Show y i i fita OF THE s at t early dawn the citizens of provo prove were awakened by discharges of artillery under command eca arid alid of capt wm wirt the nat onal 1 color colori M 4 were hoisted upon the liberty pole at aid ard d other places follon followed ed by music by the brass and anil martial bands at eghi three guns grins were fired as a the people to assemble on temple square at nine the procession po p cession was formed in the following order under the direction dire etton of col wm IL 13 pace mrinal mr ini ihal shai of the da day two compan companies lea iea of mounted rifle refit under comm command ind of major Y hawe provo drabs brass band in carnage carriage captain NV waville war Wai a t d ille cile I 1 if j I 1 PriE presiding siding bisby bishops of the he wards members of the high council chaplain orator oe of the tha day reporter reporters members ard aid aida arx Member bof the legislature aiu Alu nicil al csisar id ors in carriages of the utah county agricultural and al society in carriages with ba banner drier and emblems emblem ID in charge of D graves esq carpenters joiners and cabinet makers with tools benches etca etc plying their vocations on land fand schooners ners cited tip lip for the occasion tinder under direction of thomas allman tanners shoemakers 1 and saddlers lers lera were creditably c represented carry carrying ing and working up leather as their schooner I 1 passed along in charge of samuel simuel clark masons builders blacksmith so potters Pot Cut cutler lert lent dinners Tin ners arid ard at work at their trades trade and carrying tot tolg totis Is captain D carter carters martial Al artial band second battalion of infantry under command of capt trio as pioneers of 47 with wagons and tears fitted tip up in traveling style in charge cf of ed son oon whipple whippie esq mormon batt bait lion non of J 46 with pack an animals and ragged cos cog surre co surle urne urle t med imd and equipped represent representative hive of or their forced obrea upon tucson 11 capt P cotton colton aged fathers in 14 irrael israel rael rati moses closes jones A Aged moul MoUi rs re iii lu berat I 1 isabelli hawes A rampari of men alen in uniform caleb liwes liles A company oo 00 young ladies in white nisse E 11 wall battalion of juvenile infanta capt capto 1 J W bell of the city in chare char charge e cf of mrs L knight and the procession passed alonz east temple clark and main alain streets and returned lo 10 the bowery by centt centie 0 street and were comfort ally atly seated the the assembly ass asa embly was waa called to erler erder bi by the marshal and aid ard tile the ceremonies commorice d with prayer by the chaplain eider J hu lin R it Rs es e s alusick Alus music icv bv brasa brasi ban 1 i elder howard ceray sen orator ft rf the day dellvera delevere deil dell verj 1 an able add and appropriate oration foli folio folioed oed ed by a balue salue ot 0 artillery and music from the tile bl martial artial band speeches from Edson Whipple and philander colton on behalf of the pioneers and arid mormon battaion battalion prest preat G A sd gd dressed the assembly in his hia usual interesting syle style several toasts were wre presented E ind and read after which the exercises were closed by an art address from bishop Alil miller lerp and benediction ly by the tile chaplain a the remander roAnder re rema of the day was spent in dancing and othar othor social recreations re commit ee ep of james E daniel edwad IV cibik elijah billingsley C W wahnell wannell repos f J B airm mirl Mi rM it 1 I i at olat tift the ci izena izeda were aroused by b y I 1 B salute balate ft one blattny arsun rii nhi erthe ethe brass nar td and awl str irk r bands sere ka inthe firing of cannon arno arnom atno tit ceil the line fine of aeeti meeting ng on the public square equate at d and were for formed ined in procession under the dire direction tion of or alx F McDon alil marshal geo mckenzir Mc Kenzie Kenzia and blai hial fald jenn i akst stant maib Mais bals hals of tle day in the ube f fo lowin owing order music under the direction of mai maj win D ni Poi tera eera teia led ici by levi N kendall morr more on Battal on capt dor P curtis curtla hand band capt wm harrison harrlson all bearing jr mottoes the latter be following A oun our tribulations acre ere great but our blessings blessing are Ri eair tair eral abd asid civil led by A johnann John Joi jol insen ben aen aft dat of aea pea vi richard birj birt t Ora orator torand and chaplain wa patriarch Pd asahel perry NG twelve fathers lu lik israel larae captain G asu D wood fifty mothers in I 1 israel srael led by mrs emeline I me bird bearing hearing a suitable sui bannen banner twenty roar foar young clen cien meny ment capt geo harn ari ion with banns bannet 1 israels de do ence 11 four young women dressed in home faw J ltd led by misa biss julia ann aun crandall cra adall and tw twenty ty four young women dressed in white led by nta melitsa rf the f first with M djuth will lii ill prevail the second adorns zion different schools led by tb thir thel ir r respective teachers under inder the abe direction ot 4 J juhn john S yul rul nier bier ifal tell catl ons iti geihm the tile procession after garc marc marching ing around tie tle t 8 square aare proceeded to the meeting