Show the bonds bt t faur four couples were severed by judge hallett hallatt wednesday mornings morning getting oetting divorced brems geins gerns 8 eins erns to lc be about tle iho easiest thing in n the world stand up and says something which nobody can an hear bear hen han te sheriff goes to the door of the cour court room and thrice gaii cau a out tile ilc lic name of t the e individual whom you once to 6 love iove honor obey and stick to 6 throng throna nl thick and thin the judge makes a 11 few scratches with a pen in it his ug big took look and you yon dont love honor bonor obey olcy horstick t tj anybody daany any longer and you can walli wall round and look out for another mate ad a soon boon ashou BB you yon have a mind to springs G Oa gazette zette sette NOTICE 1 I HAVE in my pomes powes possession slon the rol fol following loning described es trays which it not claimed on or before the ath day of de december ember 1873 they will be sold bold at public auction at th tbt pound in tooele thoele city at 10 am dec doc rth jtb 1873 one white while ten year old ola HORSE branded something like 3 on left thigh one dark bay twelve year 0 old ola id HORS HOUSE E hrip grip strip in race lace black mane and tail tall with saddle addle mark brand on loft left hip one light bay ten year old HORSE HOME black mane and tail collar and saddle marks arp strip in race lace a cc I 1 left eft hind foot white oni ont one 1 eight g bt y year 0 ar old blue horse hurse right hind bind an and f front legs whit white ewhite white in face and banks flanks one eight year old od sorrel habsey right hind bind foot toot whitey whites star and strip in face race mth saddle caddie marks two tire notches in ve lert left ff e ear Q r 0 one ono white nine year old uld 1 jeorse fa R S af grey mane and tail branded ibon idon ill on left thigh also branded on left shoulder one tour four year yeal old roan horsen strip in tace face black en on hip branded ILD lldon ildon on right hip low down one twelve year old grey HORSE orsey 13 daric dar legs lega and feet spanish brand braud on iet left r t thigh high h one une lovo two year old oid sorrel HOUSE COLT strip in face light mane and tall hind bind feet annes and levs legs white branded on left shoulder one dark brown four sour year ear old HORSE spot in face sace left front and hind feet white black mane and tall one dark red four year old BULL one ono red faced five year old white under beliy belly square crp crop erp off each ear u upper per and in left loft cary ear branded on lett left hip one dark red four years olds old oid and calf square qua re crop off left ear with bole hole and croo crop ott off right rights brand branded edt edL J with bait halt circle on top on right should shoulder ders derl cr N non on left side brand on lert left bip hip one black four tour year old COW anil and yearling 11 ng calt calf star in face white underbelly under belly beily in auks flanks B and on legs branded m w on left aldes aides side brand on left hip half crop in left jeff ear car one roan foun four yerrold year old oid COW and jand calf bilt slit on nose noses bra branded 7 on left jett shoulder right horn drooped one red and whito white four cearold year old COW and calr calf star in rac fac ewhite race face white underbelly under belly beliy u or slope in left ear brand on left dp rno une ono eleven year old yellow OX white feet and legs whity white tinder under belly on rump in flanks and on tall tail branded on left horn born MILES ia L W brand on left hip xee ret abes figure 12 2 crop off each ear car one yearling gling brinde e elded aided iino line back STEER white to belly beliy hip flanks fanks and hind legs croo and slit in right ear earl dundei bit in lefts left branded on left hip one roan sided line fine back yearling STEER white face belly and three thred leg legi onerea one red an and dwhite white six year old swe STE 11 whito white feet and legs on rump tall tail flanks hanks und and under beily bellr cr crop and slit in right ear and aud lu lert left brand on left hip GEORGE GEORGH ATKIN district dsa wit tooele thoele acty I 1 yon you ase T ili lit e an med ted first ekum stat iusi t octave octaye arios arroa for wt nse answer ws tr it 11 un it k iss ivi tiu uit uli to avay avar artay goo ilano liano A koa roa nil all 0 o I 1 akim 1 ingy ingv jray boru a per ct I 1 is no agers ageia v VJ V buu lui ut ship direct tn to fi ti mitie milie at factory price trice a nd war wa warrant rini rint yi yeara am ara ned end sed for 1 circular in we rener refer to over hanker iier net ct hA haac nuts tc some som of abu you may inay know wing ping our out plan flanoi h iio lit 44 states and territories US piano co boj broadway NY please state where YOU gaw saw this notice wio aimo atmo A imo MERWIN HULBERT CO coi i i manufacturers importers and jobbers ot of guns rifles revolvers fishing tackle tac rac 08 and goods breech loading shot guna wins and rinea ricca of all kinds A manufacturers of the well known X L Cartr ire lre revolving derning Derring err erp and aud pistols and blue jacket revolvers sole agents of phoenix cartridge Cos coa 1 metallic I cartridges of all sizes Ame american fish hook cos coa nooks hooks and aud tackle etc ete y etc VY tay A full assortment of 0 bur roods moods are kept constantly on haild halad by zions co opera tive mercantile institution I 1 salt lake city and all its ita branches orders by mail receive special attention M merran MERr merv jN bulbert hulbert d CO 83 chambers GRAND MEDAL eib elb senn V WORLDS raffi FAM 1 1873 8 7 warned AWARDED WARDED TO THE x w trademark TRADE MARK FOR COAL WOOD T bituminous COAL STOVE in rit the world If orid orld T Tre RIK IR MONITOR montor has rained gained a far famed tamed JL reputation no higher encomium can be bestowed upon a cooking stove store than to say t that at every housewife house wire wife who in lt its p praise and recommend recommends it to ker her neighbors and fri friends enday for economy cleanliness and reliability in all ita its MONITORS now in use also the celebrated oa santa r nt a claus COOKING STOVE for coar coat and wood WHICH iras HAS SUCH A DEMAND ALL THROUGH THE TERRITORY FOR BEAUTY AND EXCEL excellence lenca LENCK CANNOT BE SURPASSED all our STOVES are hept ept foe for sale by Z X C aj I 1 anci ancl all Us its branch stores also by all he the cooperative stores in hit the territory manur mAxur AcTu rm by WM keson RESOR A CO cincinnati OHIO 1 dalt I I 1 BOS C am m ca m KAMMO US z 17 1 1 zi K rii ril 1 X FOR COAL or WOOD ARE MADE SOLELY BY trw ST LOUIS MO are ara doing more and CHARTER dotter better dill bell f amir doing lt it OAK QUICKER and nd CHEAPER than any auy stove stoye of same bame cost coat ARE aee always charter LOW ILOW PRICED RELIABLE oak oad and operate P E it F E 0 T L Y will do your lum MUM OAK and i easy eady quick and cleam CLEAN charter WARRANTED oak and 80 LD BY wholesale dealers iu in all ali 11 kinds of turners AND BT irr ALL irve STOVE DEALIE in sait Salt Lake |