Show wah LOCAL alid AND OTHER othe hatm MATTERS egaw egar JB DAILY JAN J 12 A change bishop fisher of oxford idaho has resigned anci ana robt N lewis of richmond has beell beert ordained in his stead more etore appointments george edgington nas has been appointed by the co commission 1 I 1 my presiding L judge of the coal Coa iville vil vii le municipal election vice C 0 rhoades Bh oades cades absent from flom that city mr john H worth worthington 1 ng has been appointed judge III in place of mr edgington Edging tonj tons designated pro pre alding aiding judge accidentally shot last evening john beauregard Bean regard was waa brought in from bingham and placed in st mark marka a hospital darlng daring the fore part of the d day ay while riding on oni horseback a af pf bliz blix bip hip pocket was accidentale acci denta I discharged tha sili sill er e dahe hip and and range ranger tj own bw ward award lodging in th elower L of the thigh inflicting a eer ber oue w wand aund xi mill 11 creek oree cree k relief socie y to day Sis bis slaters tersE E B R snow zina zinn D H YOU young nir nib and other leading ladies ladles ot of this city efy have been attending atten attending din mif mii a special gathering of the mw creek relief belief society at the ward meeting house the first meeting was hold at 10 a ra and after the services an excellent dinner was discussed in the vestry the afternoon af ter cession session began at two foun four we have received the december 1882 I 1 number of the millennial star the closing issue of volume courty four it is the oldest paper with the exception of one now published in liverpool we reproduce here the preface to the completed volume so characteristic of the writer who penned it brother 0 F whitney whose poetic nature gleams throughout all his hia literary productions eor geor for more than two and forty years the milten Hillen millennial nial star heralding the rising of the sun bun of righteousness has shed forth its lustre upon a benighted world since first appearing pea pek ring upon the horizon in the spring of tile ane year 1810 while pass ing through a changeful sky it has suffered not a single eclipse but steadily emitting its cheering rays and moving upward towards the zenith of prophetical f fulfilment fulfillment has been the bright harbinger of hope to hundreds of thou thon thousands sands it now beams forth at the close of this and the beginning of another year its brightness undimmed med mcd its ita destiny unchanged its powers and influence unimpaired still lighting up the pasi past t still shining oer the present t still pointing out with unerring finger the future mark well that sure though silent allent indication already in the east ing bars of light proclaim the coming ol 01 the long expected morn the tired earth is completing the toils tolls of its long leng and weary week the shades of the saturday night of hu human an bl history atory are around us and und the sun of the millennial millennial sabbath is about to dawn upon the tho unsuspecting world keep your eye fixed upon the STAR STAB give patient heed to the prompting of tho the spirit which it instills in for when that sweet ajeet influence flu fiu encel ia Is withdrawn its diminished radiance retiring before the superior eu splendor which it bespeak eg then know that the night ia Is past that the day dawn has broken and th the glory of the lord luord is resting upon th the inhabitants of zion THE LATE WILLIAM wllliam H HOOPER preamble AND SOLUTIONS resolutions OF RESPECT TO HIS MEMORY we are enabled to publish the following desen NATIONAL BANK BANIC snit salt laake lake city january 1882 at a meeting of the board of directors held this d day the vice president H B S ly eldredge dredges dr edges edget announced the death of the president the ithe hon william H HO hooper on motion of wm je jennings the dol lol following lowing preamble and andreso resolutions lations were vere unanimously adopted whereas it has pleased god in his liis inscrutable providence to remove by death from our midst our beloved and respected president denti the hon william H hooper now therefore it is resolved chatin that am the death of william H R hooper this board loses a wise and prudent leader and the Ban bank kanable an able abie and ent eft efficient lelent officer whose integrity exceptional abill ability tys and devotion to duty have won the love and esteem of his associates resolved that we place on record reco rd our appreciation of the valuable service he has rendered in promoting the welfare of this bank since its inception cep Copt lon tion and our sorrow at the loss all have sustained by his death resolved jRe solved that our long and intimate association association with him officially and socially will always be remembered by us with pleasure mingled with regret for his hla departure from our midst resolved that we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the family 0 of f our late president and with them lament the sad event while we bow in ja submission to the decrees of providence by ily order of the board WHO HO ARE ABE THE CRIMINALS A STATEMENT wirich TELLS wells ITS OWN talie TALE 0 A clique of villainous vill alnona slander mongers bongers mon Inon gerb gers in utah particularly in this city for the attainment of certain lain tain political and religious purposes purpose make inake a continuous bu business elness of billiy ing the mormon community about bont whom more iles aro are published than any people on the globe the heart heartless lets and conscienceless scoundrels who engage in the traffic of