Show issaa TO tem TIM DESERET NEWS e phi GENERAL washington aa 6 there is a misunderstanding der between betge u the indian bureau indian commissioner commiss ner relative do tin TIM rast fast indian andian baill lii III directed directed the indian commissioners loii to make purchases i of goods and contracts for their transportation in the presence of a volunteer board of indian commissioners sio ners within the past week mra mr stuart one of the board has complain ed eato he secretary of the interior that barger barker park lwade private the transportation of ot gobas and an anonymous circular which has been received by prominent govern mert officials and others represents a statement of bomer going serious though vague charges of corruption commissioner parker however haa baa sent letters to the secretary of the interior saying that aa as bidders to supply indian goods were required to state where they were to be delivered it became necessary to know the rates of transportation between the several points in order that the prices might be intelligently compared thebe theae rates ene ere therefore obtained from various railroad oad companies compa nies nibs it being understood der stood that the rates given were not to be considered as bids but that after goods had been purchased the R W K companies should have an opportunity to com compete e f for fon r contracts after bids for goods had ha pd been be eo opened one of the board of commissioners took from his pocket an offer from the pennsylvania B R E R co to transport the goods gooda at cheaper rates than any named by the N 1 companies and end asked that the contract be at once made with that company gen parker objected sav say baym that other companies ought to have a chance to bid after aften general parker departed from the office the commissioner ca caused a contract with the pennsylvania co to be entered in the books and hen hii general parker learned this he caused a circular to be bent pent to the new york york roads roada asking for their lowes rates the tha rates of jofs at least two roads were below those of the penn pennsyl syl byl vania tanta co aund arid the contract was made wit ht one making the most advantageous ofner offer the saved was from to 5 dollar the COM cam missioner does not think that the in dian than board ought to have howerto power fo to make contracts which shall be binding u n 0 bF bureau arbau without ast hsi consent ex senator wardie Warrie has hag concluded to accept the appointment of governor of new mexico the army irmy ally aily i heen been reduced to a peace booting Joo ting in jn accordance with bhe fhe aco set act of cobar I 1 esa of july july tuly tivo 1170 under this arrangement the regular army will consist of general one general four major majar gen era arala a t three ree brigadier generals with t tb trual ual trial compliment of staff in the field ecos ei there win in be an au adjutant quartermaster arter aster astar general commissary ardd lifa surgeon general with respective subordinates T there here hore will be the corps of engineers ordinance department signal corps ten regiments of cavalry CA valry fl j flye five regiments of artillery twenty five regiments a of f infantry the military academy and a body of indian scouts the rank will consist of enlisted men appointed as follows artillery a commissioned noncommissioned non staff of eight sergeants and men and thirty indian scouts foot up a thousand a company of laundresses 1 1700 woo employees of the quartermasters quarter masters department 2500 the total smout of enlisted men and attaches for whom rations will have to be issued are 35 24 it is expected that it will be necessary necessary to re enlist six thousand during the year to keep the army to this standard and as pay will be reduced to the anti rebellion rates this will be no easy task commissioned officers cerii cerit are re tendering their resignations iti sueh such numbers that there is no longer a surplus and the secretary of war has decided to accept no further resign resignations except for reasons recognized in war wax time as absolutely among those who have thus far resigned are many who achieved reputations for hard bard service during the war next K ext wednesday is abw set fo forthe the departure of the polar arctic expedition captain hall is here and will remain remlin till the vessel leaves all the tho crew will be taken oil off board before the vessel leaves the wharf here bere except the Esqui maux joe and his bis wife hau hsu hannah who are in connecticut and will be t aken taken on oni bo board rd at Bro brooklyn oslyn oRlyn bam bab BOSTON 5 A divorce fraud is before the he courts ig 14 which it is alleged that samuel C jaques was Y recently granted a divorce from his wife on a charge of adultery and that he achieved his bis object eel by inducing a woman to personate urs mrs jaques and who was served with the legal papers the wife not being notified george H holden ia is under arrest as a party to the fraud jaques the husband has bus absconded jacksonville 5 A most remarkable tornado occurred iu id mason county near mason city last friday in orning morning I 1 the first indication of the