Show mr mry 1 1 iry liy MODS GOODS UP stairs EMPORIUM A fall first class stocks of i GOODS X J lotions 0 T I 1 ON w k BOOTS ann aki SHOES AT LOW PRICES 1 jsu U cholea wholesale ale aie buyers bayers and cooperative co operative deal rs s please inspect etall tall tail I t e 1 depa gye kye P EMPORIUM BUILDINGS THE FINEST DISPLAY asb g rf ai of 4 roo boc ook um S we e cut w in any lengths at a smail small advance adrance on wholesale wh desale I 1 t W P thia this Is tiivi the department for families Fa milles hullt huilt AN all lii t T constitution s Fir purchasers chasers can here find an IMMENSE STOCK A band nd la in each branch a great variety TOOLS wools hua hud MACHINERY all on the premises 1 JE anners supplies a S specialty p eca ity L 0 H I 1 N T I 1 H 0 HE was wat na A JJ n ivd avd AND L i va M p CR 0 3 R r T E D ii fl jk manufacture vroni t made HADE GERMAIN ENGLISH and V v babit FABRICS ICS fine cloths claths cua cna rf trimmings sli sll annand hand band roy foy gentlemen ordering their own ta t arst class niters aad and torome n 1 IS iu at au 7 orders oid aid promptly r wio I 1 G r f deax A T I 1 4 k FANCY fan PAN OY AND STAPLE va yol JOL V ca ga mw patent heddell lesy lebs perfumery kety itty tu ema ena mitsn ale and porter averill paint to lead iad oua colors grass glass gra gin etc u prescriptions frola will sped special ul at attention on H B sapt il PRIVATE HOSPITAL ward S I 1 ctr oty my clr vt K AN DERSON ND TERMS invariably in advance lor epard board medicine medical attend an cebo to 23 per week parties residing at a distance requiring eur sur rieal operations would aw nio well to rive elve in me a cu cail wi r F amderson amberson NOTICE apo TO WHOM ir MAY mat ancery khat khal crt eash cash berver entry for the townsite te of Ada movIlle server ile lle er Co vulah utah rUlah Terr berrito lory made Febri feb Fob february oary pary 21 1 k e embracing racing the following described 1 linda to V wh oase andal SO township 0 ship 29 range west est oon con containing 1 igo 1 1 ncr acres has his been made male in trust lor tor thel the it 94 1 1 anta ants thereof and Is now I 1 eady to be ais nis disposed posed of in oia ois to any person or persus persons entitled thereto all persons persons g to tn be owners or posses sors sore 0 of any portion of hald haid entry will take talco due notice and mahe make the cation aa ils provided in the of utah J I 1 K MURDOCK wa am judge A T greer GREEN C 0 in lii in i 1 s s i 0 n and f purchasing agent ag ent no 3 font front street sein tn francisco elai eirl tf 2nd and p ATWOOD BODWELL 13 str X oot i i san francise francisco Pran cisco aca cals cais cali 1 A M 4 kua iud aua ana golden GD STATE lup lul mm W D drui MILLS LITTLE grant granc worse horse dowers bowers grass drass PUMPS WATER TANKS tag dze dze N X B we have hame made the manufacture the above machinery a specialty for the last ten years and guarantee all our ony work ly patent ward hard steel W lwi IWI WS f 81 M 77 hado mado only by AMES anys plow COMPANY of implements and machines rall rail BOSTON masv mesi eek manSt NEW toru tork law laa send for descriptive I 1 wesly wm TAYLOR SONS COLUMBIAN m IRON bil woo hiiri WORKS 01 25 to 39 9 adams MS st 1 Brook drook lymp new yolk tolk yow toa 1 of au K i aa sin engine centrifugal d liri iiri also adeo hydrostatic I 1 oil presses 1 I 1 for yon for cotton and linseed OU oil and other purposes STEAMBOAT ENGINES 1 I 1 MIXING and t S WRECKING T jy t z iron liron and ena of every ok wib wis hi fr i s y 0 I 1 4 C be i jure jura and prescribed by more leading thin or stimulant now lause they r A gurr SURE rr for ague 1 intermittent late ants bli Bil lowde iowne ss and all disorders disorder arising nning from mt ames they are lre I 1 highly g h recommended as an antl anti dyspeptic and la in ce cases ot in dig olg e aln sla are invaluable as a ao an appetizer Appet izer ixer and penal and la in esses cases of genrl general debility they have hase deyer never to in a sin ain angla butakes butanes awod awed in producing rod t th eos e mot os ha hippy res reo vats they chey ft mrs krs vt r 1 barly or 1 ben T TO aei FEMALES aej strengthening the body JO the mind and giving riving va ire lre tone