Show REMARKS hr ny Pre fre prudent it 0 LL sund y T anne 7 lbs taber Tuber nalle naile great salt lake city REPORTED BY 0 D WATT the teaching today to day bas has been excellent and very pofi able to ui us all when jesus christ commenced his ministry he taught a short time wrought 9 called twelve kvelve men and ordained them apostles a d gave them power from on high to establish the principles of the gospel of the son of 0 lian llan dian alan in all the world when he ha I 1 thus thua commenced the work of his father and eaten his last supper with his bis last supper with his disciples which we commemorate in the sacrament on the Sabbath day they spilled Ms Hs blood on the third da day be he rose again from the dead how athow pd d himself to his faithful followers gave them fi lither further instructions prom promised laed them then another comforter and then went to preach to the spirits in prison opening the door of the proclamation cla ela matlon mation oe of the gospel to the dead as well as to the living that men in the spirit might be judged according to men in the llesh flesh the present american war which br geo A smith has dwelt upon this af ernson has disembodied thousands of spirits who are gone into the world to ming e with those spirits who are unprepared to enter tre me pres prea enc of god now we who bold hold the same p priesthood r i estwood that christ chrisi and his apostles held w who b 0 follow him il 11 the rejene regeneration ration will also become the saviors of med mea meu men gil gli rth and ini in the 1 spirit world then fore the thousands slain in ane present war ar are nt n t without hope it is fur ur calling to preach life and salvation to them even in another elisten ex isten e and it ia is our duty eo so to live lve ive that we honor our high calling in his orul orni ord orui to be pit pared to labor for the bails ot me uie in ill ube ibe next we should forsake I 1 the fie world arid and its per pernicious niclous ways and serve the lord our god with our oar mittit soul and strength ane word of the lord to all the world and is repent and turn to the lord your our G cl d with all your hearts the lord loes does does not require that of us which we cannot do we can forsake every unrighteous principle and cleave t principles of truth where lin in ia is the power of go 1 no man can have the poirer of god who disbo dishonors nors the truth jesus took peter james and arid john into a high mountain and there gave them their f endow eddow ment arid and placed upon them authority to lead the church t f god in ail the word fo to ordain men to the priesthood to set act in order the church and sapid bend send forth the elders eldera of isra I 1 to preach to a perishing world for the same purpose has the lord lont called us up into these thesa high ri that ve we may become en dowed with pov pot er from on high in the church and kingdom of god and become kings and j priests unto anto god which we never can bo be lawfully until we are ordained and sealed to that power for the kingdom of god is a kingdom of kings and pries s and will rise in mighty power in the last days some people are taken captive by the adversary ver sary and are iced to bring themselves under obligations never to raise the standard of ling king emanuel again we have not enlisted 1 sted in in the canse cance of truth for a limited time b but ut f for r time ard nd a t e ef canty anity we vare rot to be tak tah tahri 11 pr tsu iso isomers benerd ners or ever tvr lay down 0 r arms tosu to su nut mit in he begee to the enemy of all righteous ess and the lord heaping us we never will the world with all their combi 1 gallong of earthly power anti ana earthly canning ani alg aia will never bring us into 1 1 tion lion that time is past if we keep the cov coy enante and vows we have matle maae in the be house of goj I 1 know inow that as well as I 1 know that this is the church of jesus christ of latter day saints that joseph smith was sent of god to organize it and that the men who now lead it on earth are his ministers it we fo low them as they fo t 0 I 1 w christ god will give us its the victory but we must act as one man and as the natural body is dic die abed by the conclusions of one ons mind eo so must we as a church and people act under the toe dicta ton of i ene ehe ne head yet jet the eye cannot bay say to the hand I 1 have haye no need of thee nor again the head to the feet I 1 b h ve no need of you the righteous have no cause for fear if I 1 ij fear anything it is that this people are becoming wealthy becoming fanciful and full of lo 10 e for the vain fashions ol 01 the ungodly which if it indu ged in will bring them theirl trouble and torf tori fonow ow the majority of this people are a righteous people beope ail all ani aul god will def deu nd and for the right righteous tous sake preserve