Show BY glup glur I 1 ff AMERICAN pittsburgh 27 7 A storm swept over this city last night the rain poured through the streets from the neighboring hills bills the union depot was wag inundated with water from three to four feet deep the panhandle tunnel was filled with water and rendered impassible much property was destroyed on Ii liberty liberty berty and smithfield streets from all side streets leading from the hill boulders bou idera were rolled from their position and hurled to the level below while in many other places great holes were opened up in tho the street Inthe in the sixth and fourteenth wards warda the streets were terribly cut in alleghany allegheny InAlle Alleg hany chany city the tho flood was terrible A sewer on madison avenue and vista street inundating the whole upper part ol of the city A number of houses were swept away on spring garden street the water attained a depth of often ten feet causing a large loss of life in this vicinity it is reported that fifty five bodies have so far been recovered the tho destruction to property cannot be estimated the damage to property properly on the south side is great A large number of stables and buildings were swept away several lived ilves are xo reported ported lost 27 the thelisa low of life by the flood has been appalling thirty eight bodies have been recovered in butcher run district alleghany allegheny Alleg hany county and alid as many more are missing and supposed to have been lost the havoc at woods run ran was fearful and the place was a perfect sheet of water several houses were swept hway away nine bodies are xe recovered covered so eo far A and nd or C goo 00 a are re still missing on th the south bide alde in sawmill run district eight el ht bodies have been recovered elwang and thirty seven a are r still missing A whole block of buildings is is swept away in this district jt it is thought over persons perish perished ed in the flood for tor more than a mile on spring gard garden en avenue e alleghany allegheny Alleg hany city marks of destruction are plainly visible houses are washed away and buildings thrown together in heaps some twenty five or thirty slaughter slaughterhouses houses on this avenue were also washed awa away the buildings that were cot not totally destroyed were greatly damaged the water rising to a height ot of fifteen feet beety flooded the thia first floors of all buildings and abd in in many cases second stories several houses were swept into tho the middle of the tho street and many others were carriea carried a bund hund re red I 1 yards and shattered to pie pieces ces A house containing two or three families at the rear centre was destroyed and the inmates are all supposed to have been drowned in temperanceville ceville and saw mill run eun the elements made a sad havoc the fierce torrents of rain nain that descended swelled every little tributary to saw mill run eun into a boiling stream and the accumulation of gatei rushed with mad irresistible fun fur funy fury y down the valley sweeping everything before it the track of destruction n of the flood is marked by creeks of dwellings bridges immense heaps of stones large piles lof idt flood axa wood and tom tob and ragged ged side bide bills seven lifeless bodies hodies have already been found and from twenty five to la thirty persons are missing g the iron iruh bridge croad crossing i saw sawmill M it 1 run at main maili street t and away at mclaughlins ins about albut eleven miles west of the pan pail handle joad road eleven persons person sare srm are reported drowned also hundreds of cattle cattie horses and sheep pittsburgh 27 17 7 AciD accounts of the terrible flood which has deluged muted neary ly all the suburbs of this city ba as they came bame in during the afternoon and svening svenung show the disaster ivis was far greater than at first supposed it is no now w thought t the he total loss lobs of life will be ba not short of the loss of property is proportionate the evening chronicle in its ita 5 pm effi edition tion placed the loss of rrt rbt ilde tlde at and the names of missing partia part ua are continually coming in in the extent of the territory damaged is not less than twenty five miles in diameter and that the main portion of pittsburgh lying as it i does in the centre of the circle circie escaped without faither injury seems almost miraculous the prevailing theory seems to be tb that thai at the disaster was caused by some kind of water A gentleman who watched the storm a few miles down the river where there was but little rain says that by fitful fias flashes hes of lightning he be could see bee a huge jay nicy black funnel annel shaped cloud overhanging the city the narrow ends the lowest while the dark parts gave vent tent to an almost perpetual burst of lightning the north bank of the Alleg hany bany river upon whose hillsides hill sides and in whose valleys the ahe upper portio portion a of the city is situated has been the scene of the greatest disaster the work of destruction commenced at a point about bo uit lit two ri miles ii iles lles north I 1 bf uhe central portion of alleghany allegheny Alleg hany city the tho valley at its mouth is pi probably between and feet fee wide and at tild teo point where the work of destruction truc tion commenced it is not