Show RD IT through the pressure on our columns columna last week the thib follow following flig article was crowded out oat the interest felt in the subject by the most of our readers is our car apology for publishing it a week after its date BECAUSE of a reni remark which david made in one othis psalms to the effect th that atthe the days of our oun years are threescore and ten the opinion has become very general that when a man attaint to tha thata tage gehe he has filled ailed the measure al blotted to him on the earth and he is apt to regard himself and isalio is aiso also regarded by others as a very old man david himself a an that age was waar called by the chronicler old and stricken in years if and did not live beyond the thre threescore esco le and ten but we know of no good reason why men by pursuing a proper course may not live livi far beyond that period an authority equally ally aily as good goodas as david predicts that the days 0 of he the people of god shall at some period be aa the days of a tree and ifa if a man could live to the age ge of some trees 11 he D would likely be satisfied with life ilfe life ilfe and add its labors and his hia existence would be a blessing to himself to his posterity and td tto mankind so strongly has baa the idea idia fastened itself upon the minds of ot the majority of people respecting the tho limit of human life being not far from froni severity years that many persons as they approach that age whether they feel old oid persuade themselves into the belief bellef that they are quite aged and aud that they ought to feel and act so president young who yesterday completed hief hi seventieth vear year ear 1 is a very excellent a man cultivating the opposite feeling although he has reached this age no ho forson person who as associates socia tes with him thinks of him aa as an bid man or speaks to or arof of him as though he be was any other than a man in the prime of his intellectual and bodily vigor The Th eleason reason Teason of this Is that thai lie he does not view himself in any other light he has never yet re regarded gardea himself aa ask old one ona of the tho characteristics of approaching pro aching old ad age is ila ils a distaste for those pursuits and occupations which interest the youthful and middle aged another isa is a grow blowing glowing ilg indifference to acquiring knowledge that in earlier life would be valoid edthe mhd feeling apparently of the old perdon person being olt oh lam iam I 1 ano AGO growl growing ax old I 1 shall soon boon pass away it is 14 ls is therefore not worth my ahto pay paying arteni tion flon to this suba subject dot dov 1 11 andover and under the influence fluen ce of these enjoyments enjoy ments of life are disregarded the functions of th the e mind are sufferer to fai fal linto disuse and the old person soon finds himself cut oni from th the C wp world rid around him isolated in jil om thought and feeling and ready pass away from a word world in ial chichi ceased to take interests inte in these respects president young is a remarkable remark able ablo exception to tug thel anajo majority rity of men of his aze age probably afano bopre pre pro vi period has he eyer taken ai greater interest 0 in the ambra jaff aira of life than he dieto does today to day aay no public social gathering or amusement is felt to b be complete 9 without him and he enters mithi mitti aa q much spirit into the enjoyment of buch euch associations and slid pleasures as who were twenty instead of severity in seeking for knowledge wa know of or no young man more inquisitive ta in investigating principle or more wore determined to master details than hels bels he is were he commencing ilfe life he could scarcely bly exhibit more i zeal in this direction than he does there ate afe other ot her causes of course which contribute to make him the hearty cheerful energetic and human that h he 6 is hib his evenly balanced tempi tempe temperament his hia tein temperate habits his strict observance of thela theia the laws af life ilfe the continually exercised faith falth of the peo ie le and above all thai thal blessings of the them 1 ord him xvi at he is yesterday being president treal Freal dent youngs birthday it might bif expected that dg meraus congratulations woul be tendered to him but one of the moat mos plea piea pleasing ing features of the day was the sur surprise bur r jaw that awaited ad him in la ilik lils own house his two of Ms bro broi thera and another filand di t two hap bap pening jp be with ii bim him m in fhi the afternoon he sept ward to bis bib 19 family fo to pa mak a i i preparations to eh entertain eria erta 14 th mat emair din 1 ner deraa al he expected them ig tg dine vi him at diner dinner limo limp lie he passed aided irom from fion chis i his office 0 effice towards the dining room ac compani edby his guests when be lie was met mete by a party baity arwa up in bo saluted him hysing by sing sing 1 in 9 a tweet sweet g ove dve owe lepin et e calil i posia posed for or the a HP was then bm 1 informed that lie he I 1 mas was wanted ip in t he