tono end and t the the whole system the home homb OE R na are ire compounded wl with th the gra great erest et eat ee eire and end so BO stimulant bas has eyer ever been offered altered to e public SO TO THE TASTE and at athe the same name time combining so lomeny masny rainy remedial agents intoned endorsed lador Indor sed bythe hythe ty the fraternity 14 the tiie best beat known to tho tha ft coats costs lttie to eire eira them a fair trial and E every tery very family should have hate a Bo botti I 1 trask wi uk every terland OB to read the following certificates hom nom inay inzy m aay kay ef rhe the most eminent ut phyl cian in the country 60 r ST louis louls J july alm ulm 1870 isto JAMES A JAC jao tt CO menas men As you yon have havo communicated mm u to the medical profession the felpe recipe or of go 81 bittera bitters it cannot therefore to ie considered 1 a a secret ecret or patent medle lne ine to no patent having ksen keen taken for or it we have examined x lm ed the formula for making mUng the home homa 11 hom 0 Eitt ditt ers eri and unhesitatingly may r the uha combination in I 1 0 one ene ne a ot f rare excellence all the articles article used IQ in ita its composition arb wrt ilo llo tho ile best lest ottha class aien to they belong being highly T conle stio ant and slightly nightly laxative Lax aUTe the tha mode ci ot preparing ure Tre paring them Is 1 strictly in accordance with the rules mie tt of phar having used thim een neen ita tta lt effect affect in our out private practice we vre take pleasure la in recommending all persons Get fled irous roua or of taking bitter bilter Bl lter as aa being the bit best ionic toula and nna dant MAnt noir nov to the public L CK clr U p V P 0 PORTER VT U 0 M D y w DRAKE U U D C A maxx WA X MI D w J T C V D K X A clars CLASS it D dr cv ah su bo 80 moses M D w A wiot M U D hubert randii V U S marine marline HOSPITAL ST looms LOUIS MO oct 8 1870 oas JAS A JACKSON co I 1 have hae examined the foraz formula gor tor or making mating th the 4 home stomach bitten and ged wed them in the hospital lr for the I 1 last roup four months I 1 consider them the most valuable doall and stimulant now nov la in cf nse L ST LOOTS july JAS A JACKSON C having examined the formula from which your celebrated stomach bitters are prepared prepare ii and haring having witnessed the method aftem of corn he the di diffee differ different Beren ent eui we iro cana caa can lately feiy fely recommend them the a the bet best tonio tonie vit wit vita which thich we tre are acquainted prom the grest treat t eare esre with which they are compounded and from the choice materials which enter eater into them we have no doubt that the they trill prow v 0 as ai they deserre deserve to be the most moat popular tonic ionic and talma uni u lent lant 1 in ia oe use e tf ully youn YOM T J 7 D we cheerfully etel etry atry word wora in lik the above not nov DOT testimonial johm JOHN CO mattair it D JOHN hantman HARTMAN nA U f D CHA cua U D T U M D G S walmer WALKER M D K X 0 M X V oct ocl 1870 isto Q Mer W B A 6 co agent homs home bitters geat gents aimable to year rea reanea nei nek ld 1 haye hare ba examined ned the formula ot of the home bitten and fled flud the remedies it 16 contains eon oon taini gach noh as a are in general ce use by the uve i lie prof feb fes euion sion they are vert very and pleasantly pis combined b do and so ai stimulating tonics will I 1 found I 1 e P 1 1 1 1 ili iii adapted ai corroborant to the treatment of low or 1 11 1 stages of the leytem whether arising from impaired digestion or cr from m malar a barlow ioui loui diseases dr J y ier ler L U A JAMES jamrs M U D R 8 WAYN C T SIMPSON M aw if W T M X 1 D S P U D J J qui x M 1 E 0 S royt tOrT M d D J H buckl bucel U D 0 W V ii 5 U W R WOODWARD 31 1 D OA 0 A CHICAGO sept SO isto 1870 J U L SMITH eq we hay hav ex mined ine the formula of ef the stomach ritters bitters and find ned it to be composed of articles that are considered the best ben tonics used by the profession and one of cf tho tha beak besk bitters bitten v know of now la in use ube very vry respectfully K R S hahr hahm M D 33 M M U D jt walner UD MD G A marxe marke I 1 A NORMAN S