more than feet wide between north Il avenue kentie and this the tho northerly feln point numerous ravines empty into to but bub butchers chers chens run valley along tills tilis some houses were built directly over the natural river rivera 1 I course cours e of the cu lverts being made in part cart as foundations for dwelling houses the line une of destruction followed the water course t the riV river erand and involved an immense number of houses not on the line or of the culvert when the rain began suddenly it seemed as though the heavens opened and the tha water came down as from huge hugq pipes the valley was soon filled filien with water and the debris debria of houses hou es barns etc in the district west of chestnut the water rose rosa twenty feet in places and the people could hardly save bave their lives much less their goods the dwelling of henry mattern slattern was struck and he and his wife and two children were drowned mrs mra wink ler ier leraas was carried off with her house and children mr mi shearing j as soon as ag he saw the tife flood coming moved his lils family to the hillia hills where one child rolled over the embankment afi into to the flood the body was di discovered coVered this morning i n g the glue works were destroyed next august dwelling was leared cleared away with alth the occupants and the two children perished the house at the intersection of madeson madison avenue and east street was struck by the flood and carried away and all the inmates six vere drowned the torrent swept dow down a the lowlands in a width of Q feet and everything yielded to it like sand the houses eing being literally turned upside down the house of alderman bolster was destroyed and one of his bis children drowned the next family escaped on the same street the family of tucks consisting of jacob tucks wife and one child and joseph bro tiler of mrs mih tucks in another house adjoining jacob stone wife and two children were all lost except one child the bodies were found this morning on chestnut street on spring garden avenue the houses withstood the flood about seventy houses were destro destroyed ed in all in jn this district and it is cleved believed many bodies remain in the debris following is a list of those already recovered mr and mrs metzler conrad gozen and wife mrs M mary ary coutan john ukler jacob fer mrs henry leopold and four c children h ildved mr bol boi bold boid d Arnold the body of ii a female and seven children three boys and four girl snot yet identified mr john schaffer Bc haffer and three daughters henry Not mottern tern wife and two children august bolster son of alderman bolster A young man named Hambur hamburgh gb I 1 was drowned trying to rescue a family on ohio street limma emma Ky kokoff five years old a ma lon of john St earing four years older old oid mr and mr huffnagle HufT Huff magle magie and the tho body of a boy boyna named nied heber spring garden avenue lies in the south of butchers 1 run itys ivis separated by a high hill it would be impossible to give anything like a detailed account of the damage done here the dwelling houses in the vicinity of those not destroyed were greatly injured only two or three lives are reported lost michael michaei slaughter and child were drowned in crossing the street at the foot of spring garden gaiden run the loss of life was fearful in one house ten persons were drowned phillip liess iress and henry schiller rushed out of a saloon into the street and were lost hess body was discovered ered this morning his hand band grasping a f fire ire lre plug wm peats peals tied his wife and several small children with a clothes line in a room to 0 o prevent them rush ruah ing off in an alarm and being drowned the house was carried far from its place and they were saved but he was lost the number of persons lost is doubtless much larger than already recovered at woods run two houses occupied by pat rat forley and brisbee frisbee were destroyed john gorman and three children were lost one or of the children was found near the railroad track today to io day at temperanceville temper ceville ia a banow for a saw mill which empties into the ohio river all its iron bridges were carried away and the stones they res rested tedon on went down the stream like cork tive yive wooden bridges and three trestle works over the same were also swept away taylors taylora sit soft works are a complete wreck loss two large worm stills in brooks palatine co a refining works are destroyed A store on washington turnpike was taken by the hood loss 1 the following bu buildings ild lid 1 in are destroyed mr van W wickers ickers ickens house thomas connors house wm house stephen semples geo alsopp house two slaughter houses belonging to wm archibald two log houses belonging to geo gr gray 1 x a P rations U 0 ns block consisting oi of ro foun four u r houses and gray and bells car penter shop blacksmith shop and finty finny coi col coal cars gra gray S bells loss is a about zi 21 fly u t 5 06 mortty mostly in machinery and implements ts the tho list of dead thus far taken out is as follow follows st A child hild ida hunter thos britton anti antl son mr and wife isaiah jos oconner mrs dorothy semple the following persons are and supposed to be be drowned M horsley wife and two children thomas hunter