e he be found a company compan of f about eighty ladies and gentle gentie gentlemen nearly every eveny one or w 0 m g reig tive or connection of his hia family who tendered him their congratulations from the parlor the entire part party prok wrol I 1 ceedee to he the dining room where a at sumptuous repast was prepared all this wag a complete surprise to preal dent young his family had kept their intentions secret and all the preparations had been made in the house and the invitations had been sent out without his having the least idea iden of or what was going on every person seemed to know all about it but him self and this made the occasion a it veritable surprise to him he remarked that after this no one could induce him to believe that ladies cannot keep a secret the company numbered eighty beven seven and after they were seated and before asking a blessing upon the food the following by a member odthe of the presidents family was r ead read by his private secretary david mckenzie esq t PRESIDENT BELOVED hubband HUSBAND eather father ard eriend EMEND I 1 wishing to earry carry out to the tue letter t the pro gramme of this auspicious us d day ay in id a bried address is included wl we ber bee beyder your indulgence for a few moments realizing our inability to bestow as much honor abd as high a tribute of affectionate respect a aai asi tad the occasion de ru manda lands we have adopted the form of a sur bur surprise in order to add to the e effect and arid enhance the pleasures resulting from our efforts to give you an agreeable entertainment in ili celebrating this the seventieth anniversary bf of your birthday it is a subject of mutual that your eventful resentful ful tul life has been prolonged langi to this period y and no testimonial that w we e can confer is capable of truthfully representing our app appreciation recia tion of your worth and goodness if the world knew you as we know you all parts of the inhabited civilized earth would this day dayi echo one ong gric grand ild iid universal expression wishing you lon lou long iong 9 life and happiness and your broad heart overflowing with love and kindness would meet a corresponding correspond in g warm response from the appreciative bosom of humanity I 1 no man antan living hasteen has been invested with as 0 many responsibilities involving the interests and welfare of mankind ind and no man mart ever discharged public duties more mord faithfully aid and yet with idl all this your kindness to td and eare care for the thel comforti forts convenience an and d well weil being of your numerous family lare iare deservedly proverbial but on bit this subject silence allence might be most moat appropriate for surely all the powers of lau lan language guse couched in the eloquent strains fis fig of expression would fall so far fat short of reality and the deep feelings of our hearts as to seim seemingly secrate desecrate ue te the holy altar of gratitude words are eire insufficient may ibay god help heip ua Vs to fully illustrate the sentiment iti ift our ilves although your ilfe life hag has already nuni led wed tia the years yearb which bave have heretofore designated the time of bf human existe existence hed aa al we WA urb aranow are Arb now living under the this new dispensation comprising the prolongation of f the life of man we may mav through the blessing of gaa gad anticipate lt many I 1 future years yearb added to your fit life ilfe in wishing you many returns of the day flay w barei ar not prompted entirely by personal and selfish for wei realize that you are a mighty instrument in the hand of gad for the good of zion in the establishment of his kingdom and the promulgation of truth for the I 1 shiRl amelioration oration of the condition of degenerated humanity in the fall fail exercise of of all your mental sud and physical faculties may you live matir many yearb years and aud continue to battle with ignorance and error until the priesthood of god is triumphant and may you sou enjoy the satisfaction oi of seeing your rout fam famil family ll emulate your noble exi ex exl i ample ampie niday may you jou lle live till the thi rulers oi 04 every nation on earth shall ledge the of god in tn your ad 4 ministration heek beek you for counsel i and rl recognize cognini cog nii yo you asi aa ssi you truly trilly sabre are th tho friend of god and an dynan anan may you live till your soul is satisfied i rion lion ho hop hov iise lise des dey yuna jung june ibl 1871 i I 1 to tb pathetic in all ail who listened d wom VOW president I 1 F apt bof yang jug responded with deep diep ag balows to my ray family as well as ass to tha eriend friend who have honored me with th their p I 1 r presence presen ceri it ibi isi perhaps due bogay to say Is truly a surprise 16 me mb and arid indeed I 1 blust knust say alyius itis A most mast agree agreeable a ble bie one I 1 the whole affair hag been quite ui un no t awo word rd been heen sald said eer aid to teiei me nor norh nora a hint given by shy aby person in relation to it I 1 the kind feeling evinced in the ad dress idress which has