Show f fl tf f rf 1 f ID Is i J r by Pies president ident young G I 1 deli helf delivered Ared in the new tabernacle rab tab ernd ezrd I 1 salt lake city september 1870 BY DAVID W EVA evans NS A pey fey ward to the latter day saints tJ le fe elvery t thankful for the dege bof returning to my home and my friends that dwell here in this city 1 1 I abi am that I 1 am able abie to stand before y vou you oti to bearby humble testimony to 0 the ruth truth truth in the end will prevail you haye baye been beon hearing a description of our travel of the route we passed over and th the e ministrations s to tc oui our comfort tiam our friends in the tho mouths eu th r f feel wearied led ha having hating been broken of my rest a good deal deai L hot being abe while travelling tra velling to obtain the quant quantity it b af rest that I 1 require I 1 feel almost unable to stand tand here before you still mill mook hook r look flush and halo hale and ana hearty and think that chave probably gained from s six ix to ten ted pounds of af flesh since I 1 have been gone we lye have only travelled a little over abr n nine ne hundred miles in twenty eight days ays wow howmann How sow many times we have hate preached preachy d I 1 do not know I 1 have not kept kepi count whenever we ve came to a settlement either elther ia the daytime or eyell evening ey ening ilig while stopping to feed ithe the bie brethren would woula say ioa ica cant n t we have havea a f meeting nee we want a meeting brethren will you hold rne moe toe eting frequently we would say ilyes yes 91 and while our animals were refreshing themselves we would assemble with tha the people au and tak with them 1 it made hideno no difference bee nde how jib arduous our labors had bad been if wa had nad tr travelled Welled and prea reached cheda chedd I 1 t month anth without sleep 16 I 1 dont know ow that tha the hd br brethren ehren would et etie havo have io sup posed hosed iea fea needed rest I 1 asked one to brother drother r ro therea therla a presiding elder older who wanted ranted to have ave a ine rub meeting eting how old his father was why said he he is sixty seyen seven I 1 suppose that man does not do as much labor in a month as I 1 do in a day take it year in and year out ont still I 1 may be mistaken in this said I 1 brother if your father had en dured dared what I 1 have chave ensured endured for lor three erfour or four weeks pa past pash and was asked to goto go to meeting and band there spend an hour or two tal tai talking kingtO to the people you W would id feel insulted teal and would edn consider sider it an imposition forvour fon for your father to to required to labor witheat 9 cessation en said be he 1 I did not nob think of that said maid T 11 1 I am considers con considerably sidera bly older olaer than tie lie is yeu yet ot look at my labor sl so we passed assed on and did not nob have a meeting but F it nas mas was meeting meeting meeting from the tinie time we lett left this city until oat our return i in o our oun communications to the sain saints tsI I 1 have taken the liberty to of our oun traditions dit ions fihe the world i of mankind ha have ve no i idea of the forc force 0 of tradition upon them it does not come into their hearts they do pot inot contemplate it if they did they would i correct many of their theli errors and ceas cease 0 a great many of their practices and adopt others more in accordance with the principles of life and truth we wish the latter day saints instructed in such a way that the traditions they communicate to their children will be correct corrects if we did but understand xi truth lith from error light from darkness and the will pf af god perfectly and were weid disposed to do it it would be just as easy to give our children ari arl an education to profit themselves and lind others other to enable them to be profitable to th the he human family and to show forth that wisdom which god has given us as to take a vc course to fill their lives with error anil and wrong many ivery tory many peo people io machof their circuns circum stances t over nver ahl which they have had no con cott troi they haya have been deprived of the know ledge tha that some 0 few possess it makes maket no diffene difference how liaw children aie ale are brou bron brought g ht U uru uri rss far as the of the impressions v bris and habits ot 0 childhood are concerned 1 whether surrounded with error or truth the web woven around them in childhoods days lasts lasta and ana nd sel sei seldon seidon dona wears thread threadbare barg barq butini butin many manx instances it grows brighter r and brighter teb tei and ana stronger and stronger dr r until its possessor goes downto down to the grave you have heard it declared here within the few minutes just passed that we have the truth the priesthood of the son of god dod dd that we are endowed with that understanding and und wisdom by the revelations of the lord nord rd jesus christ so that we do know the wa way of life and salvation and know better thy than an any other people the course to pursue sae sao here hero on this earth to prepare us for glory f im immortality mortality and endless lives which are to 0 come if this is the fact we should manifest and show it forth to god and man by our teachings practice and aud