Show al alli ALIi EGED GED A SANDY MAN IN A A PECK PEUX OF TROUBLE henry hollingsworth superintendent of a crushing mill at sandy states that hat on saturday he felt impressed reseed to come up to the city to bank bank his bis money amounting to he did not do it however but secreted it behind a stove among the kindling wood before retiring to rest in the night he felt restless and uneasy and responded to an involuntary impulse to get up and take a look at his bis cash on going to the kindling pile he discovered that it was non eist es mr hollingsworth communicated the fact of his loss to mr keeps a store in sandy bandy when that gentleman informed him that two suspicious looking characters had bad been loitering around his establishment during the day and he had been under the necessity of requesting them to leave putting that and that together leads to the t theory that these roughs boughs had been on a peeping bee seen mr air H secrete his money and at the opportune moment entered by the window seized the pile of gold pieces and de camped although this theory is somewhat attenuate attenuated dg it is probably as good as none at all further deponent saith baith not |