baa just been read and which is manifestly participated in by my family faintly and the friends now how bested seated before me together with the scene pre sentedias sen sea tedis todis very affecting to me I 1 am toot full fuli of thought and reflection to give expression to my feelings but I 1 hope to show ilmy in my future fatur elife ilfe life by exa example naple daple that I 1 merit your good feelings feeling and wishes and I 1 trust to see my children and family continue to abide hy bk the counsel given them i I 1 i 11 god bless wees you yoh ail all at peace be with you I 1 I 1 it was a neverta he be forgotten scene to behold a septuagenarian in the fulla fali flush of manhood to all appearance not more than nifty fifty yearb years of age a patriarch or at the head of or his bis family surrounded by a rew few of his hia nu berous descendants and beloved and a 11 d revered by all the tho P president sald said in lu his discourse disco urae on sunday the slat ois uit tilt was waa revealed 0 o the tho death of the prophet PC josepht bat hat bis bia bitne name should he e bl bad had d nor for nood good A and for evil ovll before 1 the nations of the air I 1 li W with ith a family frienda friends and associates suei such as he has and a people such as he presides over to love honor and obey hirn him he be can afford to bear with serene berene equanimity whatever evil the people who do not know him may choose 0 speake of him OUR readers have seen many allusion in I 1 i the telegraphic news of df late to the trial triai of Fost fosterud Foster fostey erin erld ln deiv york yorke for the murder murden of mr mn putnam in a streetcar this thia murder was one of thie the most brutal and wid unprovoked provoked uin lin on record and on the tri trl triai trial al the evidence was so conclusive that despite the effria of the best counsel a unanimous Lof gmur derin deriu der in the first degree was waa given kiven the new kew york tar tar far ot of last lat saturday contal contains 1 usa a full account of uhe the closing scene seene of the trial namely the sentencing in to death of the prison prisoner pi by judge cg cardozo ryozo which took tools place on tha the tiit tilt uit tiie tile scena was a most af leoung one and is not likely to be soon forgotten by those who witnessed it an extra pollee police force was in attendance to preserve older order and thel the co courtroom r room was wag filled though none were I 1 admitted without passes the prisoner prisons ra 7 wife and children and t he the sister of mrs foster being present the judge judger was on the bench by IQ 10 and the prisoner arrived fifteen minutes after an air of solemnity and sorrow seemed to rest on all present including judge lawyers and court officials mrs urs foster and ancl her sister er wera were weeping bitterly aa as also the thearis pris i boners eldest child a handsomb handsome well weli dressed boy old enough to comprehend the awful position in jn which his father stood the prisoner was terribly cast east and upon entering the dock though all eyes were strained to obtain a right flight of himie himle he hung down his head and looked at noone no one when asked by the court if he had anything to eay say why beik belk sentence tence of death should not be passed he stood up icv Bobbed like a child guild I 1 leaned his arms bu the backs of some chairs near him trem Irem led sp so violently that he could scarcely stand and said 1 I bad been drinking a good deal that day and I 1 had no notion of killing mr putnam and did not know at the time what I 1 was doing I 1 am heartily sorry for it at the conclusion of his hia remarks be he we wept t loud aloud judge cardozo then their la im a very feeling and impressive speech passed ben Een sentence tence tenca of death the time of execution being fixed for the of july darlng daring the of the judge when he said y you ou william foster be taken hence jui jul to jail jall 11 and there on the day of july next be hanged by the neck until your are dead may godsave god have mercy upon your soul the wife of the fainted fain tain tedy and when the tho judge had finis finished hede hedi the prisoner completely un manned at down and wept bitterly The unhappy man an was waa then remover to the tombs and placed in ili the con demudd call cell and refused to converse ai length with anyone any one but spent most b of his time crouched on oh the adoor floor weeping and wringing bib bis hands iha ifa conversa con tion with one of the che said he had bad the ivery of or thi occurrence that thathy he never saw sav hinl hini beforehand before and that if Mr url Patr isra iAla were to arise from the gray grav to adly he be would not be able to recognize him probably no adre more fearful instance I 1 on record of tho the results of drinking which beems seems to have been beez ill ili ill til this as in th hundreds of other eases cases the causo cause 1 which led to the murder of oi one cne man the sentence cf death on another an ia a sorrow toi tor to f bo both th their ramt yami lies liea sad to disgrace and shame to one efthem of them |