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Show 4 WEEKLY REFLEX 4 i DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 2. 1978 FI , Kaysville EVEN Some millions of American males along with more are than a few females THESE ARE the hunters among us. The American Medical Association has a note of caution for those who are planning a fall safari into the fields and woods in search of birds, small animals, deer and other game. YOU small bore rifle where your bullet will stop before pulling the trigger. Keep guns away from children. Never leave a weapon unattended without unloading it. Store guns and ammunition beyond reach of taking to the woods this fall, firearms in hand, in search of live targets. BEFORE A has considerable range. Know youngsters, preferably under lock and key. barrel may burst. that you can control the camp, and wait until youre through the days hunting and the guns are unloaded to take that first drink. THERE IS a special hazard direction of the muzzle if you stumble. Be sure the barrel is clear of mud, snow or other obstructions. A for rabbit hunters. This is rabbit fever tularemia. It is a serious illness. Many wild rabbits are infected. if One rule of thumb is the rabbit doesnt run briskly when he is flushed, leave him alone. The bunny who lopes slowly along, or stands and waits, likely is sick. the shoot. Leave your liquor bottle at CARRY a gun so ALWAYS Keep safety catch on until ready to clogged n I Mrs. Dorothy Wright is convalescing at her home after back surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Johnson spent the past week at Fairview with their parents, her mother Mrs. J. A. Larsen and also visiting with his father, Myron John- CHAIM JTl LD, SAWS fcw 1 A SOUND ENERGY SAVING INVESTMENT son. Mr. and Mrs. Udell Green took their granddaughter Jilaun Green to Ogden for lunch and shopping for her UlMiD pull the Members of the American trigger, know what you're Association of University Vomen met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Ruth Harvey in Fruit Heights for firing at. The hunter who blazes away moves is a highly dangerous animal. His quarry might well be another their regular monthly at everything that meeting. Mrs. Robena Ence enter Ethel Paul Davis High School students, Sue Hansen and Jill Jarman, members of the schools debate team, debated EACH YEAR sevetal hundred hunters return from fall outings via hearse. Thousands of others return with a load of bird shot or a rifle bullet to be dug out. Behind almost every hunting accident is one cause carelessness. Never cross over or through a fence or climb a tree with a loaded gun. It might fall and discharge. Unload first and reload after crossing. Dont shoot at a hard, flat surface the subject Should School Federal Lunch A Program Be Extended. AAUW study topic for the on year is Politics and Food RoThe Kaysville-Layto- n tary Anns met Friday afternoon at Grandmothers House Restaurant at Arrow Press Square for their luncheon meeting Guest speaker was James V. Hansen, member of the Utah State Legislature. Mrs. Marjorie Green is Glancing bullets can carry long distances Johnson. The boy who will be named Jace Phillip Johnson was born Oct. 16 in the McKay-De- e Hospital in Ogden. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Summerill of Ogden. Paternal grandparents of Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Johnson of Ogden. include Mrs. Fannie Todd of Roosevelt and Ogden residents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Summerill and Mrs. Sarah Buck. den. On Oct. 18 Mr. and Mrs. REMOVES STU3S0RN Ross L. King became the parents of their fourth child. She will be named Jessie STAINS e HEHU STAYS CLEAN Its a boy for Gary E. and Linda Bishop Mort of 171 N. Colonial. He will be named Neil Fredrick Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Morton have three other children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. of Washington Bishop Tues. thru Friday 11:30 to 2:30 DINNER SERVED Tues., Wed., Thurs. 