house where t they ey were comfortably seated called to older by the marshal singing by th choir prayer by the he chaplain henry mower si sr the assembly were then entertained wit with music followed by aa alli eloquent oration b I 1 crida 11 wheelock oral orai or of the day la in speeches were ee delivered livered by levi N kendall Kend ati ali do r P curtis cartis a and bishop A johnson s on with occasional song sony casts and music wll nil by th B aa faiek le the ai bein duly by the chaplain retired in irk odai oi der under their re rep pc p c rive riye proceed ed by the music hn forming in line hue upon the square they were is missed the tile remainder of the day was waa occupied with a cricket match by the springville Spring ville union club dancing dincin and other recreations recreation a and rits tits committee of Arrangements richard bird cyrus sanford spicer IV crandall noah T guyman Guy inan geo B matson mangon Mat gon son bon LUKE IV V GALLUP GALLOP reporter ray pay payson rayson sion ZION at sunrise the I 1 habitants were saluted saluted by music b by the rd martial artial band at balf half past beigh 0 clock the drums sounded as a binai signal for all to abas asas tible on union square the procession i was wag forme I 1 at nine in the following g order under the direction of i wiiliam william Willi acs aca J jolley marshal of the day pioneers of 47 under the direction of B F stewart ea Es I 1 bearing hearing a motto Pio pioneers deers Leers of 47 zions ziona watchmen fro t guard wm C mcclellan IIan lian Al artial martial band capt milan mitan fillmore mormon Bat battalia batta Balta talim liui col charlea charles B iian ilan cock bishop and chaplain mayor and city coonc 1 1 I fathera fathers in el david sabin mother it in israel mrs eldredge string siring band aid ai d cho i capt T E daniels young il lin men n in back mr win fairbanks young ladles ladies in white hite MB alto lucretia Wight wightman mail maii motoka he be uly of israel integrity and V tue the roses i of dese ret purity and Tr trual grutly la di brict school mr ali isaiah al coombs coomo g aloalo zions zions ziona child en 11 I 1 ad district school Se under direction of mr betsey E gardener motto youth f the hope or zon 33 district school under the direction of miss aliss adelaide webb motto alotto mountain citizens on foot capt anson sheffield rear jear guard apt Alar marion marlon lots jolley at nine nirie the sion moved t rough the streets streeta of be the city to the grove on the t e premi ta es of win C wightman i esip ea where tery aery iery necessary preparation t loii loil had bad been mad af er all comfortably cou spate beate 1 the Al arshal marshal called the assembly to order aid the choir sang come come ye saints 11 then there was wag prayer by the cha lain elder daniel diniel starks aber af er which the choir bang sang bow down town thine ear 0 lord loid B F stewat a t ea ei then delivered au an oration in behalf of the pioneers rs of 47 followed I 1 by col C B hancock in beha f of the mormon mori I 1 ma n battalion and david in ii bella beba f of thy th fathers in israel mr coom coombs s read a speech wr aten by mrs eldredge in behalf of the mothers in israel mrs wightman in read a pit pice ce of composition in verse in behalf be alf of the young ladies ladles of py pay son isaiah ivi INI coombs made an ad rss ras r as in I 1 behalf of the schools of pays ri some toasts and songs were then ihen given Aless rs and wi wignal 9 nal nai sane bane dis dle Die erel eret 11 A avo vo f e of 0 thanks wab waa as then tendered ti 0 the con COV millee WILLee of arjang arrangement emeit music bythe by the Al martial artial batio sina sing inic bv b the thi choir mayine ducton dicion by ule uie crap chap ain aln closed the ceremony at the grov the procession sion glon ion lon azain formed in IB va original ori orl sinal order and marched back to union square P where here A it was dismissed there was a social party in the ulion ullon hall hail in the evening committee of arran emonts elias ellas gardiner warren R tenney joseph S tanner G reporter nerin nephi at sunrise the stars and stripes were unfurled to the breeze and saluted by a volley of musketry musketry y I 1 and by the brass and martial Al artial bands at halt half past eight the procession was formed at the bowery in the following order by the marshals cf thedac the day capt capto J picton and G advance guardin charge of capt croote the nephi brass braai d S branch choir wirl win evan evane committee oe of arrangements bishop C U bryan and anil eder der C W ca zier zier tier caplain ch plain presidents s of seventies in charge chang it f T S lloyt c elligh high j priest eat W broadhead droan Broan head braich brat ch Tea cherop E ockey nii mor art T B foot and judge love orator of 0 themay the board of directors of the nephi bran coltre deseret A al society limited guests gu eata tala Fathe fathers jain in butil in charge of 7 IL baxter mother mothers in ls imael irael irk lii carriages in is charge of cheu E williams martial band capt apt coperry CB perry A company of young Wai walrus rs captain S A company of young lad iad ladies leoC C price ei ERI the common and select schools under the direction of thos ord superintendent of for the county citizens in carriages car nages and on foot rear