Show LOCAL ind ino OTHER nann maff E R S from wednesdays dally DAILY JULY 29 scarlet fever carlet scarlet i fever is somewhat prevalent among the children of this city at present and also in some of the settlements throughout the tile territory storms at at pioche with little mile intermission it has haa been raining more or less steadily for twenty four hour hours and at tile the time of this writing there seems little prospect of a cessation pioche record Je cord jr jj t ay 2 20 6 dont get the papers rjames james sames Bo Ro doback P AL of cedar valley writes july 27 wo we do not get our papers we have not had any DESERET NEWS nor any other papers from salt lake rako city or anywhere else elle since wednesday dinst 11 the NEWS is mailed from this thip office regularly ai it ii published the tiie fault must bo be with the post office or the mail carriers somewhere t liberal ratification the en dor dorsers sers sens of the so called liberal ticket tieke thad had their ratification meeting last at a t night on second south bouth street a crowd of several hundreds being present dr john P tag garto gart ly was wis as chosen chairman and ho he thon then introduced general nathan hathan kimball as the first speaker the general is a government om ohl being surveyor general of the territory but instead of confining himself to the business for which ho llo was sent lie he like many others of his fellow P F 0 a must needs join hands with those who are ever ready to pitch into tile the mor his speech was excruciating in fact denuded of the grands grauds glorio uses and fuls I 1 it would be a very attenuated affair at the opening ho lie boldly announced his belief in polygamy in stating that he be believed in the old testament and also in tile later ic ie of christ in the new testament at seeing that eliat the tho bible so definitely and stoutly maintained the right falness of tile the doctrine the general actually admitted his bis bellef belie f anat in it that was so far good had he not diot manifested such subsequent variableness and instability of mind by saying that polygamy poly amy was all wrong before he got through the general is a great liberal iberal he is speaking about the t h e 1 mormon lormon church lie he said the mormons cormons Mor mons might t claim so and so as a part of th their air rell roii religion ion lon but it was not and would not be tolerated ac now heto hete is liberality with a vengeance here 1 ia 4 a gentleman who has bas resided but a few months in utah assuming the role of dictator to her people as to what shall shail or shall shail not be their rule of religious belief bellef and practice well might one bo be led leato to exclaim consistency thou art a jewel the speaker being posted owing to his bli prolonged residence of a few months made a great ma many lly ily statements about the mon cormons mormons Mor mons being slaves and other things of a kindred kind which statements were well enough with but one ex on they were totally untrue which ii however was not nothing strange as the same could be said raid statements of the ilber liberal speakers who followed hiru hieu the general is very longwinded long iong winded but ashe said himself decant ild lid cant help it he per persisted asted in saying that lie he had spoken too jong and yot yet ot ho he kept on he asserted that hat he dad lad had encroached on the tho time f his colleagues and yet he continued one person in the crowd called out several times give us arest a rest which created quite a stir among the more liberal lib emPI portion one aged person calling out frantically 11 put him out of the room put liim out of the room but as everybody was in the open air the crowd were in somewhat if f a quandary as to the tile modus operandi necessary to tl carry out so peculiar a man mandate ate onless unless they put the poor fellow low aut taut of tho the world the general is evidently dignified like his hla colleagues for when the slight disturbance tur bance occurred hebald if there Is going to be a muss count mo me in for I 1 am great on a muss a fact which any reflecting person wa who 0 heard his speech would not under take to deny it was considerable of a icuss muss excepting where he praised himself then he waxed eloquent he had bad lived fifty two years which time he had most ardently devoted to the public good with a golf olf elf abnegation worthy OC 0 all ali emulate emch v chyn gus gub ort ott the idea that the published biography of so great and lind good a man kiihn would make au an excellent fourth reader for country schools the general advIs advised eel eci bis his its listeners to go to the polls on monday and kote vote dote it mattered not whether they were citizens or no it was mill sufficient clent it if tiit tiie tl ar had merely declared their intention of becoming 11 it is difficult to suppose that a gentleman t who should be aswell yeli yeii informed as general nathan rathan kimball should give such advice aale through ignorance yet if not from 0 i m that cause e kuse it must have beert beeri given with ah an intention to mislead d either elther of which conclusions m reflects no credit upon him no man has a right according to the law to vote voto fitcho election unless lie he be le a native born or naturalized citizen and no woman unless