every act of our lives I 1 may say that the infidel world has grown bown up iu in consequence of false religions tons lons it has been strengthened by false theories for any individual in the world to teach what he does not practice is a stumbling block to all beholders then if the latter Latte rJ day saints know the truth and do it not certainly great will be their condemnation hense it stands us in need to be on the watch continually I 1 do not know of a more absolute monarch that ever reigned on od 1 I earth than the one who has perfect control over his passions do you know of a abre more absolute monarch than such a person if I 1 A you yoa do I 1 do not we should all learn to goye gove govern mAnd mana and ana control the ques duesi 1 tion tiou may be asked can we govern our own though thoughts ta yes we can by steady application in gathering to ourselves reflections thoughts and medlia meditations tons which are according to truth arid azid abid justified of god and of all the good on the face of we the earth becan we can ean avoid evil thoughts communications reflections ana ana and enticements and can bring the whole man into subjection to the law of christ Is this the tact fact it is if ir we are filled with good thoughts ideas and feelings formed by the precepts which god has taught for the salvation of ahe ala ila m 1 il ya ou r co mm u will be beneficial to lour our follow beings this is ii to th the a latter Latt natt erday i when I 1 loo kaven kaver ahe bhe character of the jew sew who have been beon gathered together a pretty fair ail all representation f almost all matlon nations it is 3 astonishing to see sed the various ide ideas adof of rig tight right lit and ivrah wrong entertained by them iii in of their traditions arld arid the teachings ther they llave klave received from their gathers fathers mothers schoolmasters und and es in the tho pulpit and the deacon badde unde the pulpit I 1 shy say it is 1 as ton ishin d to seg see this variety all ail springing from tradition not but what there should bo be a great variety we see a variety of countenance sin the hu buman human man family and we may also expect A variety of dispositions but hut ali all these dispositions pan be governed and I 1 by tie tio tle the principles of right and righteousness our tr traditions A mons then should dil ali be corr correct act I 1 well Wali we should ouid know how to teach our children correct principles from their youth up P the first thing that is taught by ibe the motier mother mother to the child should be lie tru true e W we Q should never allow ourselves to teach pur children raa on one i e thing and practice another I 1 have sometimes om betimes said to my ais als is tars fars do not teach youn your oun our children 0 arg lie ite this is 14 th the course pursued by many without designing to do ivo llo so the verv very first lessons thab that arg niven given to 0 o the infant miep capable pable pablo of receiving impressions is bt to katsuy als ais tk or ion tell that which is untrue woi wol well WeI if pays adother it I 1 dd do db not L aw it it may maybe be quite true that you do not hot know it but bat what did you promise your little littie girl if she would do so and ana sot so did you tou prom promise isei isel her lidi a present for well doing yes f save you recollected it no it has gono gone ono from my illah in M mind mino ind ino 01 says bays the matheri mother it if she sho ido daei 09 ill lii have a ve you promised iier lier ees yes did you keep your word you have not and the child forms lorms tho the conclusion in its own mind directly that the mother tells that which is not true sho she bhe bho 1 says she will wiil do this or that and she does not do db it ilc it is an easy lesson for mother mothers tol toi eirik top to pass iss their ti time m a with their children and never give them there a false faise impression think before you speak promise your children nothing if you laish to make them presents do so if you promise h a chastisement keep your tour word but buit be e cautious aut loust give a promise for good or mor for ar oyei but let lot the reward come in consequence df ivell eli eil ell doing and chastisement in consequence of doing ill silence la is i a thousand times better than words especially if thosa words lire itte aro are not in wisdom but so great Is the tho love oi 01 the mother for her offspring so tender the feeling with which she regards it that manican many can not see wrong in the acts of their children and if they do the tho they thoy will pass it without chastisement even if 1 chastisement I asti astl has been promised these are our traditions and so great is their bovyer power that we are governed verne dand and controlled by them continual continually fo y I 1 sometimes bring up circumstances to illustrate the traditions of the fathers we in this country are acquainted with a great many different classes of or people different sects and beliefs in religion and with a great variety of beliefs in regard to morality ifa if a mother for instance permit her child to bring eggs into the house when pha met does not owna own a foryl she knows that thab the they thay poma pome from some other source if jf her eaird child pick up a malfo knife that does hot belong to her and ana bring it to th