guard capt D miller after marching through the p streets the procession returned to the bowery and the assembly was called to ordia at half halt past ten by Al marshal marshai arshal Pic tolt tolf olt tie the choir sung ali hail the glorious day prater prayer by the chaplain tiie tire choir then sung ilo 10 glo lo the gent gentil ia clain c am is broken her A love delivered an lonin lonin ionin which h referred to the rise of the church and the entrance one ohe 0 he pioneers into great salt lake lahe e valley fifteen years ago alador foote f followed 0 I 1 wilh some souse spirited bpi epi re marls maris on the tame same relating many interesting J itean ikemi connected with the history of the I 1 church after which a recess was taken till half past 2 pm at half hair past two the ci c eizens re assembled and f after the meetie meeting had been duly opened some appie appio pilate remarks mad by eders and arid borrowman borrow man who rela reia ed many items connected with the fit st settling sei set time ot of these valleys in 1847 aner ader which hicha st B nga and toasts w re in order for some tune time toe services servi cej of the day were w erp ere with some remarks from bishop IiI iop lop bran bryan who felt grateful forthe privileges lie he enjoyed d also aiso for t e good older order whick had prevailed during the day many diany appropriate flags and banners were carried by the various divi lons luns of the procession siona and the tars and stripes floated from many residences of the city there was a i social party in the even ny ng and dancing was kept up gitil a late I 1 our union and peace prevailed and every one raj icci in peace and plenty plinty S reporter PLEASANT CROVE GROVE at daybreak was firing of musketry after which the Marti martl alt dlf band paraded the street streets tr 0 the mm r ing in with live j ly I 1 music I 1 at 8 a am m I 1 a procession was formed on union square squar under the direction of 0 C B mar hal in the following order I 1 pleasant grove city band aih wih ba ner bishop and Couns counselor eiore elore municipal officers etc aged aped fathers brur a aed ed mo herd here T enty tour our young mun men in mountain milf fj a ni levit devit avent Vv ent four young lydles lidies jn in white 8 hoo hooi bolm boy a and ana girs girls each division had ser iet separate ser ber arate flags with a ap 1 I prop aate mottoes a the procession being formed marched through some ot of the principal a 8 to the city huil hill where the citizens had ass asb assembled embed when all had bad been seated and anti th he e a smily smyly had ben been b en called to order the choir sting sung hail hall ye mighty noble chieftain prayer by the chaplain elder S AL farna farra wort 1 1 I 1 hymn by the ibe choir i john G wite ie eq orator cf he the d y then delivered an ola oia ion fon in fit which he tie coi coli brasted our pre present seit condition and anti prospects with choie exi exl existing s fiig illen when the pion ers cri of for seven girst first I 1 e entered these conety loii vale kaie fo lomed loved by a elli address by eider S F driggs and arid appropriate speeches by bishop walker and elder hiram winter sen i dies Ales aleiss ss wiliam arid and david west sung a I 1 i song composed by the former for the occasion A humber number of toasts and sentiments were read and arid comic songs bonga sung foil followed owed b by Y I 1 music by the quadrille band when the tha ceroi 1 ausile musile c closed lobed ith fth mith with the chaplain benadi tion I 1 A 2 0 c loc pil p m t dancing commenced in f the city hall nall which was decorated for the 0 occasion cea sion and continued until midnight ex t cep ing i ng the urne pine irne allowed for e tile 1 cele ration passed liff in a manner characteristic of mormon festivals peace good order and a most perfect it tr ion of feel j in prevailed vr ih th naught to mar the benj y I 1 beut of the saints of god geo ged 11 A liar IlAx HARRIS nig nis Re report r OGDEN I 1 the fifteenth anniversary of the o I 1 of the pioneers Po into these valleys was celebrated in this place in n thursday Thurs dy the mst at the approach t the first beams of morning the th e citizens were ar used er r in their slumbers by a hearty salute from capt J C Switz Swit zere lera artillery Allen alien the stars Stans and arid stripes unfurled to the early morning breeze the 51 martial artial and arid string bands band tinder under the direction of their respect ve leaders serenaded the city che cheering erin the with I 1 swee strains of music I 1 at 9 oc lock loch the citizens assembled on 1 i union unton su a cuare ire Lre where the procession was I 1 formed forced under the direction of ot wm N fife file and arid daniel gamble esq marshals of the tile day dabin in the fol owing order I 1 A detachment of life Gurr dij dil commanded by capt wm win burch tile tue martial band pion plon pioneers ers erg of 47 under the direction 0 capt IL E biard committee of arrangement Arr argement Al members embers oe of the mormon battalion V jor john thompson tv sweat foun four ithe ra in lik idra isra israel el bishop E bingham dingham Bing ding hamo haro twenty four sons of zion J mr E F hamp harop ton r twenty tour four mothers ia I 1 israel 3 rael mrs A JL abbot twenty four young ladies crested in white and all bearing |