aho sho be over twenty one years of age and the wife widow or daughter of a ua tive tivo born or naturalized citizen naturalization does ilot hot take place until the tho candidate for citizenship receives his llis full papers jr R N na baskin buskin was the next speak er he lie spoke with more apparent pareA ap ode oae ede edo and fluency man nan wo we ever heard him before which doubtless resulted from the iong long practice he had badat had at the speech ing repealed repeated it so frequently that it is presumable able abie he has bas it by memory like tho preceding prece eing speaker he be talked a good deal about his own liberality compared with the il liberal character of the mormons cormons Mor mons of course his were perfectly clear for his immense liberality has been amply indicated by the framing and getting up up of special bills bi Is for utah which congress has been ab importuned importuner tave pave to pass and which would have dis disfranchise the tho people of utah taken away their city charters and every overy political api aal religious right and privilege that ahat make life ilfe desirable bobear to hear buch sueh men as lie he talk of freedom and equal rights is singularly amusing H IV lawrence laurence also alo spoke he said he had outgrown luor ihor mormonism and the method lie he took to show the them intellectual progress he had bad made in outstripping the finest system in existence was by getting off some very stale things that amount to a anything ny thIng it is needless to say that chat quite gulte q a number of people are unable unab lq to observe tire the gent lemans rapid strides on tho the pat path h of progress i which lie claims claim S however some bom e people out outgrow grow dior mormonism Alor monism by growing too emall email for it perhaps that is what the gentleman meant and maxwell furnished their usual quota of vituperation pe ration misrepresentation aad abuse which by the way is piled plied gri gil on too thick hon bon fon ton the most rabid to swall swail swallow ow without greasing Q ericson L was the last speaker L he is a terrible example of unappreciated mormon talent the high opinion he be h has as ever entertained of his own abilities however should ha have havo ve been amply sunni cerit celio to satisfy him even if none nono Q had coincided with him ho he spoke but say anything and he be took a good while to io do it considering the immense flour flou lh of trumpets about it as a fizzle tha liberal ratification was an ari immense success FROM THURSDAYS dally DAILY sal A nice shower eliere vas was a nice refreshing shower of min main this mornin morning 0 more storm Athu A thunder uder lightning and rain min storm as weare we are going to press blackberries an attractive attract i ve dish of pleasant flavored blackberries from the garden of D 0 calder esq soth ward caused various parties in this office to think hat that other people might enjoy the amo came ame if that agreeable fruit were more generally cultivated bloomington A B strickland writes from irom bloomin bloomington c ton tou 1 T july 24 as follows fellows I 1 I 1 the weather is general good health prevails provi ulis the croc crop s look well though babli backward ward for several days past we have had some fine nine warm thunder showers I 1 from irom provo today to day we met brother henry dickson 0 of tho tiie provo woollen factory he had with him some samples of cloth manufactured there the texture and general quality of which wem were excellent especially when the price are taken into con consideration considerate 0 n which are very reasonable adar Ss ar balfa Lt iko ikc A in from 13 bear near gar par inform sus that large largo quantities of fish are taken out ot of tha lake aaice with the seine and orne orno of the tim ghers pik plok out tile the trout to send to market and throw aside a langli amount of whitefish chuba chub ac c insomuch tha that t brusome ansome portions of the beach the stench stanch arising froin the becom posing lph Is ia a almost most unbearable tailors the united bitler oilier or of tallor Tailor aare are aro doing a thriving g busl busi ness nes h having whig as almany many mans orders cail can possibly nil fill in addition to a large jarg il number aber or of three are tire now suits aib are made up ht at reasonable pr prices ite ioe chichis chIs is du an pt to td custom eril erm eilt and the association he keps keeps heps ps in creasing creasi bg its ils stock of cloths claths brother goss the superintendent is active ih looking after the interests of the 7 lua willard iua rd olty olvy james J chand ler ier writes from willard city july 23 AS follows ther has bas been een some sonie sickles sIc knes amongst this tiffi summer but ge generally good health pt prevails the people have havo commenced har liar vesting testing large largo crops eif of Zif blodi of 1 the tha eartle ico o operation is the p people eople of Brig brigham ban han i city could hardly live without Home Department novi now r I 1 conference at st louw A conference of the st louis branch brane of the church Ii of jesus christ of lat mas yas held on ou sunday sunday Sanday jun iun 15 in the tho broadway hatano hall hail no 1310 north korth broadway st louls bouls elder eider john stay presiding eld eid elder eider e r john