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday 5:00 to 11 p.m. Terrace and Mr. and Mrs. Two Private Dining Rooms for Luncheon or Dinner Mrs. Frances Diana Anderson of Smithfteld and Mrs. ECONOMICAL ODOR FREE LAWS MacCallum 0 GS Sssll Engine Repsip ISO No. F.!a!n Star, Kansas City St - 765-13- 13 Kaysville ELECT fmv 3. PA&M Davis County Attorney Republican Vigorous & Experienced Criminal Prosecutor Experienced Trial Lawyer Chief Deputy Davis County 4 years Familiar with Problems of Davis County 9 years Private Practice in Davis County Attorney M i' Citizens Who Support Rod Pa ge for County Attorney J of Tacoma, Wash. -- -- CHEM-BR- Y 825-153- 9 Ruggedly engineered to pile up plenty of firewood and fuel savings for years to come, an Echo Chain Saw has to be one of the soundest Investments you can make. Quit fueling around) Come in today for a FREE demonstration. out. RAPID DRYING are Frances own foot. Thats the way many vacation snapshots turn CARPET CLEANING Jack E. Morton of Tacoma, Wash are the grandparents. Difference LONGER FAST EFFICIENT RESIDUE FREE FAST SERVICE COMPLETELY SAFE NO SHRINKAGE great-grandfathe- r. SERVING LUNCH SATURATE '& No When the Viking 1 landed on Mars it took a picture of its r FiO STEAM TO Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. FrarlkJiersom of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Arthell King of Mansfield, Ohio. William Garrafxi of Ogden is the child's Salt Lake The lesson was Mrs. Ruby Williams was hostess to the Kaysville Bridge Club at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Emily Barnes entertained the Bay View Club at her home Wednesday. Mrs. Alice Evans the gave program. Mrs. Beth Kelly will entertain the Davis County Medical Auxiliary at her home on Monday November 13. Hostess committee assisting Mrs. Kelly will be Mrs. June Cutler, chairman; Mrs. Marilyn Jacobsen; Mrs. Peggy Tanner; Mrs Linda Washburn; and Mrs. Mary Lou Warden. The program will be given on Thanksgiving and Christmas ideas. Members of the Exhausted Rooster Club of Kaysville and their partners met Thursday evening in Roy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rutledge, np and Janet Summerill W. 28. given by Mrs. Pearl Evans. Announcing the birth ot their second child are Phillip Donald L. and Jerri Petersen Ryan of 928 LaVerde, Layton announce the birth of their third child. She was born Oct. 18 in Ogden. She will be named Michelle Ryan. Grandparents are Mrs. Harry A. Petersen of Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Ryan of Visalia, Calif. Five sisters were on hand to welcome home William Neil Moss, the son of William R. and Athleen Johnson Moss. He was born Oct. 18 in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lindford of Slaterville and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .John Moss of Clearfield are the childs grandparents. include Mrs. William Wright, Mrs. Heber C. Folger and Mr and Mrs. G. R. Moss, all of Og- Britten King. 220 South High October l&ymn Births meeti- ng. Assisting hostesses were Mrs Mary Budd and Mrs. hunter. tained the Oakleaf Camp of Daughter of Pioneers at her home Wednesday evening president and presided at the birthday last week. Mrs. Marjorie Green was honored on her birthday anniversary Thursday at lunch in Ogden hosted by Mrs. Helen Pack, Mrs. Erma Brimhall and Mrs. Sheila Garlick. Sam Young Bill Moss James V. Hansen Don Perkins Darwin C. Hansen A. Leslie Derbyshire Frank A. Roybal Robert Dunford Laurence Sessions Harry Duckworth H. Kay Chandler Lyle J. Barnes Keith L. Stahle Jack Bangerter Stanley M. Smoot Victor R. Smith E. Ute Knowlton Keith Cisney Edwin M. Higley Foster R. Chandler Duane Burton Robert R. Templeton James Brough Paid for by Committee for Rodney S Paxe F! jfjj m ra j YUV-- ii, v rail's-Ip OAaVO 74 W I During the last several months we have called on many of you at and we have found that our concerns are similar to your homes fs&fSss: V yours. .f w- lyCSSf , JF1" T a . W- I approach is taken, a stahle, sensible and efficient state government can also he an effective one. If a , tel i'Prt . and throughout the state is inOur population here in Layton creasing. But there is no reason for the cost of state government to also increase at its steady, spiraling pace. You agree. s IN--- . J ' business-lik- e With jour help, we ran let the Legislature know of desire for responsible tax limitation. k Sensible Businessmen's Approach to State Government A T fW ri mm ISM PI I) r - Paf The Durbano Family: E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 Layton Area House of ESI E3 Democrat Representatives for by Committee for Durbano Bryan Gray Laytons |