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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER, 2, 1978 Hill AFB Seeks MM Oeo Clearfield Employees fenis Club President Share In Re-electi- on Justice Of Peace As John 1 I J D. Stewart has been the Justice of Peace for Davis County Precinct Court the past four years. In these four years the court has processed 17,457 criminal and civil cases. f r I h it 1978-79- JUDGE STEWART has attended eight judicial schools and seminars and organized the Davis County Small ill Claims Court. He was educated in the Davis County schools and received his bachelor of science degree from the U. of U. and his juris doctor of law from the College of Law, University of Utah. HE SERVED an LDS Mission to the Hawaiian Islands, and served in the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II for four and years. He has been employed as an one-ha- lf insurance claims adjustor, settling insurance claims and has taught at West High School in Salt Lake City in business law and constitutional law. He stated, the court is now, and must continue to be independent of all organiza- - HILL AFB v f K V UL notes, as shown Cost of government regulation in the United States much of it unnecessary in the minds of many will be more thoughtful economists than $100 billion in 1970, it is reported, by Utah Foundation, the private, non profit public service agency. by tin- - following n - JOHN D. STEWART BUSINESSMEN particularly small are hit by the businessmen requirement of handling government forms, which numbered more than 4,400 last year and cost U.S. business more than $25 billion to protess, an aiding to the government's own Federal Paperwork Commission. The government agency comments that much of this paperwork is unnecessary." A case has been citf'd where a small business firm deliberately filled out the government forms it received with nonsense and returned them as directed. The farce was not delected, although repeated for several years, indicating that foims had never been read the filled-ou- t by the agency that sent them nut. the equivalent of $100 for every man, woman and child in the nation, or $1840 for a family of four, and is seen as a significant factor in the upward spiral of taxes, government expenditures, and national unemployment. One hundred billion dollars is more than the total federal budget for any year prior to 12. THIS IS tions and individuals. I cannot function properly otherwise. HE IS the only candidate for the office of Davis County Justice of Peace who has had a law degree and legal experience as a judge. Mr. Stewart is a native of Kaysville. His wife is the former Shirley Cottrell and they are parents of four children. He is the son of Mr. Citing a report by Murray L. director of the center for the .Study of American Business recently published the Foundation noted a in "Tax Review, Weiden-baum- , growing demand that regulatory programs be required to submit economic impact statements computable to the environmental impact statements that ase required in connection with other types nf and Mrs. LCConte Stewart of Kaysville. np HOMEBUYERS ARF paying from $1,500 to $2,50!) more for a new home because of government regulations (both federal and state). Across the nation this added cost comes to $4 billion a year. The American motorist is paying an average of $66 more for a new car this year because of federal requirements (total cost across the nation $7 billion), while the added weight of federally-requiremechanisms on automobiles is increasing gasoline consumption by an aggregate of $3 billion a sear MERELY to require a analysis to be made would not be enough, it is noted. W hat is needed is congressional action to limit regulatory programs to those whose overall benefits to society clearly and substantially exceed HOWEVER, TrS it d their cost. should process, it is suggested. Regulatory programs would be given not only a budget of X dollars The check on begin with the budget-makin- - over-regulati- WJI keep my vocabulary clean By FLORENCE BITTNER Wit is the ability to think of the right thing to say at the right time. I have plenty of the first half of the definition, but am a little slow on the second half. I can think of exactly the right thing to say much later. IT MAY be the only solution for people like me is to memorize a stock of little quips to have on hand when we stumble over the occasion. Last week on Main Street, I was hurrying to cross the street before the Dont Walk an imsign came possibility, but I keep trying. My arms were so full of packages I couldnt see the chuck hole cleverly placed in the pedestrian walk. I went horizontal and packages went vertical then south and west. CONCERNED people disregarded the Dont Walk and came to collect me and bundles. A kindly man asked, Did you stumble? What did I say? Yes." And then Im fine, thank you. And I gathered up belongings and shreds of dignity and limped on, with all these clever remarks flitting through my delayed action brain circuits. NO. IM expecting stick for Christmas and a pogo decided to practice." Im a learning new I couldnt have said anything clever if I could have thought of it, but later I thought of several answers. Ive heard that jumping up and down cools off burns. PART OF the menu today will be boiled arm. This is a new kind of steam cleanine." IN A crowded elevator the other day I lost my balance and put my foot back. I felt a sickening crunch under my heel and heard a gasp from the man behind me. Guess what I said. Oh dear. Did I step on your foot? If I had my stock of retorts ready, I could have said, Im insured. Sue me." I