or six fix yc years ars old tar otar tu in fo ebeid no brands visible one bay HO hore HOKE rin rit wo 3 ears cars old hind blud teet feet whito white hito hite tio ahra d 1 vable A black mare MAKE bind feet teet white star in sall foil bead head branded braided om something ething ilk lik ue ebon elon I 1 le lett iott ft thigh 3 rn orn rik rim richt ht thigh oie one two yea year rol r roi ol sorrel mard MARE white strip on face hind teet ghi whlter te branded something like ity its on left thigh wit it not cia uia ciamei lined t hey they will bo be a oid old at public sale at the the 11 tit i ray pound american fork at I 1 pm son yon ou pee pec tt tee c 10 1873 WM wai GRANT A rasi ican iran nork rork 15 wv T alm aim 1 larice lanice OF OP GOLD a yby doerck zatto watto bar a at va senin selling sat gat at ig lg 19 0 7 phi JL SIMS MINERS BE association i of dock rock springs carlin and alwy almy to inform the tho public I 1 T that they tiley are arc out 1 4 1 pa strike I 1 P I 1 I 1 oi lor their i and desie deste tho the I 1 odthe of the tho working clas clai not hot to axne cincio till up their places until their 1 rights are adjusted adjust I 1 fd jasiek DOWNS BOWNS ea wit 10 cor COP sec NOTICE havn HAVE in my possession teg tug following lff iff owing f cs trays traye ne no red s frail rei r FRI R jt Il two year zoll wold pat little white on belly bunch 44 ta tail tali I 1 partly iwhite no vi ablo andson or marics iino tine ot no brin file filo STAG eighteen months old oid no marks marki cr brands one rol rel re I 1 krte bit three years old pat ra pa t tt crop off right ear two un tin orbits orblis in fit the ame pame in I 1 ft it cair br aided it lewis ou on right tight horn WF como comm coro blud bind d IV on left lett born horn branded it li I 1 on high kigh hip hin b otcel brand on left hip illegible brand dpn kitt teft elde eide taken up for darria darlia danial danl dani af it the aloe are ilot nor claimed nna taken away alway before I 1 welock on tin alurdas day december the ibe 10 lh 1673 1873 they wl wi i b sold at fit publio public sale at my 4 orral corral lo 10 the bichest response res ble bidder JAMES C owens til tit strict fillmore FU U T nov zut gut lt IS 1 I dsa osa yi TO WHOM IT hway CONCERN whis THIS HIS Is to certify that john G holman Hol hoi nian I 1 ot of grove wa cut of from the hurch church ot of jesus christ ot of latter day maints iminta by tho hilry council ot t this his stake of zion oct 30 1873 tor for not co mOving with wilh the decision ot of the hiah utah Coun council jil in the cae oae ca cleof e of dieteman lie lle teman prats pratt rs john 0 hotman holman I 1 and tor for or writing the tho bagh t igro couil Couii cl jn in tho the above entitled case before the first district court JOHN JOFIN 9 PIKE ch clrk cirk of fligh council salt lake latso city nov nos PS this thia d c slon sion was vas sils hiis tal tai tain talu edby the first presidency lk l K P da ass wit ses sea IE NOTICE HAVE in my in y po possession s e sion slon the tho following I 1 do described cribe animal mais mals one iron erey grey marn MARR I 1 even seven or eight years od old I 1 branded it Is C on left thigh and J on ett left eft bh shoulder one iron gr six y years C hrs ars cd ed TV IV with a heart over it on lest left fh shoulder one brown marm MARK right feet white six or i seven reven years old branded t ta on left shoulder tind find V on left hip I 1 I 1 one oze bay STUD bild blid face three feet or tour four years old no brand visible ono L llo bay MARE waru two years old branded W R on left ill lit hip one sorrel M mard MARC ird vre ine and i colt coit it white hit bit I 1 la face to lo brand le legible gibb one brown star in face two years old blotch brand on left shou