Show TC lne DECIDED AT RICH alond I 1 the folio ing ving is fro from ni the iii ni C chmand hinand kraii egami wr uty a few daya days pre previes vios s to the battle of yail fail oaks oaka no i so important aa as the hias rias as been pre berged serged on the Amer icari continent what tremendous consequence what terrible sakes what enormous results depend depe r upon the action ind success of the tw arm armes armee camped within a few mites miles of the hills bilis ol 01 stid spectator spectators oe of their own fate th catiz bles are cumo cump etlea elleA iles ties to remain silent and pati yatie patient eit it waie wale w nie ty or slavery or poverty life or death is decided by the skin of mcclellan and the intelligence oi of johnston jot JoS inston triese armies are not yet trying the question by an appeal to ch word avord a neither general has baa yet fought a battle iLith hitherto Hit harto arto they have hive only played a game of chess an ani 1 they are arestile ar still estill engaged en aged in evolutions oae one plays an offensive tho the other a de ens game Ilith hitherto etto one ond of these men b as stopped the advance of the other as long as he could an 1 then retired perhaps he was quite right to dds aos dos at manassas and york own for the destiny de Ide etiny of the nation natian was not in leopard ati either and it was wag important tc to pres preserve t ie e army intact tor for tora fora a more laore im import important am t service ervice but bat let iet all warned warded oti ofia inevitably to td follow almi aimi lal laj step from the banks of the chickahominy miny twoie consequences afe aie are not only military but cly civil i nat national 0 they are demoralization and disorganization out of which the army and the country will endeavor to save sav itself by a new c bation of leaders and rulers adding thus to dil all our calai calama Lit ea es and difficulties tb th it of revolution j A comple e and total defeat of 0 Joan stona i army an r annilio atlon of the best beat troops add and rout of the others ot liers a assault and storm of the nty ity by an overwhelming mas ma s of federal troop would be a heavy heay I 1 blow to the southern confederacy but by no means roeana catalto fatal fatai to it iba iha the ibe spirit odthe of the people and the soldiers the confidence of the countey would n ither bo be broken or dim dished but rather raise in a fiercer fierce alime allme and to a loftier exaltation the enemy woul be desperately crippled to attain their vc valory tory lory and could not lalsue their advantage aderi aa ane winima minima of a beaten hut but but rave rave fave arth tonly v mould ouid be te quickly reorganized ea hid hij abid vapidly recruited T themar war woul go 01 oa with more bitterness and deter i minati initiation oli oll than ever not thus would be the situation of the south should the lin I 1 m of th h james a aid ald ald ld virginia be abandoned o ov oi i the stale plea ot military I 1 neceA necessity pity sity and scientific compulsion compu slon sion ve we are I 1 dis inclined to paint the condition cf of the sou hern army ani ant people and cause after I 1 such an event to ra ca I 1 over the consequences of that step is a task too painful every man OI 01 0 L intelligence inteli inte licence gence and tib tle the tie ie st at information on the state of feeling among the 9 idlers and the people may inay aily arlly imagine them without the aid of air our wor words dd the i he conclusion to be drawn is direct chii place must be the witness of a tr al at of strength if it military science will not permit of that I 1 appeal till tili all alt the evolutions in textbooks text books are gone through with then the attack must be made e and the battlo delivered I 1 after they thes are done whatever w lafever the inconveniences of our position and however great according to the principles of the art the probabilities p of our defeat may then be defeated or victorious the southern army and nation must be sati eft d that the present government gove Goven ment and generals gene Gens rals rali can lyba fiat somewhere menbere ao and this is 13 the last chance for them to prove it mccellan can operate operal le aganna richmond i j in two ways 11 he ra citi n come up the banks of ithe t the n er with ais als ins jig fl a ink covered by lils his boats bring wit wie him hn hii siege train and if riot latt cirild 10 do lo heim heie for tue tot bcd s acci id time what nat hat he hadaa henas A eu dun don once orice ease case ana success at yorktown kown or he can reach roach ilis llis hia hla army up the northern bank of the 1 ch Chic L 1 I 1 kahr miny through ngi i hanover get troops I 1 be t een army ani aul richmond and when he has done away with wilh iti it form a union gwilli wih banks and mcdowell at abc his leisure ei sure bure toe tae chickahominy furnishes an excellent 1 defensive line for our army but as mcclellan Hc Clellan is on 01 the other side oe of it it defends him too while o coupled in these thebe comfortably arrangements of course if be is to take hi own time and add do all he be wants vanti over there if the confederate co minall ers era are go ng to sit ait it down and twiddle iddle iddie their thumbs till he be conde bends to begin with them if hla bia haulm hau linz of heavy gun guns and biggi ig of 0 trenches is to be repe repelled lidd by the hauling oe of ocher 0 her guns and the digging 1 ut other t enches trenches then tue tle end of it is certain cei tain nothing is more mathematically proven than the plans of attack taught taugh tto to boys at west point and other academies p provided ovidea a amies amias mias cm cin be reckoned into blocks of stone will stand sif still to be measured weighed calculated and then one to be lifted over ter 0 an her as if by cranes and p alleys the ati cackin tacking army give the re