HEAR the new artificial feet are simply marvelous. One thing about these spike heels. When they go through your foot, they only make a small hole. Camera. I was cooking Sunday dinner last week and lifted a pot lid aimed the wrong way. A cloud of steam parboiled my arm and I' dropped the lid, hopping around the kitchen trying to remember all the clean dirty words I knew like garbage, sewer, adult book store so I wouldnt teach my family any new vocabulary. SOLICITOUS, one of them Did you burn your said, arm? Another hurt? I YOU CANT reach that; youll have to use a stool. One thing about the trite statement is its so safe. No one really listens to these limp remarks, but they do say Im concerned, and when my brain wakes up Ill say something appropriate to the occasion. IF WE all suddenly became original and clever, people would have to start listening, and then wed have to start thinking, and then look at the mess wed be in. said, Does it trying to Scouts esd To Antelope island - Hows Time To Prepare For Winter Garden This is the time to plan and begin a winter garden. Its not all that difficult. ANTELOPE ISLAND Its only appropriate that scouts of the Antelope Island District, Great Salt Lake Council, would hold their annual fall camporee at the State Park on Antelope Island. SCOUTS FROM the area just south of Rose Park to Farmington will gather on the island for a encampment include AS ONE example, one can break branches off outdoor tomato vines and replant them indoors in gallon containers, placed near windows or lights. With good potting soil, water and a shake every day or two (to spread pollen from blooms), tomatoes will arrive during the winter on schedule. two-da- y 10 and 11. Theme of the camporee will be Prepare to Hike. Activities will be geared towards helping scouts who have not yet earned hiking and related skill awards and merit November badges. SCOUT OFFICIALS said the camporee follows the disJam-bor- council-wid- e held (mini-jambore- October 13 and al 14 at Sugar-hous- e Park in Salt Lake City.' grb THE NEAREST library will have books on indoor gardens and greenhouses, and that's where to start, if no one to help is knowledgeable in indoor gardening. Many edible things can be willing and easily grown indoors often provide attractive greenery at the same tfme. GIVE YOUR plants fourteen hours of artificial light a day in winter, unless they are in a sunny, south-facin- g APPROACHES TO sensible control of government regulation, in addition to the concept of economic impact analyses, include the selection of the more desirable of goals when two or more are in conflict, and subjecting all regulatory agencies to the sunset process, i.e. reexamining them periodically to see if they continue to serve a vital purpose or have their usefulness. "In the light of todays inflation, common sense would appear to dictate that out-live- THIS COMPARISON, along with the $100 billion cost of regulation, clearly shows the inflationary pressure generated the Foundaby the regulatory complex, tion noted. The cost of compliance hits virtually every sector of the economy, the report any part d W' CJIqIiqq have made fine recoveries according to Babson's Reports Inc. Just before that, those issues as a group were generally unwanted in terms of investment. Emphasis was then primarily on stocks with low ratios and generous yields, characteristics which the drug stocks did not possess. Furthermore, there were a number of negatives in the outlook for the pharmaceutical industry. price-earnin- THE DURING spring months of 1978, however, aided by the improved overall market atmosphere, the stocks of many of the foremost drug firms made from comebacks good levels. Since that time, their prices have remained firm. Important reasons for the better performance by the pharmaceutical issues: The realization that most of the minuses in the outlook for the had already been group largely discounted, the continuation of the earnings growth by just about every leading drug company, and the introduction of some promising newer products by selected pharmaceutical firms. INDUSTRY PROSPECTS Last year nearly all of the major drug companies experienced marked earnings improvement, and more of the same seems likely for 1978 as a whole. ALTHOUGH Q&mebsiGiz I Over the past year or so me stocks of most of the nation's leading pharmaceutical firms profit margins in the industry are not what they used to be, they remain quite high compared Aswith for most other industries. the longer range, growth prospects still appear to be favorable. Despite stringent government regulations, increasing foreign competition, the relatively slow pace of new drug introductions, and the threat of higher Puerto Rican taxes which could affect several companies, most domestic drug concerns should continue to operate very profitably. The health demands of both the American public and cost of a of a government program that can reasonably be eliminated should be stopped as soon as possible, the Foundation concludes. UndzasstiB"! year-earli- WAS so busy trict and government agencies. The cost of government regulation is rising faster than other areas of government spending and much more rapidly than the gross national product. Between 1974 and 1977, the cost of operating federal regulatory agencies increased 55 percent while the total federal budget was growing by 49 percent and the gross national product by 34 percent. truly impressive. Is that a new dress? HAVE YOU had your hair done? Have we met before? government bureaucrats. It is not a question of being for or against federal regulation, but the need is to identify sensible