tho the house ehouse alie ne cultivates dishonesty in the child and from such little circumstance circumstances ii thousands br to which oscur the principles of dishonesty grow hild and strengthen with tile the strength of the individuals until they become natural thieves perhaps this term is too harish harsh and should not be ao so appU edit might ml be better belter to say that through habit E tuch buch uchin individuals divi duals become accustomed to appropriating the property of others to their own use I 1 will tell a little circumstance that thit I 1 was acquainted acquaint bd with J X was not an eye of it but hd marom one of my neighbors A methodist preacher prea cherf cheri in company with a friend was returning from a preaching sotir tour and while pas passing singa a plow lying by the side ofa ora of a man mans ff farm the companion of the priest had considerable difficulty to prevent him putting the plough info the wagon said the priest it will be lost it on to be taken tak en care he taken care caro of it by taking it home ithome making use of it and wearing it out without advertising ver Iver it and the owner of the plow would have had to buy another that is appropriating other peoples property to our own use in this case the partner of the priest forbid it said he take that and slid lay litiby the fence it belongs there do not put it in the wagon and the priest did BO so you may ask was he a good man yes vesi resi asgood as he knew how to be according to his traditions so many circumstances flood upon my mind mina with regard to these traditions that I 1 hardly dare commence saying any anything thin about them that that I 1 have seen and learned one man brings up his child to strictly observe the letter of the law the acirit spirit and ind essence of his teaching to his child is I 1 you must not break the law if you do you will be chastened chasteney chast ened by the law but attle attie at the same time says t the h e father and he may be a L deacon ora or ona a priest if you can take adva advantage i niage of the poor in their daily labor in purchasing your neighbors property for instance perhaps he owns a small smail farm by the side of him who through gli gil necessity is obliged to sell and if he can purchase it for one half or one third its value in cash he ife will vill do it because the law will not condemn such an act this is tradition or br the e af It butin the eyes gg ocke god he who thus takes advantage of his big neighbors necessities jis sis as gul gui guilty ty as if he do we know of any here fiere who have been beeh brought up tip to the first day of otile othe week arnd arid who would like to do so now yes ees W we have them can they refrain 1 li from 9 or on the sabbath SaMath day itis uis it is almost impossible they must work on the sabbath there is a certain class of or our christians by whom the first day week must be devoted voted to labor j list to show to their fello feilo fellow w christians that hat they at are not sectarian 0 1 alian in their feelings say they 11 one day toas to us Is as good as another god is theauthor of all days all days are his and to show to the christian world that wa we i are free from their narro narrow iv illiberal views we labaron labor on the first day week 11 another class cass of the tel tei religious luious world word f equally conscientious with thab that to which I 1 have J just referred is as stringent in prohibiting hi all kinds of bf labor on that 0 day oay ay ta towards evening on the seventh day of the week the father cries crieg to the children your chores be done by sunset 71 an and as boonas the tays ray a of the glorious orb of day have hate disappeared parents p rents and child children rem rox assemble ana and anit chapter after chapter of the tho the bible is rea res reaal al and bom comments ments monts aret are made thereon oni and there the children sit siti until bedtime ben bet and anthe first firs alay flay of the week I 1 they repair to the sunday school or to the hogye house of worship and so spend the sabbath be lieving roving that itis it is wrong to walkout opla to play y or even to laugh laugal but buh when sunset comes again away go the children to work and the hurry huriy of the world again begins do we e seo see any such traditions as these yes the traditions ofa nother BOther have been bein of 0 such buch a b perhaps that all labor labon must cease oease at 12 on saturday night surd sund sure suro and ind als alg as soon boon a as 8 12 on sunday night commes cornea we are at liberty to work again and so w emig go through the editions dit ions lons the effects of which tye vye W e bee boe see s i ee manifested by vy our fellow creatures aroun dus I 1 was to believe in god goa gi tha the eather father gd the son and G god c id the holy ghost and I 1 ballf believe re it is a bi bible bibie bie ble doctrine I 1 do not think I 1 win uin ni mistaken in my re 1 b faith my aly priest would pray father of ail all wehe webe mercies feb fes god of all graca grace malie make thou one in our midst send tho thou the holy ghost upon us usi upon that we may seel reveal thyself unto us as thou dost not unto the world give unto us thy mind and thy hilll give unto us the revelations of thy son and bestow upon us thy power and the influence thereof and |