F pei pet clerk I 1 the congregation was addre addressed sOd sed by president stay and elders eiders bof burman brother beard was ordained to the office of teacher tio the various aurli authorities or ties or of the ibe church were presented and unanimously sustained the cache valley excursion the tickets for this very vers cheap cx curs are going ot oft rapidly and intending tago to go who have not bot yet ye obtained gifted them should 1 7 secure thim them ato at once uce thoo those who gaven their th belr names llames before the tickets wem were ready should also zet ret them as we understand they will retain ednot parties unless paid for the charest ch excursion ye yet ins kny benial idy at flici th rato rath of less 4 thau than linn ilau one centa bent a mile mlle malej and affords a good opportunity for fir strangers jo to the bior north th jieping melr ig tt the valley of for part parties 65 having friends fiends in that r realon region ebion paying the tho lattera latter a 4 flying 3 ing visit those sa who wish sleeping or other outer acco accommodations securer secured for them in cache should communicate hn i mediately with mr J N piko eiko ke at mr Br rJohn john W youngs filce jilce tT ice lre near uc jj Mayr may mayn yella rei dence vl ff oj ire lre irp re for t trip as aa announced the aus aos is only 2 A 1 34 the times T ilg ild dull duli ngi umi odthe times Is ia pow the thi principal topi cof conversation abd it ib is a fact fadl that cannot be ignored that mercantile bus irless is exceedingly sluggish gish while probably iii lii bably babiy a largo number of mechanics are without employment which is a natural d quence uenta of bf the first mentioned bon con condition by bt auzira unhappily tilts this tz or of trae is not to ih J eglon region buts bufe extends to every par f the tho reau idle mole moie m ore oro or orless less and W etah utah feels its enni efti ech with is s little keenness as any other ot the count country r far ilie flie reason that the necessaries or of line lire are ro BO plentiful that ahat there thero i 14 feces sity iso so weil weli ail ali organized community dommu as ihl for the thi unemployed being miu irinus s the necessaries irles erles at least loril st of life ilfe in this respect the te vezie pegie people of bf utah alo ale better ot oft tb than xu any other community i luthe uthe world of the salmo magnitude alip times can be truthfully said sald to be 1 dull duli here litie about and set seu they nee noe d not pot be near so bol iauch i nueh nuch sq is they are as there is every jeason for belief that money i is much more plentiful ati all tahe balle baile territory than it appears to bo be on the surface otie onu gauw gaum c temporary ita is th the reluctance of parties llaver ilas ilav iii lit 6 means heans deanson on hand to uso use it to make mako improvements that they would make providing times wele inore propitious artio 1 us in appearance P sut jut thal riel elding aiding in 31 21 31 back policy is in every sense which must be 0 ov ident den after but 11 little tsie reflection fo for several sevel al reasons tow Toa solis soils it t must be admitted that times are rather flat well weil Vi hat litof of that they cannot remain so go hr yon as ts sure as the night follows follo ts the dav 1 s so must dull times be followed brat braa reaction ln in form gil gly of baisl briska J it lil ill lias ilas always I 1 oel beg bt I 1 pt p vt bb UA A strong guarantee that it will bo be so 0 in future the natural deduction to be drawn from this course of ba roning r 13 that those i iwho templates tem temo plated makl maki making ng material improvements prove ments and have havo not dot done doneso so because of the tile apparently 11 scaly nature of 0 the times have been operating against their own personal interests interest for the cause that improvements which would supply needy mechanics with employment and consequently with tile the necessaries and comforts of lift could be done now at a lower figure than will be theme thele e when lab iab labor orwill will be iu in increased demand which is sure to come and ax at a time when wilen every improvement will be increased iu in value besides all athia of ft this hla his the greatest blessing accruing from the possession of means is tile the use of the power to do good to humanity with it for sor blessed are they who delight dolight in good are now in process procesa which if brought to a successful termination will tak a number or of mechanics cli eli chiantes anies antes out of this city for a while lile which will make times somewhat belter better for those who whoN will vill remain and we bave have strong reasons that such will be t the I 1 ie case when perhaps parties who have put off the time of making contemplated improvements will regret that they ther have doneso 1 in ai contemplating the condition of the times financially the tho prospects of the approaching harvest win gln being g one of the tiie best ever experienced fuca d in utah must be extremely gratifying there araa aret places in the tilo territory from froin which report come that are not favorable so BO that conr conus s what may t thero there is but little need of apprehensions i about the pt people ople opie of utah havin having g enough to eat nor is tile tiie prospect |