changes that can be made in the regulatory program so as to achieve the desirable goals with minimum adverse impact on other important goals such as providing more jobs and checking inflation," the Foundation says. ACCORDING TO the Weidenbaum study, it appears that 95 percent of the cost of government regulation is that of compliance and is paid by the private segment of the economy, with only five percent chargeable to direct operation of NUMBER of trite statements I am capable of is vaudeville routine. SMILE. WERE on Candid for the expenditures of the regulatory agency, but also a ceiling of Y" dollars to limit the cost that regulation could impose on the economy. THE YOU CANT find the car keys? Where did you put them? Have you forgotten anything? IT IS recognized that some government regulation is in the public mtoiest, but countless examples base been brought to light ot unnecessary and even harmful practices that have been imposed by g people of other lands would seem to assure this. NEW PRODUCTS the lengthy Despite procedures and high costs that are required to bring new drug products to market, sixteen new items received approval from the Food and Drug Administration last year. PROBABLY THE most notable was Tagamet, an ulcer treatment that was marketed by SmithKline. As a result of this new product, the stock of SKL has had a sharp run-u- p in price this year. Earlier in 1978 Abbott Laboratories introduced two new items-a- n agent for dissolving blood clots and drug for the control of epilepsy. These brought favorable attention to the Abbott stock on the part of investors. Another new product-Captropril-- for reducing blood pressure caused many investors to eye the stock of Squibb with interest in recent months even though the product is not expected to add to company sales for some time. THE FOREGOING are just the newer and more promising drug introductions. In the years ahead, an increasing number of innovaa few of tive products are expected, .particularlyin if there is a the time span shortening between drug synthesis and final approval by the Food and Drug Administration. INVESTMENT POSITION At the present time, the Research Department of Babsons Reports maintains a "hold position on the stocks of all the leading drug companies, many of which have been recommended for purchase by investors over the years. THOSE WHO are interested in gaining representation in the industry at this time could either buying American Home Products--- a producer of drugs, household products, and food items; or Sterling Drug-- an important producer consider of a broad range of phar- maceutical specialities. Both of these issues have a fine growth potential and are listed on the New York Stock reports Exchange. are available for either or both of these firms. They may be obtained free of charge by writing to Babsons Reports Inc., Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181. throughout the world A f is childrens programs. Chairman for the Hope of America Program for sixth graders and the Key Club at Clearfield High School is Ron garage booths, There are, perhaps, many ticularly during the colder months that automobile batteries can explode spraying acid over a wide area. IN ADDITION to the danger from the acid, the battery casing shatters and acts like pieces of shrapnel flying through the air. What can cause this? Bob Ingersoll, council director, said, A fully charged battery, or one being charged, generates hydrogen gas, which is highly explosive. IT TAKES as little as four percent hydrogen in air to form an explosive mixture. You can see that it is very to important prevent sparking near the cell caps where the hydrogen is usually present. Based upon actual cases, the following are some reasons why battery explosions occur: 1. CONNECTING or removing the terminal cables while the battery charger is in the "on position. Creating a spark in connecting the cable to the improper pole. 2. USING A match or other potential source of ignition for lighting the work. 3. 4. Fastening cables to a battery post which is inter- - GOIJJEN STKIHLNSON RECEIVING $845 was Sheri R. Warwood of Clearfield. She saved the Air Force $23,385 for improved data processing procedures. concession Clearfield sale, Miss Pageant and a city wide spaghetti dinner. MEMBERSHIP committee chairman is Ross Sanders. Felluwshipping and socials committee, Bruce Watkins. Four major socials are planned. Allen Tayor is in charge of more meeting visits with neighboring clubs. Club meetings chairman is Byron Liljenquist; Spiritual Aims Committee chairman is Jesse D. Barlow and cochairman is LaVuid Robertson. CITIZENSHIP committee chairman is Roy Vernon; publicity, Glannin Cloward and the Honorable Tail Twister, Jess Hunsaker who will keep members on the ball and the ball rolling. Vice president for this new year is Ray Adams, and secretary treasurer is Harold Steele. Bv DEAN S. STAIILE our land who hasn't com- plained about the lolitieians in office, or seeking Is there jimmc election to an ffic in .v unliktlv. Complaints abound about the ineptness, inability or downright stupidity of elected official- or again, of those seeking election. 