a great many I 1 1 for the time being that are not rig righteous oteous for tor he lie has great r speet fot toi lis his h vs friends for tor his anol angl A nol nov ed tor the elect whole lives jives have been bid with christ I 1 in n god and none of these will be lost because jesus christ saves all whom the father has put in his power then let iet letus ictus us be corn arted and f fun fuu till of good cheer and let us with a goo gool I will as a people work the m work ork of righteousness let every person be filled with a desire to excel in every good word and work and arid strive to become foremost in making t good improvements laying aside eve eye that is unnecessary and cleaving to that which A is useful and necessary necea sary aary to give us power and independence among the nations of the world and favor with god and angel angels who will bear us off victoriously br jar george A has been talking abo it our d iving hi in this I 1 have an extensive e experience erl eri during thirty years past that I 1 have eteen been in the church and this is an experienc experience a that no man can obtain only oaly by pasing pa sing through the tha same circum stai star ces but all the saints will have enough of trials if they are faith rui ful to their god and themselves they wili will have all they can possibly bear in one way or another let us improve our homes our city ad a d cur country coun frys irys and do all in our power to become a seif self sustaining people by making at home everything we need one of the speakers today referred to the ignorance of gardeners it anade me thi IN k of a gardener I 1 had wiil will ahn n the corn was in the silk lie be husked it and brought it into my family to eat cat he hb baid said he thought the cob rab was the part to eat ile he pulled the water melons before they theo the were ripe and divided thein them among my bamily family our english gardeners are d with wilb many of the productions of this country and hence they make some little mistakes but who ia is so ignorant canart learn and add prove we spend a i great deal of ready readi money in in the east and west for material for c clothing I 1 which we can inake make at home hone if we will try we can make lice la ce and blik silk and different differ olit tnt kinds of cloth both loth cotton and woollen wc ollen wei wit have bave us as good weavers as can be faund tt aird sund in ary country but ft it ta Is almost impossible to get aty ety aty of them into a toan loan they heem teem to love lural rural pursuit pursuits is better when they h ey were t ere in Er glaid it was the daily business of many to with the flying shuttle which could be hoa hoad acad d all over the land all sane persons old and you g can id ini prove some say they are too old to I 1 improve but there is BO no person too old to be damned dat rnett for their bins sins A man of sixty years of eghi age if he has improved himself is brichter brighter than he was at twenty he be is filled with more power energy and energy and life be he is like a ripe ear car of corn that is filled with the elements of life more than a green ear the old man nan will come up quicker than a young one there is brightness in old men and in old women mho vilo vino live and honor god and their own existence what br brigham has said in relation to the carelessness of hired men is strictly true I 1 have had bad a man in my roy employ that would light his pipe or cigarette and smoke in the bay mow m while hile I 1 was pay paying pacing ing him dollars a month besides boarding aid alad ald washing which altogether would amount to fifty do dollars I 1 ars a month and over and ard then I 1 el would wear out two or three pairs of thin thia boots in the course of three month for which he would pay from froio eight to ten dollars a pair and then complain he had bad not rot wages enough there are but few men that honestly earn earh their wages er brigham and myself d to work hard side by side for fity cents aday and board ourselves we had seventy five cents aday a day when we worked in the hayfield ne ae would work from sunil sunrise e to and until nine at bight night if there was sign of rain we aou d rake and bind after a cradler f tor for or a bushel of wheat aday aday a day daj 1 I and chop wood with snow to our waist for eighteen cents acord a cord and ard take our pay in corn at seventy five cents centa a bushel there I 1 I 1 an impression in laborers that they should not earn their employer anything above their thein wages what man would keep an animal say a cow that nev near r in de d any it 11 crease such an animal you would mould fat and eat these are a few things which we suffer from one another and if such auch dishonesty la is per bitted to increase it will be the ruination of those who practise it M jy the lo 10 lord rd bless bess you amen |