Show TO TS A SENSA TION wyon IN uhe THE NEW work YORK 6 SUN SUK A RECENT number of the new york sun contains a most ridiculous article written in relation to the cargo of saints which arrived at that port recently on board the steamer idaho we are sorry to see a leading journal manifest such a disposition to pander so vilely to a depraved public taste it is beneath the dignity of the most moat obscure provincial sheet in the land the L he sun sunia Is aware that anything written against the mor mons no matter how false unjust or ridiculous is a sweet morsel to hundreds and in publishing such an article in its columns it shows as plainly as possible poss ible ibie that money is its ita great desidera desideratum turn and that if it over ever did possess any claims to be considered high toned or to be governed by principle it has slight claims to such considerations now its article is a tissue of vulgar slang and as is usual with such efforts effort si it is descriptive of the tho sufferings and trials of two ladies but this time instead of escaping from utah they were being brought to utah it is only a rehash of the thousand stories of a similar kind bind which journals of a not very respectable spec table class are always ready to publish with the slight change in circumstances we have referred to the two young ladies the heroines of the suns doleful story were it says good looking and natives of leicester england the cruelties cruel ties and atrocities practiced upon these girls by some half dozen elders consisted solely in keeping them from personal contact with certain parties on board non mormon who were very eager to become acquainted one of these parties was a rev kev mr walker and another an ex fenian convict the result of the endeavors of these parties was wap increased vigilance on the part of the elders under whose supervision the emigrants were mere being conducted to utah now what in the name of common sense was there wrong in that if assiduous assi dious attentions from a self styled parson who as likely as not was a veritable wolf in cheeps clothing and an ex con vict would not cause men responsible for the spiritual and moral welfare of about two hundred people to exercise more vigilance in their oversight what would it seems however that de surveillance of the elders the rev kev av gentleman and some others did at last manage to obtain interviews with the girls and the result was wag of course and as might he be expected through the columns of the sun that they did a tale of grief unfold which did harrow up the hearts and feelings of the venerable walker company to such an extent that they declared in the name and on behalf of the christian people of new york if said young ladies ladles desired liberation from mormon captivity and oppression ly they should have it it does not appear however that they availed themselves of this christian like ilke offer the reason of which according to the veracious chronicler of the sun was that said girls were drugged before leaving the vessel and BO so were unable to do so could anything be more preposterous than the idea of drugging adults and smuggling them in that condition from an emigrant vessel and yet the sun in its desire to publish something against the mormons cormons Mor mons has apparently lost all idea of the ridiculous position it assumes in publishing such a story for jor the sun or any other journal to attempt to throw discredit on the plan on which our emigration is conducted is useless it is too late in the day its workings are generally known and have been commended by all conscientious and truth loving persons at all cognizant with its details the captains and officers of the emigrant vessels have borne the highest testimony to the excellence of the system and the suns testimony relating to only two out of two hundred and fifty the number it gives is nothing more yhan than t than a tissue of flippancy and slang that no respectable journal would admit into its columns we think the efforts of the elders if there be any truth at all in the suns story screening and protecting two young girls strangers on board an emigrant ship from contamination or being allured into crooked paths by a self styled parson and an ex convict were vere highly commendable and in this all whose opinion is worth anything would join shenew york suns vulgar slang to the contrary not withstanding standing |