requisite quinte tims trans trails f por tation and cumbe numbe a it wil wll always get the defending army iu int sucu a fix that it is 13 bound jo to betre or t te t e cut to pieces and up to this aue our onu defensive army has regularly 1 retired i in compliance 1 with I the of jomini such has hith hitherto irto been he The history of our war bat but such is 13 not the history of var war in general i and it cannot always continue to be so he e I 1 i there are such things as bravery enterprise invention quickness ot of movement determination oe or purpose which have had bad much to do with the military results in ever every y age a d country anti anil they will sooner or later at er make their way over all the precedents of the late army of the united states it is easy to repeat the cuckoo song that ithone war is is a science that no one knows it jit bit b those who have passed a life pretending to 8 tudy study it that generals have done so newspapers pa deliver ers ens have not done so tint thit it is impossible te deliver battle tosu tonu to superior prior fo ces in abl positions that our generals oly olar r battle to mcclelian mcclellan he will not accey it etc but an appeal from common conceit to common bense sense and to bijory hi atory is always justifiable tae greatest masters oe of the military profession have left on record this unanimous judge nt that var war ia is an art not a science much less I 1 a mystery that it cannot be taught or reduced to rules hat success in it depends upon moth er yit tib vit not study that quick perception benge senie cou courage enterprise and general mental nc utai res are the wit qualities that make a commander hat that the tha worth of 0 an officer is t td ltd be tested by his bis success and the merit of a campaign is to be estimate I 1 by is results and not by the opinions or criticisms critic sms ams of 1 bons sons having military pre now what have been the results of the campaign in vir ginia the war haa baa lasted a year alana battles battle shave have been fou fought lit tit in every one f tae the batties battles fou fought ht in virginia with the excel tin ti n ot of cheat chat mountain and itji 1132 Ih noke inoke ohp th confederate soldiers soi sol diera have had bad tha ilie advantage ret the Cin confederate conre Conce federate amie amle shive been always in retreat neveria nevedia never neven in abandoning tanin g po lonin tion after position pogi tion according to rurie rale alij alid aa J square till lill ia now the state is nely all awal swat lowed by the tha enemy 1 emy ats ts fields desolated farm farca houses sacked backed the slaves klives wandering il 11 the people a nation in exile and the capital at st 11 II safe 0 ily ii 11 be the supposition that the precedent precedent of pase past abat eliere be abandoned it t is time to put in a protest precedent and to give solemn barnin warning to all those if any there b who propose to cont nue the campaign in virginia as it has been commenced but oun our lir general generals have often offered battle mcclellan would not accept it therefore they could not fight him on this po nt we e would refer to a memorable piece of military history when the great general of the civil wars of rome was waa engaged in his campaign agarrat ag dinst Pub public litis silo a dasting distinguished commander rf the other arty parly he bothered him much wi h his trenches ani uni ani sio sloe aioo v alu alv nce nee gio glo sio silo 0 tt t n led out his le lons ions oln oin in cloice clice position isiom tion 11 a itlie bitile b which caius calub marius would near adept at I 1 st at paulius silo resorted to this simple exp eap adient ile he sent a herald in the lines of his adversary to maake him this his speech 0 calus caius marius marlus if it you are arc indeed a great general why do you not come out of your yourl ditches and fight me roe a b M inua sent back his own herald to make him this reply 0 Publius seto Sito silo if vou you are a yea ereal greal gen why do you not make me come ot out and aad fight ion iou a batti baltI eely nely E vei vel y day aay brings I 1 and is inhabitants i carer the hour of the ther aber r ell ec cli liverance deliverance verance or li i such an army as never menaced capital befaro on this continent is within eight bight of the heights of the capital of the southern confederacy between the invader the seat of government and our homes lies lles the noble army of its defenders watching the sl pliny iny hoveln arts of j iii ili lle lie invader as he coi a amoia the bilig ad a id gallanti gl lanti foiling him n evemy dareing darting dan iiii of ins ills fangs fans our defender defenders defend cr are our own husbands fathers sons brothers and kindred dear to u us and we ie lay jay down at arid and rise up u from da day y to day preserve I 1 from invasion by the loved ones unes in the froat buethe but the enemy is strong in numbers and his I 1 energies are bent on the capture of lils his olli coils will become clo cio closer 3 er and closer day by day he ile will not return I 1 defeated and driven from be field B it are we c prepared to 10 rec lva iva all the arf are we prepared to receive the corpses of our brethren fresh from froin tie tle gory field to welcome airi airl attend on the worm ded dej dear aa as they the may be to us are we prepared to it nesa the desolation of our homes and to encounter all the sacrifices which a san sanguinary guimary I 1 1 is likely to incur we hope the citizens are equal to the sacrifice required pains p ains woun moun oun P death the sacrifice of property and life notwithstanding no with stand inz ing it were better i t hat that rich richmon mon moo mones ja es rate fate be that of i that richmond f fills ills liis to be ti the e lm n of i he be invader we hop hope the patriotism of t richmond is e eigil JU 11 to the sacrifice |