dark cloud gathering ilear near the earth waa was about six miles west of the city but ere long it assumed the shape of a huge boat having three distinct smoke stacks or columns extending upwards and connected with the clouds this wonderful phenomenon was fully charged with electricity and from the columns sparks were constantly issuing and making a noise and cracking similar to the regular firing of a thousand muskets al though the rotary motion of this fearful apparition was such as to tear up by the roots all ail vegetation that lay in its path ita its progressive asive motion was not more than five miles an hour and was watched with fearful anxiety by the terror stricken inhabitants its path was from twenty to eighty feet in width and about three miles milea la in length and upon uron 0 the uhe space nothing was left alive je hedging dg ing was burned to a cris crisp green wheat eat ent and corn cora were tur nedye low and prairie grass presented an hu ap appearance p ellra nce uce of having bating baen been pulled cuip up and d dried ri edinar in an august tup tun suu sun just juat previous to the appearance of the tornado the air was very sultry and its origin may be attributed to tb electrical influences from the heat and sparks which it exhibited it bad I 1 all the appearance of og water spouts the beane scene of ita its destruction ia is visited b hi hundreds Andreos I 1 NEW orleas 4 the Is ln in creasing wate efte lo 10 up cree creek k street breet to rampart street vilt with y the bati exception eption orsome of como come raised ground on carol street w which Is lit liv not entirely entin anti nely ely covered eastok east ot Clayh clayborne oruo orue there is an n sheet of water covering g an area of five or six square miles including about three hundred thickly inhabited squar squares esc the sufferings of the inhabitants of this thia I 1 quarter especially aifong among the poorer cl classes aises are re very great thousands living io t tingle single sabr story houses bave have moved out while those living in two story etory hoti hotl houas es have been compelled to move into second stories back of clayborne street on caroi carol there iaan iann la an average depth of two feet of water the city authora authorities ties seem saem to be doln doin doing b all they can to alleviate the su orthe of the people every available boat and skiff has been brought into use poll policemen cemen are moving mo in almost every direction ren rendering derin denin 9 such assistance they can moving those who are indan in danger I 1 and b pro provisions visions to the needy the d damage by this overflow cannot he be est eat estimated mated shrubbery and gardens a have all been ruined houses are raged damaged and the value of property depreciated the overflow directly from the lake on the gentilly road quarter has hag caused a heavy loss losa in the destruction truc true tion of many fine ni arket market gardens the BIll and railroad from gentilly mation station la is hilll overflowed the water in the lake bakeis is receding slowly NEW ORLEANs twenty five hundred houses bavel have their ground floors under water and mor more wor i e than that num ber of families are homeless and desolate the canal runs runa from the heart of the city to 0 o lake pout Pont pontchartrain chartrain there is always a navigable chim channel nei nel ten or twelve feet in hr depth and the river steamers ate amers and schooners ners perpetually pass and re repass pass pabs the damage done by the flood ia Is estimated at five hundred thousand dollars WEST POINT 7 prest grant arrived here last evening and was received with a national salute very nearly all applicants for adnitA admission lon ion to the academy came forward for present examination ninety six have been examined and the list closed until september when the quota can be filled by new candidates di of the ninety six examined thirty one ona were rejected nine by medical and twenty one by the examining board among those passed were brigham youngs son and napier a s colored colore aboy boy from tennessee NEW yore YORK 7 paris 6 athe the patrie says france possessed in july last SOO breach loaders and soldiers soi eol diere it demands the rigorous suppression of machinations of communist tendency in the provinces the minister of marine has written to the managers of arsenals and navy yards directing them to employ french not foreign mech mechanics anias san BAN francisco 7 the english iron steamer city of melbourne from australia and new zealand in coming up the harbor this afternoon ran on bock rock where she ia Is now fast it is supposed she is not injured sydney papers contain details of a terrible cyclone or hurricane in which the american brig kentucky from tian bian an francisco bound for melbourne is supposed to have haver foundered with all till on board oard cosed she was owned by willison of this city and commanded by captain bryant formerly a san francisco pilot who had just married and had his wife with him the crew numbered eight or ten the sydney chamber of commerce resolved to ask government to grant a subsidy of fifty thousand dollar dollard to halls hales english and southampton