falsehood mostly belong to two distinct classes sectarian priests and political tricksters trick defamatory stories made out of whole cloth are told of the cormons mormons Mor mons 5 31 in the face of the fact that the overwhelming proportion of the crimes calmes committed in shit bait lake rake city and throughout utah are the deeds of the class cirss whom the slanderers slander ers of the mormon claim to represent and belong to in looking over the police record of this th lacity city for 1882 it ia Is found that during that sear year 1610 arrests for all classes of crimes were made of the persons taken into custody 1191 were non cormona and cormons mormons Mor mons these figures are exi elusive of soldiers and destitute persons who have been provided with lodgings at the jail Bes beside besides ides idee many parties arrested during daring the year who are in reality not cormons mormons Mor mons but belong to mormon families have been teen classed with the mormons cormons Mor mons in this calculation thus it 11 win will wih be seen that the non mormons cormons Mor mons who comprise little more than one fourth of tho the population of this city supply three fourths of the criminal the population of this thia city now approximates to and in case the relative numerical proportion of mormons cormons Mor mons and non may be doubted a reference may be had to the voting population aa exhibited at the last election when the peoples peopled party almost exclusively lafor mor mon ll 11 cast votes and the non mormons cormons Mor mons or the liberals 1648 a trifle less than one third notwithstanding that the probabilities are larger in favor or the mormons cormons Mor mons from this standpoint as they as a rule have much larger families than the other class and many of them are dis franchised under the edmunds law and the rulings of the commissioners this would make the relative non Mormon population about one fourth while the defamers def amers of the Mormon mormons Mor mons sll have been publishing the most infamous falsehoods about them we have simply asserted that as a law abid ing people on general principles they have havi few it if any equals ou the globe when the matter is looked into our position po altion is proved at once roz for while tho tha class to which thein theli traduce traducers rs belongs is comparatively groveling in the filth of iniquity they occupy a moral plane far beyond the present reach of their contemptible defamers def amers who secret their abominations behind the refuge of lies iles when this ia is swept away they shrink from the light of day those who are acquainted quain ted with the cormons mormons Mor mons and land yet designate them as an essentially criminal community have not the light of truth dwelling in them erom FROM saturdays DAILY dally JAN 13 badly injured yesterday ed edi i ward clark dark was brought to the city and placed in st marys maryb hospital while at work on the oregon short line he was seriously injured in his back hips and sides by a giant powder blast today to day his condition was not improved A Good GoodS hian BIan wo we publish today a notice of the death of uncle bourre of butler county kentucky tuc tue ky the elders who have labored in that part of the south speak of him in terms of affectionate respect for his well known good qualities I 1 of head and heart he was a friend to the brethren even before he joined the church and was much esteemed by the community where he lived case of gas poisoning yesterday a youn young g man named john mul mui denaux was taken to the deseret hospital in a deplorable condition he bad been ill at the white house where he was stopping with his brother the latter not being ac quain quainter ted with the manipulation of gaslights blowout blew out the jet in the room instead of turning the gas off oft the consequence was that bythe by the process of inhalation the unfortunate invalid was poisoned by the time he reached the hospital his pulse was gone and he expired I in IU U a 1 few minutes afterwards aften alter wards at monae mona we learn from our correspondent 69 nebo of Mona Juab county that early on wednesday Wednes esy eay morning the schoolhouse of that place was disi covered to be on ere fire As the flames had bad evidently broken out about midnight they gained too much headway to be stopped in a their destructive career and the building was reduced to ruins and every thing it contained consumed among the property destroyed was the sunday school library the loss of which la Is a matter of special regret ono of the worst features of the afi aff affair air aln is the fact that the tho fire was the work of an incendiary nebo reports a time of general prosperity at mona the people being abundantly blessed temporally and spiritually in a general way A ward improvement the meetings in the nineteenth ward have been so numerously attended of late that the school house was found to be much too small to accommodate the people A short time since bl bishop ishop watson told the members of his bis diocese that he pro posed extending the building saven teen toen feet and called upon all who wished to do so to help him there was waa a hearty and ready response to the invitation and the work was done forthwith the only inconvenience ensuing being the omitting of one meeting a week ago last Sabbat sabbath bj as noted in the NF NEWS vs at the time now the house honse is found to accommodate the people nicely A movement is now on foot to rs re refurnish furnish farnish the house by placing new seats hi in it and funds are being obtained for that purpose |