Show 1 F from rom nom the N Y journal of Commerce merce THE lalle laile LATEST ST TRIUMPH OF electricity the perfect success of the atlantic telegraph has eclipsed the splendor of an entirely new discovery in iii the mysterious science of electA electricity city brought brouil it out by mr H wilde vilde of liverpool during luring the past year it is like the fi tiding finding of a new dew continent the exploration r of which is sure to be rewarded with vast anh and and valuable accessions to the domain of human knowledge so this latest achievement in electrical pro progress is is nat only great in itself 1 but in bably 1 important in for the pr promises cizes of good bod stored stoked within IC it si J to tb describe mr wildes wildis in the J limits of this article Y and without thi the aid of diagrams so saah saab grenger it clear to persons persona apparatus apara uis his ind and r ce cases ses i ouid be impossible it cannot cannoo cannon be appreciated I 1 1 without I phout a knowledge of the philosophy philos bli bil of ot electromagnetic electro magnetic induction of wh which TICK itis stis t is in fact faeta a pa galead 6 amal taud thud anex illustration in a gheral way it may be berald i aid ald that the dis coverer has bound found a method of producing electricity in qu quantities i and ana of f an un intensify I 1 elmee td t b by nig oid i currents 0 upon ulion nabeta bes our re readers aders boers proVa arly atly bl remember the magnificent electric light exhibited from the dome of bf boston state house nause e on the ath of july several ye years ars arp bt since 1 n e the light was wis so powerful that eat t common ammon newspaper I 1 print 1 nt could bere adby by it all over the common but to produce it required five hundred cells of zinc carbon and acid a cumbrous I 1 clumsy and expensive apparatus para tua mr wilde dispenses with a all nil ap this thiu and performs his wonders bonders by the combination small permanent magnets weighing only a pound each a ten 1 inoh fich electromagnet weighing bing hing three tons which accumulates and retains the developed electricity on the same prin principle ciple tiple as an insulated submarine cable cabie or the leyden degar demar jar and an armature revolving wj within n a an n iron cylinder at the rate of fifteen hundred turns a minute the cylinder is about afoot a foot ion lon long iong and has a bore of two and a half inches inces the armature which plays within it not touching the sides is coiled about with insulated copper wire it is from this armature when the different part parts of i the apparatus have been connected and put into operation that the electricity is evolved und and the effects are produced these effects are astonishing an arch of electric fl light ight several inches long iong spans file flie space between the polar terminals of fixed carbon this light rivals the sun bun in its dazzling luminousness at a distance of a quarter of a mile it throws shadows from the flames of street lamps upon a wall it beats the sun at taking photographs in twenty seconds it darkens sensitized pa er held beld at a distance of two feet from the plight light aa as effectually as one minute of full noonday sunshine this fact onet when first announced to the scientific world was received with incredulity but it is the truth two enterprising photographers grap hers in england egland have since put up the machines in in their shops and now do all their copying and enlarging by the tho new electric light at night As this part of the photographic business is large and profitable the discovery is of special importance ta tg persons engaged in it the production of artificial arti fical actinic or photographic l light ight lasi has been accomplished to a limited extent by the i combustion of magnesium and some patent patented cd compounds but there are practical objections to their use which do i not exist in the case of the electric light of course the heating power of the flame is intense it melts seven feet of no 16 iron wire and heats to a red heat twenty one feet of the same wire in an instant other effects are not reported but baft there is no doubt that the flame would melt platinum in large quantities ties tits volatilize gold and perform all the I 1 other difficult feats these achievements appear truly marvellous marcellous marv ellous when it is remembered that the electricity from the magneto is of itself buff bumm lelent sufficient to heat to redness the smallest piece of iron wire the magnets and the revolving armature do all the work now here assuredly is a great discovery what is the full scope of the poss possibilities abilities opened up by it no one can tell nor intelligently conjecture the cost of the apparatus is small the waste of materials trifling and where the motive power for driving the armatures is already at hand handtke the expense of working would be nominal the operation is continuous and reliable only objection brought brouil it against the machine is the noise caused by the revolving armatures which could pro probably bibly be obviated A complete machine made under the direction of the inventor will soon be brought to this city and exhibited the utilization of its extraordinary powers which first presents itself to tol the mind of most persons person sis is probably the lighting of broadway alight which would world enable people to read a quarter of a mile away would leave nothing to be desin desir desired gd twelve such lights would perfectly illuminate broadway from t the 9 e battery to Fourte fourteenth entil street at an expense after tb the ei a apparatus pl pa ratus wab was purchased h am gar far helow below tri trl I of ortho tilde pres present eilt erit unsatisfactory r 1 gas li light hi 1 for lighthouses it would be just justtine tiie tile thing and when the noise corn coen complained of is obviated for churches and ull dil other places of public resorts it would aou id be rash to say that some method could chuld not be devised to introduce intro duei it generally in our houses and stores the question of expense i 1 not the tho only ohly one on this light being actinic resembles in that respect the natural sunlight and it pst be far better adapted to human giuma an vision than 11 light lit ait gas or any other article de destitute of the actinic property |