Show DESERET BEE association N WARD warb SCHOOL HOUSE salt lake city Nion monday day 10 a ax m march ith eth 1372 t pursuant to a call made by president W woodruff of the society for thellia thel the introduction lii ili tro and culture of stock bees eish fish F ac a num berof the member soo f said baid society met atthe atilid ho hous e and on the day above written to discuss the propriety of organizing a territorial bee association after prayer L D young dalec ecoff and h a wish vish thau thac a society for bee culture be formed it was waa moved that such a society bl be e org organized zed sed bud pud be called the deseret ef T bee association alk alm t carried w aresti preat Rr esti estl the tha fol foi 10 lowing W 1 n i names n a for of ficeri officers 0 fhaid ard association which Were put lut in nomination to the meeting and to fall the several offices assigned them A M musser president B S H put puta nam M thurston thuraton and john morgan V vice ice presidents for salt sait tjabe lake adl county anty B P y V morris secretary a nah H 1 treasurer etwas 16 wab was suggested BUg sug that more morn V vice ice lee presidents from each county of the Tei tel territory Atory be added to the list of officers an all d on motion john parks was unanimously elected vica vic r president for divis county it wai wak eliat the officers of the association be authorized to drafta constitution northe forthe P maa mar to bc submitted to the people U coaled cahl cari led pre naked mhd adlar ests bats present to td give kive the gemsa their experience exper Tence lence in the local culture of bf bees and fo discuss ss points the occasion and wanted bome tomo some somo advice as prope i r treatment of af foul fohl bro b rhoba bil now infesting some apiaries mr 11 thurston til ill ought wis his with foul brood was wap possibly greater than that of any one present anil and strongly recommended cutting it entirely out and burying it iii in the earth baking great icare care yee smells or tastes it during t the he operation of renewing It he bald baid balding i fop fog I 1 brodd brood the bee beo b e would bo tabb about t two thirds grown the caps are aro bunken bunk sunken en and not oval as when heal healthy thi and elrid can easily be detected by the very offen offensive sivo smell emitted when uncapped 5 in isi nillar similar meetings esst easu it has been recommended to bury hives containing the foul brood with its contents to prevent the spread of the tho disease S SH E putnam believed it possible to cleanse cleaned the honey rom the taint of foul foci brood but safest plan would be to bury tuny it so as aa to prevent infection by direct or or indirect contact john morgan had written east t to 0 learn how to treat fout foul brood and believed much the best plen pien was to ex it from the afo as boon soon as ai discovered als ca v his bees had wintered well he but one swarm which no doubt obtained the dysentery from eating lin cin unsealed sealed hon honey ej which had biad become soured I 1 G C merkley said that he had kept Ws his bees in three conditions for seyon beyen or eight weeks some in the cellar some bome under close shelter outside and one ono bland eland in tile the bummer summer house those in the bummer summer house during that time ate 01 8 pounds honey those under shelter ate 21 2 pounds while those in the cellar ate but i pound of honey george bailey thought that foul brooding ingras was promoted by exposing young bees to sudden coid cold cli cil changes anges of weather C merkley Mer keley feley shared with him in this opinion to which however putnam and thur ston dissented believing with v ith an eastern bee tee journalist that the tho cause of foul brooding was as obscure as that of chole choie cholera raa geo balley nalley had wintered twenty fixa nixa swarms very successfully in a dry cellar and they haa had bad eaten esten but little honey 8 13 EI putnam said that in foul brood the beo heo I 1 is in d a larva state and when the cap is ig removed a very fetid smell imell is emitted he could not nob give general directions for wintering bees because lecause the conditions and circumstances diner differ so greatly adding that a dark dry cold but not frosty cellar was a good place to keep them in yet he preferred th the 0 bummer summer summerhouse house hoube in this climate cli cil mitte of ours W G young desired to learn the beat best kind of artificial food for weak swarms of bees beeb and the best hest plan to feed them M thurston thuraton said honey should be given to the weak swarm by simply transferring the frame containing the honey in iri the av absence of surplus honey beet beat white sugar scalded should aused beu eu sed aed he thought that inthis country boarma could w b e ap pp the house tots tote john morgan believed that from to drones in a hive are all sufficient a much greater number would destroy the theaward thea warm swarm r f A drone catcher is a 4 very ery necessary adjunct to an apiary aija kija 8 JT putnam deser described lle ile d the benefit and use of the drone catcher moth preventive ven tive and bee feeder now sold with fhe the kidder hise hive ht ve A discussion in whick which most of the leading bee keepers present participated then ensued on the subjects of the best edged ferm term uniform ithe 0 pa eitt the right oL ake ownership loathe kedder kidder patents cost and economy of hives ac all au of which elicited much valuable va I 1 u naw taw in I 1 P a I 1 10 0 nit hg e nl points poin as A milton muser musser hoped to ascertain the number of swarms now inthe lathe ter leer ifford abid neld wished atthe end ehid af each wech ay iy ean ear dnn annual ubel exhibit of the tho su s attending the labors of this As association llie 0 e 14 ilon flon ua he ve desired airm that our in zeil jell igent lecal apiarists would from time to time through the medium of the local prints ori orf tits give the people the tho bene their experience and officially instruct them at the begin beginning ng of each month how bees should ab be 6 managed milna ged during the month so that the moth season approached they would be apprised of it and when drones s should hould be killed they would be posted and be instructed also GB to tn we e best method of preventing tho the destruction ef bees by toads mice chicken birds ac he regarded an experienced local apiarist in 1 n the iho baja caery very ry who 1101 lioa irn irr bof nou pul put elu clu W ii under a bushel but jj I 1 the benefit af and tind talent otherwise he might be viewed as a drone afon 0 desera 1 josf ah oblivious death del dew i bith by stinging g in tha the discussion about tho the beal beat 8 I 1 alsa hiva 1 i IQ for foe universal adoption at tiu least till tm a better kind wag was madu madi ti a d decided dad pre pro ferenee ference was givia given to the kidder ridder to and seii eeli ahlo 6 p putnam possesses posses ses seb tho sole bole bol hol e terr r 1 l tight for which ota stated he hh hd a dd nid aid mr kid der dei 1000 in view of S H ms aud and hist hiet inde ot 6 forts to promote bee culture many of f then ther pi ur m b erss erts would w uld flak fiak his ahls iti I 1 ahat hat he would be remembered for the outlays alroid already incurred by bee owners purchasing farm rights of him him bim for charges charger 6 before the meeting vias vlas was df dissolved 2 solved the following resolution was passed with one dissenting vote I 1 aa I 1 resolved Be solved j that the sentiment d of f this meeting gives a adee idad preference to the general use and adoption of jorj J P Kidd eidd eils effs patent beehive bee hive 1 f I adjourned to mertat same hour and place place i dinst benediction on by President 0 0 atin atil A AL musser 7 Se secy becy epro pro pra tein |