steamer line immense quantities of gold were being obtained from caledonian reer beef new now zealand and the thames gold fieldy were producing well heavy floods bad done great damage in south australia the governor of new south wales will loan for a railway extension this steamer brought a petition from the governor ot of new south wales to the ithe english government to annex the fiji It islands lands she also brings larg large malls for europe ban SAN FRANCISCO A call signed by numerous merchants and business farms firms s has been issued for a meeting at half past three thred this afternoon at the merchants exchange to make arrangements e pt jor div giving leg ipg the dired olree directors tors of the Atlin atlantic tic tio and pa ka vitlo vitto R EB R Com company plinY ib pat their arri arnival arrival yil on saturday t aday I 1 evening paris rA bisa RISA 4 the result of 0 f the sittings of the assembly tomorrow to morrow la Is looked for with great interest as it Is believed the exile of the orleans princes will be abrogated the newspapers bisbe live dive the abrogation the telegraphs will wilf be restored by saturday 5 athe the assembly embly today presented an animated animate it appearance liany lisny many notables occupied seats in the floor and the gall galleries et le 9 were r crowded with spectators in anticipation of a debate on the right of the orleans princes to seats beats in the house among thedis the distinguished personages present were prince Witter witten nich mich and nearly all the members of the diplomatic corpa corps thiers rose to move a postponement of the discussion be he said be he had bad passed hours in consultation with the mem bers bera of the committee having in charge the thia subject which now engaged the attention ten of ot the assembly the committee had acknowledged to him that it was impossible for then thea to come como to an agreement today to day lee leg he had requested them not to hasten their deliberations he siso also stated that he was unwell and begged the assembly to consent to postpone the consideration of the grave questions at issue until thursday the committee he said formed a simultaneous decision on the verification of af the election of the orleans princes and the abrogation of the decree of exile against them the assembly agreed to thead the adjournment journ ment of the debate the commit f tee appointed ta consider what action should be taken with regard legard to the he act acts of the recent of france eranee francie reported in favorit an investigation into the of the government of the national defence at baris paris tours and bordeaux and of the governing government nt over which thiera presided banis evening av belleville i ija iza Villet villetta tb and ahel are still pa trilled tp filed day aud night 1 1 the deputies in iho the assembly from the tho departments occupied by the qi erman troops intend to move that the disquieting debate baregard in la regard to he the poi po i tion of the orleans princea princes gs be postponed until the cone conc conclusion lasion of a loan and the payment of the war indemnity has freed the country from the ger Oer germans mans eans an address to the pope is circulating in the provinces jt it expresses a hope that regulated france will soon lend led an avenging arm to thet the holy fath father ft the document la freely signed the prisoners at st sulpice endeavored on sunday to get possession of some arms the attempt was dis covered and frustrated several soldiers who abetted the prisoners were arrested immediately and sent to versailles the rumor haa not confirmed that felix pyatt was arrested rested aj in paris paria today to day LONDON 5 the submarine cable from singapore to was successfully cess fully completed by the ad dinst london is now in direct communication with china the ind independence pend rend enca adge publishes a letter from victor hugo thanking the five de deputies in the 1381 belgian glan gian assembly who toted voted for the resolution regretting the vigorous measures against hugo jn in the house of lords earl da do grey warmly commented on the treaty in the commons gladstone declared the existing laws ample to enable the gove froment to fulfill the conditions of the treaty OTTAWA 5 th the tho timea today to day speak ing in as representing sir ohn john A 4 macdonald hays says the tha statement it the montreal witness and accepted iu iri good faith falth by the american tapers papers to the effect tha that tahe tAbe the dominion parliament would not be as ked to toh tob consider sider bider the treaty and that lord lora losgar had signed it and that it waa was aa ratified so ad far as canada was concerned Is without foundation 5 aspe A special clai cini dissat dispatch to 6 the times timo fr j orn ora V versailles er sailles ea says ya itis it fathe ch e in of the Orlea mist princes princ iiii kiha to decline tha the seats seata to which th they hav have been elected in the assembly asse i ably B mf A N the ibe well weil known radical journalist of paris is dead members mem ets of the s are returning to paris A french loan of pounds Is proposed 1 he welcomes minister minis ter schenck to england I 1 I 1 |