bannes BARNES 31 D for sale by all druggists and groberg Groc erg erx jas A jackson bajackson aco co proprietors a H X ad street strut ST dley N ta 8 HEREBY GIVEN that I 1 daniel II Wells 1 mayor of salt lare laire city CIt yUT U T did on the day of november 1871 enter euter entered ld the theland nand land office rt it halt malt lake city U T for tb the several use and baneta of the tha owners and inhabitants thereof tho the following described land namely lots lota I 1 and 2 and 8 of sec bee aorl t of sec see 31 iss ish y af pf sec sea 32 82 T 1 N R I 1 lei lee E also aiso E of sec sec rec 25 oan of N et E Y 13 E 9 and lots 3 a ad 4 in 33 allol sec sea so aa T 1 N B 11 I 1 W also lots lota 1 2 34 34 in seg beg 4 all in of sec 6 all 01 of bee see 6 N and 01 of sel bel sec bec 7 N of hox hoe N ean kan N W 4 of bec bee 8 and lot 6 in jear bec lec at 18 K t I 1 E atso atao all of hec aee I 1 lots dots 1 and 2 and n 4 the S E F of N 11 r and E 34 of 8 E M Y ol of seel E of I 1 T E F of 0 sec see 11 ll and IT of NO seo sec 12 T tl I 1 8 13 it I 1 W containing in all acres and end 45 any person or persons having claims in the adolfe survey ot of land will file the same with the clerk of me teo county coutt of salt lake like county coulty beford me he of may 1872 as pre pro by law 1 DANIEL fr wells salt crity ity alty nov I 1 centry TO 0 WHOM wrom IT MAY mam CONCERN that cash entry no 2525 2523 for harrisburg washington county utah territory made february 10 1874 embracing the 8 W beof beor thena and ana the N E ae ya of the 8 W IJ for bof of bee sec 23 tow township enship 41 south of range H west cogl coul containing t ing acres has been made tn in trust for the inhabitants thereof and is now ready to be disposed of in lot iome to any per person or persons entitled thereto all persons claiming to bo be owners or nr possessors of any portion of said entry will taire tatie due notice and make the application as provided in tha statutes stat slat utes of utah salt lake nake city citow feb 10 w eem rem g m WM at SNOW probate judee W MD HJ RIC RICHARDS HARDS MO MD surgeons and physicians offices for thet the present at respective cUve fest feat lences to wards Y tf n awaa r ayou xou YOU rao rag U no biow u 0 JT IT IS t sr I 1 I 1 an ambitions xoung young lawyer sudden sadden ly y checked inu tnt n ghe the p of a yesterday in one of the thie a divorce casts casis was up for forcone iders idera tion tho the case was where the 0 wife wava waha was waa abue sue ing for a divorce from her hu husband liband on grounds of unfaithfulness to her este hate gabaon the well weli known courtesan MR madam dam of a prominent maison massonde jofe joie was on the stand testifying as aa to the husbands visits to her housie hourie following questioning be between the lawyer and the witness en ensued Q what is your nam name e X at d 19 4 kate gibson Q what do you do i ie A I 1 am mistress of a houes houss of ill fame fa lu e Q abl ab yes well now remember sou you pyou are on your oath will you tell what kind of a house that 10 IE F 1 autv A cooly well you ought to k know n you have been to see bee me aft aften n en enough 0 U wah au ithe young lawyer at this stag stage ejof ejot of the examination was wes taken with a sudden fit of coughing but be mUn managed awed aged to ejaculate do I 1 dont care to ask any more questions 11 st jouis jonis oafs journal of commerce tt misconceived misconceiver MIS CONCEIVED washington I 1 february 6 the decision of the united states State sSu supreme court yesterday in iii the stout habeas corpus case involving the mormon quests quest tod ton is mis conceived thew thel four judges deciding against the jurisdiction did so BO solely on the ground of teth technical objections to the ha odthe the writ without considering the merits of tho the subject the four ju judges thil thel g es maintaining the jurisdiction based their thein 1 r opinions ou on the general merits of the case irrespective of the character of the writ it is iq known that on the merits the entire bench sustain the jurisdiction and regard all present proceedings fegaly void vold A civil case involving the same question lion is on tiie tife docket louis dispatch qt ao |