Show A VISION while wrape in the repose of slumbers slum blum bere so eo f ft t embrace perfectly oblivious to every surrounding object an and aud d to use a byronic phrase while the apparently still instill and world lay in the same state my mind was suddenly carried away to the past a panoramic view of the events of the reformation passed before me in rapid succession not only were uhe the general facts of its history impressed upon me in in a manner it is impossible to describe bus but 1 even its minor detail details unknown to me from research were made known also the very actors were shown with such marvelous exactness and so minutely true to life that were I 1 an artist I 1 would draw an exact portrait of bf every actor acton in that historical epoch never while lifo life shail shall last can the memory of the picture be effaced in connection withA with lwis this matvel matvei oua ona history it was clearly shown that each actor in the wor k of 0 religious liberty was vas assigned his part therein in ju a previous world and so completely was this none were allowed to interfere in the least with the labors of cotem clotem pora por arles ries in the same work not only was wag the history of that event clearly manifest but the labors of wesle wesie watt and others and their effects for general religious freedom while I 1 con linued to gaze and marvel at the wondrous work belore before me all on a sudden the scene vanished and a it new now era however from the forces of the religious agencies before mentioned burst burat upon my view the history of american independence with the actors therein passed before me the constitution of the united states waa em blazoned upon an immense banner in letters which could have been read at a great distance civil and religious toleration was general throughout the land mr man n rejoiced in the privilege of worshipping wor wore hipping shipping god according to the dictates of conscience prosperity reigned an geia gela smiled heaven approved the fetters of political and religious forged by the monarchs mona rohs of the eastern world were sundered shall it be toe said eald forever such was my thought I 1 was full fall of joy at the sight big tears teats cf of joy rolled down my cheeks when on a sudden my attention was directed to a personage standing by my bedside bed bides sides and who was attired in a white and flowing robe addressing himself to me he 0 said sald son of mortality look jook I 1 looked lo 10 and beheld a scene most revolting to my benses from the fact that it wag was the very of the prosperity and religious freedom I 1 had before witnessed I 1 saw the representatives of one branch of the republic holding in their hands fetters eligy thag th 3 ivea ivet had forged the ape fie li anage agil me J 9 Kno west thou thoune ade ire e mea mem S these I 1 answered alno no P lie he replied theve these are the chains chaine with which certain sons of the republic who have tasted of the tree of liberty desire t to 0 bind their fellows these The seare are they who e ek to subvert the cause of hu man r edom these seok seek 0 o enfil enslave ayo AVO on ort portion of the children of freedom who differ with them in religious belief and practice know thou my son that their object ia is filthy lucre they plot to take away human rights and to destroy the freedom ot the soul to possess the homes of the industrious without fee or reward aoa unto such for the vengeance of heaven awaits them their souls shall be had in der derision lalon and the heavens shall laugh at their folly their calamity slum bereth not but cast cadt thine eyes eastward and jook look I 1 looked I 1 and beheld that tho the bands which had held society together gather to during the of the republic were snapped asunder society had broken loose joose from all the restraints of principle and good conscience brotherhood had dissolved respect Ke spec spee for common rights and even the rights lights of ilfe life and property had fled from the land I 1 saw faction after faction arise and contend with each other political strife 8 was everywhere father and bon eon 80 n alike contended in these dreadful feuds the spirit of deadly hate like a rapidly rolling flame passed through the republic BLOOD was written on every banner the spirit of bloodshed appeared to possess every heart turning to tho the personage in white I 1 exclaimed surely this means the tha total destruction of the nation touching my 8 eyes yes with hla hia finger he replied 6 look I 1 looked and beheld that many who were angry with the rulers of the republic for their subversion of constitutional lawand their wholesale plunder of the public monies arose arosa and proclaimed themselves the friends of liberty and the frienda of the constitution in its original form these looked mound sound foursome for fon one to sustain the country count rys ys ff flag ag inviolate pledging their lives ilves and fortunes and sacred honors to that end A volee was now bud aud suddenly denly heard dec beckring kring these words in the distant mountain tops are ale to be found the true lovers of freedom and equal rights righta a people who havo have never made war upon each other go there for there only can your lives and property ba be secure from the spoiler there alone alono can the flag you love wave proudly for the protection of all pe peo 0 o pa rl spec tive of creed or color while ua us engaged I 1 cast my eyes to the ia far ar west when suddenly appe appeared ared ayed on E ensign laign peake peate near salt lake city a beautiful flag whereon wab was written these words friends of lau labaty lAb ily lly ity th wout woul hout the world all had hal we greet you tinder the siar flag of freedom freedoms our coun tryg arylis flag one ono loud lona shout about of welcome from hs mountain son sons of freedom rent the air I 1 bs b hed held that the multitude wept for joy the laws were again administered in purity the tha people pros tyrants were buried down all religious bodies were equally protected before the tho law haw no north ao no south no east no west but ohe one unbroken nation whose ban ner waved for all the world on this I 1 awoke in teats of joy 0 D E dec 1882 |