1 grant xoti that it seems to take a special form of insanity to seek election these days. But it also takes somt thing from those not seeking election, those who are supposed to cast the ballots that separates seekers from winners. Yes, we want qualified individuals as those who will serve in our government. But what about vou Mr., Mrs., or Ms., Voter, as the case may he? Are you a qualified elector? We make much about voting. And we should; Some try to encourage us to overcoming our apathy. They are about as effective as the sheepmen veiling at the coyotes. No, we don't seem to feel any special need either to vote, or to become part of a electorate. And yet effective government demands Seems r-- t - I wi c - Not HOOPER all residents of the Davis County portion of Hooper want it annexed into Weber County, a resident there says. MRS. KAY Summers says, least one third of the residents dont want the At deannexation. Its mainly the older families that have been here for a long time. But she said among others it is nearly 100 percent the other direc- tion and they cant see any real advantage of joining with Weber County. Of the approximately 60 families on the Davis County side, Mrs. Summers says she knows of at least 21 opposed to deannexation. That issue will be on the Nov. 7 ballot in both Davis and Weber counties. DAVIS COUNTY wont get anything from the deannexation, she says. Theyll lose roads and tax dollars especially when the area is subdivided for new homes. I urge Davis County voters to give it some good thought. was She responding primarily to an article appearing in the last weeks newspaper outlining feelings of those suporting deannexation into Weber County, tb Auito BaiHesses Gsn BupiodJe people who do not know, or who have forgotten, the Utah Safety Council warns, par- Hill CLEARFIELD resident Lester J. Edwards received $40 for saving the Air Force $47,835. Mr. Edwards devised an repair improved procedure for aircraft radomes. A revised system to handling missile and motor storage prior to transfer off base won $860 for Clayton L. Smith of Bountiful. He saved the Air Force $31,605. "Light Up A Life with major emphasis on youth and Stephenson. Fund raising committee chairman is Ray Adams, he plans service projects such at 4th of July - Three AFB civilian employees have shared $2,645 in suggestion money for their ideas that will save the Air Force time and money. THE THEME for this year examples: projects. mrjfi Golden Stephenson has taken over the reins of the Kiwunis Club of Clearfield, and with his committee chairman plan a golden year . Lt. Governor Gary for Chnrlesworth, Division 3, Utah Idaho District of inInternational Kiwanis stalled the new officers recently at a regular meeting of the general membership. nally damaged. 5. INSTALLING a fully charged battery with some switches in the on position. The danger can be minimized by following certain procedures, Ingersoll stated. Make the booster cable connections on the charged battery first; this way, there will be no path to ground and no sparking. Make the last connection on the motor or frame, away from the discharged battery, instead of on the terminal which is grounded. REMEMBER, he added, treat a charged battery with respect, and avoid creating a spark or other source of ignition. If you are accidentally sprayed with battery acid, immediately wash the burned area with large quantities of if the burned area involved the face and eyes. Then seek professional medical treatment. water, particularly Hints To remove labels from plastic bowl lids, place them ,in the freezer for about 15 minutes. Labels will then peel off easily. When frying with butter put a few drops of cooking oil in the pan first and the butter wont bum. a well-develop- well-educat- it. I'rn not suggesting that voting next Tuesday makes you part of the educated electorate. Hardlv. In fact, some even suggest its better that our voting rnurdurs are small, because the least educated are the ones who usually stay home, feasting on popcorn and giggling at the antics of any number of television shows. Over th e years I have thought many times about starting a campaign to set some qualifications for voters. Youd have to attend a couple of city council or county commission, or school board meetings. Perhaps even go so far as to shake hands with a few candidates for office, and chat with them for a couple of minutes. Nothing big. Yes, I know there would he screams from many areas. This cant he done, they say. Everyone should be able to vote. liieh brings us right hack to the need for us to he educated. I'm not going to define educated. Many little things could be included. Just so it's more than complaining about everything. A couple of weeks ago I was invited to meet with all the Democratic candidates in Davis Countv. first time in (My, what a refreshing experience-th- e over 25 years a local political party had invited me to speak to all the candidates at once. I usually have to talk to them one at a time). One of the main thing;- - disturbing them was the apathy of Da visiles. Now there are a number of good words that help us to see the scope of apathy: lack of emotion and interest, listless condition, unconcern. So what we need is some form of political Geritol to perk up our halting hemoglobin, to beef up our battered blood. Some have suggested that the residents of Davis County are anabiotic (not antibiotic) meaning apparently dead, hut capable of being revived. wont prove were not oting Tuesday anabiotic. That might take a phone call to a candidate, or even read the questions and answers in this issue put together by the League of Women Voters. You might even discuss some of the issues with vour family and friends. Then after the election take a little more interest in what's going on. Attend a few meetings. Read some good books on government and citizen involvement. Then you might be on your wav to becoming part of a qualified electorate, if voure not there already. This is the time and the place. People are more concerned than they have been in many years. Are Davisites anabiotic? Well see. . |