wife and three children the wife of thomas britton ish Isk isaiah ifill Th roppa five wife and three children F oneil 0 neil nell and daughter george jones son and daughter I 1 chartiers volley valley stream shieh which runs parallel the same as mill run eun empties into the ohio river three miles below the loss of life here reported is very great at brush run eun the fences and bridges are gone and property is badly damaged at mclaughlin run eun the loss of life is frightful eleven persons drowned among them a whole family named named mclean was swept away also a vast amount ff f property during the flashes of lightning last night horses and cattle could be seen struggling in the torrent at midnight few additional particulars have been obtained the places devastated are so far apart and the people being so frightened that they cannot give glye coherent accounts the loss of lire life in butchers but Bat chers run and al legband city is placed at most carefully prepared figures give the total loss of life at the property destroyed and damaged cannot be estimated approximately at a meeting of citizens of alle alie gleany city tonight to night leading men pledged 1000 for the relief of sufferers A meeting is called forthe for the same purpose at Pitt ritt pittsburg iburg tomorrow to morrow nev nr nv YORI 27 detectives simpson and fearley of the central office today to day arrested louism louis louls M van eten lately pardoned out of tile the states prison where he was sent for ten years for ills his exposure or of the frauds fraud 3 in sill stil sang sing he is now arrested for an a tempt attempt to pass ass a bond for forS which is identified as a portion of the in bonds stolen from the room of costello del labago in tho the st georges hotel this is said to be the same game i bond that geo chadwick was sent fourteen years to auburn state prison f for fon r it appears that van eten passi passed d this bond on the bank of f calleb california enla at san francisco and the chief f of police lees of that city I 1 thle thie is sn now 0 w herewith the necessary papers to take him baelz baek mrs S mcfall was struck by lightning at her house here on sunday night and iastan instantly fly killed mr beecher went to Peak skill on n saturday and remained at ills his country seat all day on sunday not attending church as was his usual custom T G shearman GS hearman his counsel was with him and no other person was permitted to seo sep him except a few relations and personal friends shearman was interviewed by a reporter but he could not say whether mr beecher would present a written statement or not that was for the committee to decide if any statement was vas made its ipuh publication li would depend w wholly olly oily upon the committee mr al r shearman deprecated tile the excessive publicity given to theiu thein the investigation vesti gation he believed decidedly that beecher would be brighter by the cie cle clearing aring dring away orah oran of all nil that obscured the case he declared that the Graphic graphics 18 pretending to give an ari abstract of the beecher statement me nt was a graphic invention in regard to the personnel of the tile investigating ve vesti iti gating committee he stamped as absurd the reports that all were beechers echers Be friends three ved wed were sueh such I 1 but the other taree three were stron strong friends of tilton I 1 and one of them he used to leave all his hii money with when lie he went lecturing another absurdity ab wai cal Tracy and hill hlll beecher a ca ut C 11 lluch kirech ech uch er had never seen the them M they are retained by the committee about the outcome of the investigation there was no shadow of a doubt the committee had already had mor ethan enough to clear beecher mr nir sage chairman of the committee told a reporter that nothing more of the proceedings would be published until the close of the investigation vesti gation mr tilton stated to a reporter of the brooklin ragle today to day that a compromise was now impossible he had bad been approached several times on the subject mr Sag eone of mr nir Be echers becchers 3 sturdiest diest friends came to see him last week and anxiously urged hi him in to withdraw but he could not the brooklyn argus publishes a card from mr tilton in which he says the the Tha beecher investigating committee have given the world a lot of irrelevant testimony of mine mine and said no word about the most important part namely that the criminality with my sworn statement the nev rev henry ward NVard beecher Beeche his religious victim was confessed to me roe not only b by herself but by mr beecher furthermore that it was ivas C confessed by her and him to mr moul moui moulton ton as a friend and counselor or both and still further that mr moul moui I 1 tons office as m four years between mr beecher and me rne was based on the one sole fact of this preexisting pre existing criminality between mr beecher and mrs airs tilton this statement I 1 made to tho the committee with the utmost plainness of S speech bech 1 I 1 I furthermore stated to the committee that mr beechers echers Be apology to me instead of being followed by any circumstances with which mrs woodhull was connected was communicated to me by mr beecher nearly six months before I 1 ever met knew or saw mrs |