Show L blid AND OTHER HATTERS from TUESDAYS DAILY hov yov 25 21 ring eing there where ivas wag a luminous baltor belt beit or ring around tile the moon last night which vilich is ls considered hereabouts to be a pretty suren indication or tiie tile near approach of a storm barbarous poultry toul Foul trY tny dealers should find some other ing ang chickens than tying their iligir legs together and letting them cleion liei on the sidewalks in front frontlet of their stores it is a cruel frac practice tin tim and should be topped stopped 9 surely fowls lowis can be kept alive when exposed for sale without being tortured suicide ae it will be seen seeney by a territorial dis dispatch atch that horace homce myers of the corinne reporter and arid formerly of tha the salt lake mining nour rouf rial ngar committed sus stis cide last night 6 py taking poison financial difficulties are the aup posed cause of the rash act the sacks backs we are informed that a dealer in coal and wood in tho the ward frequently loses sacks of coal from froin his premises some of the parties who do this contemptible work are known let them bring back the sacks and cease their operations if they dont doht wish to be exposed and punished disgorged Dis gorged we ve are pleased to learn hat that mr collector hollister since the publication of our correspondent stagers letter has sent a letter to judge george G snyder acknowledging the unwarrantable manner in which jie aie lie iio was uvas treated and best of ail all a d portion of the salary grab grabl heen xe returned turned to the judge we understand also that the young deputy deput who fain would play the shylock of a very small calibre will be wanted soon on a serious charge neat and durable A very tidy and substantial fence just ere erected acted by edward ed ward 8 cox esq in front of the residence of mr samuel H hill of or the U C it R hils has attracted some attention the pickets are of kliron iron rod som sop interwoven as to present an elliptical point while the ends are driven through j augur holes in the upper and lower rails it is better adapted to our arid altitude looks handsomer and costs less than many other styles it may be seen at first door north of the court house ADa A dastardly staidly outrage A cor respondent in cache valley relates some of the circumstances of a diabolical outrage upon a swedish lady about 60 years old who em emigrated fuw fum lUW this season and went to cache caci e valley to reside she came to salt lake city to attend the october conference on her return the tho tr trains did not connect at corinne and she was compelled to stay there all night but could not at first find any one to understand her language at length she met mel with a man who dimand he took her to a house and furnished her with a bed he subsequently became very abusive threatened her life compelled her to drink a glass of wine and afterwards by main strength violated her person thrice the following day she returned home quite ill she never rallied but died last week accident accides it to Perri ghine grine sessions wm win reeves writes from center ville ille nov 24 as follows iaser As mr Perri grine sessions was coming home with ie io from salt lako lake city on saturday last in a light spring wagon lie he dittli sitting ng on the back seat and leading a mare that he had purchased the animal sudden suddenly lj pulled on the rope the seat being loose turne turned dover over backwards throwing mr sessions on his back in the hard road and rendering rendering him comparatively helpless elar d some pers pors person bu coming by at tile the time very kindly rendered rend gred Wred all did the asi assistance stance they tiley could we placed him j a again 4 ain aln ili in the wagon and I 1 took him honie home as fast as I 1 1 thought jt hought it was prude prudent mt to drive he being in great agony all the way was he has lain in a an n almost hel helpless ples pies condition ever even since 11 an fn soda poda springs A in n from sod soda a sip bip springs rings informs us that that is nod no conspicuous a 18 a grain T raisin ralson alsing region and is not likely to be but being thickly timbered when n the railroad ret reI leaches elles ciles there a nine fine trade it in I lumber umber hin shiu gies agles and lath is likely to t spring up which vilich will cause tho thu place to grow fra rapidly idly she ahe yae I mf also states that thai the medicinal pro properties berties per ties of the springs have been thoroughly demonstrated being especially beneficial in cases cased of if cu ta fineous s and kidney diseases and envall s will wiil be likely to fmc ime theme as sonn soan as a the facilities nur rde travel are arc increased by railroad communication ithe i the seeni ia in lit places is described describe as wonderfully beautiful and natural curiosities abound in that locality I 1 s choir concert pile pilo tho the tabernacle i choir concert at the old taberna ele eie lide zide cle jast night was wa an immense success in every particular the tile audience aud lenco ienco being very large jarge and the i various arlous ir pieces being rendered in jn a very excel excellent lent manner the efficiency clency of or the choir was wag manifested very strikingly ly especially in the execution of of some of the glees and choruses Oioi uses the uhe glee of blow blow thou winter wind has probably never been surpassed by beany any bod body Y af of singers in this terri terni territory altory it was deservedly encored d mr geo geol Teas dales daies byword my word my bond W was 6 well received being sung with feeling and the duet duei 11 music musie on the waves was waa correctly render pender led sed aed by mesdames tester and grow the scotch selection on the concertina by mr W foster was encored and so was wab tile the song maid mald laid of lorente by mrs T 1 harper vit v sit it is seldom that thab a male amale quartette is executed with as much finish as was f the home ot the swallows by foster griggs acin tyre and ard owen the voices of these ese gen gentlemen are really fine and in the singing of this piece they used them to splendid advantage adv anLage the oid old Sexto sexton ivr iVl was correctly sung by mr owen the dream of home 1 by mesdames mes dames pascoe hamer triplet and brewer and triplet morgan F ean fin tn ulers iders harrison and harper went ott very well weil being rendered quite i effectively and the solo and chorus by mrs Cai eless and the choir was one oatho finest things odthe of the evening there being but one defective point but that was not on the part of or mrs care ies les leg or the choir choin we refer efer r to a ten dency deney to loudness in the sotto udee parts carts by the hist instruments which wh icil had a slightly grating effect with that exception it vv was ai really delightful to listen tp its rendition di Ul tion morgan morg ay a ical niter hiter a and iad oveil oiven fairly took akie lile the abuso by storm by their very comical and correct sinking of the twy try catches miss brown and and aud the wives 11 their singing received additional effect from their very bry appropriate gestures suiting the action to the words careless and daynes executed an exceedingly difficult duet on the violin and piano which although giyen glyen in masterly style did not seem to be tic as well weli appreciated by the audience as gome some things much leis deserving in point of ability tit ait is unnecessary to state that the exquisite singing e of mrs careless was yas the tho I 1 chief attraction of the evening g and that to her energetic endeavors much of the success of i the he conce concert i rt is due not only in the various which she sang so finely but in the singing of the various rious choruses and glees lier her superb voice votee voice being heard beard above ove all others in all of the tim tha the tw two latter iatter cla ela classes ases of P pieces a iee ire fiello batter Matter t le cruel in the audi audience ance to demand so vociferously an encore to her song of lali lauf laughing hing hins ases lyes of other days the reason she did not comply with the tile request q aest so demonstratively made was t that fit her fier voice had been too much 0 on n thea the stretch all the evening the hallelujah chorus by the full choir closed a very nine fine musical entertainment ent and the auti aurience lence leuce went to their homes well weli satisfied that they had the tile full worth of their money as meil well as having shown a just appreciation of the merits and servi services cei of the tabernacle choir by their presence at the ey V 11 2 ol 01 f 1 l benefit concert of that body of singers before the end of the performance ancelmo anee ance elMr nir sir C R savage announced that the concert would be repeated on thursday afternoon as a matinee it I 1 tia Is needless to comment on the thel ability and industry displayed by professor careless in getting up so good a musical entertainment as the matter must bo be patent to everybody |