shoulder 1 ader one bay HORSE roan round neck three years old branded ba M H on right thigh one sorrel II 11 HE RE white in face two yearb years 0 od dj no brand visible it not claimed and taken away within ten days from date wil w wll ill lii be fo gold bold id to pay ex X pense on oa saturday november Ko vember 6 at S p an JOSEPH josuph kay eay Kayl ville lle ile district ke kas Kay ssi sulie 27 1873 1 SPECIAL 19 X y A A N VANILLA A LE LEMOA EM ETC F fw io lis Ils 0 iro ire crean cream cakes cales pad sad 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 W R h gi cicat eat care by a new now proc we extract from the llie tue true select ani aromatics Aro maties matics each characteristic vor and nna produce cf of excellence of groat great st and purl ty ji oils mccry as ard LY dc cari caci cacil mca mea kiare iol luk lulling ngone ono moro mora aan man othe to hold lold acus oace once era eca tise no vo other the mo inos delicate garots cw made superior si ped pen pr to tl tyre 6 cheap er traits ask f dr prices special flavorings oly lily by t 1 denota denoth enot erot CI CHICAGO fand ST louls LOUIS I 1 1 I 1 1 geturs ri cf ef dr efres C ozion orion r diw mcw A B DUNFORD successor to bunone Du none ID ea bt r D 3 S r U old oid Sm Stand salone looe lone gene vene door doer enst east of deseret sess neis ers ern n office CW terin inverted iner ted n gold silver and rubber r from froni YO to f tio tia p r vt aft ecla ila ratu rutn d alid filed fi led la in abent the most annen anner annar i 1 del dei d sl im in THE NEW F L EN E t t as G 1 1 1 1 f IS tire THE simplest andi andl in d best MACHINE IN USE LATE lage ON THIS I 1 JL machine make it dow now the the desirable dt of others hers v ith I 1 ts own ex oel 1 the I 1 he new CF Is the only machine that has the celebrated never reversible sibie sible deed peed and self adjusting shuttle tension 1 I 1 it Is NT whon when sewing selving and is ALWAYS inor INOH deu DEp tho the FLO 14 1 4 E N C E FEEDS IN allya AILL directions aw 37 we invite purchasers to call and ex auline before purchasing WB WU WAI wal iRANT guarantee to keep all FLORENCE machines in utah la perfect running arder order without i 0 the owner I 1 parties a machine not nob working well will do us a in aar or by callin cailin call cali ius lus extras new attachments d tv ray active agents ranted everywhere Smi ZIPS i lond lonn GENERAL AGENTS 19 10 21 first south st aso gag sag tf SALT lane LAWE LA KE CITY N the ro HOWE SEWING MACHINE ai As ty by enias enlas HOWE jr tr of tie tit a hg lii iii abeln Be cu ln s best in vin via th world worldon THE HOWE savins servin rac iachine inching Inc hinc hine co COMBINES mErNES 0 42 AND excellence OF STITCH I 1 hy IV STRENGTH FIRMNESS S AND durability OF seame t ECONOMY OF THREAD 1 I 1 W rye attachments TS AND WIDE RANGE OF application TO PURPOSES AND materials I 1 the above qualities of he olg machine make it uthie tre the GRANDEST II 11 or H genius this is an monest HONEST machine and is not subject to FITS f POINTS OF superiority Simplic simplicity itu and end perfect of of area 1 tw last a lifetime lift time R atae if without parallel perfection of stitch and Ten tension simi kimi ease nf operation Opera tion tinn md management self seit adjusting tak tah 6 lp A djus tabU ife lle hedd head aa S W call and examine our styles ane and an t SALES ROOM adolt 11 r A sew few doors West ot of operative cooperative co w sale eale department dupai tc the howe sevian Jj lachine machine go co 5 thon THOS f A agent gent for jor utah foj WANTED W OT Wo wolves ives lies poxes foxes beavers Beaver sl T and badders Bad pens pers ilease please i tend size sze citi und price to L barrot barf BARP OT iq wu t hak hat an sart salt lake late ats aty |