Show emi in this thia city at his residence ath ward oct ath at 40 minutes past 9 pm of lung fever horace eaton ealon son ol 01 horace and sarah 0 gulett gillett deceased was born in Never neversink sink sullivan county new york oct ath 1831 he joined the church in dec 1853 anda emigrated to this city in 1861 1861 he lived and died a good latter day saint he leaves a wife and four child ren renhart aad a large circle of friends to mourn his loss the funeral wili will take place tomorrow to morrow october lith at 10 am friends of the family are invited to attend in this city of dropsy oct sib 1870 emma daughter of ot of james and and mary walker waif Walf ker deceased was born july isif 1811 in manchester england mill merl mar star please copy at hyde park cache county on the roth foth of depte september faber emma E twin daughter of joseph B aud hannah E roper aged 1 year 3 months and 24 days |